Surgery of the Skin

Dermatology Office Accreditation

Chapter Summary Accreditation focuses on the quality of patient care provided while Medicare standards tend to focus on the physical aspects of the healthcare facility and environment. Accreditation surveys review every aspect of a healthcare facility and confirm that the…

Assessment and Treatment of Photoaging-related Mottled Pigmentation

Chapter Summary Photoaging-related mottled pigmentation is a common manifestation associated with other dermatoses, including solar lentigines and melasma. Combination treatments must be individualized to each patient based on the pattern and cause of the pigmentation. Treatment targets are broadly divided…

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Chapter Summary Hidradenitis suppurative (HS) is a chronic, recurrent inflammatory disease of the skin. Patients with HS may suffer with systemic associations and/or complications in addition to skin lesions. HS greatly affects quality of life and may have huge physical…

Nail Surgery

Chapter Summary Nail surgery is delicate and requires in-depth knowledge of the anatomy and biology of the nail as well as surgical skills and special experience in this particular field. Optimal patient preparation, exact planning for what shall be done,…

Leg Ulcer Management

Chapter Summary Most leg ulcers are the result of venous disease, arterial disease, neuropathy, or a combination of the three. A careful medical history and thorough physical examination is critical to the diagnosis and management of leg ulcers. Compression therapy…

Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology

Chapter Summary Mohs micrographic surgery is a specialized surgical procedure indicated for basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and other malignancies of the skin and mucous membranes. Mohs micrographic surgery provides complete microscopic margin control through the use of…

Vitiligo Surgery

Chapter Summary Surgical treatment of vitiligo is an effective technique for treating stable cases. The absence of progression of disease for a period of 1 year has been recommended as an optimum period for stability. The patient should be adequately…

Keloid Management

Chapter Summary Keloids are a hyperproliferative response of connective tissue to trauma, appearing most commonly in areas of high skin tension. Their etiology and pathogenesis are poorly understood, though multiple endocrine factors may play a part, and there is evidence…