Skin Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

Corticosteroids (Topical)

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Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)

Description ■ Leprosy, or Hansen's disease, is a chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae. ■ The disease infects the skin and nervous system primarily, leading to visible skin lesions and autoamputation of the fingers and toes, and thus…


Description ■ Leishmaniasis is a parasitic, protozoal infection transmitted by an arthropod bite and acquired in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. History ■ Leishmaniasis is caused by an intracellular infection by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. ■ The…

Lasers in Dermatology

Introduction ■ Laser is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. ■ Laser light is a monochromatic (single wavelength), coherent (waves in phase), and collimated (waves travel in parallel) form of energy. ■ In the skin,…

Cutaneous Manifestations of Internal Disease

Acquired Cutaneous Paraneoplastic Syndromes Description ■ Some cutaneous signs are specific enough to warrant a search for occult malignancy. ■ Acquired cutaneous paraneoplastic syndromes involve cutaneous findings associated with or related to internal malignancy. ■ This chapter will discuss pruritus,…

Neonatal Disease

Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum Description ■ Erythema toxicum neonatorum is a common benign transient pustular eruption seen in the newborn period. History ■ Erythema toxicum neonatorum occurs more commonly in healthy term infants than in premature and low birth weight infants.…

Hair and Nail Diseases

Androgenic Alopecia (Male Pattern Baldness) Description ■ Androgenic alopecia is premature loss of hair of the central scalp. History ■ Alopecia is a physiologic reaction induced by androgens in genetically predisposed men. ■ The pattern of inheritance is probably polygenic.…

Vascular Tumors and Malformations

Infantile Hemangiomas Description ■ Infantile hemangiomas are benign red, purple, or blue vascular neoplasms occurring within the first year of life; they consist of proliferating endothelial-like cells. ■ Terms such as strawberry hemangioma and cavernous hemangioma should be discarded because…

Benign Melanocytic Neoplasms and Melanoma

Acquired Melanocytic Nevi (Moles) Description ■ Acquired melanocytic nevi are common benign skin tumors composed of melanocyte-derived nevus cells. History ■ Acquired melanocytic nevi are more common in whites than Asians and Africans. ■ Numbers of acquired melanocytic nevi peak…