Seldin and Giebisch's The Kidney

Sodium and Chloride Transport: Proximal Nephron

The principal function of the proximal tubule is the reabsorption of some two-thirds to three-quarters of the glomerular filtrate. This means, primarily, reabsorption of Na + , Cl − , HCO 3 − , and in smaller quantities potassium, phosphate,…

Anion Channels

Recent years have marked an exciting time in the field of anion channel research. More and more of the molecular identities of the functional anion channel groups have been discovered and this new knowledge has given us an expanded view…

Epithelial Na + Channels

Epithelial Na + channels (ENaCs) have a key role in the regulation of extracellular fluid volume and blood pressure. Over the two decades since the initial characterization of ENaCs at a molecular level, investigators have identified key structural features within…

Renal Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy

The tight regulation of cell growth and division within an organ is essential for the development and maintenance of correct structure and function. Perturbations of renal growth occurring either developmentally or following injury to mature renal cells contribute to the…

Postnatal Renal Development

The adult kidney functions to keep the organism in a steady state and protect against changes in the volume and composition of the extracellular fluid. Unlike the adult, the neonate must be in positive balance for several solutes to promote…