Rapid Response Events in the Critically Ill

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Acute Leg Pain in a Patient With Cellulitis

Case Study A rapid response was initiated by the bedside nurse (RN) for a patient with severe leg pain. Upon the arrival of the rapid response team, the patient was a 48-year-old male with a known history of type 2…

Tachycardia in a Patient on Amiodarone

Case Study A rapid response event was initiated for a patient who complained of worsening shortness of breath and was found to be tachycardic. Upon the arrival of the rapid response team, the patient was found to be a 65-year-old…

Hypotension in a Patient With Adrenal Insufficiency

Case Study A rapid response code was called for a patient because of new-onset hypotension. The patient was a 52-year-old male with a known history of adrenal insufficiency and asthma admitted one day prior because of pneumonia and was being…

Foreign Body Ingestion

Case Study A rapid response event was initiated by the bedside nurse after the patient threatened to kill himself and swallowed a needle with no visualization in the oropharynx. Upon the prompt arrival of the rapid response team, it was…