Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology: Botulinum Toxin

DaxibotulinumtoxinA for injection (DAXI)

DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection (DAXI; Revance Therapeutics, Inc., Newark, CA) represents the first truly differentiated botulinum toxin formulation in the United States, the only type A botulinum toxin (BoNTA) wholly manufactured in the United States, and the first to be formulated…

Neuronox®, Innotox®, and Coretox®

Summary and key features Neuronox® is the botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) product most similar to Botox® in terms of formulation, molecular composition, pharmacodynamics, and clinical performance. Innotox® is the first ready-to-use liquid type BoNT-A product, with no animal-derived materials…

Basic science of botulinum toxin E

Summary and key features Botulinum neurotoxin E is one of seven botulinum neurotoxin serotypes. Botulinum neurotoxin E has the fastest onset and shortest duration of action compared to any of the botulinum neurotoxin serotypes. Botulinum neurotoxin E is not currently…

Basic science: Myobloc®

Summary and key features BTXB is believed to have an increased radius of diffusion when compared with BTXA Rate of onset of BTXB is increased over BTXA Although dose-dependent, the duration of BTXB effect has not been shown to be…

Prabotulinum toxin A

Summary and key features Prabotulinum toxin A is a 900 kDa botulinum toxin type A that was approved for use in the United States in 2019 for the treatment of glabellar lines. Prabotulinum toxin A has since been similarly approved…

Basic science: Xeomin

Summary and key features IncobotulinumtoxinA (NT 201, Xeomin™, Bocouture ™) is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for facial wrinkles that is approved for the treatment of glabellar frown lines, lateral periorbital lines (crow’s feet) and upper facial lines in many…

Abobotulinum toxin A: Science and clinical usage

Summary and key features Abobotulinumtoxin (AboBoNT) is a botulinum toxin A with similar features to the other type A botulinum toxins. The accessory proteins that surround the neurotoxin protein are already dissociated in the vial after reconstitution. Is “diffusion” an…

Pharmacology of BOTOX® cosmetic

Summary and key features In 2002 BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) became the first botulinum neurotoxin FDA approved for the management of facial lines, introducing a new chapter in aesthetic dermatology. Following local injection into muscles, onabotulinumtoxinA inhibits the release of acetylcholine…

History of cosmetic botulinum toxin

Summary and key features In the mid-1980s Dr. Jean Carruthers noticed a concomitant improvement in glabellar rhytides in a patient treated with botulinum toxin (BoNT-A) for blepharospasm. The first trial involved 18 patients and was published in 1992. By 2002,…

Update on noncosmetic uses of botulinum neurotoxins

Summary and key features Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) was first used clinically for the ophthalmic conditions of strabismus and blepharospasm. Over the years, the number of medical conditions for which BoNT/A is used has grown based on its local…