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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction The first surgical procedures on patients with massive infarctions were performed to alleviate severe brain swelling often erroneously attributed to a tumor. With the common use of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the pathophysiologic cause of…
Abbreviations 3D three dimensional ACoA anterior communicating artery ADAPT a direct aspiration first-pass technique AP anteroposterior AVM arteriovenous malformation CT computed tomographic CTA CT angiography DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide DSA digital subtraction angiography FRED Flow redirection endoluminal device IA intracranial aneurysm…
Introduction Vasculitis, in general, is the inflammation of blood vessels. However, not all cases of vasculitis are identical. Vasculitis can vary based on a number of characteristics such as size of blood vessel involved, target organs, etiology, and the underlying…
Introduction Every year, stroke affects more than 15 million patients worldwide, resulting in death in 5.7 million patients and disability in another 5 million . Neuropsychiatric disorders are common after stroke, including depression, anxiety, agitation, mania, apathy, emotional lability, psychosis,…
Frequency and Pathogenesis Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF) is a potent predictor of first and recurrent stroke, affecting more than 2.7 million Americans. An estimated 14–38% of patients with ischemic stroke have AF . The frequency of ischemic stroke events in…
Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem. About 350 million people worldwide are affected and this number is expected to increase by a staggering 50% in the next decade because of increases in the prevalence of obesity and inactivity…
Introduction Chronic hypertension is a known risk factor for acute ischemic as well as hemorrhagic strokes. There is an independent, graded relationship between the two, and hypertension is therefore aggressively treated in the outpatient environment in order to reduce future…
Introduction A significant overlap exists between cerebrovascular disease and cardiac disease. Cardiac disease is frequent in stroke patients, and cardiac abnormalities are also common following stroke. The most serious events include acute myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, arrhythmias such as…
Introduction Cerebral ischemia, resulting in neuronal death, is seen in a wide range of conditions. Most often, it results from arterial occlusion secondary to thromboembolic or atherosclerotic diseases. Trauma is also a common cause of ischemic disease. In other instances,…
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