Pocketbook of Differential Diagnosis


Hypoglycaemia is defined as a plasma glucose <2.5 mmol The actual glucose level at which symptoms develop varies markedly. Causes Drugs ● Insulin ● Sulfonylurea ● Alcohol ● Beta blockers ● Quinolones ● Pentamidine ● Quinine You’re Reading a Preview…

Weight loss

Unintentional weight loss is often a manifestation of significant underlying disease and should never be ignored. Causes Systemic disease ● Malignancy ● Cardiac failure ● Chronic respiratory disease ● Renal failure ● Liver failure ● Malabsorption ● Connective tissue disease…

Weight gain

Weight gain is extremely common and the most frequent cause is simple obesity. Excessive weight gain itself has deleterious effects on general health. With the exception of simple obesity and pregnancy, other conditions only account for ,1% of patients presenting…


Vomiting is the forceful ejection of gastric contents through the mouth. It occurs when the vomiting centre in the medulla oblongata is stimulated. This may be due to direct stimulation of the centre (central vomiting) or via afferent fibres (reflex…

Visual problems

Patients who present with visual disturbance are often very distressed, with their quality of life affected, including their ability to drive. Below is a list of common conditions that may give rise to visual problems, grouped according to symptoms. Causes…

Vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge can occur at any age but is usually a symptom of reproductive years. Causes ● Candidiasis ● Bacterial vaginosis ● Trichomonas vaginosis ( Fig. 60 ) ● Cervicitis, e.g. gonorrhoea, Chlamydia , herpes ● Excessive normal secretions ●…

Urinary retention

Retention of urine may be acute, chronic or acute-on-chronic. Patients with acute retention present as surgical emergencies. Acute retention is the sudden inability to pass urine, with the presence of painful bladder. Chronic retention is the presence of an enlarged,…

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine from the bladder. This has profound implications for patients quality of life including at times and places which are inconvenient, inappropriate and socially embarrassing. Stress incontinence is loss of urine during coughing…