Plastic Surgery, Volume 1: Principles

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Gender-affirming surgery

Access video and video lecture content for this chapter online at Elsevier eBooks+ Introduction With increasing societal acceptance and insurance coverage of gender affirmation surgery (GAS), plastic surgeons are caring for more transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people. This chapter…

Global plastic surgery

Introduction An astounding 5 billion people lack access to safe, affordable, and timely surgical care worldwide. Only one-fifth of the world’s surgeons serve the poorest half of the world’s population. Truche et al . estimated that the number of plastic…

Education and teaching in plastic surgery

Introduction The American Association of Oral Surgeons was founded in 1921. It subsequently became the American Association of Oral and Plastic Surgeons, and the American Association of Plastic Surgeons in 1942. Both the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery as…

Digital technology in plastic surgery

Introduction Advances in digital technology have impacted and will continue to impact plastic surgery. The chapter will explore the effects of current and future technology on patients’ and physicians’ experiences prior to the plastic surgery consultation, during the patient encounter(s),…

Robotics in plastic surgery

Access video content for this chapter online at Elsevier eBooks+ Introduction “Robot” is a term derived from the Czech word robota , meaning “forced labor”. It was Karel Čapek (a Czech writer, playwright, and critic) who introduced the term to…

Transplantation in plastic surgery

Introduction The loss of tissue or organs is a devastating event for a patient leading to potential risk of death or tremendous functional impairments. Affected patients suffer from stigmatizing deformities, life-threatening illness or great psychological burden. Thus, the aim to…

Implants and biomaterials

Synopsis ■ What is a biomaterial? ■ There are many definitions of biomaterials but a widely used one from the National Institutes of Health defines a biomaterial as “any substance (other than a drug) or combination of substances synthetic or…