Netter's Atlas of Neuroscience

Global Brain Functions

Open full size image 17.1 Dementia Dementia is a group of symptoms affecting memory, thought processes, and social interactions to a sufficient extent to interfere with daily life. It is accompanied by cognitive changes such as memory loss, confusion, getting…

Autonomic-Hypothalamic-Limbic systems

Open full size image Autonomic Nervous System 16.1 General Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System See next page. The autonomic nervous system is a two-neuron chain connecting preganglionic neurons through ganglia to visceral target tissues (cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, secretory…

Motor Systems

Open full size image Lower Motor Neurons 15.1 Alpha and Gamma Lower Motor Neurons All lower motor neuron (LMN) groups except the facial nerve nucleus that supplies the muscles of facial expression consist of both alpha LMNs that supply the…

Sensory Systems

Open full size image Somatosensory Systems 14.1 Somatosensory Afferents to the Spinal Cord Unmyelinated (UNM) and small myelinated (M) axons that convey nociception and temperature sensation terminate in laminae I and V (origin of the spinothalamic tract). Other UNM axons…


Open full size image 13.1A Axial (Horizontal) Sections Through the Forebrain: Level 1—Mid Pons These axial (horizontal) sections compare anatomical sections and high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) images. They are cut in the true horizontal (axial) plane, not in the older…


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Brainstem and Cerebellum

Open full size image Brainstem Cross-Sectional Anatomy 11.1 Brainstem Cross-Sectional Anatomy: Section 1 Illustrations of brainstem cross sections (Figs. 11.1–11.4) are arranged from caudal to rostral, from the spinal-medullary junction to the rostral mesencephalon-diencephalon junction; T1-weighted magnetic resonance images of…

Spinal Cord

Open full size image 10.1 Cytoarchitecture of the Spinal Cord Gray Matter The spinal cord gray matter is located centrally in the interior of the spinal cord in a butterfly pattern. The gray matter is subdivided into three horns: (1)…

Peripheral Nervous System

Open full size image Introduction and Basic Organization 9.1 Schematic of the Spinal Cord with Sensory, Motor, and Autonomic Components of Peripheral Nerves Peripheral nerves consist of axons from primary sensory neurons, lower motor neurons (LMNs), and preganglionic and postganglionic…

Developmental Neuroscience

Open full size image 8.1 Formation of the Neural Plate, Neural Tube, and Neural Crest The neural plate, neural tube, and neural crest form at the 18-day stage of embryonic development. The underlying notochord induces the neural plate, and a…