Musculoskeletal Imaging

Normal Elbow

Introduction Routine radiography, ultrasound, CT, and MR imaging (conventional and arthrography) are the main diagnostic modalities used for diagnosis of abnormalities around the elbow joint. Conventional Radiography Radiography ( Fig. 10-1 ) is used for primary evaluation of any osseous…

Glenohumeral Instability

Prevalence, Epidemiology, and Definitions Shoulder instability and labral tears are a common cause of shoulder complaints, particularly in young athletic individuals. The symptoms can be quite debilitating, and surgery is often required to reduce the pain or stabilize the shoulder.…

Shoulder Impingement Syndromes

Prevalence, Epidemiology, and Definitions The etiology of rotator cuff tendinosis and tears is likely multifactorial, involving both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Multiple causal factors have been described in association with rotator cuff pathology, including vascular, degenerative, traumatic, and anatomic/mechanical factors.…

Osseous Injuries of the Shoulder Girdle

Prevalence, Epidemiology, and Definitions Osseous injuries that affect the shoulder girdle are common in adults. The acromioclavicular joint is the primary connection between the arm and the thorax, and the glenohumeral joint is inherently unstable, owing to the disproportionate size…

Normal Shoulder

Imaging Modalities and Technical Aspects Conventional radiography of the shoulder ( Table 6-1 , Fig. 6-1 ) is recommended for any primary evaluation of suspected pathology, including fractures, dislocations, bone tumors, and infection. It is readily available, inexpensive, and uses…

Cervical Spine Injuries

The exclusion of cervical spine injuries in patients with blunt trauma is one of the major challenges facing traumatologists and emergency department physicians. This is especially daunting in unresponsive or comatose patients. “Clearing” the cervical spine is a complex interdisciplinary…

Imaging of Facial and Skull Trauma

The craniofacial structures have the formidable task of protecting the brain, the soft tissues that form the upper aerodigestive tracts, and the tissues vital to the special senses of vision, smell, taste, and hearing. Injury to the craniofacial region may…

General Principles of Osseous Injury

In this chapter, concepts are identified and described that are intrinsic to musculoskeletal trauma, such as the purpose of the imaging report, vector forces causing musculoskeletal injury, musculoskeletal injury terminology, and fractures and dislocations in which the associated soft tissue…

General Imaging Principles

Conventional Radiography The most frequently used modality for evaluation of bone and joint disorders is radiography. Radiography is the initial modality used in the setting of trauma, infection, and arthritis. It is useful for characterizing benign and malignant bone lesions…