Mechanical Circulatory Support: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease

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The Future of Mechanical Circulatory Support

I. The trail blazed and the pathway ahead As the field of Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) reaches into its sixth decade beyond first laboratory experimentation, it behooves us to reflect on the historical, pioneering advances on which the future will…

The Critical Role of MCS Registries

Origins of Intermacs/Pedimacs In The Artificial Heart: Prototypes, Policies, and Patients: Institute of Medicine Report from 1991, the committee opined that “maintaining a registry of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) recipients should be considered a routine aspect of this care.” With…

Facilitating Myocardial Recovery

Heart failure (HF) is characterized by a pathologic process known as remodeling that involves progressive enlargement (See Chapter 9 ) of the ventricle, reduction in contractility, and an increase in intracardiac pressures. These changes are associated with adverse cellular, structural,…

Mechanical Circulatory Support in Pediatrics

Introduction Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) for pediatric patients has advanced enormously, since its first reported use in the 1950s by Gibbon, Kirklin, and Lillehei in the form of a cardiopulmonary bypass machine. Kirklin and others were the first group to…

Clinical Trial Results in Mechanical Circulatory Support

Disclosure Dr. Russell is a consultant for Medtronic and serves on the Data and Safety Monitoring Board for the HeartMate 3 trial sponsored by Abbott. Dr. Teuteberg has industry relationships with Medtronic (advisory board, speaking), Abiomed (advisory board), CareDx (advisory…