Green's Operative Hand Surgery

The Stiff Finger

Acknowledgments: The author gratefully acknowledges the extensive analysis and expertise of the previous authors of this chapter, including Robert N. Hotchkiss, MD, Peter Amadio, MD, Alex Shin, MD, and Richard J. Smith, MD. This chapter is intended to provide guidance…

The Perionychium

Acknowledgment: Thank you to Richard E. Brown and Elvin G. Zook for their past contributions to the creation of this chapter. The fingernail serves many functions that are taken for granted in everyday use of the hand. The nail protects…

Dislocations and Ligament Injuries of the Digits

Acknowledgments: I would like to acknowledge Greg Merrell, MD, and Hill Hastings, MD, for their extremely comprehensive chapter in the previous edition of this text. Their masterful work required some minor editing and the addition of updates, which are included…

Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges

Acknowledgments: I would like to acknowledge the recent work of Dr. Charles Day and the numerous previous editions by Dr. Peter Stern. Their brilliantly written chapters on this topic have been combined, modified, and updated to create this work. Fractures…

Flexor Tendon Injury

Acknowledgments: The author gratefully acknowledges the foundational basic science and clinical expertise of Drs. James Strickland, Lawrence Schneider, and Martin I. Boyer who created several previous editions of the Acute Injury portion of this chapter, as well as the outstanding…

Extensor Tendon Injury

Acknowledgments: The author gratefully acknowledges the outstanding previous chapters on these topics in prior editions of Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, written by James R. Doyle, Richard I. Burton, Julie A. Melchior, Mark E. Baratz, Christopher C. Schmidt, and Thomas B.…

Dupuytren Disease

Dupuytren disease (DD) is the most common heritable fibrotic disease. Dupuytren is a chronic disease that can cause progressive fibrosis and finger flexion contractures. The etiology is a “two-hit” process of genetic predisposition and environmental stressors triggering onset and progression,…

Chronic Infections

Acknowledgment: Govind Narain Malaviya was the main contributor to the section on Hansen disease. He was a leader in surgery for Hansen disease in the world and has now retired. We are thankful to Dr. Malaviya for his great contribution…

Acute Infections of the Hand

To paraphrase Hans Zinsser, the prolific bacteriologist and epidemiologist: No matter how clean and regulated our society becomes, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa will always lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce when neglect, poverty, or famine weakens one’s defenses. General…


Acknowledgments: The author wishes to recognize the work of previous author Dr. Michael Gordon for his contributions to Green’s Operative Hand Surgery and to this manuscript. There are several techniques for providing anesthesia for hand surgery. This chapter provides an…