Green's Operative Hand Surgery

Nerve Repair

Acknowledgment: Special thanks to Amy Moore, MD, who coauthored the seventh edition of Green’s online chapter on nerve transfers—much of which was incorporated into this updated chapter—and to Rolfe Birch for his extraordinary contributions to this chapter in the fifth,…

Thoracic Outlet Compression Syndrome

Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank and acknowledge the work of Dr. Karen Johnson Jones in previous versions of this chapter . Treatment of peripheral nerve compression in the upper extremity is one of the main components of a…

Compression Neuropathies

Acknowledgment: We would like to acknowledge Robert M. Szabo, MD, and William W. Eversmann, Jr., MD, for their contributions to the chapter on this subject in previous editions of this textbook. Compression neuropathies in the upper extremity are common. The…

Total Elbow Arthroplasty

Acknowledgments: We would like to acknowledge prior author Leonid Katolik, MD, for his contributions to earlier editions and his insights in developing the current text. Total elbow arthroplasty (TEA) is used for the treatment of debilitating elbow arthropathies. Although clinical…

Elbow Arthroscopy

Acknowledgments: The author would like to acknowledge Dr. Bogdan A. Matache for his assistance with the preparation of this manuscript. Arthroscopy of the elbow, similar to other joints, has undergone a transition from simple diagnostic procedures to the ability to…

Elbow Tendinopathies and Tendon Ruptures

Lateral Epicondylitis History In 1873, Runge described a condition associated with lateral humeral condylar tenderness and difficulty writing; Morris referred to it in 1882 as “lawn tennis arm.” Eventually, this entity became known as tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis. Multiple…

Treatment of the Stiff Elbow

Although this text carries the title Operative Hand Surgery and was originally conceived as a compilation of techniques for surgery of the hand, attention to the problem of the stiff elbow is warranted for three reasons. First, loss of motion…

Chronic Elbow Instability: Ligament Reconstruction

The elbow is one of the most congruous joints in the body. Joint stability is provided by a combination of the bony architecture and the collateral ligaments and muscles. The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) complex plays a key role in…

Complex Traumatic Elbow Dislocation

Acknowledgment: We wish to thank Dr. Jawa and Dr. Hotchkiss for their excellent chapter in a previous edition of Green’s Operative Hand Surgery and their generosity in permitting much of their text and many of their illustrations to be reused.…

Disorders of the Forearm

Acknowledgments: I would like to acknowledge Kenneth R. Means, Jr., and Thomas J. Graham for their sixth edition version of this chapter. A special thank you goes to Sameer Shetty, MS, for his help in the preparation of the eighth…