Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials

Anatomy Pearls

Anatomy Pearls Cervical Lymph Node Levels You’re Reading a Preview Become a Clinical Tree membership for Full access and enjoy Unlimited articles Become membership If you are a member. Log in here

General Pearls

Intravascular Contrast Media Barium based contrast agents For assessment of the GI tract Based on very poorly soluble barium sulphate (BaSo 4 ) ▸ administered PO or PR Can lead to barium peritonitis if leaks into the peritoneal cavity Iodine…

Hepatobiliary Intervention

Liver Biopsy Spring-powered cutting sheath biopsy devices collect more consistent core biopsies with less crush artefact than a manually operated system The traditional route for liver intervention uses a horizontal right lateral intercostal approach ▸ an anterior subcostal approach (that…

Principles of Tumour Ablation

Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) Monopolar RFA involves the application of high frequency (460-500 kHz) alternating current to the target tissue using a needle like applicator (dispersive grounding pads are attached to the patient's trunk / thigh) ► the resultant alternating electric field…

Specific Drainage Techniques

Chest Pleural drainage catheters are smaller than surgical drains (up to 16Fr) – haemothorax is better treated with surgical drains (36–38Fr) USS is adequate for uncomplicated collections, but CT is usually needed for drainage of multiloculated pleural collections It is…