Essence of Anesthesia Practice

Becker Disease

Risk Prevalence is approximately 1:50,000 Perioperative Risks Myotonia Worry About Myotonic episode leading to a difficult to ventilate/intubate situation Overview Genetic disease that results in muscle membrane hyperexcitability and delayed relaxation Recessively inherited form of MC Initial symptoms start around…

Autonomic Dysreflexia

Risk AD occurs with greatest frequency in pts with spinal cord injury at T6 or above. Occurs with highest frequency following urologic or lumbar and thoracic spine procedures. Tetraplegic pts develop AD if cystoscopy and lithotripsy are performed without anesthesia.…

Autoimmune Diseases, Cold

Risk Rare Autoimmune hemolytic anemias occur in 1 of 80,000 persons; of these, 17.3% are due to cold antibodies. Perioperative Risks Acute hemolysis due to cold Hemoglobinemia Hemoglobinuria Rarely, vascular occlusion Worry About Cooling to 28–31° C will cause hemolysis.…

Atrioventricular and Bifascicular Heart Block

Risk Prevalence: First degree (0.65–1.6%); second degree (0.003% in young adults; higher in organic heart disease); third degree (overall 0.02%; congenital 1:20,000 live births); increases with age presumably because of small vessel disease Inferior MI: Carries low mortality even if…

Atrial Septal Defect, Ostium Secundum

Risk Incidence in USA: 140,000 with ostium secundum ASD (70–80% of ASDs). Accounts for 7% of all congenital cardiac defects but roughly one-third (30–40%) of congenital cardiac defects in pts older than 40 y. Gender prevalence: Females >males, with a…

Atrial Septal Defect, Ostium Primum

Risk Ostium primum ASD is a variant of AV canal defect. Classified as an ASD, it is actually an endocardial cushion defect. Less common than secundum ASDs, this defect comprises 0.5-1% of all congenital heart defects, and 15-20% of ASDs.…

Atrial Flutter

Risks AFLT occurs <1/10 as often as AFIB. Usually occurs in elderly pts with structural heart disease (those with LV dysfunction, RV dysfunction, pulm vascular disease, RHD, or CHD). Other risk factors include COPD, hypertension, obesity, and male sex. Occurs…

Atrial Fibrillation

Risk Isolated atrial fibrillation affects >1% of those >60 y of age. Overall incidence is 0.4% of adult population. In the postcardiac surgical population, the incidence can be as high as 27-40%. No racial predominance. Prevalence increases with older age.…

Atherosclerotic Disease

Risk Over 100 million USA adults age 20 y or older have a total cholesterol >200 mg Cardiovascular disease accounts for approximately 1 of every 3 deaths in USA (31.3%). Perioperative Risks Cardiovascular disease increases risk of periop major adverse…

Asthma, Acute

Risk Prevalence in USA: 25 million people; nearly 5% for persons age 5-34 y Increased prevalence and severity in African Americans, adult females, and atopic individuals Perioperative Risks Risk related to degree of preop control of symptoms and optimization of…