Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Since the advent of the mechanical ventilator and the modern era of critical care medicine, many topics have been the subject of intense debate and investigation. The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), first described over half a century ago by…

Thromboelastography: Techniques and uses

Hemorrhage continues to be the leading cause of death for traumatically injured patients despite all the advances that have been made in the past 20 years. Time to hemorrhage control is one of the most, if not the most, critical…

Advanced techniques in mechanical ventilation

Key points ■ Mechanical ventilation (MV) must support gas exchange and promote patient comfort while minimizing lung injury due to elevated airway pressures. ■ Protective, low tidal volume ventilation reduces morbidity and mortality rates in patients following acute respiratory distress…

Fundamentals of mechanical ventilation

Key points ■ New technology as illustrated in the next chapter provides several modes by which a patient may be ventilated based on the fundamentals of mechanical ventilation (MV), with the goal of improved gas exchange, better patient comfort, and…

Diagnosis and management of cardiac dysrhythmias

In the intensive care unit, it is not uncommon for today’s surgeon to take care of patients with multiple comorbidities unrelated to their surgical disease. A common knowledge of most major medical issues, and their potential consequences, is thus critical…

Pharmacologic support of cardiac failure

According to statistics provided by the American Heart Association in 2019, congestive heart failure (CHF) affects approximately 6.5 million American adults. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that CHF contributes to 1 in 8 deaths. Although survival from heart failure…