Cases in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Endocardial Left Ventricular Lead: High Approach

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis 65 Years Male Retired Heart Failure History The patient was a 65-year-old retired man seeking treatment for dilated cardiomyopathy with normal coronary arteries for about 10 years. Risk factors are dyslipidemia and obesity (91 kg,…

Role of Cardiac Computed Tomography Before Implant : Diagnosis of a Prominent Thebesian Valve as an Obstacle to Left Ventricular Lead Deployment in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis 54 Years Female Business Prominent Thebesian Valve History The patient had a medical history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with progression to the dilated phase of cardiomyopathy (New York Heart Association class III) and conduction abnormalities, including…

Right Ventricular Pacing–Related Cardiomyopathy

Age Gender Occupation Working Diagnosis 62 Years Male Physician Progressive Left Ventricular Dysfunction Resulting from Chronic Right Ventricular Pacing History A 62-year-old nonsmoking man was referred for upgrade of his dual-chamber pacing system to a cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) pacing…