Anesthesia Secrets

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Chronic pain management

1 What is the definition of pain? The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Acute pain…

Acute pain management

1 Define acute pain Pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Acute pain refers to pain of short duration (< 3 months), usually…

Neuraxial anesthesia and analgesia

1 What are the different kinds of neuraxial anesthesia? Epidural anesthesia refers to injection of anesthetics or analgesics into the epidural space at either the lumbar or thoracic level. Caudal anesthesia refers to injection into the sacral hiatus (see Question…

Nerve blocks for the head and neck

1 What are the indications for regional anesthesia in head and neck operations? The abundant nerve supply and reliably identifiable bony landmarks of the head and neck allow for the effective use of regional anesthesia techniques for head and neck…

Peripheral nerve and trunk blocks

1 Why would you perform a peripheral nerve block? Nerve blocks are generally performed for two major indications: anesthesia or analgesia. An anesthetic peripheral nerve block may allow a patient to avoid general anesthesia and periprocedural pain medication. This can…

Fundamentals of regional anesthesia

1 What are the indications and contraindications for regional anesthesia? Peripheral nerve blocks can provide surgical anesthesia and/or intra- and postoperative analgesia for upper and lower limb, thoracic, abdominal, breast, and head and neck surgeries. Common surgeries performed with nerve…

Electroconvulsive therapy

1 What are the major indications for electroconvulsive therapy treatment? In the United States, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used mainly to help treat patients with severe major depressive disorder, largely as a secondary treatment, after one or more trials of…

Shoulder operations

1 What types of orthopedic surgical operations are performed on the shoulder? The types of shoulder operations that are commonly performed include: arthroscopy for shoulder debridement, impingement syndrome, SLAP repair (superior labrum anterior and posterior), shoulder dislocation, and frozen shoulder,…


1 How do anesthetic requirements differ during various time points in a craniotomy? A craniotomy is unique in that the level of nociceptive stimulus varies greatly and the portions of the procedure that require deep anesthesia are mostly at the…