Analysis: Clinical Laboratory Automation

Key Points

  • Laboratory testing has undergone revolutionary changes over the past decade. Typically, all routine chemistry and hematology testing is completely automated.

  • Automated solutions are available for preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic stages of laboratory testing. The degree of automation implemented in a laboratory should match its needs and can vary from a freestanding analyzer to a workcell or totally automated solution.

  • Preanalytic automation is heavily dependent on uniquely identifying (often with a bar code) the primary collection container. Analyzers automatically perform many tasks and when integrated with other automated modules can significantly reduce hands-on time, thereby enabling staff to concentrate on exception processing, problem solving, and quality oversight.

  • A continuum of automation strategies has been developed to meet scalable needs and to offset staff shortages. Other key benefits are shorter turnaround time, fewer errors, safer staff working environment, and focus on value-based testing.

What is automation? In the context of the clinical laboratory, it can be described as the process by which an instrument automatically performs tasks that would otherwise have to be performed manually by laboratory staff. In recent years, laboratory automation has also been used to describe a broader process wherein multiple devices, often linked together, are capable of automating preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic stages of testing (see Chapter 2 ). Thus, in addition to performing tests, automation now includes solutions for specimen sorting, processing, transport, sample introduction, and storage. At the core of these configurations is a sophisticated information system that monitors and controls these tasks, optimizes performance, self-monitors analytic performance, and interfaces with the laboratory information system (LIS). This chapter discusses the fundamental concepts of automation as it relates to both of the preceding definitions, with specific emphasis on clinical chemistry.

Evolution Of Automation

Prior to the introduction of automation in the 1950s, laboratory testing was a completely manual process that required technologists to hand-pipette specimen and reagent into glass test tubes, incubate, read reaction changes in a spectrophotometer, and extrapolate values from a calibration curve that was plotted on paper. These tasks are still performed today—only on automated platforms that eliminate manual intervention, significantly improving the reproducibility, accuracy, flexibility, and turnaround time of testing while lowering costs, eliminating errors, and enhancing patient safety through robust sample identification and test reporting technologies (Battisto, 2004; ).

The first automated analyzers were based on continuous-flow technology (i.e., reagents would continuously flow through the channels); they sequentially analyzed each sample in a single or multiple parallel channel configuration. The same group of tests was performed on each sample irrespective of which tests were ordered; in other words, there was no test selectivity. These devices were followed by variable profile analyzers that could perform a subset of tests from the master profile or suppress those that were not ordered. The one characteristic shared by these analyzers was that their operating cycles were sample-based—that is, they processed a set number of samples per hour irrespective of the number of tests ordered per sample. Another approach to testing was the batch analyzer (e.g., centrifugal analyzer), which could perform a single test on a large number of samples. These devices were “run-based” systems; once the batch testing began, it could not be interrupted to add a new sample. By the early 1980s, the inflexibility of these designs started to be addressed with the introduction of a totally new concept: the random access analyzer.

Unlike its predecessors, the random access analyzer selects sample and reagent randomly without regard to placement on the analyzer. This type of operation implies several unique characteristics that differentiate it from other instruments:

  • 1.

    It has a single analytic pathway for all testing instead of dedicated channels for each test.

  • 2.

    Tests are initiated sequentially based on what is ordered—that is, tests are not batched.

  • 3.

    It has a flexible configuration to process each test’s unique parameters (e.g., wavelength, number of readings, reagent additions).

  • 4.

    It performs tests discretely, each in its own cuvette.

  • 5.

    Throughput is based on the number of tests run per hour, not the number of samples per hour.

Virtually all of today’s automated chemistry systems are based on random access design. This flexible design has allowed many tests that previously were performed on a variety of platforms to be consolidated into one.

Although the random access analyzer was originally introduced for general chemistry and homogeneous immunoassay testing, many of its operating characteristics were adapted in the 1990s to heterogeneous immunoassay testing. These tests typically require more flexible assay parameters, such as variable incubation times, reagent additions and wash steps, and unique detection systems (e.g., luminometer) that require testing to be performed in a specially designed unit. Because of these testing requirements, immunoassay throughput is significantly lower than that of a general chemistry analyzer. Although immunoassay analyzers were originally introduced as standalone units, they are also typically available as an integrated subsystem within a single chemistry/immunoassay platform.

After great strides were made in automating sample analysis, more attention was focused on the preanalytic processes that increasingly accounted for errors and workflow delays. These included sample labeling (or relabeling with bar codes), loading and unloading centrifuges, manual aliquoting (e.g., splitting samples to be used at several workstations or transferring samples into another container to be sent out for testing or used by in-house instruments), and sorting samples for different workstations. Each step could potentially lead to an error, such as a misidentified sample resulting in an incorrect report. Finally, the uncapping and capping of samples posed biohazard risks due to aerosol exposure and contact with blood and body fluids. In response to these issues, preanalytic automation was introduced in the form of standalone units or preanalytic processing modules integrated into an automated laboratory configuration.

In addition to refining the capabilities of automated analyzers, in the past 10 to 15 years, laboratories have primarily focused on automating the entire testing process from collection to reporting, with a major emphasis on integrating these activities and optimizing preanalytic tasks and sample storage. Total laboratory automation (TLA) is the culmination of this design strategy ( ), one that uses intralaboratory sample transportation systems such as conveyors or tracks to move samples between analyzers and into and out of processing stations that centrifuge, decap/cap, and store sample containers. TLA is discussed in greater detail later.

As we enter a new era in health care, with enhanced emphasis on value-based management, the diversity of laboratory automation solutions is well positioned to meet the needs of small-, medium-, and high-volume clinical laboratories ( ). Some of the factors that will continue to drive automation are presented in Box 6.1 .

BOX 6.1
Factors That Drive Laboratory Automation

  • Turnaround time (TAT) demands

  • Specimen integrity issues

  • Staff shortages

  • Economic factors

  • Need to lower maintenance

  • Need to reduce calibration

  • Need to reduce downtime

  • Faster start-up times

  • 24/7 uptime

  • Throughput

  • Computer and software technology

  • Primary tube sampling

  • Increasing the number of different analytes on one system

  • Increasing the number of different methods on one system

  • Reducing laboratory errors

  • Number of specimens

  • Types of fluids

  • Safety

  • Environmental concerns (i.e., biohazard risks)

Preanalytic And Postanalytic Automation

Automated Delivery

The preanalytic stage focuses on sample collection and processing (see Chapter 3 ). The first processing step begins with the delivery of samples from the collection location. For decades, specimens drawn within a facility were transported to the laboratory by phlebotomists or other staff. If the specimens were obtained from outside the facility, a courier service was often used. Both of these batch processes were usually based on scheduled pick-ups. One of the earliest automated transport systems to be introduced—and still the most popular one today—is the pneumatic tube (e.g., TransLogic Pneumatic Tube System, Swisslog Healthcare, Denver, CO; Pevco, Baltimore, MD). Typically, these systems rapidly transport 4- or 6-inch-diameter high-impact polycarbonate carriers from one point (or carrier station) in a facility to another. Each station is uniquely identified, and carriers are programmed to travel to a specific station. Thus, the sender can load blood collection tubes into a carrier and program it to go to the laboratory, and blood units from transfusion services or medications from pharmacies can be delivered to patient care units. Pneumatic tube carriers are lined with foam to cushion contents and reduce the potential for breakage. These systems are also designed to prevent hemolysis by avoiding significant elevation of g forces during acceleration and deceleration.

Other automated delivery systems have also been developed for use predominantly in the laboratory and, in some instances, outside it. Electrical track vehicles can transport a larger number of specimens than pneumatic tubes; they require a station for loading and unloading specimens, which may pose a problem in facilities with limited space. They can also transport ice or refrigerated packs with samples because of their larger carrying capacity. Mobile robots offer another transportation option: They can deliver samples directly to the workstation. These devices either follow a line in the floor or use a more sophisticated, flexible, and expensive guidance system. Mobile robots are batch delivery systems, requiring staff to load and unload samples at each stop. Conveyors or track systems are used in some laboratory facilities, especially if the laboratory receives a very large number of samples. Conveyor or track systems are designed to transport specimens horizontally (i.e., across the floor) and vertically (i.e., to a different floor).

Automated Specimen Processing

Automated specimen processing minimizes non-value-added steps in the laboratory testing process (e.g., aliquoting, sorting tubes) and improves quality by reducing manual handling errors; it also addresses reproducibility and throughput issues. Automation enhances worker safety: It reduces operator exposure to potentially hazardous biological material and eliminates repetitive stress injuries. Box 6.2 lists common specimen handling steps; some or all of these tasks have been included in front-end automation systems. Standalone units (with or without centrifugation) selectively target a group of preanalytic or postanalytic steps. For example, a unit may include sample sorting, sample uncapping, and aliquoting. After processing, samples are manually transported to a workstation. In contrast to this targeted automation approach, these tasks can also be integrated into a larger, fully automated modular design that is connected to an analytic and storage (postanalytic) component and eliminates any handling after initial loading. One example of a standalone automated unit is the Automate 800 (Beckman Coulter Inc., Brea, CA). It can perform sample receipt, sorting, centrifugation, decapping, sample volume detection, and aliquoting functions. In addition, this system stores all analyzed samples and places them in refrigerated storage so that any sample can be easily identified should a sample require further analysis. The fully automated Beckman system—in which all clinical chemistry, immunochemistry, hematology, and coagulation samples are identified, preanalytically processed (including centrifugation where necessary), and sent to the appropriate workstation for analysis and then stored—is on display at the Beckman Vision Center (Jersey City, NJ).

BOX 6.2
Automation: Preanalytic and Postanalytic Steps

  • Primary tube identification/labeling (if not done remotely)

  • Laboratory information system receiving

  • Sorting (and prioritizing stats)

  • Centrifuging

  • Decapping

  • Secondary tube labeling

  • Volume checks/clot detection

  • Aliquoting

  • Destination sorting into analyzer racks

  • Recapping

  • Sample storage and retrieval

Automated specimen inspection can potentially address two of the most significant preanalytic concerns: identifying sample identification errors and sample integrity issues. Ideally, an automated device could sort a random collection of different-sized containers with different additives and assess each one for proper labeling, adequate volume, and interference from icterus, lipemia, or hemolysis. This recently described invention uses optical character recognition to identify potentially mislabeled samples ( ).

Postanalytic Processing

Standalone systems are also available to archive and retrieve bar-coded specimens; samples are scanned and placed in numbered positions in numbered racks. Specimens are retrieved by entering the patient’s sample accession number or a medical record number into the archival system’s database. The rack number and sample position are displayed for the user. Some systems include a refrigerator for sample storage and automatic disposal of samples at predetermined times. The Cobas p 701 (Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) and the Beckman Automate 800 are examples of postanalytic units that can be used as freestanding devices or can be connected to a preanalytic system. The Cobas p 701 can store up to 27,000 tubes in a walk-in refrigerator; samples are automatically disposed based on user-defined short- and long-term storage time frames.

The Automated Chemistry Analyzer: Core Components

The automated analyzer is central to the operation of the clinical laboratory. Chapter 4 discusses many of the testing principles used by these devices. This section discusses various physical operating characteristics and design features that enable these devices to function in an automated manner ( Box 6.3 ).

BOX 6.3
Automation: Analytic Steps

  • Sample introduction and transport to cuvette or dilution cup

  • Addition of reagent

  • Mixing of sample and reagent

  • Incubation

  • Detection

  • Calculations

  • Readout and result reporting

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