Altered Mental Status

Altered Mental Status

Altered mental status (AMS) refers to a broad range of nonspecific symptoms indicating a change in brain function from a patient’s baseline and can include confusion, alteration in consciousness, disorientation, decreased awareness, amnesia, and change in behavior. Accurate diagnosis and management rely on rapidly characterizing the change in mental status and prioritizing the identification of life-threatening causes. AMS can be divided into hyperactive states (increased psychomotor activity, labile mood, behavioral disturbances) and hypoactive states (decreased psychomotor activity, alteration in consciousness). Hypoactive states often correspond to a decrease in level of consciousness, which must be managed as a life-threatening emergency until proven otherwise.

Altered level of consciousness refers to decreases in arousal and responsiveness to the environment. Intact consciousness requires two components: wakefulness and awareness both of self and of the environment. Abnormal states of consciousness present along a spectrum and range from lethargy to obtundation to stupor and finally coma ( Table 41.1 ). Coma is the lack of any awareness of self and environment despite painful or other external stimulation. Delirium , in contrast, follows a fluctuating course of alertness and attention; waxing and waning periods of irritability, agitation, lack of contact with the environment, disorientation, and confusion may be observed. Periods of lucidity may alternate with the delirious state, and patients may proceed rapidly from delirium to lethargy or coma. Both delirium and coma represent final common pathways of multiple processes that lead to global central nervous system (CNS) failure. Any alteration in the level of consciousness, whether delirium, lethargy, obtundation, stupor, or coma, must be managed as a life-threatening emergency until proven otherwise.

TABLE 41.1
States of Altered Consciousness or Unresponsiveness
Modified from Plum F. Neurology/disturbances of consciousness and arousal. In: Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine . 19th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992:2049.
  • Coma: a state of unarousable unresponsiveness; even strong exteroceptive stimuli fail to elicit recognizable psychologic responses; unresponsive to pain

  • Stupor: spontaneous unarousability interruptible only by vigorous, direct external stimulation; responsive only to pain

  • Hypersomnia, pathologic drowsiness, obtundation: terms applied to an increase above the patient’s normal sleep/wake ratio, often accompanied during wakefulness by reduced attention and interest in the environment; responsive to pain and other stimuli

  • Delirium: an acute or subacute reduction in awareness, attention, orientation, and perception (“clouding of consciousness”), fluctuating and accompanied by abnormal sleep/wake patterns and often psychomotor disturbances, which can be hypo- or hyperactive

  • Syncope: brief loss of consciousness caused by global failure of cerebrovascular perfusion

  • Dementia: a sustained or permanent multidimensional or global decline in cognitive functions

  • Vegetative state: a sustained, complete loss of cognition, with sleep/wake cycles and other autonomic functions remaining relatively intact; can either follow acute, severe bilateral cerebral damage or develop gradually as the end stage of a progressive dementia

  • Locked-in state: preservation of intellectual activity accompanied by severe or total incapacity to express voluntary responses as a result of damage to or dysfunction of descending motor pathways in the brain or peripheral motor nerves; most, but not all, such patients can use vertical eye movements to signal by code

Altered States of Consciousness

Arousal and awareness form the foundation for normal cognitive function and consciousness. Arousal is determined in the brainstem’s ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), which is also known as the “sleep center” of the brain. Awareness and behavior are generated in the cortex of the bilateral cerebral hemispheres. The cortex is the central processing center that interprets neuronal input and generates awareness. Diffuse injury to the cerebral hemispheres, injury to the ARAS, or both create an alteration in consciousness. Because the ARAS is located near several brainstem reflexes, injury to the ARAS is often accompanied by dysfunction of these reflexes including altered pupillary light reflex (controlled by cranial nerves II and III) and altered eye movement reflexes (oculocephalic and oculovestibular reflexes, which are controlled by cranial nerves III, VI, and VIII and the medial longitudinal fasciculus). Conversely, intact pupillary light, oculocephalic, and oculovestibular reflexes suggest dysfunction of both cerebral hemispheres. ARAS dysfunction is usually a result of structural causes, while diffuse cerebral dysfunction is usually caused by medical causes such as toxic or metabolic encephalopathies.

Classification Systems

Standardized language is necessary to properly diagnose and treat alterations in consciousness because terms such as lethargy , obtundation , stupor , and coma are qualitative descriptions. Rating scales permit different observers to follow the progression of the patient’s mental status over time and facilitate effective communication of clinical information. The most widely used grading system is the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) ( Table 41.2 ), which has been modified for children younger than 5 years of age based on their age-appropriate developmental abilities ( Table 41.3 ). This 15-point scale evaluates three areas of CNS function: eye opening, verbal response, and motor response. A score of 15 indicates full function, whereas a score of 3 indicates no function. The first area of assessment is eye opening, in which the arousability and alertness of the patient are evaluated. Spontaneous eye opening indicates intact arousal mechanisms but does not imply awareness. The second area, verbal response, requires a high degree of integration within the CNS. Oriented responses indicate awareness of person, place, and time. The third area, motor functioning, reflects mentation as well as the integrity of the major CNS pathways. For purposes of gauging global brain function, the best motor response from any limb is taken as the score. Variation in response from one side of the body to the other is indicative of an asymmetric brain lesion. Spinal cord lesions resulting in paralysis or significant orthopedic injuries to the extremities prevent evaluation of the motor portion of the GCS.

TABLE 41.2
Glasgow Coma Scale Versus Full Outline of Unresponsiveness Score
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR)
Eye Opening: Eye Response:
1 Does not open eyes 4 Eyelids open and comply with verbal stimuli
2 Opens eyes in response to noxious stimuli 3 Eyelids open but not tracking
3 Opens eyes in response to voice 2 Eyelids closed but open to loud noise
4 Opens eyes spontaneously 1 Eyelids closed but open to noxious stimuli
0 Eyelids remain closed
Verbal Response: Motor Response:
1 No verbal response 4 Thumbs up, fist or peace sign
2 Incomprehensible sounds 3 Localize to pain
3 Inappropriate words 2 Flexion to pain
4 Confused and disoriented fluid speech 1 Extension to pain
5 Oriented with normal speech 0 No response to pain or myoclonus
Motor Response : Brainstem Reflexes :
1 No movements 4 Pupil and corneal reflexes present
2 Extension to noxious stimuli 3 One pupil wide and fixed
3 Flexion to noxious stimuli 2 Pupil or corneal reflex absent
4 Withdrawal to pain 1 Pupil and corneal reflexes absent
5 Localizes to pain 0 Absent pupil, corneal, and cough reflex
6 Obeys commands
4 Regular breathing pattern
3 Cheyne-Stokes respirations
2 Irregular breathing
1 Intubated but breathing above the vent
0 Breathing at vent rate or apnea

TABLE 41.3
Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale
Modified from Simpson D, Reilly P. Pediatric coma scale. Lancet . 1982;2:450.
Activity Best Response Score
Eye opening Spontaneously 4
To speech 3
To pain 2
None 1
Verbal Oriented 5
Words 4
Vocal sounds 3
Cries 2
None 1
Motor Obeys commands 5
Localizes pain 4
Flexion to pain 3
Extension to pain 2
None 1
Normal Total Score Based on Age
Birth–6 mo 9
7–12 mo 11
1–2 yr 12
2–5 yr 13
>5 yr 14

The GCS can provide a general assessment of consciousness but is not intended to take the place of a complete neurologic evaluation ( Table 41.4 ). The GCS is an objective measure of the patient’s level of consciousness and should be used serially over time to monitor improvement or worsening of consciousness. Interventions are often based on the score; for example, most patients with a score of 8 or less should undergo endotracheal intubation. Deterioration of a patient’s score by 2 or more points indicates a need for urgent re-evaluation of the patient and the possible need for further interventions such as endotracheal intubation and diagnostic studies such as a brain CT scan.

TABLE 41.4
The Neurologic Examination in Coma
Modified from Plum F. Neurology/sustained impairments of consciousness. In: Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine . 19th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992:2057.
  • 1.

    Guarantee vital functions.

  • 2.

    Feel the scalp for hematomas (overlying fracture lines); be sure the neck is not fractured; test gently for stiff neck.

  • 3.

    Test language. Test arousability by words, loud sounds, noxious stimuli. If vocalizations occur, check quickly for appropriate phrases, actual words, and presence or absence of aphasia.

  • 4.

    Perform a neuro-ophthalmologic examination.

    • Funduscopy (if difficult, can be deferred until patient is stabilized)

    • Papilledema (increased intracranial or venous sinus pressure)

    • Hemorrhages (subarachnoid hemorrhage; hypertensive encephalopathy; hypoxic-hypercarbic encephalopathy)

    • Pupils

    • Light reaction: Use bright flashlight and, if necessary, a magnifying glass to be certain of findings. Absence means potentially fatal deep sedative poisoning or acute or chronic structural brainstem damage.

    • Equality: 15% of normal patients have mild anisocoria, but new or >2 mm dilatation means parasympathetic (third nerve) palsy.

    • Extraocular movements: Absence acutely means deep drug poisoning, severe brainstem damage, polyneuropathy, or botulism.

    • Dysconjugate deviation: At rest, this means an acute third, fourth, or sixth nerve palsy or internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Tonic conjugate deviation toward a paralytic arm and leg means forebrain seizures or a contralateral pontine destructive lesion; such deviation away from the paralytic arm and leg means forebrain gaze paralysis.

    • Spontaneous eye movements: In comatose patients, nystagmus, bobbing, and independently moving eyes all mean brainstem damage.

    • Oculocephalic (away from direction of head turning) or oculovestibular (toward cold caloric irrigation) responses: Absence of responses means drug overdose or severe brainstem disease; dysconjugate responses with equal pupils mean internuclear ophthalmoplegia; responses with unequal pupils mean third nerve disease.

  • 5.

    Examine the motor systems.

    • Strength

    • Unilateral weakness or motionlessness of arm and leg means contralateral supraspinal upper motor neuron lesion, most often cerebral; if of arm, leg, and face, contralateral cerebral lesion. Occasionally, arm and leg weakness reflects contralateral brainstem lesion.

    • Weakness or motionlessness of all four extremities implies metabolic disease; less likely is brainstem disease (tone and reflexes increased) or peripheral disease (tone and reflexes decreased).

    • Attempt to Elicit Reflex Posturing

    • Arm flexed, leg extended: contralateral deep cerebral-thalamic lesion

    • Arm and leg extended: thalamic or mesencephalic lesion

    • Arms extended and legs flexed or flaccid: pontine lesion

    • Legs flexed, arms flaccid: pontomedullary or spinal lesion

    • Compare side-to-side reflexes and examine plantar responses.

  • 6.

    Seek seizure activity or abnormal movements: (1) generalized, (2) focal, (3) multifocal, and (4) myoclonic.

    • Control (1) immediately, (2) and (3) deliberately; if (4) is present, treat underlying disease.

    • Acute tremor, asterixis, multifocal myoclonus: Seek metabolic cause.

  • 7.

    Inspect breathing.

    • Regular hyperpnea: metabolic acidosis; pulmonary infarction; congestive failure or alveolar infiltration; sepsis; salicylism; hepatic coma

    • Cyclically irregular (Cheyne-Stokes): low cardiac output plus bilateral cerebral or upper brainstem dysfunction

    • Irregular gasping, slow or weak: lower, brainstem dysfunction (including hypoglycemia, drug effects); less often, peripheral ventilatory paralysis

  • 8.

    Proceed with laboratory tests and emergency management as described in text.

The GCS has also been shown to correlate with prognosis in patients presenting with decreased levels of consciousness. In traumatic brain injury, it may take days to weeks for patients with initial scores of 3–5 to become conscious as opposed to a few days in patients with scores of ≥6. Children presenting after near-drowning with an initial score of ≥6 have good outcomes. Patients presenting with a score of ≤5 have a high probability of mortality or profound neurologic sequelae. A score of 3 on transfer to an intensive care unit after near-drowning has been associated with a nearly 100% rate of poor outcome.

Although the GCS is a widely applied tool for assessment, it does not assess brainstem function and fails to discriminate between low scores in intubated patients. The Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) Scale is another tool to assess consciousness and evaluates eye response, motor response, brainstem reflexes, and respiratory effort on a 4-point scale. The FOUR score eye and motor responses are defined similarly to the GCS (see Table 41.2 ). The assessment of brainstem response focuses on the pupillary and corneal reflexes. The respiratory assessment includes ways to score for an intubated patient along with respiratory effort. Because the FOUR score includes brainstem responses and differentiates between intubated and nonintubated patients, this scale is better able to discriminate between patients with a GCS score of 3. Regardless of the scoring system used, reporting the score for each element can improve the precision of the assessment of the level of consciousness to guide management decisions.

Other scales have been developed to measure the level of consciousness in specific disease states, such as poisonings and hepatic failure. The Reed classification of coma has been used in the setting of poisoning or intoxication ( Table 41.5 ) and is used to evaluate increasing depths of coma encountered with CNS-depressant drugs. The cardiovascular system is included in this classification because toxic ingestions may depress myocardial contractility or cause vasodilation. Neurologic function in a patient with hepatic encephalopathy is staged according to the scoring system of symptoms, signs, and EEG ( Table 41.6 ).

TABLE 41.5
Reed Classification of Coma
Modified from Ellenhorn MJ, Barceloux DE. Medical Toxicology: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning . New York: Elsevier Science; 1988:17.
Grade 0 Asleep
Can be aroused
Will answer questions
Grade 1 Comatose
Withdraws from painful stimuli
Intact reflexes
Grade 2 Comatose
Does not withdraw from painful stimuli
No respiratory, circulatory depression
Intact reflexes
Grade 3 Comatose
Reflexes absent No respiratory, circulatory depression
Grade 4 Comatose
Reflexes absent Respiratory or circulatory problems

Good prognosis.

Very serious, may need measures to enhance elimination.

TABLE 41.6
Stages of Hepatic Encephalopathy
From Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW III, Blum NJ, et al., eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics . 21st ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2020:2135, Table 391.1.
Symptoms Periods of lethargy, euphoria; reversal of day-night sleeping; may be alert Drowsiness, inappropriate behavior, agitation, wide mood swings, disorientation Stupor but arousable; confused, incoherent speech Coma:
IVa responds to noxious stimuli;
IVb no response
Signs Trouble drawing figures, performing mental tasks Asterixis, fetor hepaticus, incontinence Asterixis, hyperreflexia, extensor reflexes, rigidity Areflexia, no asterixis, flaccidity
EEG Normal Generalized slowing, Q waves Markedly abnormal triphasic waves Markedly abnormal bilateral slowing, delta waves, electrocortical silence

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis in AMS is extensive. When AMS is associated with decreased level of consciousness, the differential can be broadly categorized as structural brain disease, nonstructural or medical disease, and psychogenic causes. Structural etiologies can result in either focal or nonfocal neurologic signs and include traumatic head injuries, hydrocephalus, tumors, intracranial hemorrhages, and cerebral vascular accidents. Nonstructural etiologies usually are associated with nonfocal neurologic exams and result in a decreased level of consciousness through diffuse neuronal injury. Nonstructural etiologies include infections, metabolic encephalopathies, toxic ingestion, hypoxic-ischemic events, inflammatory brain diseases, and seizures ( Table 41.7 ). The age of the patient can help the clinician differentiate the likely causes of coma, although there is considerable overlap ( Table 41.8 ). Patients with delirium must be differentiated from an acute psychotic event ( Table 41.9 ) (see Chapter 31 ). In addition, in patients who are awake but presenting with AMS, performing an appropriate mental status exam may help evaluate the degree of impairment and potential etiology ( Table 41.10 ). The mental status exam is most abnormal with medical (encephalopathy, encephalitis) causes of altered behavior and mental status. In primary psychiatric disorders, the neurologic exam is nonfocal and level of wakefulness often remains intact despite changes in behavior, orientation, and/or responses.

TABLE 41.7
Etiologic Classification of Altered Mental Status in Children
Infectious Metabolic/Systemic Toxic Traumatic Anatomic Hypoxic-Ischemic Epileptic Vascular Inflammatory Psychologic
Aseptic meningitis
? Reye syndrome
? Hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome
Postinfectious encephalomyelitis
Systemic infection with shock
Brain abscess
Epidural empyema
Subdural empyema
Systemic infection with shock
Toxic shock syndrome
Rickettsial infection
Fungal meningitis
Fungal brain abscess
Postimmunization encephalopathy
Inborn errors of metabolism
Hepatic failure
Renal diseases
Uremic encephalopathy
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Dialysis encephalopathy (dysequilibrium syndrome)
Hyperosmolar states
Hyperglycemia–diabetes mellitus
Hypo-osmolar states
Rapid decrease in osmolality in hyperosmolar states
Adrenal insufficiency
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Vitamin deficiency and toxicity states
Nicotinic acid
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin B 12
Heavy metals (lead, arsenic, mercury)
Organophosphates and carbamates
Industrial solvents (inhaled)
Carbon monoxide
Tricyclic antidepressants
Burn encephalopathy
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Cerebral contusion
Epidural hematoma
Subdural hematoma
Epidural contusion
Diffuse axonal shear injury
Cerebral edema
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Intraventricular hemorrhage (neonate)
Obstructive hydrocephalus
Post-traumatic seizure
Fat embolism
Hydrocephalus with shunt malfunction
Subdural hematoma
Epidural hematoma
Brain abscess
Subdural empyema
Epidural empyema
Cerebral edema
Intracranial hemorrhage
Cerebrovascular accident/stroke
Cardiac arrest
Cardiac arrhythmia
Severe shock
Neonatal asphyxia
Hypoxemic respiratory failure
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Cyanide toxicity
Postictal state
Status epilepticus
Absence status
Complex partial seizure
Epilepsy-encephalopathy syndromes
Spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Venous sinus thrombosis
Lupus erythematosus
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Acute confusional migraine
Autoimmune encephalitis
Multiple sclerosis
Rasmussen encephalitis
Hashimoto encephalopathy
Conversion disorders
Intensive care unit delirium
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures
Intussusception encephalopathy
Reye syndrome
Mitochondrial encephalopathies
ADEM, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; HLH, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; NMO, neuromyelitis optica; PCP, phenylcyclohexyl piperidine (phencyclidine HCl).


TABLE 41.8
Common Causes of Altered Mental Status by Age
Neonate Infant Child Adolescent
Hypoglycemia Meningitis Meningitis Meningitis
Birth asphyxia Bacterial Bacterial Bacterial
Congenital anomalies of the central nervous system ViralTrauma ViralEncephalitis ViralEncephalitis
Systemic infection with shock Abuse/shaken baby syndrome Trauma Intentional ingestion
Cardiogenic shock Asphyxia Ingestion Recreational drug/alcohol use
Congenital infection Brief resolved unexplained event Reye syndrome Suicide gesture or attempt
Bacterial meningitis Intentional suffocation Systemic infection with shock Often involves multiple agents
Inborn errors of metabolism Systemic infection with shock Seizure Trauma
Hypocalcemia Ingestion Near-drowning Seizures
Intraventricular hemorrhage Inborn errors of metabolism Hypoglycemia Diabetic ketoacidosis
Seizures Hypoglycemia Intussusception Systemic infection with shock
Birth trauma Hyponatremia Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis Toxic shock syndrome
Hypocalcemia Diabetic ketoacidosis Reye syndrome
Encephalitis Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage
Postimmunization encephalopathy Psychologic
Hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy syndrome Lupus
Intussusception encephalopathy

TABLE 41.9
Special Problems in the Differential Diagnosis of Delirium
From Mendez MF, Padilla CR. Delirium. In: Daroff RB, Jankovic J, Mazziotta JC, et al., eds. Bradley’s Neurology in Clinical Practice . 7th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2016:32, Table 4.2 .
Clinical Feature Delirium Dementias Schizophrenia Depression
Course Acute onset; hours, days, or more Insidious onset ; months or years; progressive Insidious onset, 6 mo or more; acute psychotic phases Insidious onset, at least 2 wk, often months
Attention Markedly impaired attention and arousal Normal early; impairment later Normal to mild impairment Mild impairment
Fluctuation Prominent in attention arousal; disturbed day/night cycle Prominent fluctuations absent; lesser disturbances in day/night cycle Absent Absent
Perception Misperceptions; hallucinations, usually visual, fleeting; paramnesia Perceptual abnormalities much less prominent ; paramnesia Hallucinations, auditory with personal reference May have mood-congruent hallucinations
Speech and language Abnormal clarity, speed, and coherence; disjointed and dysarthric; misnaming; characteristic dysgraphia Early anomia; empty speech; abnormal comprehension Disorganized, with a bizarre theme Decreased amount of speech
Other cognition Disorientation to time, place; recent memory and visuospatial abnormalities Disorientation to time, place; multiple other higher cognitive deficits Disorientation to person; concrete interpretations Mental slowing; indecisiveness; memory retrieval difficulty
Behavior Lethargy or delirium; nonsystematized delusions; emotional lability Disinterested; disengaged; disinhibited; delusions and other psychiatric symptoms Systematized delusions; paranoia; bizarre behavior Depressed mood; anhedonia; lack of energy; sleep and appetite disturbances
EEG Diffuse slowing; low-voltage fast activity; specific patterns Normal early; mild slowing later Normal Normal

The characteristics listed are the usual ones and are not exclusive.

Patients with vascular dementia may have an abrupt decline in cognition.

Patients with dementia with diffuse cortical Lewy bodies often have a fluctuating mental status and hallucinations.

TABLE 41.10
MMC (Mini-Mental State Examination for Children)
From Moura R, Andrade PMO, Fontes PLB, et al. Mini-Mental State Exam for Children (MMC) in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Dement Neuropsychol . 2017;11(3):287–296.
Function Tests Score
Orientation Name, surname, age, sex 0-1-2-3-4
Name of parents, state, city, place 0-1-2-3-4
Age, month, day of month, day of week 0-1-2-3-4
Object naming Pen, watch, glasses 0-1-2-3
Digit span—forward 5-3 0-1-2-3-4
Digit span—backward 3-6 0-1-2-3
Recall Pen, watch, glasses 0-1-2-3
Naming body parts Naming body part indicated by the examiner: hand, foot, knee, nose, ear 0-1-2-3-4-5
Command “Take the paper in your right hand, fold it in half, and put it on the floor” (“Pegue o papel com a mão, dobre-o ao meio e coloque-o no chão”) 0-1-2-3
Verbal string repetition “No ifs, ands, or buts” (“Nem aquí, nem lá, nem acolá”) 0-1
Reading “Read this and do what it says” (”Close your eyes”) 0-1
Writing “Write your name” 0-1
Constructional praxis “Copy the drawings. Do it as best you can” (vertical line at age 3 yr, cross at age 4 yr, circle at age 5 yr, square at age 6 yr, and diamond at age 7 yr) 0-1
Maximum total score 37
Adapted version of the MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination).

Simultaneous Diagnosis and Management Approach

Many causes of AMS are life-threatening medical emergencies. Rapid assessment and diagnosis are therefore crucial and must happen simultaneously alongside management of identified life-threatening etiologies. The approach to the child with AMS can be divided into four parts: (1) stabilization, (2) rapid clinical assessment, (3) reversal of immediately treatable toxic or metabolic causes, and (4) detailed investigation including determination of the level of CNS function and of the cause of the coma ( Fig. 41.1 ).

Fig. 41.1, Algorithm for diagnostic and management approach to depressed consciousness and coma. ABC, airway, breathing, circulation; CTA, computed tomography angiography; CXR, chest x-ray; ICU, intensive care unit; IV, intravenous; LP, lumbar puncture; POC, point of care; PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; Spo 2 , oxygen saturation.


Initial stabilization for all patients includes assessment of the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs). The first step in management is evaluating the patient’s airway and responding appropriately to ensure patency. This may involve positioning, suctioning, or intubating. This is closely tied to the assessment of breathing and the respiratory drive via auscultation, observation, respiratory rate, and pulse oximeter. Obtunded, stuporous, or comatose patients usually require intubation unless their mental status is improving or can be readily reversed. Intubation in these patients allows the airway to be secured, treatment of hypoventilation or hypoxia (which may be contributing to the patient’s AMS), and protection of the airway if a gag reflex is not present. Manipulation of the neck, particularly extension, should be avoided when an airway is being stabilized or secured, unless the cervical spine has already been cleared via history or imaging.

After a patient’s airway and breathing are stabilized, the next step in management is assessment and stabilization of circulation. Initial assessment includes heart rate, blood pressure, presence and volume of peripheral pulses, capillary refill time, and adequacy of end-organ perfusion. Shock is defined as inadequate supply of oxygen to meet metabolic needs in the body’s tissues. If shock leads to hypoperfusion of the brain, AMS and decreased levels of consciousness result (see Chapter 10 ). Assessment of vital signs may also suggest the presence of increased intracranial pressure (bradycardia, hypertension, irregular respirations) or a toxidrome.

Rapid Clinical Assessment

After initial stabilization of the airway, breathing, and circulation, attention should turn to rapid clinical assessment with the goal of quickly identifying life-threatening and reversible causes of AMS. The rapid clinical assessment should include a focused history from available friends, family, witnesses, first responders, and the medical record as applicable, and a focused physical exam with a targeted neurologic examination.

Rapid History

Initially, history gathering should focus on rapid detection of possible life-threatening causes of AMS. Pertinent questions include recent history preceding the change in mental status, timing of onset and progression of AMS, and the patient’s medical history such as diabetes, seizures, substance abuse, or immunocompromise. Questions regarding any traumatic injuries over the previous few days should be asked, and even if trauma is denied, concern for nonaccidental trauma should be raised if the story is inconsistent or nonspecific for the presenting clinical scenario. History should also include fevers or other signs or symptoms of infection as well as signs of increased intracranial pressure such as vomiting, ptosis, and headaches. Infants with rising increased intracranial pressure may present with irritability, lethargy, increasing head circumference, and poor feeding. A dietary history in infants presenting with a depressed level of consciousness is paramount and may raise suspicion of hypoglycemia (from fasting or emesis) or hyponatremia (from ingestion of free water). Exposure to drugs or toxins should be suspected in any patient with a sudden onset of unexplained symptoms (coma, seizures) or a gradual onset of symptoms preceded by a period of confusion or delirium. The caregivers should be asked directly about possible access to medications, recreational drugs, and environmental toxins.

Rapid Physical Exam

After quickly collecting the available historical information, the next phase in management is completing a focused physical exam including a rapid neurologic assessment, which should take no more than a few minutes.

General Physical Exam

The general physical exam should include assessment of vital signs with emphasis on the cardiovascular, respiratory, and head and neck exams as well as a general assessment. Special attention should be paid to identify any physical exam findings that may suggest a specific toxidrome. The absence of a history of trauma or physical findings suggestive of a rapidly progressive intracranial process does not preclude a traumatic or an anatomic cause of coma. Traumatic injuries can result in life-threatening illnesses at any age, including in newborns. The head and neck should be carefully inspected, and the skull palpated for evidence of trauma ( Table 41.11 ). In infants, a bulging fontanel suggests raised intracranial pressure, which may have various causes. A bulging fontanel in the absence of a febrile illness should raise the suspicion of trauma, including abusive head trauma. Retinal hemorrhages are often present on funduscopic examination in children with abusive head trauma. In addition to abusive head trauma, a child may have a subarachnoid hemorrhage (ruptured aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation) or hydrocephalus without any of the aforementioned signs or symptoms of raised intracranial pressure. An ear exam should be performed to evaluate hemotympanum. Hemotympanum, clear drainage from the nose or ear, Battle sign (bruising behind the ear), and raccoon eyes may indicate a basilar skull fracture (see Table 41.11 ).

TABLE 41.11
Signs of Head Trauma Possibly Associated with Intracranial Disease
General Signs of Basilar Skull Fracture
Lacerations Hemotympanum
Hematomas CSF rhinorrhea
Ecchymosis CSF otorrhea
Swelling “Raccoon eyes”
Palpable crepitations Battle sign
Step-off of skull
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Hyperventilation can be observed in midbrain structural lesions but also in toxic-metabolic encephalopathies as a primary response to stimulation of the respiratory center (salicylates, theophylline, hyperammonemia, hepatic coma) or as a compensatory response to a metabolic acidosis. This pattern is also seen with raised intracranial hypertension. Hypoventilation with a normal rhythm, particularly if associated with a symmetrically depressed motor examination, usually implies global CNS depression secondary to drug ingestion such as opioids or benzodiazepines ( Fig. 41.2 ).

Fig. 41.2, Abnormal respiratory patterns. A, Cheyne-Stokes respiration. B, Central neurogenic hyperventilation. C, Apneusis. D, Cluster breathing. E, Ataxic breathing. Shaded areas show location of brain pathology associated with abnormal respiratory pattern.

Neurologic Exam

After completing a brief general physical exam and noting impaired consciousness, a rapid neurologic assessment is required. Level of consciousness should be assessed using a validated scoring system such at the GCS or FOUR scores. In children with altered level of consciousness, the neurologic assessment should focus on identifying lateralizing or focal findings, assessing for signs of increased intracranial pressure, and recognizing brainstem dysfunction. Intrinsic to this assessment is differentiating between bilateral cerebral hemisphere dysfunction, ARAS dysfunction, or both. Bilateral cerebral hemisphere involvement may be further divided into unilateral lesions with mass effect versus diffuse bilateral injury. If the ARAS is affected, additional evidence of brainstem dysfunction is usually present.

Motor System and Focal Findings

The presence of focal findings can be determined by comparison of either side of the child’s body. Careful attention should be paid to asymmetry of tone and movement between extremities, asymmetry of the face either at rest or with movement, and asymmetry of reflexes, such as the pupillary and deep tendon reflexes. Examination of the motor system includes observation first of body position, then spontaneous movements, and finally response to noxious stimuli ( Fig. 41.3 ). Throughout the exam, the examiner should note asymmetry between sides and muscle tone.

Fig. 41.3, Motor response to noxious stimuli. A, Localization. B, Decorticate posturing. C, Decerebrate posturing. D, Opisthotonos posturing.

A normal body position usually denotes an intact brainstem, as do spontaneous, nonposturing movements. Hemiparesis or hemiplegia implies a structural lesion in the contralateral hemisphere or subcortical region or an ipsilateral spinal cord injury. The presence of hypertonia or hyperreflexia suggests previous corticospinal tract disease or an acute brainstem injury at the midbrain-pontine level. It can also be observed in patients with severe metabolic derangements, such as hepatic coma, hypoglycemia, anoxia, and uremia. Hypotonia implies bilateral hemispheric dysfunction or a medullary or spinal cord lesion. In patients with severe depression of brain function, motor function can be assessed only after the application of a noxious stimulus, such as a sternal rub or increasing subungual pressure to the fingernails or toenails. If the response to a noxious stimulus includes verbalization, eye opening, or a normal motor response (e.g., localization of the stimulus, withdrawal of the limb, or movement away from the stimulus), this indicates that the ascending sensory pathways to the cerebral hemispheres are intact, and descending motor pathways are functioning.

Signs of Increased Intracranial Pressure

Indications of clinically significant intracranial hypertension can be assessed through the pupillary responses ( Fig. 41.4 ), vital signs, and motor responses ( Tables 41.12 and 41.13 ). The cranial vault contains brain, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and an increase in volume in one area necessitates a decrease in volume in another area. This increase in volume may occur secondary to space-occupying lesions, edema, intracranial hemorrhage, or hydrocephalus. The volume compensation mechanisms within the cranial vault are limited, and if volume cannot be decreased in another area, intracranial pressure increases. The first signs of increasing intracranial pressure are often headache and vomiting followed by decreased consciousness, which is then followed by posturing, and finally vital sign changes followed by death. Sixth cranial nerve palsy or inability to abduct the eye can be an early sign of increased intracranial pressure caused by stretching of the sixth cranial nerve. Papilledema is also associated with increased intracranial pressure but takes ≥12 hours to develop and therefore may be absent in acute increased intracranial pressure. As intracranial pressure continues to increase, it eventually leads to brain herniation and the vital sign changes of Cushing triad : hypertension, bradycardia, and irregularities of respiration.

Fig. 41.4, Pupils in comatose patients.

TABLE 41.12
Signs of Incipient Downward Herniation
From Plum F. Neurology/sustained impairments of consciousness. In: Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine . 19th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992:2050.
Central Uncal
Arousal Impaired early, before other signs Impaired late, usually with other signs
Breathing Sighs, yawns, sometimes Cheyne-Stokes respiration No early change
Pupils First, small reactive (hypothalamus); then one or both approach midposition Ipsilateral pupil dilates, followed by somatic third nerve paralysis
Oculocephalic responses Initially sluggish, later tonic conjugate Unilateral third nerve paralysis
Motor signs Early hemiparesis opposite to hemispheric lesion followed late by ipsilateral motor paresis and extensor plantar response Motor signs late, sometimes ipsilateral to lesion

TABLE 41.13
Characteristics of Supratentorial Lesions Leading to Coma
From Plum F. Neurology/sustained impairments of consciousness. In: Wyngaarden JB, Smith LH, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil Textbook of Medicine . 19th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1992:2050.
  • Initiating symptoms usually cerebral-focal: aphasia; focal seizures; contralateral hemiparesis, sensory change, or neglect; frontal lobe behavioral changes; headache

  • Dysfunction moves rostral to caudal: e.g., focal motor → bilateral motor → altered level of arousal

  • Abnormal signs usually confined to a single or an adjacent anatomic level (not diffuse)

  • Brainstem functions spared unless herniation develops

Brain herniation can occur at several different locations. The most common type of herniation is transtentorial herniation, which can be divided into uncal and central herniation. Uncal herniation occurs when the uncus (the inner part of the temporal lobe) herniates over the tentorium. This puts pressure on the midbrain, which contains the third cranial nerve. Pressure on the third cranial nerve impairs its parasympathetic fibers, leading to ipsilateral pupillary dilatation. Therefore, a unilaterally fixed and dilated pupil in a patient who is not awake represents uncal herniation. Central herniation occurs when central brain structures (diencephalon and temporal lobes) herniate through the tentorium cerebelli. Pressure on the hypothalamus at first causes small reactive pupils, which then progress to pupils that are fixed at midposition. Other types of herniation include subfalcine herniation, in which the cingulate gyrus herniates under the falx cerebri and presents with unilateral or bilateral weakness and can progress to central herniation. Tonsillar herniation or foramen magnum herniation results from the cerebellar tonsils being forced through the foramen magnum causing compression on the medulla oblongata and the cervical spinal cord leading to downbeat nystagmus, bradycardia, bradypnea, and hypertension. These signs can sometimes be worsened with neck flexion and improved with neck extension.

Brainstem Functioning

Brainstem function is evaluated by observing the child’s respiratory pattern, pupillary reflexes, corneal reflexes, and eye movement reflexes. Dysfunction of brainstem reflexes implies disruption of the ARAS and is a red flag indicating a serious and life-threatening disease process.

Breathing Patterns

Significant brainstem dysfunction is usually associated with an abnormal breathing pattern (see Fig. 41.2 ). Cheyne-Stokes respiration is a pattern of breathing in which periods of hyperpnea alternate with shorter apneic phases, observed in the presence of bilateral hemispheric or diencephalic dysfunction. It may also precede transtentorial herniation. The hyperpneic periods have a characteristic smooth, crescendo-decrescendo pattern. Central neurogenic hyperventilation is encountered with midbrain dysfunction; patients with this problem are tachypneic and hyperpneic. Apneustic breathing is associated with damage in the middle to lower pontine region. This pattern is characterized by a prolonged pause at full inspiration. Clusters of breaths separated by periods of apnea may be observed in patients with low pontine to upper medullary lesions, whereas medullary lesions result in ataxic or irregular breathing, slow regular breathing, or agonal respiration.

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