Agents Used for Treatment of Hyperkeratosis


  • Q55.1 How do salicylic acid and α-hydroxy acids differ regarding lipid solubility and the resultant depth of percutaneous absorption? (Pg. 608)

  • Q55.2 What are some of the mechanisms of salicylic acid leading to keratolytic and desmolytic effects? (Pg. 608)

  • Q55.3 What types of patients may be considered for field therapy for actinic keratosis with 0.5% 5-fluorouracil/10% salicylic acid cream? (Pg. 610)

  • Q55.4 What are several of the key variables in topical salicylic acid use that put patients at risk for significant systemic absorption and resultant salicylism? (Pg. 610)

  • Q55.5 What are the proposed mechanisms by which sulfur has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic effects? (Pg. 612x3)

  • Q55.6 What subgroup of scabies patients is most safely treated with 5% to 10% precipitated sulfur? (Pg. 612)

  • Q55.7 By what mechanisms is tar believed to have antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effects? (Pg. 613x2)

  • Q55.8 What is the evidence, for and against, for the carcinogenicity of tar? (Pg. 614)

  • Q55.9 How do liquor carbonis detergens and crude coal tar differ from a composition and aesthetic standpoint? (Pg. 614)

  • Q55.10 What are several of the chemicals in tar believed responsible for phototoxic effects of tar (and how does this effect relate to the Goeckerman regimen and ‘tar smarts’)? (Pg. 614)

  • Q55.11 By what mechanisms does urea have keratolytic and hygroscopic/humectant properties? (Pg. 614 )

Abbreviations used in this chapter




US Food and Drug Administration


Liquor carbonis detergens


Polyaromatic hydrocarbon


Scoring Atopic Dermatitis Index


Ultraviolet A


Ultraviolet B


Ultraviolet radiation


The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Andrew N. Lin for his very important contributions to this chapter as a contributing author of the previous editions and to dermatology as a whole. Dr. Lin’s published articles on the history and uses of Salicylic Acid, Tar, and Sulphur continue to be invaluably educational, and he will be remembered and missed as a great scholar of these subjects of dermatopharmacology.


Substances used to treat hyperkeratosis are frequently referred to as keratolytic agents. These agents significantly reduce the clinical extent of hyperkeratosis. However, some of these keratolytic agents may not be truly ‘lysing’ keratin at the molecular level. In this chapter, the most commonly used topical agents to treat hyperkeratosis are reviewed ( Box 55.1 ). See Chapter 52 for a complete discussion of α-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid and glycolic acid.

Box 55.1
Agents Used for Treatment of Hyperkeratosis

  • Salicylic acid

  • Sulfur

  • Tar

  • Urea

Hyperkeratosis, from a practical and clinical standpoint, can be defined as the presence of extra keratinaceous material on the skin’s surface and may include scale or other keratinaceous buildup. From a histologic standpoint, hyperkeratosis is typically used to describe an abnormally thick stratum corneum that also often shows abnormal keratinization in the form of parakeratosis, compacted orthokeratosis, or a combination of both. While hyperkeratosis is present in many abnormal skin conditions, areas of specialized skin, such as normal palms and soles, have relative hyperkeratosis compared to normal skin of other anatomic sites.

For many centuries, the agents discussed in this chapter (i.e., salicylic acid, sulfur, tar, urea) have been used to treat conditions with hypekeratosis and are amongst the first substances ever used to treat skin diseases. Interestingly, the agents discussed in this chapter are not closely related by chemistry or mechanism of action, but rather are related by being known for many years, and in some instances since ancient times, to be beneficial for the treatment of conditions with hyperkeratosis. In this chapter, we will discuss these pharmacologically diverse agents in regard to both historical and modern perspectives.

The uniting feature of this chapter is discussion of salicylic acid, sulfur, tar, and urea for the treatment of hyperkeratosis. The byproduct of this effect on hyperkeratosis is of potential benefit for a wide variety of dermatoses, including acne, rosacea, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, verruca, calluses, ichthyosis, and a host of other cutaneous conditions.

Salicylic Acid

For over 2000 years, salicylic acid has been used as a topical agent to treat skin disorders. Willow bark, which contains salicylic acid, was used by Pliny in the first century ad to treat corns and calluses. In the late 1820s, salicin was isolated from willow bark by Buchner, Brugnatelle, and Fontana, and the process was refined by Leroux. In the 1860s, with the newfound chemical synthesis of salicylic acid, the ability of salicylic acid to soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum was discovered.



Fig. 55.1 shows the chemical structure of salicylic acid.

Fig. 55.1, Chemical structure of agents used for treatment of hyperkeratosis.

Salicylic acid is also known as 2-hydroxybenzoic acid or orthohydrobenzoic acid. Salicylic acid and salicylates (which are easily converted to salicylic acid) are present in willow bark, wintergreen leaves, and sweet birch. Salicylic acid can be readily synthesized as well.

Whereas salicylic acid has been described by Kligman as a β-hydroxy acid, Yu and Van Scott classify salicylic acid as a phenolic aromatic acid. Yu and Van Scott refute the concept of salicylic acid being a β-hydroxy acid because, unlike a true β-hydroxy acid, salicylic acid has both the hydroxyl and the carboxyl groups directly attached to an aromatic benzene ring. In addition, unlike true β-hydroxy acids, the hydroxyl group of salicylic acid exhibits acid properties. The hydroxyl group of true β-hydroxy acids is neutral, and not acidic. An example of a ‘true’ β-hydroxy acid is β-hydroxy butyric acid.

Q55.1 In contrast with the α-hydroxy acids (such as lactic acid and glycolic acid), salicylic acid is lipid soluble and therefore is miscible with epidermal lipids and sebaceous gland lipids in hair follicles. Thus, salicylic acid can interact with the lipids that surround keratinized cells. Salicylic acid is able to interact with multilamellar structures surrounding keratinocytes in the stratum corneum and in hair follicles. In addition, because of its greater lipophilic qualities (compared with α-hydroxy acids), the clinical effect of salicylic acid may be limited to the superficial epidermis. In contrast, the α-hydroxy acids may penetrate deeper into the epidermis and probably into the dermis as well.

Salicylic acid has a pKa of 2.98. To obtain a significant exfoliative effect, salicylic acid must be formulated at a proper pH to allow enough free acid to be present, compared with the salt form of this drug. Thus, various formulations with concentrations of salicylic acid at a pH close to the pKa give significantly more exfoliation than formulations at any pH significantly greater than the pKa.

Mechanism of Action

Keratolytic and Desmolytic Effects

Q55.2 The mechanism of salicylic acid as a keratolytic and comedolytic agent is not exactly known. Proposed mechanisms include reduction of corneocyte adhesion and loosening and detachment of corneocytes. Salicylic acid, by acting as an organic solvent, may remove the intercellular lipids covalently linked to the cornified envelope that surrounds the cornified cells, creating an environment conducive to discohesion. Additionally, organic acids such as salicylic acid extract integral proteins from the desmosomes, including desmogleins, and subsequently destroy the cohesion of epidermal cells. Salicylic acid is reported to produce denaturation of membrane-crossing glycoproteins and fragmentation of corneodesmosomes. With electron microscopy, fragments of peripheral corneodesmosomes have been observed to be attached to corneocytes on opposite sides. The term ‘desmolytic’ has therefore been proposed as being preferable to the term ‘keratolytic’ in regard to the mechanism of action of salicylic acid. This terminology is proposed because of salicylic acid’s disruption of cellular junctions (desmosome structures), and not lysing or breaking intracellular keratin filaments.

Human upper arm skin stratum corneum treated with 2% salicylic acid is significantly more easily removed by tape stripping than control sites treated with only the vehicle. The increased removal of scale from human skin may be as a result of reduced cohesion between corneocytes. Although salicylic acid appears to have no effect on the mitotic activity of the normal human epidermis, studies of pathologic epithelial proliferation in guinea pigs demonstrated a reduction in hyperplasia in viable keratinocytes. Salicylic acid causes a more irregular and thinner stratum corneum, without altering epidermal thickness.

Sunscreen Effects

Salicylic acid and its derivatives can be used as sunscreens (See Chapter 50 ). The mechanism of the sunscreen effect is as a result of the benzene ring’s transformation of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) into longer-wave radiation, which is emitted from the skin as heat.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Salicylates are also known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin, is well known as an analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory agent. Acetylsalicylic acid inhibits prostaglandin biosynthesis. Salicylic acid shares some of the anti-inflammatory effects of acetylsalicylic acid. The anti-inflammatory effect of salicylic acid is most pronounced at concentrations between 0.5% and 5% (w/w).

Clinical Use

Dermatologic Uses

Box 55.2 lists clinical uses for salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is found in numerous topical preparations, many of which do not require a prescription.

Box 55.2
Salicylic Acid Clinical Uses

Hyperkeratotic Disorders

  • Calluses

  • Corns

  • Hyperkeratosis

  • Ichthyosis (various types)

  • Keratoderma (various types)

Cosmetic/Aesthetic Uses

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Rejuvenating/peeling

Papulosquamous Dermatoses

  • Psoriasis

Cutaneous Infections

  • Dermatophyte infections

  • Verruca


  • Cradle cap

  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Other Uses

  • Acne

  • Photoprotection (salicylates)

  • Reduce irritation

Verruca, Molluscum, and Callosities

Salicylic acid is present in a wide variety of wart and callus topical treatments and is often compounded with other keratolytic agents such as lactic acid. Salicylic acid, 2% to 20%, is available in collodion-based paints and gels, which dry and form a film from which salicylic acid is absorbed into the skin. In higher concentrations (10%–50%), salicylic acid is used as a plaster that can be cut to fit a wart, corn, or callus. A 2006 Cochrane review suggests that salicylic acid in combination with other agents have the most evidence for first-line use in treatment of warts, but as of the time of writing there has been no study comparing salicylic acid, cryotherapy. and placebo. A cream containing 5% imiquimod and 15% salicylic acid applied five times per week was more effective than cryotherapy in treating plantar warts, and equally efficacious in treating common and plane warts in children at 3 months, with the former treatment generally better tolerated because of no postprocedural pain. A meta-analysis strongly suggested that salicylic acid was particularly efficacious when compounded with 0.5% 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and was found to be superior to salicylic acid by itself. A modified combination of 2.5% 5-FU and 17% salicylic acid is available in the United States from a compounding pharmacy (WartPeel).

A 2017 Cochrane Systematic Review analyzing interventions for molluscum contagiosum found that salicylic acid may be a useful adjunctive treatment, although overall quality of the studies found was low. A compounded preparation of 10% povidone–iodine and 50% salicylic acid was shown to be effective for all 20 patients with molluscum treated over the course of 26 days.

Scalp Psoriasis and Seborrheic Dermatitis

Many shampoos contain 2% salicylic acid, often with tar and sulfur (see Chapter 51 ) These shampoos are useful in treating psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and ‘cradle cap’ of the scalp. Salicylic acid in ointments and oils, which are usually applied under occlusion, is a useful treatment for thick plaques of scalp psoriasis. A Cochrane review recently published studying efficacy of various treatments of scalp psoriasis found there was insufficient data to adequately assess the role of salicylic acid in the treatment of scalp psoriasis. One study that was included in the Cochrane review suggested that topical corticosteroid (TCS) plus salicylic acid was no more efficacious than TCS monotherapy, but the combination tended to lead to complete clearance of psoriatic scalp plaques more often.

Ichthyosis and Related Conditions

A proprietary compound (Keralyt gel), 6% salicylic acid, 60% propylene glycol, and 20% ethanol, formulated as a gel, is useful in removing thick scales of ichthyosis vulgaris, X-linked ichthyosis, lamellar ichthyosis, and epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, especially when used under occlusion. This gel is also useful in various forms of keratoderma, hyperkeratosis palmaris and plantaris of Unna, pityriasis rubra pilaris, and psoriasis.

Dermatophyte Infections

The keratolytic effect of the above gel (Keralyt) has been credited with clearing three patients with Trichophyton rubrum infection of the sole. Whitfield’s ointment, a time-honored remedy for treatment of tinea infection, contains 6% salicylic acid and 12% benzoic acid in wool fat and petrolatum. The concentrations of salicylic and benzoic acids can be used at half-strength to reduce irritation. Whitfield’s ointment has been largely replaced by more effective and elegant preparations. A 3% salicylic acid preparation that also includes benzoic acid is available as Bensal HP in the United States. A compound of 10% salicylic acid and 20% urea has been useful as a means of avulsing toenails nonsurgically.


Salicylic acid is believed to have a mild comedolytic effect and is used in acne preparations, including creams, liquid cleansers, astringents, medicated pads, and bar soaps. A meta-analysis of 12 randomized controlled trials demonstrated that salicylic acid, when used as a chemical peel in varying concentrations (10%–30%) as a treatment for acne, was comparable in efficacy and tolerability to trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, and additional α-hydroxy acids/fruit acids. Two studies suggest that glycolic acid is more effective for comedonal acne than Jessner’s solution (14% salicylic acid, 14% resorcinol, and 14% lactic acid in ethanol), with potentially improved tolerability.

Psoriasis (Nonscalp)

Salicylic acid is added into topical preparations containing anthralin to prevent its oxidation. The original Lassar’s paste contained 2% salicylic acid, 24% zinc oxide, 24% starch, and 50% white soft paraffin. Compounds duplicating the formulation of the original Lassar’s paste should always be freshly prepared because on standing the ingredients combine to form zinc salicylate. Modern formulations of Lassar’s paste do not contain salicylic acid because of the interaction of salicylic acid and zinc oxide.

Salicylic acid cannot be incorporated into vanishing creams because salicylic acid ‘cracks’ the cream by decomposing the soap needed to form the appropriate emulsion. Although in vitro data suggest that salicylic acid enhances absorption of TCS, this was not confirmed by in vivo studies in animals and human subjects. However, a study comparing the efficacy of mometasone furoate 0.1% combined with salicylic acid 5% in an ointment, versus a stronger corticosteroid (CS) fluocinonide 0.05% ointment, in the treatment of psoriasis showed that the mometasone furoate–salicylic acid combination was more effective. Because of reports of the instability of calcipotriene when mixed with salicylic acid, the compounding of calcipotriene with salicylic acid should be avoided.

Use in Sunscreens

Salicylic acid and related salicylates can be used as sunscreen ingredients (see Chapter 50 ). Salicylates maximally absorb ultraviolet B (UVB) in the range 300 to 310 nm. Topical salicylic acid, which is frequently used in psoriasis, can interfere with UVB phototherapy for psoriasis. Octyl salicylate (2-ethyl hexyl salicylate) and homomenthyl salicylate are used as sunscreen agents in many cosmetic products.

Pruritus and Pain

Salicylic acid is used in antipruritic formulations at a concentration of 1% to 2%. Choline salicylate is used as a topical anesthetic for aphthous ulcers. Methyl salicylate (found in oil of wintergreen) is used for topical musculoskeletal symptomatic pain relief likely to being a counter irritant.

Photoaging—Chemical Peels

Salicylic acid has been used as a peeling agent. Jessner’s solution (14% salicylic acid, 14% resorcinol, and 14% lactic acid in ethanol) is a frequently used superficial peeling agent. Salicylic acid in concentrations of 20% to 30% in a hydroethanolic vehicle (5% water) has gained popularity as a superficial chemical peeling agent for the treatment of acne, photodamage, and hyperpigmentation. The effect of salicylic acid in chemical peeling procedures is thought to be largely related to epidermal injury, which may be similar to injury caused by other chemical peeling agents, and perhaps even lasers and other ablative techniques.

A study involving hairless mice showed that a loss of cornified cells was the only morphologic alteration with salicylic acid (7.5%–30%) peeling, followed by activation of the epidermal basal cells and underlying fibroblasts. The authors concluded that following salicylic acid-induced damage to the cornified layer, biochemical and physiologic changes may occur throughout the whole epidermis and in the superficial dermis. These actions may result in a regenerative effect, especially in more photoaged skin.

A 50% salicylic acid ointment has been used to treat severely photodamaged hands and forearms. At lower concentrations of 1% to 2%, salicylic acid is used as an exfoliant to increase corneocyte shedding and improve the appearance of aged skin. In a controlled study, a 1.5% to 2% salicylic acid proprietary formulation in a moisturizing vehicle resulted in greater improved facial skin appearance, exfoliation of follicular contents, and increased stratum corneum turnover compared with a bland moisturizer and glycolic acid formulations.

Salicylic acid has been shown to be safe and effective to use in Fitzpatrick type IV to V skin for postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, whereas more aggressive treatments may aggravate this condition. When combined with tretinoin 0.1% cream, salicylic acid peel serves as an even more effective method of treating hyperpigmentation in Fitzpatrick types II to IV without significantly worse tolerability.

Actinic Keratoses

Q55.3 Salicylic acid 10% may be combined with 0.5% 5-FU in the treatment of diffuse actinic keratoses. This combination is thought to enhance the penetration of 5-FU attributed to the keratolytic properties of salicylic acid. The tolerability and efficacy of such a regimen has been established in a large patient cohort of over 1000 patients, with 70% overall clearance of actinic keratoses on the head and neck. The efficacy of such a regimen has also been established in anatomic areas where actinic keratoses tend to be more refractory to treatment, such as the arms. This study of 649 patients (treated with the above combination) demonstrated a clearance rate of 92% for actinic keratoses on the upper extremities. The use of this combination has also been applied in a randomized controlled study that included hyperkeratotic actinic keratoses, which, because they are difficult to treat, are not usually included in the clinical trials for field therapy using other agents such as imiquimod 3.75% or ingenol mebutate 0.5%.


A delivery system for salicylic acid (multivesicular emulsion) was previously available in the united states as a proprietary product called Salex, which used concentric layers of emulsified liquids in an aqueous medium. The multivesicular emulsion is reported to allow for active ingredients to be ‘layered’ or ‘stacked’, and differs from liposomes. In an open observational uncontrolled trial, the multivesicular emulsion salicylic acid 6% cream applied once in the morning, in combination with desoximetasone or mometasone ointment applied in the evening, was reported to improve psoriasis. The same authors also reported that localized hyperkeratosis (i.e., heels/soles, palms/fingers, and elbows) and keratosis pilaris improved when the multivesicular emulsion 6% salicylic acid cream was applied once in the evening in combination with a morning application of a designated moisturizer. As this study was not controlled, the addition of this salicylic acid preparation to provide extra benefit beyond using CS or moisturizers alone for these conditions is not conclusively proven.


Salicylic acid at a concentration of 2% added to a gel containing 15% aluminum chloride hexahydrate (Hydrosal) was reported to be efficacious and less irritating for the treatment of hyperhidrosis than preparations that contained aluminum chloride hexahydrate without salicylic acid.

Adverse Effects

Systemic Absorption—Salicylism

Q55.4 When applied topically to the skin, salicylic acid is readily absorbed. If salicylic acid is applied to erythrodermic skin, it can be detected in the urine within 24 hours. Percutaneous absorption of salicylic acid is enhanced by incorporation into hydrophilic ointment, tape stripping of the stratum corneum, or application under occlusion.

Systemic toxicity because of percutaneous absorption of salicylic acid is a rare but potentially serious event ( Box 55.3 ). Salicylates in high concentrations are toxic to the central nervous system. Clinical manifestations of salicylate toxicity include nausea, vomiting, confusion, dizziness, delirium, psychosis, stupor, coma, and death. Tinnitus because of salicylate toxicity is caused by increased labyrinthine pressure and effects on cochlear hair cells, perhaps secondary to vasoconstriction in the auditory microvasculature. With salicylate toxicity, there is stimulation of the medullary respiratory center that causes marked hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis; in infants and children, metabolic acidosis may also occur. Signs of salicylate toxicity generally occur when blood concentrations exceed 35 mg/dL.

Box 55.3
Salicylic Acid Systemic Toxicity


  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

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