Ablation of Genetically Triggered Ventricular Tachycardia/Fibrillation—Focusing on Brugada Syndrome

Key Points

  • The right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) epicardium is the culprit arrhythmogenic substrate site of Brugada syndrome (BrS).

  • Abnormal fractionated electrograms and double potential electrograms are localized only in the anterior aspect of the RVOT epicardium. Epicardial and interstitial fibrosis often coexists with abnormal electrograms.

  • Radiofrequency ablation by targeting the substrate areas that are defined after ajmaline/procainamide results in normalization of the Brugada electrocardiogram pattern and prevents ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation (VF) recurrences. It is recommended to use an irrigated-tip catheter with a contact sensor to ablate epicardial arrhythmogenic substrate.

  • The long-term follow-up (mean of 3 years) after ablation is excellent and without serious complications.

  • A prospective, multicenter randomized study, Ablation in Brugada Syndrome for the prevention of VF Episodes (BRAVE study) may confirm the hypothesis that catheter ablation alone in a subset of patients with BrS is effective without an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.

Genetically triggered ventricular tachycardia (VT) and/or ventricular fibrillation (VF) could be categorized into 2 groups: (1) those caused by genetically predisposed electrical alteration properties, primary electrical diseases without cardiac structural abnormalities; and (2) those caused by the presence of arrhythmogenic substrates that are created by genetically induced myopathic changes. The first group is also known as inherited arrhythmia syndromes (IAS), which are primary electrical disease including long QT syndromes (LQT), Brugada syndrome (BrS), early repolarization syndrome (ERS), catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), short QT syndrome, and Andersen syndrome. In the latter category, myopathic changes in the heart lead to VT/VF; this group includes hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, dilated cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.

IAS is responsible for almost 10% of sudden death in Europe and United States of America. It is the leading cause of sudden death in the young especially in the East and Southeast Asia. Thus it is imperative to obtain better understanding of genetics and electrophysiologic mechanisms, and risk stratification for IAS is needed so that one can find an effective treatment and prophylactic intervention for prevention VT/VF in each of the various IAS subgroups. Among IAS subsets, LQT and BrS are the most common. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the role of catheter ablation as a treatment modality for IAS. Since at present, data and studies on catheter ablation for LQT, CPVT, ERS, and short QT syndrome is quite scarce and only confined to a few case reports of VF-trigger ablation during electrical storm, the guideline statement from Heart Rhythm Society, Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, and European Heart Rhythm Association recommends ablation as a viable treatment only on symptomatic BrS patients. Thus I will focus only on the role of catheter ablation for BrS patients in this chapter.

The early attempt at catheter ablation in treating BrS syndrome patients was limited to a few reported cases of patients with electrical storm. The initial approach was designed to target initiating PVCs that trigger VF, which were found to come from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). The ablation was performed on the endocardial site of the RVOT. However, this approach has a significant limitation and has not been widely used largely because patients with BrS rarely had frequent PVCs to be mapped, and therefore it was quite difficult to identify precise targets for ablation and clearly assess the acute outcomes of the ablation. Almost a decade after the initial report of BrS ablation for VF triggers, we reported successful arrhythmogenic substrate ablation on the anterior RVOT epicardium in symptomatic BrS patients. Our findings have subsequently been confirmed by numerous reports from multiple institutions worldwide and indeed proven that substrate ablation is effective as a treatment modality for high risk, symptomatic BrS patients.

Brugada Syndrome Substrate

After its initial description in 1992, the BrS has drawn worldwide attention as an important clinical entity that causes premature death in young adults who are otherwise apparently healthy individuals. This has led to an abundance of research conducted worldwide. However, the pathophysiology of the BrS is not well explained and controversies exist with ongoing heated debate about the underlying pathophysiology of the syndrome–repolarization abnormality versus depolarization abnormality. Fortunately, stemming from the two opposing views is a consensus that right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) is the most likely substrate site regardless of which mechanisms are responsible.

The observation that placing the electrodes of right precordial leads at the second and third intercostal spaces (ICS)—the location where there are no other cardiac structures except the RVOT—increases the likelihood of producing a BrS electrocardiogram (ECG) pattern compared with just placing the electrodes only on the standard fourth ICS and strongly suggests that the RVOT is a culprit substrate site. This contention is supported by the findings that VF-triggering premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) often emanated from the RVOT in patients with VF storm. Ablations of these triggering PVC from the endocardial site abated VF storms. Similarly, in an animal model, Morita et al. demonstrated that RVOT epicardium was the main substrate site. Perhaps the most compelling findings attesting that RVOT epicardium is the primary substrate sites for BrS came from our study in patients with frequent implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) discharges.

We found that all our BrS patients who underwent epicardial and endocardial mapping during sinus rhythm had abnormal low voltage, fractionated late potentials clustering in the anterior aspect of the RVOT epicardium as shown in Fig. 36.1 . Ablation at this area normalized the Brugada ECG pattern and prevented recurrent VF episodes. Of interest, the endocardial sites juxtaposed to the corresponding epicardial sites exhibit normal voltage potentials without fractionation ( Fig. 36.2 ). Fig. 36.3 shows epicardial electrograms recorded from various sites of the epicardium in both the left ventricular and right ventricular (RV) epicardium. Note that abnormal fractionated electrograms and double potential electrograms are localized only in the anterior aspect of the RVOT epicardium.

Fig. 36.1, A composite picture of the CARTO-merge maps shows the cardiac computed tomography of the right ventricle, left ventricle, aorta, pulmonary artery, and coronary arteries that are merged with the electroanatomic maps of the right ventricular outflow tract epicardium. The double annotation map displays a magnitude of prolonged electrogram duration; the purple area indicates the very prolonged duration of the electrogram (>180 ms). The sample electrograms recorded from this area are shown ( right ). The bipolar electrogram recorded from the distal pair-electrodes of the ablation (roving) catheter ( Abl-bi , bipolar distal) of the NaviStar-ThermoCool catheter at the purple area of the map is low voltage (0.49 mV) and fractionated with the electrogram width of 251 ms. The unipolar electrogram recorded from the distal electrode of the ablation catheter ( Abl-Uni , unipolar distal) is also shown, along with the right precordial leads (I, V1, V2). The red dots represent ablation points.

Fig. 36.2, A right lateral view of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) displays the difference in ventricular electrograms between the endocardial and epicardial site of the anterior RVOT of another patient. The left and right insets display bipolar and unipolar electrograms recorded from the endocardium and epicardium from the same site of the RVOT, respectively. Abl-distal bi , Ablation-bipolar distal; Abl-prox bi , ablation bipolar proximal; Abl-distal uni , ablation unipolar distal; Abl-prox uni , ablation unipolar proximal.

Fig. 36.3, Comparison of ventricular electrograms recorded from different sites in both the left ventricle and right ventricle of one of our Brugada syndrome patients who underwent mapping and ablation of the right ventricular outflow tract substrate for recurrent ventricular fibrillation episodes.

During the first decade after BrS was described, most believed that BrS is a primary electrical disease and was one of ion-channelopathy IAS subgroup with repolarization abnormalities. However, our collaborative multicenter study demonstrated epicardial and interstitial fibrosis and reduced gap junction expressions in the RVOT of sudden cardiac death victims with BrS family history and negative routine autopsy. In the same study, we also found fibrosis from the biopsies taken from RVOT epicardial sites with abnormal, fragmented, and delayed conduction in all six BrS patients who underwent open heart surgical ablation of the Brugada substrates. Fig. 36.4 shows an RVOT anatomic grid generated by computed tomography of the heart; the biopsy site demonstrates that both abnormal fractionated electrograms and fibrosis coexist. After open heart ablations at these fibrosis sites, ECG patterns normalized, and patients no longer had recurrent VF. Interestingly, the in vivo cases all had normal cardiac images on computed tomography/magnetic resonance imaging, as well as a normal-appearing heart on direct visualization during thoracotomy. Investigators from the Academic Medical Center of Amsterdam also reported similar findings from the explanted heart of a BrS patient who had SCN5A mutation with medically treated failure from VF storms, necessitating heart transplantation surgery. The explanted heart showed no evidence of repolarization abnormality. Instead, the investigators found evidence of interstitial fibrosis causing conduction delay. Thus one can reasonably conclude that interstitial fibrosis and reduced gap junction expression on the epicardial surface of the RVOT is the abnormal myocardial structure that underlies the arrhythmogenic substrate, as detected by abnormal fractionated low-voltage late potential. Similar observations were found in all of our study patients, and these findings clearly provide the strongest clinical evidence that the delayed depolarization at the anterior aspect of the RVOT is the most likely underlying electrophysiologic mechanism underlying BrS. These findings also suggest that BrS is not the primary electrical disease without structural heart disease, but the IAS category that has subclinical myopathic changes in the right ventricle.

Fig. 36.4, Computed tomography scan of the heart (center) of a symptomatic Brugada syndrome patient V2 showing anatomic grid over the anterior right ventricular outflow tract. Electrocardiogram Lead II and a distal bipolar (0.4 mV/cm voltage scale at the filter 30–300 Hz) and unipolar electrogram (5 mV/cm voltage scale at the filter 0.05–300 Hz) at labeled sites given in surrounding panels, with abnormal fractionated electrograms. The abnormal electrogram sites were biopsied and histology (picrosirius red staining) at site of abnormal electrogram (B) shows epicardial fibrosis (arrow) with focal finger-like projections of collagen into myocardium [C].

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