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The abdominal aorta and pelvic arteries supply blood to all of the structures below the diaphragm. The pathologic processes that involve these vessels are varied and have major morbidity. This chapter covers aortic-iliac arterial diseases, including the male and female reproductive organs. The renal and mesenteric arteries are discussed in separate chapters.
The abdominal aorta begins at the level of the diaphragmatic crura and terminates at the bifurcation into the common iliac arteries. This bifurcation is usually in the vicinity of the L4-L5 disk interspace. The major blood supply to the abdominal viscera is derived from the aorta ( Fig. 10-1 ). The aorta is constant in location and presence, although there is extensive variability of the anatomy of the branch vessels. The average diameter of the abdominal aorta is 1.5-2 cm at the diaphragm and 1.5 cm below the renal arteries. The anterior branches of the abdominal aorta are the celiac, superior mesenteric (SMA), gonadal, phrenic, and inferior mesenteric arteries (IMA). The lateral branches are the renal and middle adrenal arteries ( Table 10-1 ). The posterior branches are the lumbar arteries (one pair for each lumbar vertebra) and the middle sacral artery (arising at the aortic bifurcation). Clinically, the abdominal aorta is divided into supra (above) and infra (below) renal artery segments. The impetus for this division is the higher incidence of atherosclerotic and aneurysmal disease in the infrarenal abdominal aorta, and the increased complexity of interventions that involve the suprarenal portion.
Artery | Approximate Level of Origin |
Celiac | T12-L1 |
Superior mesenteric | L1-L2 |
Renal | L2 |
Inferior mesenteric | L3-L4 |
Common iliac | L4-L5 |
The anatomy of the testicular and ovarian arteries is similar in the abdomen, but divergent in the pelvis. In 70% of individuals, the gonadal arteries arise from the anterior surface of the abdominal aorta just below the renal arteries (see Fig. 10-1 ). The most common variant location for gonadal artery origins is the renal arteries (20%), followed by the adrenal, lumbar, or even iliac arteries. The gonadal arteries pass to the pelvis along the anterior surface of the psoas muscles, adjacent to the gonadal veins and the ureters, and anterior to the iliac vessels.
In the male pelvis, the testicular arteries have a lateral course, entering the spermatic cord to continue into the scrotum. These arteries are the sole blood supply to the testes. In the female pelvis, the ovarian arteries have a more medial path, through the suspensory ligament of the ovary. The ovarian artery provides branches to the ovary and fallopian tubes. The artery then continues medially to the uterus, where it anastomoses with the uterine artery in the broad ligament.
The lumbar arteries are paired vessels that arise from the posterior wall of the abdominal aorta at the levels of the lumbar vertebrae. The origins of the paired lumbar arteries may be separate, or conjoint. These vessels anastomose with the intercostal and other chest wall arteries superiorly, the epigastric arteries anteriorly, and the internal iliac arteries inferiorly. These anastomoses can form the basis of collateral supply to the lower extremities in cases of distal aortic occlusive disease. The lumbar arteries supply the musculature of the back and abdominal wall, as well as the branches to the vertebral bodies and the contents of the spinal canal. This is of paramount concern whenever embolization of a lumbar artery for a nonneurologic indication is contemplated. In a small percentage of patients, the lower anterior spinal artery (artery of Adamkiewicz) will arise from an L1 or L2 lumbar artery.
The median sacral artery arises from the posterior wall of the aorta just proximal to the aortic bifurcation or as a common trunk with the L5 lumbar arteries (see Fig. 10-1 ). Occasionally, the median sacral artery will arise from a common iliac artery. This artery maintains a midline course in the pelvis, providing branches to the sacrum and coccyx. The median sacral artery is distinguished angiographically from the superior hemorrhoidal branch of the IMA by its posterior location and lack of a terminal bifurcation. The median sacral artery branches often anastomose with iliolumbar and rectal arteries.
The aorta usually bifurcates between the L3-4 and L4-5 disk space into the right and left common iliac arteries ( Fig. 10-2 ; see Fig. 10-1 ). In 2% of patients, the aorta divides over the L3 vertebral body, resulting in a steep bifurcation that is challenging to cross angiographically. The common iliac arteries are symmetric structures that usually have no major side-branches. In the adult, the average common iliac artery is 8-10 mm in diameter and 3-6 cm in length. The course of the artery is caudal, lateral, and slightly posterior into the pelvis. The right common iliac artery lies anterior and across the left common iliac vein. If seen, a small branch arising from a common iliac artery and taking a superior course into the abdomen will most likely be an accessory lower pole renal artery. Occasionally, a median sacral artery may arise from a common iliac artery.
The common iliac arteries terminate when they bifurcate into the internal and external iliac arteries. The bifurcation is a point of fixation of the iliac arteries in the pelvis. The internal iliac (also known as the hypogastric ) artery originates posterior and medial from the common iliac artery. This vessel is 1-4 cm in length, traveling in a posterior and inferior direction into the bony pelvis. The internal iliac artery then bifurcates into an anterior and posterior division (see Fig. 10-2 ). The divisional arteries then give rise to the major visceral and muscular arteries of the pelvis ( Box 10-1 ). There is great variation in the branching patterns of the pelvic arteries. When these variants are encountered, identification of vessels should be based on what they supply rather than their point of origin.
The branches of the posterior division are the iliolumbar, superior gluteal, and lateral sacral arteries. The iliolumbar artery is usually the first branch, although it may arise from the proximal internal iliac or, rarely, the common iliac artery. The iliolumbar artery courses superiorly along the sacroiliac joint. There is usually an anastomosis between this artery and the lowest lumbar artery. The superior gluteal artery is the largest component of the posterior division. This artery exits the bony pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, superior to the piriformis muscle, to supply the muscles of the posterior pelvis. The lateral sacral arteries are named for their origins relative to the sacrum, rather than their course in the pelvis. These arteries are small in caliber and frequently multiple. They travel medially toward the sacrum, with anastomoses to the median sacral artery and the opposite lateral sacral vessels.
The anterior division of the hypogastric artery supplies the visceral and muscular contents of the pelvic cavity. The visceral branches are the internal pudendal, vesicle, middle rectal, and in females, the uterine and vaginal arteries ( Fig. 10-3 ; see Fig. 10-2 ). Discrete superior and inferior vesicle arteries are usually present. In females, the inferior vesicle artery becomes one of the vaginal arteries. The middle rectal artery, frequently a branch of the inferior vesicle artery, anastomoses with the IMA through the superior hemorrhoidal artery. The uterine artery courses medially in the broad ligament superior to the ureter. At the uterus the artery assumes a characteristic corkscrew configuration as it travels parallel to the uterine body. The uterus is a very vascular organ that stains or enhances intensely at angiography, particularly in premenopausal women. The uterine arteries anastomose with both the ovarian artery and the vaginal arteries. The internal pudendal artery supplies the external genitalia. Accessory pudendal branches may arise from other anterior division arteries or from external iliac artery branches. The internal pudendal artery exits the floor of the pelvis between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles, after which it travels anteriorly along the lateral border of the pelvis. The inferior rectal artery arises as a branch of the internal pudendal in this region. In males, the internal pudendal artery bifurcates into the perineal artery (to the scrotum) and a common penile artery ( Fig. 10-4 ). The common penile artery bifurcates into deep penile (in the center of the corpus cavernosum) and dorsal penile (along the dorsal surface of the corpus cavernosum) arteries as it travels beneath the pubic symphysis. The prostatic artery arises as branch of the internal pudendal artery in about 50% of men, as a discrete branch of the anterior division in approximately 25%, and as branches of the obturator or inferior gluteal artery in the remainder. The prostatic artery often gives rise to branches to the bladder and seminal vesicles. At the prostate the artery usually bifurcates into posterior and anterior capsular arteries. In 25% of males, the anterior capsular artery anastomoses with distal branches of the internal pudendal artery. In females, the internal pudendal artery supplies the labia and the clitoris.
The obturator and inferior gluteal arteries are the primary musculoskeletal branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery (see Fig. 10-2 ). Both vessels frequently provide branches to the bladder. The obturator artery arises from the anterior division in 50% of individuals. This vessel exits the pelvis through the obturator canal, where it has a characteristic bifurcation. In approximately 15% of people, the artery may take its origin from the inferior gluteal or the internal pudendal arteries. The obturator artery arises from the superior gluteal artery (a branch of the posterior division) in 20% of individuals and from the common femoral or inferior epigastric arteries in 20%. The inferior gluteal artery is a branch of the anterior division in 75% of individuals and of the posterior division in 25%. The artery exits the pelvis between the piriformis and the coccygeus muscles in the lower portion of the sciatic notch. The inferior gluteal artery accompanies the sciatic and posterior femoral cutaneous nerves, terminating in branches to the buttocks and posterior thigh.
The external iliac arteries provide blood supply to the lower extremities. The typical diameter of the external iliac artery is 5-7 mm. The artery angles anteriorly and laterally from the common iliac artery bifurcation, passing under the inguinal ligament to form the common femoral artery. The angulation between the common and external iliac arteries can become severe in patients with redundant atherosclerotic arteries. The only branches of the external iliac artery are usually the circumflex iliac arteries (deep and superficial) arising laterally, and the inferior epigastric artery medially (see Fig. 10-1 ). These branches demarcate the transition from the external iliac to common femoral arteries. As noted above, the obturator artery is replaced to the external iliac artery in 20% of individuals, usually arising from a common trunk with the inferior epigastric artery.
A large number of potential collateral arterial pathways are present in the abdomen and pelvis ( Table 10-2 ). The pathway that becomes dominant in a particular patient depends upon the location and length of the obstruction, and whether one or both sides of the pelvis are affected ( Fig. 10-5 ). Multiple collateral pathways frequently coexist in the same patient.
Source | Example |
Thoracic aorta | 1. Superior to inferior epigastric to common femoral arteries |
2. Intercostal to lumbar arteries to aorta | |
Mesenteric arteries | Inferior mesenteric to hemorrhoidal to internal iliac to external iliac arteries (see Chapter 11 ) |
Lumbar arteries | 1. Lumbar to iliolumbar to internal iliac to external iliac arteries |
2. Lumbar to iliac-circumflex to common femoral arteries | |
Median sacral artery | Median sacral to lateral sacral to internal iliac to external iliac artery |
Internal iliac artery | To opposite side of pelvis: internal iliac to lateral sacral and anterior division arteries cross midline to same arteries on contralateral side |
To common femoral artery on same side of pelvis when external iliac artery occluded: | |
1. Internal iliac to posterior division branches to iliac circumflex to ipsilateral common femoral artery | |
2. Internal iliac to both anterior and posterior divisions to profunda femoris branches to common femoral artery |
The collateral supply to the uterus in the presence of uterine artery occlusion is from the gonadal, vaginal, vesicle, and unnamed arteries in the broad ligament. In general, central pelvic structures may be supplied by branches from either side of the pelvis, the distal aorta, the IMA, the gonadal arteries, and even branches of the profunda femoral artery. Structures lateral to and including the iliac bones may be supplied by multiple branches of the internal iliac artery, lumbar arteries, or branches of the distal external iliac artery or the common femoral artery. Conversely, the ovaries can receive collateral supply from the uterine arteries.
Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta is an excellent modality for screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Reliable evaluation of aortic occlusive disease is more difficult with ultrasound. In large patients, the aorta is a deep structure, surrounded by air-filled bowel, making ultrasound imaging technically difficult. Tortuosity of the aorta and mural calcification can also limit ultrasound imaging. These same restrictions apply to ultrasound imaging of the common and especially the internal iliac arteries. With the addition of intravenous ultrasound (IVUS) contrast agents, this modality may become more useful in the evaluation of aortoiliac arterial occlusive disease.
Perhaps the single most useful cross-sectional imaging modality for the abdominal aorta is computed tomography angiography (CTA). Aortic vascular studies should begin with a noncontrast scan to assess calcification and detect fresh hemorrhage. Contrast-enhanced CT scans should be performed with a power injector (3-5 mL/sec contrast for a total volume of 70-90 mL) on a high-speed scanner using thin (0.5-2 mm) effective collimation. The scanning delay for contrast injection can be empiric or determined with a test bolus or automated triggering software. The field of view should be reduced to emphasize the central vascular structures. Images obtained in this manner can be postprocessed into elegant CT angiograms (see Fig. 3-21 ).
CTA has excellent sensitivity and specificity (each >99%) for detection of abdominal and iliac artery aneurysms. Aortic and iliac occlusive disease is readily evaluated with CTA. Heavily calcified iliac arteries, particularly tortuous and small external iliac arteries, can be difficult to evaluate for occlusive disease with confidence with CTA. Contrast is required for CTA, limiting utility in patients with chronic renal insufficiency.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdominal aorta is relatively straightforward and accurate. With the exception of an inability to demonstrate calcium and artifact from metal, there are few limitations of this modality. The aortic wall can be evaluated from T1-weighted images in three orthogonal planes, but the best vascular imaging is obtained with gadolinium-enhanced three-dimensional (3-D) MR angiography (MRA) ( Fig. 10-6 ). The volume of gadolinium ranges from 20 to 40 mL, injected at 2-3 mL/sec. The injection timing can be determined using automated triggering software or a test bolus of 2-3 mL. In patients with chronic renal insufficiency, the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries can be imaged with noncontrast MRA. The 3-D volume can then be postprocessed into angiographic images. Metal clips, orthopedic and spinal hardware, and certain stents can create artifacts that obscure vascular segments (see Fig. 3-15 ).
Conventional angiography of the abdominal aorta is usually performed with a 4- or 5-French pigtail or other flush catheter. The tip of the catheter is positioned at or just above the origin of the celiac artery (usually the T12-L1 interspace) ( Table 10-3 ). If the renal artery origins are not well visualized, repositioning the catheter at the level of the renal arteries and filming with 10- to 15-degree left anterior oblique angulation will often display these vessels to best advantage ( Fig. 10-7 ). In patients with contraindications to iodinated contrast, CO 2 or gadolinium can be used, although CO 2 may become trapped in large aneurysm sacs.
Parameter | Recommendations |
Catheter | 4- or 5-French pigtail or equivalent |
Catheter position | T12-L1 |
Contrast | 30% Iodine or greater |
Injection rate | 20-25 mL/sec for 2 seconds |
Views | Anteroposterior and lateral |
Filming rate | 4-6 frames/sec |
Additional views | 10-15 degrees left anterior oblique with catheter at renal origins |
Non-selective pelvic angiography can be performed with the same catheter positioned 2-3 cm proximal to the aortic bifurcation to ensure that all of the side-holes are in the aorta ( Table 10-4 ). The area included in the field of view should extend from the distal aorta to just below the common femoral artery bifurcation. Oblique views are crucial owing to the natural tortuosity of the pelvic arteries and to visualize the internal iliac artery origins. The posterior oblique projection usually displays the internal iliac artery origin to best advantage ( Fig. 10-8 ; see also Fig. 2-52 ).
Parameter | Recommendations |
Catheter | 4- or 5-French pigtail or equivalent |
Catheter position | 2-3 cm proximal to aortic bifurcation |
Contrast | 30% Iodine or greater |
Injection rate | 7-15 mL/sec for 2-4 seconds |
Views | Anteroposterior, 30-45 degrees oblique (bilateral) |
Filming rate | 2-6 frames/sec |
Angiography of the internal iliac artery or its branches requires a selective end-hole catheter. Usually both internal iliac arteries can be selected from a single femoral artery access. The contralateral internal iliac artery is selected in an antegrade fashion with a Cobra 2 or other angled catheter by crossing the aortic bifurcation, usually in conjunction with an angled steerable hydrophilic guidewire. The ipsilateral internal iliac artery can be selected from the same femoral artery access with a pull-down technique using a Waltman loop or a Simmons-shaped catheter, or sometimes by antegrade cannulation with an angled catheter (see Fig. 2-17 ). The posterior oblique projection is most useful to visualize the origin of the internal iliac artery (see Fig. 10-8 ). However, the anterior oblique view opens up the anterior and posterior division origins. In young patients, especially women, the internal iliac branches are prone to spasm, so gentle manipulation and generous utilization of intraarterial nitroglycerin (150- to 200-μg aliquots) may be necessary. Injection rates for these vessels vary, but are usually 3-5 mL/sec for 2-3 seconds.
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