Volume and Outcome

Key Points

  • An inverse relationship between experience and outcome for higher-risk procedures has been repeatedly demonstrated over the past 30 years.

  • In the case of percutaneous coronary angioplasty, the minimum volume thresholds involve low numbers of fewer than four cases per week for hospitals and one case per week for physicians.

  • The volume standards affect relatively few patients (4% of all patients undergo percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI] at low-volume hospitals and 7% are treated by low-volume physicians), but relatively larger numbers of operators (27% of hospitals and 44% of physicians perform fewer than 200 and 75 cases per year respectively).

  • In considering the evidence, studies must be viewed according to representation by low-volume providers, event rates, and regression techniques.

  • Supporting evidence and concern for patients compels the medical community to foster experienced interventional operators and facilities to the extent possible.

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