Vascular, neural, adipocytic, muscle, and myofibroblastic tumors

Only the most common soft tissue tumors that one encounters with regularity in the oral cavity will be discussed here. The landscape of these tumors has changed tremendously over the last 10 years because of advances in molecular diagnostics and development of surrogate markers for genetic alterations ( Table 6.1 ). Beyond benign and malignant tumors are tumors of intermediate potential as well as benign tumors that are locally infiltrative.

Molecular Alterations in Selected Soft Tissue Tumors Discussed in This Chapter
Lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma) Mutation in BRAF 16% (80% in port wine stain)
Mutation in RAS 4%–10%
Venous malformation Mutation in TEK (62%), PIK3CA (20%)
Lymphatic malformation Mutation in PIK3CA
Epithelioid hemangioma FOS rearrangement (50%)
FOSB rearrangement (20%)
GATA6::FOXO1 fusion infrequent (often in intravascular tumors)
Neurofibromatosis type 1 Mutation in NF-1
Neurofibromatosis type 2 Mutation in NF-2
Schwannoma Mutation in SMARCB1 and ARID1A, inactivation of NF2
Schwannomatosis Mutation in SMARCB1 and LZTR1
Hybrid schwannoma-perineurioma VGLL3 rearrangement
Perineurioma, extraneural tumors Deletions involving NF1 and NF2
Perineurioma, intraneural tumors Mutation in TRAF7
Granular cell tumor ATP6AP1 , ATP6AP2 , and ATP6VOC
Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma PAX3::FOX01 and PAX7::FOXO1 fusions
Spindle/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma in children and adults Mutation in MyoD1 , sometimes PIK3CA
Congenital spindle/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma VGLL2 -associated gene fusions, often with NCOA2
Myofibroma/myopericytoma Mutation in PDGFRB
Myofibroma/myopericytoma SRF::RELA fusion
Synovial sarcoma SS18::SSX fusion
Nodular fasciitis USP6 rearrangement often with MYH9 fusion partner
Desmoid fibromatosis Mutation in CTNNB1
Lipoma HMGA2 rearrangements
Spindle cell/pleomorphic lipoma Deletion of RB1
Atypical lipomatous tumor Amplification of 12q including HMGA2 , MDM2 and CDK4
Solitary fibrous tumor NAB2::STAT6 fusion
Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumor RREB1::MKL2, EWSR1::CREM, or EWSR1::CREB fusions
Xanthogranuloma Mutations in NRAS , KRAS , ARAF , and MAP2K1

Vascular lesions

Lobular capillary hemangioma (pyogenic granuloma)

Gingival pyogenic granulomas are reactive vascular proliferations that infrequently exhibit a lobular configuration, while nongingival lesions are almost always lobular.

Clinical findings

  • The majority of cases (80%) occur below 40 years of age with the highest prevalence in the second decade.

  • It appears as a purple-to-blue-to-red nodule, sessile or pedunculated, with 90% affecting the lips (especially the upper lip), and tongue equally; a history of bleeding may be elicited ( Fig. 6.1 A–D).

    FIG. 6.1, (A–D) Lobular capillary hemangiomas at various tissue sites. (A) Upper vermilion. (B) Hard palatal mucosa. (C) Dorsum of tongue, ulcerated. (D) Lateral tongue, hemorrhagic (E) Cyclosporine-induced reactive fibrovascular polyp after stem cell transplantation.

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

Pyogenic granuloma which is a mass of granulation tissue had been considered a reactive lesion to local trauma and irritation and this is likely true for gingival lesions. However, this may not be true for lesions on the lip and tongue which are more akin to cutaneous lesions with typical lobular morphology. Pyogenic granulomas have been shown to be driven by FLT4 and the nitric oxide pathway. However, cutaneous pyogenic granulomas or lobular capillary hemangiomas were shown to harbor RAS mutation in 4% to 10% and BRAF mutation in 16% of sporadic cases. Those that develop within port white stain exhibit BRAF mutation in 80% of cases. Oral lobular capillary hemangioma, both gingival and nongingival, show activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK/ERK) pathway but no RAS or BRAF mutations.

  • There is a proliferation of endothelial cells and dilated capillaries, almost always in a lobular pattern. There may be overlying ulcer, and acute and chronic inflammation; mitotic figures are not uncommon ( Figs. 6.2 and 6.3 ); capillaries are surrounded by smooth muscle actin positive (SMA+) pericytes.

    FIG. 6.2, Lobular capillary hemangioma. (A) Typical lobular architecture with many dilated capillaries. (B) Cellular proliferation of endothelial cells and dilated capillaries.

    FIG. 6.3, Lobular capillary hemangioma of lip. (A) Diffuse cellular proliferation of endothelial cells with dilated capillaries. (B) Variably dilated capillaries. (C) Benign endothelial cells and mitotic figure (center) . (D) Capillaries are surrounded by a layer of pericytes that are positive for smooth muscle actin.

  • Some lesions may show significant reactive atypia with hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei ( Fig. 6.4 ).

    FIG. 6.4, Lobular capillary hemangioma. (A) Ulcerated polypoid nodule. (B) Retiform proliferation of vessels. (C) Moderate atypia of endothelial cells.

  • Older lesions sclerose and become infiltrated by densely collagenous fibrous tissue and may evolve into fibromas ( Fig. 6.5 ).

    FIG. 6.5, Lobular capillary hemangioma, sclerosing. (A) Vague lobular architecture with intervening fibrosis. (B) Fibrous tissue infiltrates between and into lobules. (C) Clusters of endothelial cells and capillaries.

  • Endothelial cells are positive for CD31 and CD34, but negative for glucose transporter-1 (GLUT-1).

Differential diagnosis

  • Edematous polypoid masses of granulation tissue on the tongue or buccal mucosa are seen in stem cell transplant recipients on calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporine and these are more appropriately diagnosed as reactive fibrovascular hyperplasia or fibrovascular polyps. Their histopathology resembles that of gingival pyogenic granuloma without lobular architecture ( Fig. 6.1 E).

  • Infantile capillary hemangioma shows a cellular proliferation of endothelial cells and capillaries that are positive for GLUT-1 and regress over time (see Chapter 5 ).

Management and prognosis

  • Excision is the treatment of choice with recurrence in 5% to 6% of cases.


  • Epivatianos A, Antoniades D, Zaraboukas T, et al. Pyogenic granuloma of the oral cavity: comparative study of its clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features. Pathol Int . 2005;55:391-397.

  • Fishman SJ, Mulliken JB. Hemangiomas and vascular malformations of infancy and childhood. Pediatr Clin North Am . 1993;40:1177-2200.

  • Godfraind C, Calicchio ML, Kozakewich H. Pyogenic granuloma, an impaired wound healing process, linked to vascular growth driven by FLT4 and the nitric oxide pathway. Mod Pathol . 2013;26:247-255.

  • Gordon-Nunez MA, de Vasconcelos Carvalho M, Benevenuto TG, et al. Oral pyogenic granuloma: a retrospective analysis of 293 cases in a Brazilian population. J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2010;68:2185-2188.

  • Groesser L, Peterhof E, Evert M, Landthaler M, Berneburg M, Hafner C. BRAF and RAS mutations in sporadic and secondary pyogenic granuloma. J Invest Dermatol . 2016;136:481-486.

  • Johann AC, Salla JT, Gomez RS, et al. GLUT-1 in oral benign vascular lesions. Oral Dis . 2007;13:51-55.

  • Johncilla M, Jo V. Soft tissue tumors of the sinonasal tract. Semin Diagn Pathol . 2016;33:81-90.

  • Lim YH, Douglas SR, Ko CJ, et al. Somatic activating RAS mutations cause vascular tumors including pyogenic granuloma. J Invest Dermatol . 2015;135:1698-1700.

  • Pereira T, de Amorim LSD, Pereira NB, et al. Oral pyogenic granulomas show MAPK/ERK signaling pathway activation, which occurs independently of BRAF, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, GNA11, and GNA14 mutations. J Oral Pathol Med . 2019;48:906-910.

  • Renshaw AA, Rosai J. Benign atypical vascular lesions of the lip. A study of 12 cases. Am J Surg Pathol . 1993;17:557-565.

  • Toida M, Hasegawa T, Watanabe F, et al. Lobular capillary hemangioma of the oral mucosa: clinicopathological study of 43 cases with a special reference to immunohistochemical characterization of the vascular elements. Pathol Int . 2003;53:1-7.

Varix (venous lake), vascular anomaly, and venous malformation

The term vascular anomaly as used by the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) encompasses vascular malformations which are structural abnormalities (venous, arterial, capillary, lymphatic, and arteriovenous), and vascular tumors characterized by endothelial cell proliferation. “Cavernous hemangioma” is now classified as venous malformation and lymphangioma is classified as lymphatic malformation and both are associated with mutations in the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (AKT)/mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway.

A varix does not strictly belong to either group since it is merely a dilatation of a venule. Intraoral vascular malformations are generally small and uncommon although they occur with some frequency on the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the head and neck such as capillary malformation in Sturge-Weber syndrome affecting the skin, oral mucosa, eye, and central nervous system.

Clinical findings

  • Varix (venous lake): This occurs in middle-aged and older adults as a bluish bleb, from a few millimeters to 1 to 2 cm in size, located on the lips, tongue, or buccal mucosa; pressure causes blanching and this is demonstrated by pressing a glass slide onto the lesion so that the vessel empties (diascopy), although this can also be accomplished with a dental instrument; lesions may bleed ( Fig. 6.6 A–C).

    FIG. 6.6, (A) Varix of the lower lip mucosa. (B) Same case as in A; varix blanches with pressure. (C) Varix of the left lateral tongue. (D) Bilateral lingual varices of the ventral tongue. (E) Venous malformation of lower lip mucosa. (F) Venous malformation of the left tongue.

  • Bilateral lingual varicose veins of the ventral tongue are common in older adults and are generally considered to be a variation of normal in older patients ( Fig. 6.6 D).

  • Venous/venular or arteriovenous malformation: These are larger bluish masses usually present in the pediatric population. In the oral cavity, they occur in older patients and are usually several centimeters in size, often involving the underlying muscle leading to enlargement and deformity ( Fig. 6.6 E–F); some cases are within the maxilla or mandible (see Chapter 17 ).

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

A varix (venous lake) is a dilated venule that results from loss of elasticity of the muscle around venules (likely postcapillary venules) leading to dilatation of the lumen. Venous malformation is a low-flow lesion that is a developmental malformation of the veins that is caused by local defects of vascular morphogenesis and dysembryogenesis; such malformations are connected to the normal vasculature. Mutations in TEK and PIK3CA account for 62% and 20% of unifocal venous malformations, respectively. They may occur as arteriovenous malformations and are best diagnosed by a thorough clinical examination and ultrasonographic and/or angiographic studies.

  • Varix: These are dilated, tortuous, thin-walled vessels with a variable but usually thin muscular coat; valve leaflets are often present ( Figs. 6.7 and 6.8 ); thrombi in various stages of organization are often noted, sometimes with hyalinization or even calcifications, and Masson tumor (intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia), a pattern of thrombosis, is sometimes seen; this is composed of small hyalinized globules surrounded by endothelium forming papillary structures ( Figs. 6.9–6.11 ).

    FIG. 6.7, Varices of lip. (A) Dilated venules. (B) Spaces are lined by a single layer of endothelium and the muscle wall varies in thickness.

    FIG. 6.8, Varices of lower lip. (A) Dilated and congested venules. (B) Dilated endothelium-lined space with valve leaflets and thin muscle coat.

    FIG. 6.9, Varix with organizing thrombus. (A) Attachment of thrombus to the vessel wall is noted (bottom) . (B) Layers of fibrin and red blood cells with organization. (C) Organizing thrombus is composed of endothelial cells and capillaries and mitotic figures and eosinophils are not uncommon.

    FIG. 6.10, Organizing thrombus. (A) Markedly cellular nodule. (B) Nodule consists of mainly endothelial cells with remnants of the thrombus (left) and area of hyalinization (center) . (C) Focus of Masson tumor. (D) Marked hypercellularity with mitotic figure.

    FIG. 6.11, Organizing thrombus. (A) Hyalinization with granulation tissue. (B) Focal calcifications noted within this hyalinized thrombus. (C) Masson tumor exhibiting papillary endothelial hyperplasia. (D) Endothelial cells surrounding the papillary structures exhibit nuclear positivity for ERG.

  • Venous/venular malformation: Many dilated venules of varying sizes are noted, often intramuscular in location without a proliferation of endothelial cells; many lesions are venular rather than venous and some are arteriolar-venular ( Figs. 6.12–6.13 ).

    FIG. 6.12, Venular malformation. (A) Many congested venules are present. (B) Vessels exhibit a thin muscular coat. (C) Valve leaflets are present.

    FIG. 6.13, Venular malformation. (A) Venules of varying sizes fill the superficial and deep lamina propria. (B) Venules exhibit varying thickness of muscle wall. (C) Thin muscle coat is present around most vessels (trichrome stain).

Differential diagnosis

  • Arteriovenous malformations exhibit the presence of arterioles, arteries, veins, and venules; these lesions have high flow and distinct ultrasonographic findings.

  • Telangiectasia characterized by dilated vessels in the superficial lamina propria of the lips and tongue are seen in limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (also known as calcinosis-Raynaud phenomenon-esophageal dysmotility-sclerodactyly-telangiectasia [ CREST ] syndrome), an autoimmune condition characterized by anticentromere antibodies. It is also seen in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia , an autosomal dominant vascular dysplasia with mutation in ENG leading to Type 1 disease, mutation in ACVRL1 leading to Type 2 disease, and mutation in MADH4 with concomitant juvenile polyposis.

Management and prognosis

  • Excision, laser ablation, and sclerotherapy are useful treatments with success rates of 70% to 100%.


  • Buckmiller LM, Richter GT, Suen JY. Diagnosis and management of hemangiomas and vascular malformations of the head and neck. Oral Dis . 2010;16:405-418.

  • Cebeci D, Karasel S, Yasar S. Venous lakes of the lips successfully treated with a sclerosing agent 1% polidocanol: analysis of 25 report cases. Int J Surg Case Rep . 2021;78:265-269.

  • Eivazi B, Wiegand S, Teymoortash A, et al. Laser treatment of mucosal venous malformations of the upper aerodigestive tract in 50 patients. Lasers Med Sci . 2010;25:571-576.

  • Hedstrom L, Bergh H. Sublingual varices in relation to smoking and cardiovascular diseases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2010;48:136-138.

  • Horbach SE, Lokhorst MM, Saeed P, de Gouyon Matignon de Pontouraude CM, Rothova A, van der Horst CM. Sclerotherapy for low-flow vascular malformations of the head and neck: a systematic review of sclerosing agents. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg . 2016;69:295-304.

  • Kuhnel T, Wirsching K, Wohlgemuth W, Chavan A, Evert K, Vielsmeier V. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Otolaryngol Clin North Am . 2018;51:237-254.

  • Lazos JP, Piemonte ED, Panico RL. Oral varix: a review. Gerodontology . 2015;32:82-89.

  • Limaye N, Kangas J, Mendola A, et al. Somatic activating PIK3CA mutations cause venous malformation. Am J Hum Genet . 2015;97:914-921.

  • Mulliken JB, Glowacki J. Hemangiomas and vascular malformations in infants and children: a classification based on endothelial characteristics. Plast Reconstr Surg . 1982;69:412-422.

  • Soares AB, Altemani A, Furuse C, et al. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia: report of 2 cases and immunohistochemical study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 2008;106:708-711.

  • Theologie-Lygidakis N, Schoinohoriti O, Tzermpos F, Christopoulos P, Iatrou I. Management of intraosseous vascular malformations of the jaws in children and adolescents: report of 6 cases and literature review. J Oral Maxillofac Res . 2015;6:e5.

  • file/ISSVA-Classification-2018.pdf . Accessed April 30, 2019.

Caliber-persistent labial artery

Clinical findings

  • The mean age of occurrence is in the sixth decade with equal gender distribution; there is a bluish, sometimes nodular, often vermiform, pulsatile lesion of the lip, with the lower lip involved twice as frequently; clinically it is often mistaken for a mucocele.

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

Caliber-persistent labial artery represents a branch of the labial artery that fails to reduce its caliber even in the superficial tissues.

  • A normal artery with inner continuous elastic lamina and thick muscular wall, and faint outer elastic lamina, lies within the lamina propria, with an artery diameter-to-depth ratio of less than 1.6 ( Fig. 6.14 ).

    FIG. 6.14, Caliber-persistent labial artery. (A) An artery is present in the deep lamina propria. (B) Artery with elastic lamina and thick muscle coat. (C) Elastin stain outlines the elastic lamina.

Management and prognosis

  • Trauma leads to pulsatile bleeding, and the biopsy is diagnostic. Ultrasonographic imaging mitigates the need for a biopsy, but this is rarely performed because the clinical impression is usually that of mucocele, which is normally excised.


  • Awni S, Conn B. Caliber-persistent labial artery: a rarely recognized cause of a lower lip swelling-report of 5 cases and review of the literature. J Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2016;74:1391-1395.

  • Lovas JG, Rodu B, Hammond HL, et al. Caliber-persistent labial artery. A common vascular anomaly. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 1998;86:308-312.

  • Wortsman X, Calderon P, Arellano J, Orellana Y. High-resolution color Doppler ultrasound of a caliber-persistent artery of the lip, a simulator variant of dermatologic disease: case report and sonographic findings. Int J Dermatol . 2009;48:830-833.

Lymphangiectasia, lymphatic malformation (lymphangioma circumscriptum)

Unlike cystic hygromas, lymphangiomas of the oral cavity are small and usually superficially located, and most represent lymphangiectasia while larger lesions represent small lymphatic malformations. The term lymphangioma circumscriptum has been used for similar lesions of the skin but the more appropriate term is lymphatic malformation as recommended by ISSVA.

Clinical findings

  • This occurs in children, teenagers, and young adults with a mean age in the third decade and infrequently occur in older adults. Congenital lesions occur on the alveolar ridge in neonates (see Chapter 2 ).

  • There are clusters of translucent vesicular structures resembling “frog spawn,” with at least 50% of cases occurring on the tongue and 17% on the buccal mucosa ( Fig. 6.15 ); there may be pain and bleeding and with larger lesions, difficulty with speech and swallowing. A staging system for the tongue has been suggested as follows:

    • Stage I: superficial microcystic lymphatic malformations of the tongue

    • Stage II: isolated lymphatic malformations of the tongue with muscle involvement

    • Stage III: microcystic lymphatic malformations of the tongue and the floor of mouth

    • Stage IV: extensive microcystic lymphatic malformations involving the tongue, floor of mouth, and further cervical structures

    FIG. 6.15, Lymphatic malformation of the tongue manifesting as clusters of hemorrhagic and ulcerated vesicles.

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

Mutations in PIK3CA and other genes in the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway have been identified in sporadic extraoral lymphatic malformations and in syndromes associated with malformative/overgrowth disorders (e.g., Klippel-Trenaunay and CLOVES syndromes). However, it is unclear whether the localized lymphangiectasias of the oral cavity harbor the same mutations.

  • Dilated vascular spaces are lined by a single layer of endothelial cells that are usually positive for D2-40 (podoplanin) and exhibit valve leaflets. They are filled with pale, wispy, or denser eosinophilic material. These typically abut the epithelium, which has a bosselated surface, and lymphatic channels may insinuate into the underlying muscle; sometimes dilated venous channels are also present ( Fig. 6.16 ).

    FIG. 6.16, Lymphangiectasia (Lymphangioma circumscriptum). (A) Circumscribed collection of large vascular spaces within the superficial and deep lamina propria. (B) Vascular spaces abut the epithelium. (C) Vascular spaces are lined by a single layer of endothelial cells and filled with pale, wispy lymph. (D) Lymphatic endothelium showing cytoplasmic positivity for D2-40. (E) Sometimes there is an associated venular malformation that in this case exhibits thrombosis.

  • Microcystic lesions have lumina that are <1 cm while macrocystic lesions have lumina >1 cm.

Differential diagnosis

  • Venous malformations have thin muscular walls and usually do not abut the epithelium and are negative for D2-40.

Management and prognosis

  • Excision or laser ablation is curative for small intraoral lesions, although larger and deeper lesions that cannot be completely removed recur. Larger lesions especially those of the subcutaneous tissues are treated with sclerotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, and electrocoagulation.

  • Treatment with mTOR inhibitors such as sirolimus has led to partial regression in 85% of large lymphatic malformations.


  • Brouillard P, Boon L, Vikkula M. Genetics of lymphatic anomalies. J Clin Invest . 2014;124:898-904.

  • Elluru RG, Balakrishnan K, Padua HM. Lymphatic malformations: diagnosis and management. Semin Pediatr Surg . 2014;23:178-185.

  • Itakura E, Yamamoto H, Oda Y, et al. VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 in a series of lymphangiomas: is superficial lymphangioma a true lymphangioma? Virchows Arch . 2009;454:317-325.

  • Kalpidis CD, Lysitsa SN, Kolokotronis AE, et al. Solitary superficial microcystic lymphatic malformation (lymphangioma circumscriptum) of the gingiva. J Periodontol . 2006;77:1797-1801.

  • Wiegand S, Eivazi B, Zimmermann AP, et al. Microcystic lymphatic malformations of the tongue: diagnosis, classification, and treatment. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2009;135:976-983.

  • Wiegand S, Wichmann G, Dietz A. Treatment of lymphatic malformations with the mTOR inhibitor sirolimus: a systematic review. Lymphat Res Biol . 2018;16:330-339.

  • Yaita T, Onodera K, Xu H, Ooya K. Histomorphometrical study in cavernous lymphangioma of the tongue. Oral Dis . 2007;13:99-104.

Epithelioid hemangioma

This benign tumor was previously referred to as “angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE).”

Clinical findings

  • This occurs in the third to fifth decades and is twice as common in males. The head and neck area is the most common site for this entity followed by the distal extremities.

  • It presents as a painless nodule with 90% occurring on the lips (the most common site), tongue, or buccal mucosa, sometimes with a history of trauma; bone and deep soft tissue may be affected.

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

FOS rearrangement has been noted in 50% of the cellular subtype arising in areas outside of the head and neck, and FOSB rearrangement in 20% of all cases, and both may occur within bone. GATA6::FOXO1 fusion has been reported in a small number of cases.

  • Classic lesions exhibit a circumscribed, multilobular proliferation of endothelial cells with larger peripheral vessels and a central compressed vessel, and surrounding fibromyxoid stroma. The endothelial cells are plump and epithelioid protruding into vessels with a tombstone appearance, and contain abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, sometimes with an intracytoplasmic vacuole representing a rudimentary lumen; nuclei have dispersed chromatin and small nucleoli.

  • ALHE subtype exhibits a moderate to marked lymphocytic infiltrate and variable number of eosinophils ( Fig. 6.17 ). There may be outward maturation with nests of epithelioid cells in the center, small-lumen vessels further out, and well-formed vessels at the periphery.

    FIG. 6.17, Epithelioid hemangioma. (A) Circumscribed multilobular cellular nodule with dilated large vessels in the center. (B) Many capillaries, epithelioid cells, and lymphocytes. (C) Epithelioid endothelial cells with large, benign nuclei and small nucleoli. (D) Cells show cytoplasmic positivity for CD31. (E) Eosinophils are highlighted with the Giemsa stain.

  • Cellular type exhibits >50% sheet-like growth of tumor cells.

  • Endothelial cells are positive for CD31, GLUT-1, and for ERG. FOSB is present in 100% of the ALHE subtype, and in 75% and only 10% of conventional and cellular epithelioid hemangioma, respectively.

Differential diagnosis

  • Kimura disease affects Asian men in the third and fourth decades who present with peripheral blood eosinophilia, elevated IgE, and nodules within the subcutaneous tissues of the head and neck, enlarged lymph nodes, and/or enlarged parotid gland. There is a patchy lymphocytic infiltrate with many germinal centers with distinct mantle zones and eosinophils, but not a proliferation of epithelioid endothelial cells although there are many dilated postcapillary venules; eosinophilic folliculolysis, necrosis, and eosinophilic abscesses may be present ( Fig. 6.18 ).

    FIG. 6.18, Kimura disease. (A) Fibrosis and a dense lymphocytic infiltrate with many germinal centers. (B) Germinal center, many lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils.

  • Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma, a vascular tumor of indeterminate biologic potential, exhibits a proliferation of plump, spindled and epithelioid cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm in loose fascicles, often with rhabdomyoblastic cytomorphology with almost 100% expression of FOSB from SERPINE1::FOSB and ACTB::FOSB fusions.

  • Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma consists of strands and cords of epithelioid and slightly atypical endothelial cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, prominent cytoplasmic vacuoles, and myxochondroid or hyaline stroma; well-formed vascular channels are usually absent. These are positive for CAMTA1 (from WWTR1::CAMTA1 fusion) and sometimes TFE3 (from YAP1::TFE3 fusion), and generally negative for FOSB.

Management and prognosis

  • Excision is curative.


  • Antonescu CR, Huang SC, Sung YS, et al. Novel GATA6-FOXO1 fusions in a subset of epithelioid hemangioma. Mod Pathol . 2021;34:934-941.

  • Chen H, Thompson LD, Aguilera NS, Abbondanzo SL. Kimura disease: a clinicopathologic study of 21 cases. Am J Surg Pathol . 2004;28:505-513.

  • Chen JL, Wang Q, Huang LM, et al. A rare case of Kimura disease with lumps on the cheek and behind the ear. Oral Oncol . 2021;121:105303.

  • Gao Y, Chen Y, Yu GY. Clinicopathologic study of parotid involvement in 21 cases of eosinophilic hyperplastic lymphogranuloma (Kimura’s disease). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 2006;102:651-658.

  • Huang SC, Zhang L, Sung YS, et al. Frequent FOS gene rearrangements in epithelioid hemangioma: a molecular study of 58 cases with morphologic reappraisal. Am J Surg Pathol . 2015;39:1313-1321.

  • Hung YP, Fletcher CD, Hornick JL. FOSB is a useful diagnostic marker for pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma. Am J Surg Pathol . 2017;41:596-606.

  • Papke DJ Jr, Hornick JL. What is new in endothelial neoplasia? Virchows Arch . 2020;476:17-28.

  • Sun ZJ, Zhang L, Zhang WF, et al. Epithelioid hemangioma in the oral mucosa: a clinicopathological study of seven cases and review of the literature. Oral Oncol . 2006;42:441-447.

  • Tsuda Y, Suurmeijer AJH, Sung YS, Zhang L, Healey JH, Antonescu CR. Epithelioid hemangioma of bone harboring FOS and FOSB gene rearrangements: a clinicopathologic and molecular study. Genes Chromosomes Cancer . 2021;60:17-25.

  • Wang L, Chen L, Yang X, Gao T, Wang G. Benign lymphangioendothelioma: a clinical, histopathologic and immunohistochemical analysis of four cases. J Cutan Pathol . 2013;40:945-949.

Kaposi sarcoma

Kaposi sarcoma is currently classified as a vascular tumor of intermediate (nonmetastasizing) potential and whether it is a true neoplasm is disputed. It is associated with human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) infection and there is high seropositivity for antibodies against this virus in Africa and the Brazilian Amazon (>50%), intermediate seropositivity in Mediterranean countries, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and Middle East (5%–20%), and low seropositivity in Northern Europe and North America and much of Europe and Asia (<5%).

Clinical findings

There are five epidemiologic patterns as presented in Table 6.2 :

  • The most common sites are maxillary gingiva, palatal mucosa, or tongue, and infiltration of bone results in loosening of teeth ( Fig. 6.19 ).

    FIG. 6.19, AIDS-associated Kaposi sarcoma. (A) Maxillary gingiva. (B) Tongue dorsum.

  • Lesions go through stages as follows: dusky red or purple macule of early patch stage, plaque stage, and then nodular/mass of tumor stage; oral lesions are generally plaque or tumor stage.

  • Up to 60% of subjects who have Kaposi sarcoma excrete this virus in saliva while up to 30% of African patients who do not have the disease do so.

  • Worsening of Kaposi sarcoma is one of the features of patients on antiretroviral therapy who develop immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).

Epidemiologic Forms of Kaposi Sarcoma
Classic In older men historically of Mediterranean descent; papules and nodules of the skin of the lower limbs, indolent disease
Endemic In the Black African population, ulcerated nodules of the extremities with visceral involvement; pediatric lymphadenopathic form has poor prognosis
Iatrogenic In patients with long-term immunosuppressive therapy, especially after solid organ (especially lung and kidney) transplantation
Epidemic In men who have sex with men, and who have HIV/AIDS
Fifth type In men who have sex with men but who are not HIV positive; indolent disease

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

HHV-8 is a DNA, γ-herpesvirus and the pathogenic agent for Kaposi sarcoma. However, in countries where HHV-8 infection is high, many HIV-negative individuals never develop this tumor indicating that host factors play an important role such as HIV-coinfection, immunosuppression, and immunosenescence. Infection of endothelial cells by HHV-8 induces a plethora of proangiogenic molecules especially those in the vascular endothelial growth factor family and angiogenin. There is upregulation of HHV-8 gene products such as latency-associated nuclear antigen-1 (LANA-1) or latent nuclear antigen-1 (LNA-1).

  • Patch stage lesions exhibit ectatic vascular channels that dissect between connective tissue fibers.

  • Most oral cavity cases are in the nodular stage and consist of a cellular proliferation of spindle cells in fascicles with slit-like vascular spaces, and abundant extravascular erythrocytes, hemosiderin and intra- and extracytoplasmic periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)-positive eosinophilic globules. Nuclei are spindled with slight variation in size, dispersed chromatin, and small nucleoli; mitotic figures are infrequent in patch and plaque lesions but readily identified in nodular/mass lesions, and there is no pleomorphism or necrosis except in the anaplastic variant. ( Figs. 6.20 and 6.21 ).

    FIG. 6.20, Kaposi sarcoma. (A) Cellular proliferation of spindle cells with dilated vascular spaces and abundant fresh hemorrhage. (B) Spindle cells surround slit-like spaces and show mild nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic figures; erythrocytes are present between spindle cells and within lumen.

  • Histologic variants have been identified such as anaplastic, lymphedematous, telangiectatic, glomeruloid, keloidal, ecchymotic, pigmented, hyperkeratotic/verrucous, intravascular, and with myoid nodules, although rarely in the mouth. These do not appear to have prognostic significance.

  • Patients with HIV/AIDS may also show concomitant opportunistic infections with cryptococcus, mycobacteria, or molluscum.

  • Nuclear positivity for LANA-1 is diagnostic and both sensitive and specific ( Fig. 6.21 B); spindle cells also exhibit cytoplasmic positivity for factor VIII–related antigen, CD31 (lower diagnostic sensitivity compared with CD34 in tumor stage) as well as for lymphatic endothelium markers such as D2-40, LYVE-1, PROX-1, and VEGFR3.

    FIG. 6.21, Kaposi sarcoma. (A) Plump spindle cells, eosinophilic globules, and abundant hemosiderin. (B) Positive immunostaining for nuclear HHV-8.

Differential diagnosis

  • The differential diagnosis of Kaposi sarcoma includes many spindle cell tumors but in the head and neck region and oral cavity, it must be distinguished from sarcomatoid carcinoma and spindle cell melanoma. Epithelial markers such as keratin and p40, S100, and SOX10 distinguish them.

Management and prognosis

  • Localized lesions such as those in the oral cavity are successfully treated with excision, laser ablation, intralesional vincristine therapy, and radiation.

  • More extensive lesions are treated with systemic therapy that includes paclitaxel and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin or daunorubicin, as well as vinblastine, etoposide or bleomycin, and antiangiogenic agents such as bevacizumab and pomalidomide.

  • Those with HIV/AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma are treated with combination antiretroviral therapy while those with posttransplantation lesions are often treated by reducing immunosuppression and treating with mTOR inhibitors.


  • Agaimy A, Mueller SK, Harrer T, Bauer S, Thompson LDR. Head and neck Kaposi sarcoma: clinicopathological analysis of 11 cases. Head Neck Pathol . 2018;12:511-516.

  • Benevenuto de Andrade BA, Ramirez-Amador V, Anaya-Saavedra G, et al. Expression of PROX-1 in oral Kaposi’s sarcoma spindle cells. J Oral Pathol Med . 2014;43:132-136.

  • Bunn BK, Carvalho Mde V, Louw M, et al. Microscopic diversity in oral Kaposi sarcoma. Oral Surg Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol . 2013;115:241-248.

  • Dow DE, Cunningham CK, Buchanan AM. A review of human herpesvirus 8, the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, in the pediatric population. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc . 2014;3:66-76.

  • Grayson W. Recognition of dual or multiple pathology in skin biopsies from patients with HIV/AIDS. Patholog Res Int . 2011;2011:398546.

  • Labo N, Marshall V, Miley W, et al. Mutual detection of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus and Epstein-Barr virus in blood and saliva of Cameroonians with and without Kaposi’s sarcoma. Int J Cancer . 2019;145:2468-2477.

  • Lanternier F, Lebbe C, Schartz N, et al. Kaposi’s sarcoma in HIV-negative men having sex with men. AIDS . 2008;22:1163-1168.

  • Lebbe C, Legendre C, Frances C. Kaposi sarcoma in transplantation. Transplant Rev (Orlando) . 2008;22:252-261.

  • Lebbe C, Garbe C, Stratigos AJ, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of Kaposi’s sarcoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline (EDF/EADO/EORTC). Eur J Cancer . 2019;114:117-127.

  • Pantanowitz L, Otis CN, Dezube BJ. Immunohistochemistry in Kaposi’s sarcoma. Clin Exp Dermatol . 2010;35:68-72.

  • Patrikidou A, Vahtsevanos K, Charalambidou M, et al. Non-AIDS Kaposi’s sarcoma in the head and neck area. Head Neck . 2009;31:260-268.

  • O’Donnell PJ, Pantanowitz L, Grayson W. Unique histologic variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma. Am J Dermatopathol . 2010;32:244-250.

  • Pugalagiri P, Muller S, Cox DP, et al. Lymphangioma-like Kaposi sarcoma of the oral mucosa. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol . 2013;116:84-90.

  • Ramirez-Amador V, Anaya-Saavedra G, Martinez-Mata G. Kaposi’s sarcoma of the head and neck: a review. Oral Oncol . 2010;46:135-145.

  • Vangipuram R, Tyring SK. Epidemiology of Kaposi sarcoma: review and description of the nonepidemic variant. Int J Dermatol . 2019;58: 538-542.

Neural tumors

Neural tumors are the most common benign spindle cell tumors in the oral cavity constituting approximately 20% of such tumors. Only the more common ones seen in the oral cavity will be discussed here.

Clinical findings

  • Neural tumors are most common in the third and fourth decades of life with a very slight 1.3:1 female predilection.

  • They present as a solitary nodule, most frequently on the tongue (50%–55%), lips (12%), and palatal mucosa (12%), sites that have rich innervation ( Fig. 6.22 A–B). Infrequently, neurofibroma or other nerve sheath tumors may occur within the mandible involving the inferior alveolar nerve, leading to a “blunderbuss” appearance of the canal (see Fig. 6.22 C).

    FIG. 6.22, (A) Solitary neurofibroma of the lower lip. (B) Solitary circumscribed neuroma of the tongue dorsum. (C) Panoramic radiograph showing “blunderbuss” enlargement of the inferior alveolar canal secondary to a neural tumor.

  • Traumatic neuroma: These are often painful or cause paresthesia and are seen at sites of previous surgery or frequent trauma such as lower lip, tongue, in the vicinity of the mental foramen in the edentulous mandible from denture trauma, and in the vicinity of the lingual nerve after third molar surgery.

  • Neurofibroma , either solitary or multiple, may be associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), whereas schwannomas, especially vestibular schwannomas, are associated with NF2.

  • Solitary, circumscribed neuroma are generally located on the hard palatal and lip mucosa (70% of cases).

  • Perineurioma is uncommon and tends to occur in the fifth decade and presents in both bone and soft tissue.

  • Mucosal neuromas present as multiple nodules on the lips and tongue and strongly suggest multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2B.

Traumatic neuroma

Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

Traumatic partial or total severance of nerve fibers leads to Wallerian degeneration and subsequent axonal regeneration and remyelination resulting in a tangle of nerve fiber surrounded by scar tissue. These are not uncommonly encountered associated with the lingual nerve after third molar extraction and may be intraosseous.

  • There are nerve fibers of varying sizes, with some showing mucinous change or thickened perineurium with intervening fibrosis and scarring ( Figs. 6.23 and 6.24 A).

    FIG. 6.23, Traumatic neuroma. (A) Nerve fibers of varying sizes with fibrosis. (B) Nerve fibers with thickened endoneurium.

  • Schwann cells are positive for S100 protein and SOX10; neurofilament protein (NFP) highlights axons and the perineurium is positive for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), GLUT-1, and claudin-1 ( Fig. 6.24 B).

    FIG. 6.24, Traumatic neuroma. (A) Tangled nerve fibers with scarring. (B) Neurofilament protein positivity within neurites.

Differential diagnosis

  • Mucosal neuromas of MEN type 2B show hyperplasia of nerve fibers but an absence of fibrosis and scarring.

Management and prognosis

  • Excision is curative.


  • Edwards M, Reid JS. Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type IIb: a case report. Int J Paediatr Dent . 1998;8:55-60.

  • Foltan R, Klima K, Spackova J, Sedy J. Mechanism of traumatic neuroma development. Med Hypotheses . 2008;71:572-576.

  • Hirose T, Tani T, Shimada T, et al. Immunohistochemical demonstration of EMA/Glut1-positive perineurial cells and CD34-positive fibroblastic cells in peripheral nerve sheath tumors. Mod Pathol . 2003;16:293-298.

  • Tamiolakis P, Chrysomali E, Sklavounou-Andrikopoulou A, Nikitakis NG. Oral neural tumors: clinicopathologic analysis of 157 cases and review of the literature. J Clin Exp Dent . 2019;11:e721-e731.

  • Tokuc B, Altindis S, Coskunses FM, Sinanoglu A. Excision of rare intraosseous traumatic neuroma of the mandible. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg . 2021;122:199-202.

  • Vora AR, Loescher AR, Craig GT, et al. A light microscopical study on the structure of traumatic neuromas of the human lingual nerve. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod . 2005;99:395-403.


Etiopathogenesis and histopathologic features

Neurofibroma arises within a nerve and represents a neoplastic proliferation of Schwann cells, fibroblasts, perineurial cells, and myelinated and unmyelinated axons within myxoid and collagenous stroma. Neurofibromas are usually solitary and sporadic; some (especially the plexiform type) are seen in patients with NF1, an autosomal dominant disorder associated with an inactivating mutation in NF1 on 17q. It is associated with other signs of neurofibromatosis such as

  • multiple skin neurofibromas;

  • café-au-lait macules;

  • freckling of the axillae or groin (Crowe sign);

  • Lisch nodules;

  • osseous dysplasia of the sphenoid or long bones;

  • optic glioma;

  • first-degree relatives with the syndrome;

  • jaw abnormalities such as overgrowth of the alveolus and increased size of the coronoid notch; and

  • dental abnormalities.

Only one segment or dermatome is involved by pigmentation and cutaneous neurofibromas in mosaic NF1.

  • Localized type: There is a discrete proliferation of spindle cells in a delicately or densely collagenous stroma with variably (sometimes extensively) myxoid background. Cells have wavy cytoplasmic processes, indistinct cell borders, and curvilinear, comma-shaped, or tadpole-shaped nuclei with inconspicuous nucleoli, and there may be slight nuclei atypia ( Fig. 6.25 ). Mast cells are readily identified, neurites are often present, and the perineurium may be present. Some cases contain ganglion cells. Hybrid tumors with localized schwannomatous areas exist and “bizarre” neurofibroma exhibits pleomorphic, hyperchromatic, and degenerative nuclear changes.

    FIG. 6.25, Neurofibroma. (A) Spindle cells in delicately collagenous stroma. (B) Spindle cells with comma-shaped nuclei, delicate collagen, and there are many mast cells. (C) Diffuse unencapsulated proliferation of spindle cells in the superficial and deep lamina propria. (D) Spindle cells with curvilinear nuclei in delicately collagenous, slightly myxoid stroma. (E) Many but not all spindle cells are S100+. (F) Diffuse neurofibroma exhibiting Meissner corpuscles.

  • Diffuse type: This neurofibroma infiltrates adjacent structures, although cells have the same morphology as conventional neurofibroma; Wagner-Meissner corpuscles are usually present (see Fig. 6.25 F).

  • Plexiform type: This neurofibroma consists of tortuous nodules and cords of neural tissue that represent the unevenly enlarged and expanded nerves of neurofibromatosis ( Fig. 6.26 ).

    FIG. 6.26, Plexiform neurofibroma of tongue in a patient with neurofibromatosis-1. (A) Tortuous nodules and cords of neural tissue in the lamina propria and muscle. (B) spindle cells within delicately collagenous and myxoid stroma with more cellular areas representing neurites.

  • Schwann cells are positive for S100 protein and SOX10 and non-schwannian spindle cells exhibit positivity for CD34 (see Fig. 6.25 E).

  • Dendritic cell neurofibroma is a variant that contains spindled type I cells with comma-shaped nuclei that surround large, polygonal type II cells with dendritic processes, abundant pale cytoplasm, and vesicular nuclei with pseudoinclusions; pseudorosettes are present. Both populations are S100+; the large cells are CD57+ and spindled cells show slight and variable positivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), microphthalmic transcription factor (MITF), and NFP ( Fig. 6.27 ).

    FIG. 6.27, Dendritic cell neurofibroma. (A) Circumscribed nodule composed of spindle cells. (B) Pseudorosettes composed of spindle cells at the periphery and large, pale cells in the center. (C) Pseudorosette composed of spindle type I cells and larger, pale type II cells. (D) CD57 positivity within the larger pale cells.

  • Transformation of neurofibroma, usually plexiform type in patients with neurofibromatosis to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor is characterized by high cellularity, mitotic figures, loss of S100 protein and SOX10 and CD34+ fibroblasts, increased Ki67 labeling, and loss of H3K27me.

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