Treatment and Management of Hereditary Neuropathies

The authors thank Gerald Raymond for helpful feedback on this chapter.

Overview of Inherited Neuropathies

Hereditary neuropathy remains a major cause of neuropathy in patients referred to tertiary centers, estimated to represent 25% to 40% of all causes of neuropathy. With a prevalence of 1 per 2500, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) is the most common inherited neurologic disorder, affecting approximately 150,000 Americans. The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies and its use in gene discovery and primary diagnosis has sustained an explosion in the number of genes and alleles associated with hereditary neuropathy. The characterization of genetic mutations underlying these familial diseases has led to an understanding of disease pathogenesis and has heralded a new era of rational targeted therapies. Recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals of biologic therapies for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and hereditary transthyretin (hTTR) amyloidosis have energized patients, advocacy groups, physicians, and drug developers and have spurred interest in a wide range of hereditary neuromuscular diseases without approved therapies. While targeted therapies still benefit only a small subset of inherited neuropathy patients, most patients benefit from symptomatic therapies and referral to specialists with expertise in treating hereditary neuropathy.

In this chapter, we will take a practical approach to caring for patients with familial neuropathy. We will discuss the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of these diseases. We will cover both disorders specifically affecting peripheral nerves (referred to as nonsyndromic inherited neuropathies , listed in Table 14.2 ) and systemic genetic disorders in which peripheral neuropathy is a major clinical feature (referred to as multiple system-inherited or syndromic neuropathies , listed in Table 14.3 ). We will first consider the hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSNs), also called CMT disease, and hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSANs), summarized in Table 14.2 . Since there is considerable overlap between hereditary motor neuropathies (HMNs) and motor neuron diseases, these disorders will be briefly discussed here, and specific management of motor neuron diseases is discussed in Chapters 12 (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ALS]) and 13 (SMA). As shown in Table 14.3 , the list of syndromic neuropathies is long, and we will focus on inherited syndromes in which neuropathy is a primary feature and in which specific treatments are available or in the clinical pipeline: familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP), Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), Fabry disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and Krabbe disease, X-linked adrenomyeloneuropathy, Refsum disease, and porphyric neuropathy.

Table 14.1
Distinguishing Features of Inherited and Acquired Neuropathies
Inherited Acquired
Time course

  • Onset and progression

Long-standing (several years), slow progression Acute, subacute, or chronic (∼months–years)

  • Symmetric

  • Distal, proximal

  • Unusual sites—vocal cords, phrenic nerve

Symmetric; distal > proximal;
presence of foot deformities
Symmetric or asymmetric; may have similar proximal and distal involvement
Fiber types

  • Sensory—small fibers

  • Sensory—large fibers

  • Motor

  • Autonomic

Motor > sensory; sensory signs > sensory symptoms Depends on etiology; commonly sensory > motor

  • Axonal

  • Demyelinating

  • Uniform

  • Entrapment sites

  • Conduction block

Axonal or demyelinating; findings uniform from segment to segment and between adjacent nerves
Physiology often worse than clinical phenotype
May be axonal or demyelinating; may be uniform or nonuniform
Severity of physiological findings generally correlates with clinical phenotype
Family history Positive Negative; although family members may have diabetic, alcohol-related, or other acquired neuropathies

Table 14.2
Nonsyndromic Inherited Neuropathies
Disease Inheritance Pattern Gene or Locus Clinical Features
Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies (HMSN)
  • Demyelinating

Forearm NCV usually <38 m/second
  • CMT1

AD Young adult onset, NCV 10–35 m/second
    • CMT1A

PMP22 (usually duplication) Most common (70% of all CMT1)
Mutations also cause CMT3
    • CMT1B

MPZ (P 0 ) Mutations also cause CMT2 and CMT3
    • CMT1C

    • CMT1D

EGR2 Broad clinical spectrum (also CMT3)
    • CMT1F

NEFL DSS phenotype common
    • CMT1 plus

FBLN5 Macular degeneration; cutis laxa
    • CMT1

PMP2 Classic CMT1
    • SNCV/CMT1

ARHGEF10 Asymptomatic slowed NCVs
  • HNPP

AD PMP22 (usually deletion) Adult onset episodic entrapment neuropathies, mild slowing (NCV 40–50 m/second)
  • CMT3

Severe, early-onset demyelinating
    • DSS

CMT1 genes
Onset before age 3 years old
    • CHN

Congenital onset
AR-CHN, also known as CMT4E
  • CMT4

AR Childhood onset, usually severe
    • CMT4A

GDAP1 Both axonal and demyelinating types
    • CMT4B1

MTMR2 Biopsy shows focally folded myelin
    • CMT4B2

SBF2/MTMR13 Same as above ± early-onset glaucoma
    • CMT4C

SH3TC2 Scoliosis often severe, also axonal types
    • CMT4D

NDRG1 Dysmorphic features, deafness
    • CMT4E

    • CMT4F

PRX DSS phenotype
    • CMT4G

    • CMT4H

    • CMT4J

  • Slow NCV

AD ARHGEF10 Asymptomatic NCV slowing
Intermediate NCV 25–45 m/second
  • CMTX

    • CMTX1

GJB1/Cx32 Similar to CMT1, but males more severely affected, CNS involvement common
  • CMTX2, Cowchuck syn

AIFM1 MR, deafness, axonal
    • CMTX5

PRPS1 Axonal CMT, deafness, optic atrophy
    • CMTX6

PDK3 Axonal CMT
    • CMTX

DRP2 Intermediate MCVs

    • DI-CMTA

    • DI-CMTB

DNM2 Neutropenia
    • DI-CMTC

    • DI-CMTD

    • DI-CMTE

IFN2 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
    • DI-CMTF


    • CMTR1A

    • CMTR1B

    • CMTR1C

    • CMTR1D

  • Axonal

NCV >38 m/second
  • CMT2

AD Young adult onset
    • CMT2A

KIF1B (rare)
Most common; also HMSN V (optic atrophy), VI (spasticity), and early onset
    • CMT2B

RAB7 Severe sensory loss like HSAN-1
    • CMT2C

TRPV4 Vocal cord/diaphragm weakness
    • CMT2D

GARS Arm > leg, motor predominant, similar to dHMN caused by BSCL2 mutations
    • CMT2E

NEFL Allelic with CMT1E; variable phenotype
    • CMT2F

HSP27 (HSPB1) Motor predominant
    • CMT2G

12q12-13.3 Proximal > distal weakness
    • CMT2H, K

GDAP1 Allelic with CMT4A
    • CMT2I, J

MPZ (P 0 ) Cough, pain, autonomic/pupil, deafness
    • CMT2L

HSP22 (HSPB8) Motor predominant, allelic with HMNIIa

DNM2 Intermediate or CMT2; cataracts; ophthalmoplegia; ptosis
    • CMT2N

    • CMT2P

    • CMT2Q

    • CMT2U

MARS Late onset
    • CMT2V

NAGLU Late onset painful sensory predominant
    • CMT2W

    • CMT2Y

    • CMT2Z

MORC2 Pyramidal signs
    • CMT2

    • CMT2 with giant axons

DCAF8 Childhood onset
    • CMT2

    • CMT2

    • CMT2

JAG1 Vocal fold paralysis
    • SPG10, CMT2

    • HMSNP

TFG Proximal > distal
  • AR-CMT2

    • CMT2B1

LMNA Also called CMT2B1 and CMT4C1
    • CMT2B2

    • NMAN

    • CMT2R

    • CMT2S

    • CMT2T

    • CMT2X

    • AR-CMT2

AR/AD MME Dominant mutations cause late onset
Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSANs) a and HMNs
  • HSAN

Sensory (± autonomic) neuropathy
    • HSAN1A

AD SPTLC1 Late onset, slowly progressive sensory axonal neuropathy ± SNHL, weakness
    • HSAN1B

AD 3p24-p22 Variant with cough, GERD, deafness
    • HSAN1C

    • HSAN1D/SPG3A

    • HSAN2A

AR HSN2 Congenital sensory loss, acral mutilation
    • HSAN3

AR IKBKAP Severe dysautonomia, Ashkenazi Jews
    • HSAN4

AR TRKA Anhidrosis, acral mutilation, ± CNS
    • HSAN5

AR NGFB Congenital insensitivity to pain
    • HSAN6

AR DST Severe autonomic dysfunction, death by age 2
    • HSAN7

AD SCN11A Congenital insensitivity to pain, hyperhidrosis, GI dysfunction
    • HSAN8

AR PRDM12 Congenital insensitivity to pain
  • HMN/dSMA

Distal wasting and weakness
    • HMNIIa

AD HSPB8(HSP22) Adult onset, allelic with CMT2L
    • HMNIIb

AD HSP27(HSPB1) Allelic with CMT2F
    • HMNVa

AD GARS Upper limb predominant
    • HMNVb

AD BSCL2 Allelic with SPG17/Silver Syndrome

AR IGHMBP2 Severe infantile respiratory distress/SMARD

AD 2q14 Adult onset, vocal cord paralysis

AD DCTN1 Same as above
  • HMNX

X Xq13.1-q21
  • HMNJ

AR 9p21.1-p12 Childhood-onset (Jerash type)
  • SBMA

X Androgen Receptor (CAG rpt) Adult onset bulbar symptoms, proximal weakness, sensory neuronopathy, gynecomastia
This table lists the inherited neuropathies that are generally considered to exclusively or predominantly affect the peripheral nerve, although as shown in the Clinical Features column, many of these diseases affect the CNS and other tissues. For the columns, in “Disease” column, name is usually abbreviated, full names below; inheritance pattern is listed as autosomal dominant ( AD ), autosomal recessive ( AR ), or X-linked ( X ); and for gene or locus, the affected gene(s) is listed if known; otherwise, the chromosomal locus is listed. In cases where the mutation is not a missense mutation, the type of mutation is listed in parentheses (duplication, deletion, or CAG repeat). The diseases are grouped according to phenotype: HMSN , hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy; HS(A)N , hereditary sensory and (± autonomic) neuropathy; HMN, hereditary motor neuropathy, also called dSMA (distal spinal muscular atrophy); SBMA , spinal bulbar and muscular atrophy. The HMSNs are further divided into demyelinating, axonal, and intermediate forms based on the usual range of nerve conduction velocity ( NCV ).
CHN , Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy; CMT , Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; CMTDI , dominant intermediate CMT; CNS , central nervous system; DSS , Dejerine-Sottas disease; GERD , gastroesophageal reflux disease; HNPP , hereditary neuropathy with liability to form pressure palsies; MCV , motor conduction velocity; MR , mental retardation; rpt , repeat; SMARD , spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress; SNHL , sensorineural hearing loss; SPG , hereditary spastic paraplegia; syn , syndrome (see Table 14.3 ).

a See also Table 5.4 , where the chromosomal loci of these disorders are also listed.

Table 14.3
Syndromic Neuropathies
Disease Inheritance Pattern Gene or Locus Clinical Features
HNA AD SEPT9 Recurrent brachial neuritis, dysmorphic features in some
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) AR Frataxin-GAA repeats Ataxia, sensory large fiber axonal neuropathy, positive Babinski sign, cardiomyopathy
AVED AR TTPA FRDA-like, vitamin E deficiency
SCAN1 AR TDP1 Spinocerebellar ataxia, sensory neuropathy
Ataxia-Telang. AR ATM Ataxia, telangiectasias, malignancy, infections
SCA Sensory neuropathy variable in most
SCA3/MJD AD ATXN3 Ataxia, spasticity, severe axonal neuropathy
SCA4 AD PLEKHG4 Prominent axonal sensory neuropathy
SCA10 AD ATXN10 ± Sensorimotor neuropathy
SCA25 AD 2p21-p13 Prominent axonal sensory neuropathy
SCA27 AD FGF-14 Mild axonal sensory neuropathy
HSP “Complicated HSP” with neuropathy
SPG2 X PLP CNS white matter disease ± neuropathy
SPG7 AR Paraplegin ± Neuropathy, dysarthria, dysphagia
SPG9 AD 10q23.3-24.1 Amyotrophy, cataracts, GERD
SPG10 AD KIF5A ± Distal atrophy
SPG11 AR Spatacsin MR, nystagmus, thin corpus callosum
SPG14 AR 3q27–q28 Distal motor neuropathy, MR, visual agnosia
SPG15 AR Spastizin Pigmented maculopathy, MR, dysarthria
SPG17 AD BSCL2 (Silver’s syndrome) hand atrophy prominent
SPG20 AR Spartin (Troyer syndrome) distal atrophy, dysarthria
TTR AD TTR Early adult onset painful sensorimotor and autonomic neuropathy, entrapment neuropathy, cardiomyopathy, GI symptoms
(Iowa) ApoAI Similar to TTR, but progressive renal failure
(Finnish) Gelsolin Cranial neuropathies, corneal dystrophy
Fabry’s X α-Gal-A Child-onset painful SFSN, renal failure, cardiac disease, strokes
Leukodystrophies Some associated with demyelinating neuropathy
GLD/Krabbe AR GALC Progressive MR, hyperreflexia, sz, optic atrophy
MLD AR ARSA Same as above, though CNS sx less severe
PCWH/Wartenburg’s AD SOX10 CHN, central dysmyelination, Waardenberg and Hirschprung syndrome
Adrenomyelo-neuropathy X ABCD1 Spastic paraparesis, large fiber sensory loss, bowel and bladder incontinence
Merosin def AR LAMA2 Neuropathy and muscular dystrophy
Refsum disease AR PAHX
Ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, demyelinating neuropathy, cardiac, deafness, ichthyosis
AMACR deficiency AR AMACR Adult-onset sensory and motor neuropathy, retinitis pigmentosa, seizures, ataxia, developmental delay, acute and relapsing encephalopathy with headache
Mitochondrial diseases Neuropathy common, axonal or demyelinating
Leigh disease ARmito Multiple genes Early onset CPEO, ptosis, ataxia, MR, pyramidal signs, demyelinating neuropathy
NARP Mito MTATP6 Sensory neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa
Ptosis, CPEO, leukoencephalopathy, neuropathy, myopathy, GI dysmotility
Porphyria AD
AIP PBGD Acute neuropathy, abdominal pain, psychosis, sz
Copro CPO Similar to AIP, but also skin photosensitivity
Variegate PPOX Similar to AIP, but also skin photosensitivity
Tangiers disease AR ABC1 Orange tonsils, organomegaly, low HDL, atherosclerosis
Abetalipoprot. AR MTTP Ataxia, acanthocytosis, steatorrhea, low LDL
Hypobetalipo. AD Apo-B Ataxia, sensory axonal polyneuropathy
GAN AR Gigaxonin MR, kinky hair, biopsy shows giant axons
ACCPN AR KCC3 Agenesis of corpus callosum, French Canadian
CCFDN AR CTDP1 Congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism
This table lists the inherited neuropathies in which the neuropathy is part of a systemic disease. For the columns, in “Disease,” the name is usually abbreviated, with full names below; in “Inheritance Pattern,” data are listed as autosomal dominant ( AD ), autosomal recessive ( AR ), X-linked ( X ), or mitochondrial (maternal) ( mito ); and for “Gene or locus,” the affected gene(s) is listed if known; otherwise, the chromosomal locus is listed.
Abetalipoprot ., Abetalipoproteinemia; ACCPN : agenesis of the corpus callosum and peripheral neuropathy, also known as Anderman syndrome; AIP , acute intermittent porphyria; AMACR , alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase; AVED , ataxia with isolated vitamin E deficiency; CCFDN : congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism, neuropathy; CHN , congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy; CNS , central nervous system; Copro , coproporphyria; CPEO , chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia; FAP , familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy; FRDA , Friedreich ataxia; GAN , giant axonal neuropathy; GERD , gastroesophageal reflux disease; GI , gastrointestinal; GLD , globoid-cell dystrophy; HDL , high-density lipoprotein; HNA , hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy; HSP , hereditary spastic paraplegia; LDL , low-density lipoprotein; MLD , metachromatic leukodystrophy; MJD , Machado-Joseph disease; MNGIE , mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy syndrome; MR , mental retardation; NARP , neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa; PCWH , peripheral demyelinating neuropathy, central dysmyelination, Waardenburg syndrome, and Hirschprung disease; SCA , spinocerebellar ataxia; SCAN1 , spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy 1; SFSN , small fiber sensory neuropathy; SPG , spastic gait; sx , symptoms; sz , seizures; Telang, Telangiectasia; TTR , transthyretin; Variegate , variegate porphyria.

To lay a foundation for our disease-focused discussions, we will discuss targeted therapies and their treatment paradigms and give examples of early successes in the clinic. The list of genetic causes of neuropathy is continuously expanding, making their molecular diagnosis increasingly subspecialized (see Tables 14.2 and 14.3 ). The online database OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, ) is an extremely useful reference for clinicians; it is a publicly funded, up-to-date, searchable database in which a physician can enter a patient’s clinical findings and potential inherited diseases can be rapidly identified. As more variants are identified in the clinic, the shared resource ClinVar can sometimes help determine whether variants of undetermined significance have been associated with the same phenotype in other families; the Inherited Neuropathy Variant Browser is a CMT-focused effort to do the same ( ).

Diagnosis of Inherited Neuropathies

Treatment of inherited neuropathy relies on making the correct diagnosis. Far too often, patients are started on expensive and potentially harmful immune therapies for unrecognized inherited neuropathies. Distinction between inherited and acquired neuropathies is therefore paramount. Clinical recognition of inherited peripheral neuropathy includes defining the time course of the illness, determining which fiber types are affected, characterizing the distribution of symptoms, determining electrophysiologic pattern (demyelinating or axonal), obtaining family history, and searching for risk factors for acquired causes of peripheral neuropathy. The key differentiating historical and diagnostic features between inherited and acquired peripheral neuropathies are outlined in Table 14.1 . Rather than merely asking general questions as to whether family members have neuropathy or similar symptoms, patients should be asked if their parents or siblings had foot deformities, remained mobile or were confined to a wheelchair, or dragged their feet when they walked. When possible, family members should be interviewed and examined and, if appropriate, should have electrodiagnostic studies performed.

Most inherited neuropathies are long standing (often with onset during childhood or adolescence) and slowly progressive over years. Involvement of motor fibers is usually greater than sensory fibers, and sensory symptoms are often minimal despite marked sensory findings on examination and electrophysiology. Findings are usually symmetric with greater distal than proximal involvement. Musculoskeletal malformations that are the result of long-standing distal neuropathy can include high arches, hammer toes, and clawed hand. Characteristic electrophysiological findings include uniform length-dependent demyelinating or axonal findings on nerve conduction studies (NCSs).

Time Course

While HMSN and CMT are characteristically symmetric and slowly progressive, it is important to recognize that not all inherited neuropathies fit this pattern. Patients with hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPPs) may present with acute onset of recurrent painless, focal neuropathy at usual sites of entrapment (median at wrist, ulnar at elbow, and peroneal at knee). Similarly, patients with hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA) (caused by mutations in SEPTIN9 ) may present with acute onset of pain and weakness localizing to the brachial plexus of one arm. Patients with SCN9A-related inherited erythromelalgia may have pain, redness, warmth, and swelling in the feet occurring in an episodic manner. Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) (caused by mutations in HMBS ) may present with acute onset of weakness in the arms and legs, along with abdominal pain and mental status changes. There can be episodic worsening in the distribution of affected nerves during attacks. Genetic variants can cause neuropathy through many divergent mechanisms, and it is fitting that there is a wide range of presentations.


Most inherited neuropathies present with length-dependent symmetric sensorimotor symptoms and signs. However, onset in hands, vocal cord paresis, deafness, optic atrophy, and non-length-dependent sensory ataxia may be the presenting symptoms. These atypical features can suggest specific genetic causes ( Table 14.2 ).

Fiber Types

Most inherited neuropathies involve sensory and motor fibers in a length-dependent manner (HMSN). However, pure motor neuropathies (dHMN), small fiber neuropathies (hereditary sensory neuropathy [HSN]), pure sensory large fiber neuropathies (ataxic neuropathies), small fiber sensory neuropathies (Fabry, amyloidosis, inherited erythromelalgia), autonomic neuropathies (HAN), and sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN) need to be recognized.


The original subdivision into CMT1 and CMT2 relied on the presence or absence of slowing of nerve conduction velocity below 38 m/second in an upper extremity motor nerve. Intermediate nerve conduction velocities (between 25 m/second and 45 m/second) occur with CMTX and HNPP (and other intermediate CMTs). Most inherited neuropathies cause uniform and diffuse involvement. This is in contrast to acquired neuropathies, where the findings are nonhomogeneous, can vary between adjacent nerves, and can vary within different segments of the same nerve. Conduction block, a reflection of nonhomogenous involvement within a nerve, is generally a feature of acquired demyelinating neuropathies but may occur with CMTX and CMT1B. In addition to defining an axonal or demyelinating pattern, electrophysiology is helpful in detecting relative involvement of sensory and motor nerves, whether the neuropathy is length dependent or length independent, and in characterizing the severity.

Genetic Studies

Genetic testing is usually best done along with a genetic counselor who can discuss the risks and benefits of genetic testing with multiple family members. Patients need to be well educated regarding the implications of a molecular diagnosis, both for themselves and for family members. Genetic testing is of utmost relevance to family members of childbearing age, because for most well-defined monogenic disorders, preimplantation or in utero genetic testing is available. It is worth noting that the first genetic nondiscrimination law (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act [GINA]) was signed into law in 2008, giving patients protection from discrimination by employers and health insurance companies. In most cases, unaffected minors should not be offered genetic testing to determine future health or reproductive risks, unless screening provides a clear and timely medical benefit with minimal psychosocial risks.

Although testing can be expensive and sometimes is not covered by insurance, genetic diagnosis is extremely valuable to many patients and clinicians. The balance and landscape of cost and gene coverage are constantly changing, and helping navigate this is one of the important roles genetic counselors play. The exponential decreases in cost of next generation testing have also made it so that unbiased exome sequencing can compete on price with more focused panel testing. This adds complexity to the decision of how and when to test, which has been covered in a new chapter in this edition ( Chapter 11 ). Carrier screening panels are also starting to include recessive and X-linked neuropathy genes, which may help decrease the incidence of some of the most severe forms of the disease.

Having a molecular diagnosis continues to have many benefits. First, it can potentially give a definitive diagnosis not available by any other means and can obviate invasive testing (e.g., nerve biopsy) and unnecessary treatment (e.g., intravenous gamma globulin). More recently, the advent of FDA-approved therapies for hereditary transthyreitin amyloidosis (hATTR) has also introduced the possibility that genetic diagnosis could identify a potentially treatable cause of neuropathy. This has been another driver toward affordable panel and exome testing, spurring collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and genetic diagnostic companies to defray the cost to patients and make it easier to test.

Knowing the cause of their symptoms can often empower patients to follow research progress, take part in natural history studies, and enroll in clinical trials. This chapter will discuss genetic tests that are commercially available. The National Center for Biotechnology Information’s Genetic Testing Registry Web site ( ) is a valuable resource for identifying gene tests, both those available clinically and those performed on a research basis, and includes online reviews of most diseases (GeneReviews).

Imaging Studies

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies are able to show increased size of the nerves in CMT patients and normal magnetic resonance signal without enhancement. This is opposed to acquired neuropathies such as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathies (CIDPs) in which enlarged nerves are associated with enhancement or hyperintensity of the T2 signal. Nerve root hypertrophy may cause compressive myelopathy or radiculopathy in CMT patients. Ultrasound is being used more frequently in clinical practice to show that the cross-sectional areas of the nerves are increased.


Unfortunately, most syndromic and nonsyndromic inherited neuropathies do not yet have specific pharmacologic therapies available. Given that the first genes causing CMT were first discovered in the early 1990s, and given the magnitude of discoveries achieved since then, there is certainly reason to be optimistic that therapies will continue to enter clinical trials and the clinic in the coming years.

In addition to targeted potentially disease-modifying therapies, symptomatic therapies are available, mostly to treat the orthopedic complications that arise. These psychiatric and surgical therapies are covered in detail in Chapter 8, Chapter 9 , respectively, and will only briefly be discussed here as they relate to specific disorders. Neuropathic pain is uncommon in most inherited neuropathies and is treated in the same way as in acquired neuropathies; however, in a few inherited neuropathies, pain may be the presenting symptom, particularly in Fabry disease and FAP. Chapter 6 discusses treatment of painful neuropathy.

Importantly, there are several patient support groups that can offer valuable services to patients and their families. The Muscular Dystrophy Association ( ) supports patients with CMT and FRDA, and this organization can be very helpful to patients. Other patient resources include the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association ( ), the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation ( ), and the Neuropathy Association ( ).

Therapeutic Paradigms for Neuropathy

This chapter will cover both available and experimental treatments, as it is expected that the principles of drug development will apply to new therapies for inherited neuropathies in the future. This chapter is organized by disease subtype and reviews the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of each of these diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Understanding these disease-specific approaches requires a baseline understanding of the treatment paradigms and targeted therapy approaches that are being used across the field. To set the stage for our review of each disease subtype, we will start with a review of treatment paradigms and then discuss the specific approaches that are under investigation in each disease area.

Therapeutic development usually needs to start with a deep understanding of the disease mechanism. Fig. 14.1 shows a schematic of the drug discovery process, beginning with identification of the mutated gene. Identification of the genetic mutations causing inherited neuropathies is the critical step to the development of disease-specific therapy. The next critical question is whether the mutations cause a loss of function or a gain of function. While this can be straightforward (most autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive diseases are the result of a loss of function), it can be more complicated in dominantly inherited diseases because (1) loss of one copy of a gene alone can cause dominantly inherited diseases (haploinsufficiency, or semidominant), (2) loss of function can contribute to the pathology of a disease that is primarily driven by toxicity of the mutant allele, (3) loss of function can be the result of mutant protein influencing the function of the wild-type allele via a dominant-negative mechanism, or (4) loss of function can have no influence on toxicity ( Fig. 14.2 ).

Fig. 14.1, Drug development for inherited neuropathies: from bedside to bench, and back. The initial step in drug development involves the identification and characterization of the gene that is mutated in disease. By introducing these mutations into animals or cells, animal models can be developed and validated, which can assist in understanding the basic biology of the disease. One can then identify therapeutic targets and design drugs based on a rationale-driven approach using small molecule or biologic therapies. Alternatively, animal or in vitro models can be screened with pharmaceutical and chemical libraries to identify novel potential therapeutics, which then undergo preclinical testing in animal models to show efficacy and safety. Once candidate compounds pass these tests, they can then be tested in clinical trials. Gene-specific natural history studies, quantitative outcome instruments, and biomarkers of disease are important requisites for successful phase 2 and 3 studies.

Fig. 14.2, Using cell and animal models to determine the contributions of loss or gain of function in the mutated gene. One of the key questions to determine the appropriate therapeutic approach is the whether the disease phenotype is the result of a loss of function in the mutated gene product or a gain of function in the mutated gene product. Dominantly inherited diseases can be the result of a loss or gain of function of the gene product. Haplo-insufficiency occurs when one wild-type allele does not produce enough protein for normal function. It is therefore loss of function of the mutant allele that eliminates 50% of the gene product and results in a disease phenotype. Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies (HNPP) is the result of haplo-insufficiency of the PMP22 gene. Dominant negative mechanisms suggest that the mutant allele is acting to prevent normal function of the wild-type allele and thus can be corrected by overexpression of the wild-type protein. If the amount of wild-type protein does not modify the phenotype when the mutant allele is present, and expression of the mutant allele with a transgene recapitulates the phenotype, this is suggestive of a toxic gain of function independent of normal protein function. Autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive diseases are usually caused by a partial or complete loss of function. This can be confirmed using animal model systems, and the expectation would be that homozygous knock-out recapitulates the phenotype, and restoration of expression rescues the phenotype.

To tease the contributions of loss and gain of function to gather this basic mechanistic understanding of disease, it is often necessary to have animal models that reflect both loss of the protein and those that express the mutant protein (knock-in or overexpression) ( Fig. 14.2 ). Most genes known to cause neuropathy are highly conserved in mammals, and many are even conserved in simple genetic model systems such as yeast and fruit flies. Thus, studies of the basic biology and pathogenesis of inherited diseases in animal models have proven to be especially relevant to our understanding of inherited human diseases. Finally, faithful cellular, invertebrate, and mammalian models of disease are necessary for testing small and large molecule therapeutics.

Fig. 14.3 outlines a range of biologic-therapy approaches to treating genetic disease based upon the understanding of the mechanism of disease. We review both small molecule and biologic therapeutics discovery in the following subsections.

Fig. 14.3, Gene-targeted therapy paradigms. There has been a great proliferation in the number of approaches to treating genetic diseases and these approaches are making their way to the clinic in many genetic neurological diseases. These same tools are likely to be used for the treatment of peripheral neuropathies. Strategies for the treatment of loss-of-function mutations are focused on gene replacement or transcript regulation (A). These include (1) virally mediated gene replacement that harness the ability for viruses to stably deliver DNA to cells. The most advanced platforms in neurological disease applications are adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentivirus based. (2) Nonvirally mediated delivery tools are also in development to deliver mRNA or plasmid DNA to the affected cells and often harness liposomal preparations of DNA. Antisense oligonucleotide ( ASOs ) are versatile therapeutic tools and can be used to (3) upregulate gene expression, a strategy that would work for diseases caused by haploinsufficiency where upregulation of the wild-type allele would be therapeutic, (4) mediate splicing to include exons whose splicing decreases the stability of the protein product (as is the case with the SMN2 gene targeted by nusinersen), or to skip exons whose inclusion causes premature termination or frame shift (as is the case with the DMD gene targeted by eteplirsen). Finally, emerging gene editing strategies can be used to remove mutant exons for a more definitive and permanent approach than exon skipping. Approaches are being attempted to use two guides to remove frameshift containing exons (5). Strategies for the treatment of gain-of-function mutations are focused on mutant gene silencing (B). These include (1) short hairpin RNA ( shRNA ) knockdown and (2) small interfering RNA ( siRNA ) knockdown. shRNAs are converted into siRNAs by Dicer, and siRNA knockdown of mRNA transcripts is mediated by RISC. ASOs can be used to perform both allele-specific and non–allele-specific knockdown mediated by RNAseH cleavage (3). If toxicity of the allele is pathogenic and premature truncation improves the phenotype, gene editing tools can be used to cut the mutant gene to prevent production of the mutant (4).

Gene Replacement Strategies

Loss-of-function mutations can be treated with gene or protein replacement strategies, whereas gain-of-function mutations require a strategy to reduce the toxicity of the mutated or duplicated gene product (e.g., antisense oligonucleotides [ASOs] in CMT1A). There are viral and nonviral gene replacement strategies ( Fig. 14.3 ). Adeno-associated viral vectors have been the first to reach the clinic, with FDA-approved AAV9 vectors for SMA and AAV2 vectors for RPE65 -linked retinal dystrophy. The adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype reflects different capsid proteins and influences viral tropism, infectivity, and immunogenicity. The mode of administration also influences the therapeutic dose, distribution, and potential toxicity. AAV2- RPE65 is delivered by subretinal injection ( ), for example, while AAV9-SMN1 is delivered intravenously ( ). Many groups are working to improve the tropism of AAV serotypes to the central and peripheral nervous system. Several AAV subtypes have also been shown to effectively infect motor and sensory neurons with local injection, intrathecal injection, and systemic administration, although delivery to Schwann cells has proven more difficult.

Nonviral gene delivery systems are also under preclinical development but have not yet been taken to the clinic for neuromuscular diseases. These approaches often require liposomal vehicles to facilitate transfer of mRNA or linear or plasmid DNA. These approaches would require repeat dosing but do not have the risks associated with immune response to the virus, and these approaches do allow dose titration and re-dosing.

Antisense Oligonucleotide And Rnai-Based Approaches (This And Gene Therapy Are Discussed In Detail In Chapter 11 )

The success of nusinersen for the treatment of SMA has further increased enthusiasm for ASO therapies for neuromuscular diseases and neuropathies. Nusinersen binds to an intronic sequence in the SMN2 gene to prevent splicing of exon 7 and encourage production of full-length protein ( ). Eteplirsen binds to exon 51 in transcripts from the Duchenne muscular dystrophy-associated gene (DMD) and facilitates skipping of mutant exon 51 containing a premature termination codon or frameshift and results in restoration of the reading frame ( ). This demonstrates two ways ASOs can be used to restore protein function by modulating splicing in opposite ways, exon inclusion and exon skipping. ASO therapies can also be used to facilitate RNaseH-mediated degradation of target mRNA.

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) therapies are less versatile because they facilitate RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)-mediated mRNA degradation and cannot be used to modulate splicing or expression. shRNAs are generally delivered in vectors and converted into siRNAs by Dicer. siRNA, shRNA, and ASOs can be used to drive degradation of mRNAs before they are translated into toxic proteins. Both the first FDA-approved siRNA therapy, patisiran, and one of the first FDA-approved ASO therapeutics, inotersen, target mutant and wild-type hTTR. Allele-specific knockdown of only the mutant allele using ASO, siRNA, or shRNA therapies is possible, but achieving efficient knockdown with good specificity has proven challenging for missense variants and only a few such examples have been published ( ). Allele-specific knockdown also requires more tailored therapeutics development to match missense changes or associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) linked to disease. Nevertheless, it is an appealing approach in diseases caused by mutations in genes that are required for survival and function of the targeted cell type (e.g. MFN2, AARS).

Small Molecule Approaches

While rational and platform-based biologic therapeutic approaches have stolen much of the spotlight in recent years, there continue to be advantages to small molecule approaches. Most notably, the parameters for bioavailability, tissue access, and penetrance are well known to drug developers. In addition, massively parallel screening is possible with small molecules. There are generally two approaches to small molecule drug discovery: target-based approaches, and phenotype or expression-screening approaches. With confidence in the target and mechanism, several complementary approaches are often used to identify the best medicines. The technologies for drug discovery are constantly improving and multiple approaches are often used simultaneously to find hits, to verify hits and characterize toxicity to identify lead compounds, and to perform lead optimization to select compounds ready for clinical testing.

Once a mechanism of pathogenesis is proposed and animal models are developed, the drug development process can begin using either a target-based approach or a phenotype-driven approach (see Fig. 14.1 ). Target-based approaches utilize our understanding of the basic biology and disease pathogenesis to screen molecules for a desired effect on a protein target. Transthyreitin protein in the liver functions as a tetramer, and disease pathogenesis requires dissociation of monomeric protein from the tetramer and release from the liver. Several groups performed screens for small molecules that increase the stability of the transthyreitin tetramer. Increasing its stability prevents dissociation of the monomer from its tetrameric structure, release of the mutant monomer from the liver, and accumulation of the amyloidogenic monomer in heart and peripheral nerve.

Another approach is phenotype or expression-based screening. For example,

PMP22 duplication is the most common cause of CMT and results in excess expression levels of PMP22. Researchers performed an expression-based screen for FDA-approved molecules that reduce PMP22 expression. The result was the identification of three FDA-approved compounds (fenretinide, olvanil, and bortezomib) that reduced PMP22 mRNA and protein ( ). The criticism of phenotype and expression-based systems is that it is difficult to determine the molecular target of the effect, and therefore, it is difficult to improve upon the molecule in the ways that traditional drug development is performed. To our knowledge, these compounds have not been tested clinically. Bortezomib, one of the compounds that were found to decrease PMP22 expression in this screen, is known to cause a severe acquired neuropathy and would therefore be a poor candidate for clinical testing.

Drug development in other therapeutic areas may identify compounds that will slow disease progression of hereditary neuropathies. Therapeutics targeting generally neuroprotective pathways will be promising for neuropathy patients. Since the publication of the last edition, our understanding of the pathways mediating axon degeneration has improved significantly. Axodegenerative programs mediated by the SARM1 protein that trigger Wallerian degeneration are attractive therapeutic targets and, if found, may serve as effective therapies in many hereditary neuropathies. Conversely, candidate compounds with general neuroprotective or neuroregenerative properties identified in research efforts for hereditary neuropathies may also be effective in acquired neuropathies.

Gene Editing

Gene editing has great therapeutic potential, but many challenges remain before it will be a viable therapeutic approach in hereditary neuropathy. Even with gene editing, delivery of the editing proteins to relevant tissues will continue to be a challenge and will rely on the successes of gene therapies that precede them to ensure delivery of Cas9 and related proteins and short guide RNAs. Another caveat is that gene editing targets that require correction rather than simply elimination of an exon or repeat will not be early targets because of the challenges of recombination-based repair and correction. Second- and third-generation editing tools may skirt the requirement for repair or recombination by performing specific substitutions in DNA or RNA, but transformation of the cells with exogenous editing proteins will still be early hurdles. As a result, hereditary neuropathies will not be early targets for CRISPR-based approaches.

Mechanism Agnostic Approaches

Some drug development paradigms for dominant diseases have skirted the need to definitively parse the contributions of gain and loss of function. These include gene editing, and a “knockdown and replace” strategy ( Fig. 14.3 ). In addition to the hurdles discussed in the section on gene editing earlier, replacing portions of genomic DNA with wild-type sequence will require either homology-directed repair with an oligo template or homologous recombination with a double-stranded template. The efficiencies of these approaches will need to be improved before they can be used therapeutically.

The “knockdown and replace” approaches use viruses to deliver oligonucleotides that knock down endogenous mRNA and simultaneously deliver gene replacement with transcripts that harbor synonymous mutations that make them impervious to knockdown. Several CMT2 genes are essential genes and lend themselves to this approach.

Clinical Development

After candidate drugs are identified and undergo rigorous toxicity, efficacy, and dosage testing in animal models, they can then be tested in clinical trials. An often-underappreciated part of drug development to complement bench science and preclinical development is concomitant definition and characterization of natural history, biomarkers, and quantitative disease metrics ( Fig. 14.1 ). This is critical so that investigators can identify subpopulations whose disease progresses rapidly enough to show an effect in a feasible study duration.

Most drugs fail in phase 2 clinical studies, where efficacy signal is needed for advancement. The reasons are multifold, but without a good understanding of a disease’s natural history, selection of the correct patient population, ability to predict effect size, and adequate power, even the most effective preclinical therapies will fail and result in disappointment for patients and clinicians. These are particularly challenging obstacles for treatments for inherited neuropathies. These diseases individually are rare, and adequately powering a study can be challenging. The development of large consortia that can enroll many patients from sites around the world is now allowing much larger studies to be performed with more uniform tracking of outcomes in many modalities. The slowly progressive nature of many of these disorders with varied and clinical parameters that can be difficult to measure makes it difficult to quantitate the treatment effects. Another obstacle to the advancement of biologic therapies into the clinic has been the absence of tools to facilitate large molecule delivery to motor and sensory neurons and Schwann cells.

With these in mind, it is not surprising that hTTR amyloidosis has been an attractive target. The liver, the source of amyloid protein production, is an easier tissue to target than anterior horn cells, dorsal root ganglion cells, or Schwann cells, for both small molecules and biologics, and the disease course is rapidly progressive based on existing natural history data.

The development of quantitative scales to measure disease severity and the ability to assay biomarkers that are relevant to disease pathogenesis are improving the quality of clinical trials in these diseases. A validated primary clinical outcome used in current studies is the CMT Neuropathy Score (CMTNS) ( ), which was improved with an updated second version (CMTNS2) ( ). There is also the overall neuropathy limitation score (ONLS) ( ). Oftentimes, both the CMTNS and ONLS are used concomitantly in clinical studies. There is also the modified Neuropathy Impairment Score +7 (mNIS+7), which is tailored to trials of FAP ( ).

Biomarkers are another important part of clinical development that can be used to measure target engagement or to more sensitively measure the desired therapeutic effect. There has been significant work to improve quantitative assays for neurofilament light (NfL) chain and to characterize serum and CSF levels in control and patient populations. In CMT, plasma NfL has been established as a reliable biomarker of disease activity that stratifies with disease severity and genetic subtypes ( ). There is also great interest in its use in many neurodegenerative disease of the central (e.g., multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer disease) and peripheral nervous systems.

Thus, through continued advancements in our understanding of inherited neuropathies, and building on the success of the FDA-approved therapy for hTTR amyloidosis and improvements in the design and implementation of clinical trials, effective therapies for inherited neuropathies can be expected to advance through the development pipeline.

Nonsyndromic Inherited Neuropathies

Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies (HMSNs)

Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, commonly referred to as Charcot-Marie Tooth disease, is the most common inherited neurologic disease, affecting 1 in 2500 people, and encompasses the largest group of inherited neuropathies. These diseases are commonly classified based on clinical presentation (age of onset and inheritance pattern) and pathology/electrophysiology; for example, autosomal dominant neuropathies are classified as primarily demyelinating (CMT1) or axonal (CMT2). X-linked CMT is classified as CMTX, and autosomal recessive CMT is CMT4. The term “CMT3” refers to severe, congenital, or early childhood onset CMT and is best considered a variant of CMT1, as the genes that are mutated are the same. About 70% of CMT is demyelinating, and about 70% of demyelinating CMT is due to a duplication of the PMP22 gene (CMT1A). Thus, while between 80 and 120 genetic loci have been described in CMT patients, almost half of patients with CMT have a single, well-characterized mutation. However, with the discovery of the genetic basis for most of these disorders, it has become evident that different mutations in the same gene can cause multiple, distinct phenotypes, referred to as genetic pleiotropy. Conversely, the same phenotype is often caused by mutations in different genes (see Table 14.2 for a list of HMSN genes). For example, mutations in the myelin protein zero (MPZ) gene have been found in all forms of CMT (axonal and demyelinating, dominant and recessive). Thus, classification based on the genetic mutation and molecular pathogenesis of the disease may be more relevant than the clinical presentation when discussing therapeutic options.

Clinical Presentation

Most patients with CMT develop slowly progressive weakness and atrophy in their feet beginning in childhood or early adulthood. Pain or sensory loss is variable but is usually not a chief complaint. Foot deformities (pes cavus, or high arches, and hammertoes) are common and may lead to disability (see picture in Chapter 9 ). Mildly affected patients may be limited only in their ability to walk on their heels and play sports, whereas more severely affected patients will have foot drop and steppage gait (hence the initial description of this disease as peroneal muscular atrophy). However, due to the insidious nature of this disease, many patients do not complain of motor or sensory symptoms until late in the disease course, and most remain ambulatory. Thus, it is not uncommon to find asymptomatic family members with classical examination and electrophysiologic features of CMT.

On examination, patients typically have distal weakness and atrophy in the feet, areflexia, and length-dependent sensory loss of both large and small-fiber sensory modalities. More severely affected patients will develop sensory ataxia or tremor (Roussy-Levy syndrome), palpably enlarged nerves (demyelinating CMT), and weakness, atrophy, and sensory loss of the hands. Patients with motor findings only and without evidence of sensory involvement on examination or electrodiagnostic testing are classified as having HMN, whereas patients with sensory findings only and without evidence of motor involvement are classified as HSN or HSAN (see Table 14.2 and later). Less commonly, patients can have a severe form of CMT (CMT3) that is congenital (congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy [CHN]) or with onset before age 3 (Dejerine-Sottas syndrome [DSS]). Some forms of CMT have unusual features, such as central nervous system (CNS) involvement in CMTX, vocal cord paralysis with CMT2C, and specific thenar involvement in CMT2D (see Table 14.2 ).

Whereas CMT1A is caused by a duplication of the PMP22 locus, HNPP is caused by a deletion of the same locus ( ). As the name suggests, these patients often present with painless, recurrent entrapment neuropathies, often precipitated by minor trauma or compression. HNPP patients usually also have a mild length-dependent demyelinating neuropathy. Another disorder occasionally confused with HNPP is HNA. These patients present essentially the same as those with idiopathic brachial neuritis (Parsonage-Turner syndrome) with episodic, painful weakness and numbness of one upper extremity, often triggered by an infection, exercise, or stress.

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