Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)


Since transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) is an emerging technology, it is useful to introduce it in the context of other established neuromodulation techniques. Electrotherapy approaches using implanted electrical stimulators, such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) ( ), and Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) ( ), are increasingly being used to treat neurological (e.g., refractory movement disorders) and psychiatric disorders (i.e., severe refractory mood and anxiety disorders). However, these approaches inherently require surgery and are thus associated with several manifest limitations related to cost and risk, and do not provide the adaptive flexibility of noninvasive approaches ( ). Noninvasive approaches offer the promise of noninvasive and flexible interventions. Among the most established noninvasive electrotherapy approaches, Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) are US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved but are associated with costs (e.g., in-office treatments and anesthesia) and side effects (e.g., pain and memory loss). tDCS is an emerging, noninvasive technique that offers the promise of electrotherapy with minimal cost and side effects.

tDCS is a simple and customizable technique that is applied to a wide range of clinical and cognitive neuroscience applications ( ). It is a promising tool in cognitive neuroscience and neuropsychiatric therapy with interventions rationalized and based on current to targeted brain regions to modulate excitability ( ) and plasticity ( ).

An ideal electrotherapy treatment would combine ease of administration (ultimately, self-administered at home), effective outcomes through plastic brain changes (not requiring chronic stimulation), low-cost, robust safety (noninvasive, with no major risks), and thus minimal contraindications. From this perspective, tDCS is a highly promising electrotherapy approach ( ). However, there still remain questions about the clinical efficacy of tDCS.

Historical Background and Other Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Approaches

The emergence of tDCS is important to understand in the context of over a century of electrical stimulation history. Such a review also helps to explain and disambiguate terminology used to describe related techniques. Transcranial Electrical Stimulation (tES) encompasses all forms of research and clinical application of noninvasive electrical currents to the brain using electrode/s (at least one) on the head. The dose of tES is defined by the electrode montage and the stimulation waveform applied to the electrode ( ). There has been a resurgence of interest since 2000, but tES developed incrementally over a century. Historically, there are “streams” of linked categories of tES ( Fig. 135.1 ): (1) Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES) descended from Electrosleep (ES) through Cranial Electrostimulation Therapy (CET), Transcerebral Electrotherapy (TCET), and Neuroelectric Therapy (NET); (2) Electroanesthesia (EA) went through several periods of waning interest and resurgence when new waveform variations were proposed including Transcutaneous Cranial Electrical Stimulation (TCES), Limoge, and Interferential Stimulation; (3) Polarizing or Direct Current Stimulation includes recent tDCS, Transcranial Micropolarization, High-Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) and Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS); (4) ECT, initially called Electroshock Therapy, evolved in technique and dose, such as Focal Electrically Administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST); and (5) “Contemporary” approaches that have been explored intensely over the last decade, such as transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS), transcranial Sinusoidal Direct Current Stimulation (tSDCS), and transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS). Though analogues to these contemporary approaches can be identified in earlier literature, contemporary methods contain dose features that motivate us to consider them novel as a category. Contemporary approaches, along with the rediscovery of tDCS, to some extent, reflect a “reboot” of interest in tES approach with modern technology and clinical research approaches ( ).

Figure 135.1, A general timeline of Electrical Stimulation (ES)/Electroanesthesia (EA) noting key points in the history from 1902 until 2011 as well as their relation to Direct Current Stimulation (DCS).

Several “streams” of tES began around 1900s ( ), and included ES and EA—which are described in the next two sections.

Developments From Electrosleep to Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation

ES is the name for which the brain was stimulated to induce a sleep-like state in the subject. The first studies on ES were initiated in 1902 ( ); however, the first clinical report of ES was published 12 years later by Robinovitch ( ). New approaches, such as changing electrode position from covering the eyes to locations around the eyes, presumably to “reduce optic nerve irritation” ( ) were developed, mostly in Europe. ES dose waveform was typically pulsed at 30–100 Hz, but at least one (unsuccessful) case of use of DC current was documented ( ). In a symposium, it was reasoned that ES does not actually induce sleep, rather it is an indirect side effect of the relaxing effects of stimulation. Therefore, the name of ES was changed to CET ( ). This was the first of several changes of the name of ES over the next few decades, often with notable changes in dose. In 1969, TCET was proposed as another alternative name. However, such devices were renamed as CES ( ).

A notable device, produced after the name change to CET, was the Neurotone 101 , which was based on a Russian ES device brought to the United States. Although the Neurotone 101 is no longer in production, it was the first device to be approved by the FDA as a CES device ( ) and all subsequent CES devices approved by the FDA, such as the Alpha-Stim, the Oasis Pro, and the Fisher–Wallace Stimulator ( Fig. 135.2 ), were through a 510k process claiming equivalency, either direct or descendent, to the Neurotone 101.

Figure 135.2, These images show devices that have been used since 1900 for the purpose of transcranial stimulation.

Modern CES is thus a historical descendent of ES, even as dose and indications have continuously evolved. The FDA sanctioned CES in 1978 through a “grandfather clause” and have not, since then, advanced a regulatory consensus, even as more variants were being developed. CES, in this modern form, excludes DC waveforms, so it is distinct from tDCS, but its historical predicates include DC components.

Developments From Electroanesthesia to Limoge Current and Other Related Methods

EA, in short, was intended to induce anesthesia in the subject using high frequency stimulation so that chemicals did not have to be used, presurgery. EA studies started in 1903, but were first known as Electronarcosis (EN) ( ). Russian scientists used the term “EA” to describe local anesthesia, while “EN” described general anesthesia ( ). However, EA stopped being referred to as local, as applied to the periphery, and began to be known as general anesthesia, as applied to the brain.

Research into EA dosage continued and the term TCES was adopted around 1960–63. Even though the term TCES was not adopted until the early 1960s, similar protocols were used, as early as 1902 by Leduc ( ). In 1951, Denier proposed that high frequency trains of 90 kHz could be used to avoid muscular contraction ( ). Three years later, claimed that alternating currents (AC) at 700 Hz should be applied, but this was abandoned in 1958 due to cardiovascular complications ( ). In 1957, investigators in the Soviet Union attempted to add a Direct Current (DC) component to Leduc’s currents but, as claimed by an American scientist, Robert Smith, it resulted in a collection of undesirable side effects ( ). In 1964, a study claimed that pulsating currents are more effective than DC for the induction of EA ( ). Another study suggested that the use of pure DC for EA required high intensities of approximately 40 mA ( ). EA, and its derivative technologies, are not explicitly integrated into contemporary neuromodulation research and treatment, but represent important historical precedents that include cases of testing of DC waveforms.

Development of Direct Current Stimulation

DCS has been used intermittently as a component in both ES and EA. In 1957, a DC bias was added to ES, which is traditionally applied using only AC or Pulse Current (PC). The advent of TCES, around 1960–63, in the third resurgence of EA research, also incorporated a DC bias. In 1969, pure direct current stimulation was investigated for inducing anesthesia ( ). However, it was not until 1964 that preliminary studies, heralding modern tDCS, were published ( ).

In 1964, Redfearn and Lippold investigated Polarizing Current for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases ( ). Their use of prolonged (minutes) of stimulation was motivated by animal studies showing that prolonged DCS could produce lasting changes in excitability ( ). While further open, pilot studies and clinical observations suggested efficacy ( ), a following negative, controlled trial ( ) seems to have halted investigation (at least as published in Western journals) for several decades.

The neurophysiological basis of neuromodulation using short-duration tDCS was investigated by Priori et al. in . Shortly after, Nitsche and Paulus established that prolonged (minutes) tDCS could produce lasting and polarity-specific changes in cortical excitability ( ). This was followed by pilot clinical studies ( ) for indications spanning depression ( ), pain ( ), epilepsy ( ), and a broad range of neuropsychiatric disorders ( ). tDCS is further explored for rehabilitation after stroke ( ). Moreover, due to the perceived safety of tDCS, it was initially validated for neurophysiological changes in healthy subjects and continues to be investigated in healthy individuals for changes in behavior and cognitive performance ( ).

In 2007, HD-tDCS was proposed as a focalized form of tDCS ( ). HD-tDCS electrodes were designed for increased charge-passage capacity through a smaller contact area ( ), arranged in arrays that can be optimized per indication ( ). HD-tDCS montages tested have included the 4 × 1 configuration ( ) as well as individually optimized arrays ( ). The focalization of current with HD-tDCS is an improvement upon tDCS, where previously a broad area would be stimulated, and now specific targets can be stimulated. Some of the devices that have been used are the Schneider (tDCS), Soterix Medical 1 × 1 (tDCS), and the Soterix Medical 4 × 1 (HD-tDCS) ( Fig. 135.2 ).

Transcranial Micropolarization is a technique investigated in Russia which is a modified version of tDCS that uses small electrodes instead of pads and currents up to 1 mA, that are claimed to be “weak” ( ). GVS has been extensively tested for effects on ocular and postural movement ( ). Alongside GVS, Caloric Vestibular Stimulation (CVS) is under investigation due to similar areas being targeted by stimulation. However, CVS does not utilize electricity; rather, it uses irrigation of the ear canal using cold or warm water ( ).

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Customization

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Terminology

To accurately describe tDCS and, more broadly, tES, electrical therapy “dosage,” it is important to have a basic understanding of the terminology (system of metrics) that is used to define and differentiate the various practical aspects of tES. It is useful to clarify how electrical therapy terms are used (sometimes inconsistently) in the literature.

  • Stating that a protocol employs “DC” stimulation indicates that the stimulation remains at peak intensities for the duration of the exposure.

  • tDCS/DCS is current controlled, meaning the voltage is varied to maintain a fixed current, typically under 20 V ( ), though much of this voltage (especially, any time-dependent component) may reflect the electrode and skin impedance.

  • “Monophasic” stimulation indicates that, for the entire exposure, though the intensity may vary, only one polarity is applied (current is passed only in one direction).

  • “Biphasic” and “AC” stimulation indicate that, at some point in the course of an exposure, the polarity is reversed, which is not consistent with tDCS.

In the brain, electrical stimulation, anode, and cathode terminology should always be used consistently for indicating the electrode where positive current is entering the body (anode) and the electrode where positive current is exiting the body (cathode) ( ). For tDCS/DCS, using two electrodes, there is one fixed anode and one fixed cathode, with the anode at a positive voltage, relative to the cathode. In clinical and animal studies, anodal stimulation or cathodal stimulation would indicate that a cortical region of interest (target) was nearer the anode or the cathode, respectively. It is important to recognize stimulation always includes an anode and cathode.

In classic animal literature, the terms “surface positive” and “surface negative” correspond to an anode or cathode electrode, respectively, placed on the surface of the cortex, with the other electrode often placed on the neck or body. Considering the cortical surface, inward current and outward current are typically expected under the anode and cathode, respectively (though cortical anatomy may produce deviations). For electric field, the direction also needs to be specified ( ). Datta et al. adopted the convention that an inward current will produce a positive electric field, measured from outside pointed in, while an outward current will produce a negative electric field, measured ( ); unless otherwise stated, it is implied that the current and electric fields are normal/orthogonal to the cortical surface, rather than tangential/parallel ( ). Current density, as used in the literature, indicates the average current density (in ampere per square meter or A/m 2 ) at the electrode, calculated by taking the applied current to a given electrode and dividing by electrode area. Average current density is not necessarily indicative of peak current density at the electrode (which may be concentrated at edges or spots ( ); or in the brain (which depends on many other factors, namely head anatomy; )). Stimulation charge (in coulombs, C) is determined by multiplying current by duration. Stimulation charge density (A × t/m 2 = C/m 2 ) is charge divided by electrode area, and is also an average metric. Stimulation power (in W W = V × A) is voltage multiplied by current. Stimulation energy (in joules, J = V × A × t) is power multiplied by duration. For any tDCS session, the “summary” metrics are a single number, or a single number per electrode, and determined fully and only by dose ( ). Electric field (in V/m) is current density multiplied by local tissue resistivity. The peak current density or electric field represents the maximum value at any point in space, which can be further restricted by head region such as peak current density in the brain or skin. The electric field predicts neuronal activation threshold more meaningfully than current density, but it is very sensitive to assumptions on local tissue resistivity. It is not established whether injury is linked to neuronal activation (e.g., excitotoxic). The tissue properties are not time dependent, but can be combined with time in new metrics ( ).

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