Transcatheter Embolization of Liver Metastases

The liver is an important site of metastatic disease for many primary malignancies, and liver metastases ( Figs. 35.1, 35.2, and 35.3 ) are a leading cause of cancer-related death. Two major mechanisms for disease spread to the liver have been proposed. The first is the “mechanical or hemodynamic” hypothesis, whereby circulating cancer cells are mechanically trapped in the liver, accounting for the predilection of gastrointestinal tract malignancies for liver spread. The second proposed mechanism is the “seed and soil” hypothesis, whereby the tendency for liver spread is based on cellular expression, for example, HER2-receptor positivity in breast cancer. Most liver metastases are carcinomas, which account for 92%, followed by melanomas (2%), and sarcomas (1%). Adenocarcinomas account for the most common subtype of carcinoma (75% of the total), of which the most common primary diseases are colorectal adenocarcinoma (35% of total), pancreatic adenocarcinoma (8%), and breast adenocarcinoma (6%).

Fig. 35.1
Patient with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor liver metastases. A previous Whipple procedure meant that radioembolization was preferred over transarterial chemoembolization (TACE). Staged right hepatic artery and left hepatic artery radioembolization was planned. (A) Preembolization portal venous phase magnetic resonance image showing multiple lesions in both lobes. (B) Planning digital subtraction angiogram (DSA) of replaced right hepatic artery from superior mesenteric artery showing multiple enhancing lesions ( black arrows ). Microcatheter tip at planned treatment position ( white arrow ). (C) Planning DSA from a microcatheter in the left hepatic artery from the celiac artery ( white arrow ). Arterial branches to the stomach from the left hepatic artery ( thick black arrows ). Falciform artery arising from distal left hepatic artery branch ( thin black arrows ). (D) DSA after coil embolization of gastric branches ( thick black arrow ). Microcatheter tip at planned treatment position ( white arrow ). The falciform artery could not be accessed and was not coiled ( thin black arrows ). An ice pack was applied to the anterior abdominal wall during radioembolization because of the patent falciform artery, and there were no complications.

Fig. 35.2
Patient with solitary uveal melanoma liver metastasis. (A) Pretreatment magnetic resonance image showing a solitary segment VIII liver lesion. (B) Planning digital subtraction angiogram with a microcatheter in planned segment VIII artery treatment position. (C) Technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin uptake injected from the planned treatment position showed tracer accumulation in the lesion, no gastric uptake, and acceptable lung shunting. (D) Postradioembolization computed tomography scan showing necrotic segment VIII liver metastasis.

Fig. 35.3
Patient with multiple uveal melanoma liver metastases. Percutaneous hepatic perfusion therapy using melphalan was planned. (A) Arterial phase magnetic resonance image (MRI) pretreatment showed multiple hypervascular metastases (representative lesion, white arrow ). (B) Pretreatment digital subtraction angiogram from a catheter in the common hepatic artery with conventional right hepatic artery ( white arrow ) and left hepatic artery ( black arrow ) origins. (C) Two occlusion balloons in the inferior vena cava isolating the hepatic venous outflow ( white arrows ). The gastroduodenal artery has been coiled ( black arrow ). (D) Right hepatic artery melphalan infusion position. (E) Left hepatic artery melphalan infusion position. (F) Posttreatment MRI showing reduced enhancement of liver metastases ( white arrow ). A series of six treatments was performed.

In combination with systemic chemotherapy, surgical resection of liver metastases is a potentially curative treatment technique, best studied in colorectal carcinoma, , , , , , and resection of metastases has also been used in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumor metastases, sarcoma metastases, as well as metastases from breast cancer, melanoma, and testicular cancer, among others. Percutaneous ablation has developed as a technique that is used both as an adjunct to resection and for patients unsuitable for surgery, as well as a potentially curative treatment in its own right. , , ,

In addition to systemic chemotherapy, surgical resection, and percutaneous ablation, transcatheter embolization of liver metastases has a growing body of evidence to support its use in selected patients. In transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) a chemotherapeutic agent is combined with embolic material and is injected into the hepatic artery supply to a targeted lesion or lesions. In some cases, a bland embolic agent without a chemotherapeutic agent is used, for example, in neuroendocrine tumor liver metastases. Radioembolization involves the injection of yttrium-90 ( 90 Y) combined with glass or resin particles into the targeted hepatic artery. Both techniques make use of the unique vascular anatomy of the liver, whereby normal liver parenchyma receives 75% of its blood supply from the portal vein and 25% from the hepatic artery, in contrast to liver metastases, which receive most of their blood supply from the hepatic artery.

The concept of using this feature of liver tumors to effect treatment is more than 50 years old. In 1966, Mori et al. described the case of accidental obstruction of the hepatic artery during surgery for gastric carcinoma with metastatic disease to the liver. The patient died 30 hours later and autopsy revealed severe necrosis of the liver metastasis. This opened the door to the possibility of transarterial treatment of liver tumors, and the first TACE was performed in 1974 by Doyon et al. Since then the role of TACE in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma has become firmly established. The catheter directed treatment of liver metastases uses many of the same procedural skills as other embolization procedures, but requires knowledge of some additional technical considerations. This chapter reviews the techniques of transcatheter bland embolization, chemoembolization, and radioembolization of liver metastases. The role of transcatheter treatment in the most commonly treated metastatic disease types is reviewed.

Embolization Techniques


When 90 Y, a pure beta-emitting radioisotope, is combined with an embolic material and is injected into the tumor via the tumor hepatic arterial supply, the limited tissue penetration of beta particles leads to the deposition of energy in the tumor while relatively sparing the surrounding liver parenchyma. 90Y has a short half-life of approximately 64 hours, with a maximum energy of the beta particles of 2.27 MeV and a mean energy of 0.93 MeV. The deposition of 90 Y particles within liver metastases has been shown to result in tumor necrosis, which is radiation-mediated rather than a result of microarterial embolization.

When considering radioembolization as a therapy for liver metastases, there are some general considerations to be made regarding patient suitability, in addition to the disease-specific factors, which are discussed later in this chapter.

  • 1.

    The patient should be medically fit for the procedure, and this is often quantified using the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status scale ( Table 35.1 ). Typically a patient is considered with an ECOG score of 0–2, and an ECOG score of 2 or greater is taken to be a relative contraindication to treatment.

    TABLE 35.1
    Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Scoring System
    ECOG Scale Characteristics
    0 Fully active, able to carry on all predisease performance without restriction
    1 Restricted in physically strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out work of a light or sedentary nature, e.g., light house work, office work
    2 Ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities; up and about more than 50% of waking hours
    3 Capable of only limited self-care; confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours
    4 Completely disabled; cannot carry on any self-care; totally confined to bed or chair
    5 Dead

  • 2.

    The patient should have liver-dominant or liver-only disease, and the pathology should be unresectable.

  • 3.

    Liver function should be adequate given the potential complication of radiation hepatitis and liver failure. Prothrombin time, albumin, and total bilirubin give the best assessment of overall liver function. A bilirubin <34 μmol/L has been used as a cutoff, although, again, clinical judgment should be exercised.

  • 4.

    A life expectancy of more than 3 months is sometimes taken as a criteria for treatment.

  • 5.

    Iodinated contrast allergy and impaired renal function may preclude treatment.

Patients without an intact sphincter of Oddi, whether due to previous surgery or endoscopic sphincterotomy, are at increased risk of biliary sepsis after radioembolization due to bacterial colonization of the biliary tree, and these patients should receive antibiotic prophylaxis before and after the procedure. Patients with biliary obstruction should undergo endoscopic or percutaneous drainage before radioembolization, due to the risk of biliary necrosis. Attention should be paid to the chemotherapy the patient is receiving. Capecitabine increases the radiation sensitivity of tissues.

Any decision to proceed with radioembolization should be made by a multidisciplinary team made up of interventional radiology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, surgical oncology, nuclear medicine, and hepatology. All risks and benefits should be reviewed in detail with the patient. Once a patient is considered to be a candidate for radioembolization, planning begins with review of a multiphase computed tomography (CT) scan. Arterial phase images are reviewed to define the arterial supply to the liver and to identify any anatomical variants. The gastroduodenal artery, right hepatic artery, and any other hepatic artery branches supplying nontarget organs are identified. The portal venous phase images are assessed to ensure that the disease remains liver-confined or liver-dominant, and also to assess portal vein patency. Although portal vein thrombosis was previously considered a contraindication to radioembolization, radioembolization has been performed safely in this setting. Glass microspheres may be preferred over resin microspheres in these cases because of their reduced embolic potential.

The next stage is a planning procedure involving hepatic angiography and low-dose radionuclide injection. With knowledge of the patient’s anatomy already gained from the CT, digital subtraction angiograms are performed from multiple locations, with the primary aim of identifying any anastomoses to the enteric circulation. Nontarget radioembolization of the stomach and bowel can result in severe and insidious injury, and should be avoided. Acute pancreatitis has also been described as a complication of nontarget radioembolization.

Traditional teaching was that all potential sites of vascular communication needed to be identified and occluded with endovascular coils. The vessels that were targeted for embolization included the gastroduodenal artery, right gastric artery, supraduodenal artery, retroduodenal artery, and falciform artery, among others. However, as experience has evolved, aggressive coil embolization is increasingly being considered unnecessary as a routine practice, although coiling of vessels is still undertaken where it is felt likely to be of benefit. In the absence of coil embolization, clear identification of these collaterals is key and necessitates good-quality angiography. High flow rates are required to ensure visualization of potentially small collaterals that may only be seen with relatively forceful contrast injection. When identified, accessing a falciform artery with a microcatheter to perform coil embolization can be technically challenging, and it has been shown that using an ice pack on the abdominal wall to vasoconstrict the cutaneous vasculature is effective for avoiding skin complications.

Before technetium99m macroaggregated albumin ( 99m TcMAA) injection, a decision must be made regarding how the radioembolization procedure will be performed in light of the angiographic findings. In cases where a whole liver treatment is planned for treatment of metastases in both lobes, this is typically done in a staged lobar fashion because of the lower risks of complications when compared with delivery of the entire radiation dose to the whole liver in one procedure. In this scenario, the microcatheter is positioned in the right and left hepatic arteries in turn, and the 99m Tc MAA dose is divided between the two injection points. Alternatively, in cases where the disease is more localized, the treatment can be administered in a more selective fashion to two or fewer segments, in a technique termed radiation segmentectomy.

After vessel mapping and coiling of any potentially problem vessels, and once the treatment plan has been decided, the microcatheter is positioned at the planned point or points of radioembolization. A cone-beam CT scan can be performed from each of these positions to assess the volume of liver that will be treated and to ensure adequate coverage of the target liver lesions. After this, the 99m Tc MAA is injected.

99m Tc MAA has a similar diameter to 90 Y microspheres and acts as a useful surrogate for distribution of the particles after treatment. After the 99m Tc MAA has been injected from the proposed treatment sites, the patient is transferred to nuclear medicine for a single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) CT scan. In hypervascular lesions predominantly supplied by the hepatic artery, 99m Tc MAA uptake in the lesions will be high relative to background liver, and this relatively high uptake within the lesions has been shown to correlate with an improved response to treatment.

In addition to the pattern of 99m Tc MAA uptake, assessment is made of two key criteria that will further decide whether a patient is suitable for radioembolization.

  • 1.

    The deposition of any tracer in the stomach, bowel, pancreas, or other unintended organ is identified, which might lead to complications in the event of proceeding to radioembolization.

  • 2.

    The degree of lung shunting is calculated. In all patients a degree of atriovenous shunting will take place in the liver, leading to deposition of radioembolic material in the lungs. The lung shunt fraction is calculated using the formula (total lung counts)/(total lung counts + total liver counts). The acceptable dose to the lungs is taken to be 30 Gy in one treatment and 50 Gy cumulatively over multiple treatments. Exceeding this dose can lead to the severe complication of radiation pneumonitis. In cases where this lung threshold could be reached or exceeded, it may be necessary to reduce the planned treatment dose. Patients with underlying lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung disease may have a lower tolerance for shunted radiation to the lungs, and the treatment dose may need to be tailored accordingly.

After the 99m Tc MAA planning studying and assuming the patient is suitable for treatment, the radioembolization procedure is arranged. A single-session planning study and radioembolization has been described, but this is not commonplace and requires significant institutional experience. There are currently two commercially available systems for the delivery of 90 Y to the liver: SIR-Spheres and TheraSpheres.


SIR-Spheres (SIRTex Medical Ltd., Sydney, Australia) are composed of a biocompatible resin and have a particle diameter of 20–60 microns. The delivery system makes it possible to alternate the delivery of particles and contrast medium, meaning that fluoroscopic monitoring of the treatment is possible. The low activity per microsphere (50 Bq) means that a large number of particles is administered (40–80 million) and the embolic effect of SIR-Spheres is therefore greater than that of TheraSpheres. The ability to intermittently inject contrast makes it possible to assess whether capillary saturation has been reached and to stop the treatment before reflux occurs. This can be useful in cases where the treatment is more targeted to a specific lesion or segment, although the associated embolic effect of the microspheres may limit the dose that can be administered. The dose calculation for SIR-Spheres is based on body surface area.


TheraSphere particles (Biocompatibles, Surrey, UK) consist of nonbiodegradable glass microspheres each having a diameter of 20–30 microns. The activity per microsphere is higher (2500 Bq) and between one and eight million microspheres are delivered, meaning that the embolic effect of the treatment is much less than that of SIR-Spheres. This allows a higher dose to be delivered without encountering issues with vascular saturation. The reduced embolic effect of the glass microspheres relative to resin microspheres makes TheraSpheres the preferred choice in patients with portal vein thrombosis. Fluoroscopic assessment of treatment progress with contrast injection is not possible using TheraSpheres, and once a satisfactory microcatheter position has been confirmed, the entire treatment is administered without further monitoring. It is important to have established a suitable injection rate using contrast medium before the treatment is commenced, to ensure that there is no reflux of microspheres proximal to the delivery point. The dose calculation is based on the desired dose to be delivered to the target liver volume (which is calculated from the patient’s CT).

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