Thyroid Supplements


  • More than 3 million chronic users in USA.

  • T 4 prescribed for pts with chronic hypothyroidism.

  • T 3 used in myxedema coma.

  • T 3 successfully used as rescue therapy for cardiogenic shock after CPB.

  • T 3 favorably administered to brain-dead donors before organ harvesting for heart or heart-lung transplantation. (Prophylactic use of T 3 has shown no benefit in recent randomized trials.)

  • T 4 is generally administered PO; T 4 and T 3 can be administered IV.

Perioperative Risks

  • Drugs (amiodarone, lithium, herbal supplements, catecholamines, radiopaque contrast media) and also cirrhosis, renal failure, sepsis, and operation (CPB) can induce euthyroid sick syndrome (reduced peripheral conversion of T 4 to T 3 ); may also precipitate myxedema coma.

  • Amiodarone, a potent class III antiarrhythmic drug, is an iodine-rich compound with a structural resemblance to T 3 and T 4 and causes substantial iodine overload; with continued administration, may produce either thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism.

Worry About

  • T 4 or T 3 can aggravate symptoms of myocardial ischemia.

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