Thyroid Status in Chronic Renal Failure Patients

Key Points

  • Patients with advanced predialysis and dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a fivefold higher prevalence of hypothyroidism compared to those with normal kidney function.

  • In the general population, serum thyrotropin (TSH) is the most sensitive and specific single metric of thyroid function, and it may also be a more robust index of thyroid function in CKD and other chronic illness states as compared with serum triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels.

  • A growing body of evidence suggests that hypothyroidism may be associated with the development and progression of CKD, as well as higher mortality risk in dialysis-dependent CKD patients.

  • Levothyroxine is one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the predialysis CKD and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) populations. However, there remain knowledge gaps with regard to the safety and effectiveness of exogenous thyroid hormone supplementation in hypothyroid CKD patients.

Epidemiology of Thyroid Dysfunction in Kidney Disease

Thyroid functional disease, and in particular hypothyroidism, is a common condition in the general population that is typically ascertained using a combination of biochemical tests, which include serum thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4). Landmark data from the Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES III) have shown that approximately 10 million adults in the United States are affected by hypothyroidism. Data across various heterogeneous cohorts suggest that 4%–10% of the general population have subclinical hypothyroidism (defined as an elevated TSH and normal FT4), and 0.1%–2% of the general population have overt hypothyroidism (defined as an elevated TSH and low FT4) ( Table 27.1 ). Various expert groups have recommended thyroid functional test screening in selected populations ( Table 27.2 ).

Table 27.1
Thyroid Functional Disease Categories Using Biochemical Criteria
Thyrotropin Free Thyroxine
Overt hypothyroidism
Subclinical hypothyroidism Normal range
Subclinical hyperthyroidism Normal range
Overt hyperthyroidism

Table 27.2
Recommendations for Thyroid Functional Testing Across Clinical Practice Guidelines
Expert Group Recommendations
American Academy of Family Physicians Periodic screening in older women
American College of Physicians Screening in women >50 years old
American Thyroid Association Screening if high risk:

  • Type 1 diabetes

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Family history of thyroid disease

  • Neck radiation

  • History of thyroid surgery

American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists
United States Preventative Services Task Force Does not recommend routine screening in children or adults
Institute of Medicine Screening not cost-effective in older/medicare population
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Recommends screening in patients with newly diagnosed heart failure

Epidemiologic data also show that CKD patients, including those receiving dialysis, have a substantially higher prevalence of hypothyroidism compared to their non-CKD counterparts ( Table 27.3 ). For example, in a study of 14,623 NHANES III participants, Lo et al. demonstrated that there is an increasing prevalence of hypothyroidism (defined as a TSH >4.5 mIU/L and/or receipt of thyroid hormone replacement therapy) with incrementally impaired kidney function: 5.4%, 10.9%, 20.4%, 23.0%, and 23.1% of participants with estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFRs) of >90, 60–89, 45–59, 30–44, and <30 mL/min per 1.73 m 2 , respectively [defined using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula]. Even after multivariable adjustment for age, sex, and race/ethnicity, there remained a twofold higher risk of hypothyroidism among participants with an eGFR <30 mL/min per 1.73 m 2 (reference: eGFR >90 mL/min per 1.73 m 2 ). More recently, in a study of 461,607 US veterans with stages 3–5 CKD who underwent repeated measurements of serum creatinine and TSH at identical time points, Rhee et al. found that a 10 mL/min per 1.73 m 2 decrement in eGFR defined by the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formula was associated with an 18% higher risk of hypothyroidism (defined as a TSH >5.0 mIU/L and/or receipt of thyroid hormone replacement therapy) independent of sociodemographic characteristics and comorbidities.

Table 27.3
Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Nondialysis-Dependent and Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Selected Studies
Study (Year) Study Population (n) Definition of Hypothyroidism Prevalence
Predialysis Chronic Kidney Disease
Bando et al. 63 patients with diabetic and nondiabetic nephropathy (Japan) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH ≥10 mIU/L and normal to ↓ T4 24%
Lo et al. 14,523 NHANES III participants stratified by eGFR (US) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >4.5 mIU/L and/or treatment with exogenous thyroid hormone eGFR ≥90: 5.4%
eGFR 60–89: 10.9%
eGFR 45–59: 20.4%
eGFR 30–44: 23.0%
eGFR <30: 23.1%
Carrero et al. 210 patients with Stage 5 CKD initiating dialysis (Sweden) Subclinical hypothyroidism: TSH >4.5 mIU/L + T4 <4.5 μg/dL 8%
Chonchol et al. 3089 outpatient CKD patients (Italy) Subclinical hypothyroidism: TSH >4.5 + normal FT4 9.5%
Targher et al. 85 outpatient CKD patients (Italy) Subclinical hypothyroidism: TSH >4 mIU/L + normal FT4 10.7%
Rhee et al. 467,112 veterans with Stages 3–5 CKD (US) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >5.0 mIU/L and/or receipt of exogenous thyroid hormone 23.3%
Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Kidney Disease
Lin et al. 221 hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients (Taiwan) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >3.1 mIU/L 14.9%
Kutlay et al. 87 hemodialysis patients (Turkey) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >5.5 mIU/L 23.1%
Shantha et al. 137 hemodialysis patients (India) Subclinical hypothyroidism: TSH 4.5–10 mIU/L + normal FT4 24.8%
Ng et al. 122 peritoneal dialysis patients (Taiwan) Subclinical hypothyroidism: TSH >4 mIU/L + normal FT4 15.6%
Rhee et al. 2715 hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients (US) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >assay ULN 12.9%
Dreschler et al. 1000 diabetic hemodialysis patients (Germany) Hypothyroidism overall: subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH 4.1–15.0 mIU/L + normal FT3 and FT4), and overt hypothyroidism (TSH >10.0 mIU/L and ↓ FT3 and/or FT4) 1.8%
Rhee et al. 8840 incident hemodialysis patients (US) Hypothyroidism overall: TSH >5.0 mIU/L 21.8%
CKD , chronic kidney disease; eGFR , estimated glomerular filtration rate; FT3 , free triiodothyronine; FT4 , free thyroxine; NHANES III , Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; T4 , thyroxine; TSH , thyrotropin; ULN , upper limit of normal.

Although there have been comparatively fewer studies of hypothyroidism in large population-based analyses of dialysis-dependent CKD patients, existing data suggest that they have a similarly high prevalence of hypothyroidism ( Table 27.3 ). While estimates vary depending on the diagnostic criteria and severity of disease, various cross-sectional analyses indicate that the prevalence of hypothyroidism overall (i.e., overt and subclinical hypothyroidism combined) may range from 13% to 23% in the dialysis population. However, there is likely underrecognition of thyroid functional disease in this population given that their symptoms may overlap with uremia (e.g., fatigue, weakness, impaired cognition, depression).

Thyroid Physiology

In normal thyroid physiology, production of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) are stimulated by TSH released from the anterior pituitary gland, which in turn is regulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) that is released from the hypothalamus. The vast majority of T4 is generated by the thyroid gland, whereas ∼80% of T3 is produced by the deiodination of T4 to T3 by the type 1 and 2 5′-deiodinase enzymes in peripheral organs. It is believed that type 2 5′-deiodinase is the principle enzyme responsible for peripheral T4 to T3 conversion in humans. In turn, both TSH and TRH are regulated by feedback inhibition from circulating T4, which is converted to T3 in the pituitary and hypothalamus by the type 2 5′-deiodinase.

Circulating thyroid hormone may enter cells by carrier-mediated transport or diffusion, or may be locally available via intracellular T4 to T3 production. Thyroid hormone may alter protein synthesis and substrate turnover through its binding to nuclear receptors and formation of thyroid hormone–nuclear receptor complexes that bind to DNA and modify gene transcription. As T3 binds to nuclear receptors with a 10- to 15-fold higher affinity than T4, T4 is considered to be a prohormone.

Thyroid Functional Test Derangements in Kidney Disease

Various thyroid functional test alterations may be observed in kidney disease resulting from impaired metabolism, degradation, and excretion of thyroid hormone and its derivatives ( Table 27.4 ). Furthermore, the presence of uremic toxins may lead to alterations in the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis, as well as impaired performance of routinely used thyroid functional test assays. The latter may subsequently result in thyroid functional test alterations among euthyroid predialysis and dialysis-dependent CKD patients.

Table 27.4
Thyroid Functional Test Alterations in Kidney Disease
Thyroid Functional Test Metric Alteration in Kidney Disease
Thyrotropin (TSH)
  • 1.

    ↓ Clearance (TSH levels typically remain normal)

  • 2.

    Blunted response to TRH

  • 3.

    ↓ Pulsatility

  • 4.

    ↑ Half-life

  • 5.

    Impaired glycosylation and function

Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • 1.

    ↓ T3 levels due to reduction in deiodination of T4 to T3

  • 2.

    ↓ T3-induced transcriptional activation

  • 3.

    ↓ T3 binding of T3 to thyroid hormone–nuclear receptors

Reverse triiodothyronine (rT3)
  • 1.

    rT3 levels remain normal

Thyroxine (T4)
  • 1.

    ↓ Total T4 levels if circulating protein levels are low (e.g., severe nephrotic syndrome, peritoneal dialysate losses)

  • 2.

    Risk of spurious free T4 levels if measured by indirect methods (e.g., analog) due to impaired thyroid hormone–protein binding in uremia

  • 3.

    ↓ Free T4 cellular uptake

Antithyroid peroxidase (antiTPO) antibodies
  • 1.

    Limited data suggest that antiTPO antibodies do not show as strong correlations with hypothyroidism

TRH , thyrotropin-releasing hormone; TPO , thyroid peroxidase.


In the general population, serum TSH is typically used for the screening, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring of primary hypothyroidism. It is the most sensitive and specific single metric of thyroid function given its negative logarithmic association with serum T3 and T4 (i.e., small changes in T3 and T4 lead to exponential changes in TSH). Some TSH alterations may be observed in kidney disease including impaired clearance, blunted response to TRH, reduced pulsatility, increased half-life, and impaired glycosylation leading to altered function. However, unlike T3 and T4, serum TSH levels typically remain normal in nonthyroid illness, rendering it a more robust metric of thyroid function in chronic illness states ( Table 27.5 ). In fact, in one clinical study of 38 dialysis patients who underwent studies of thyroid function (TSH, total T3, total T4, and FT4) and metabolic testing, serum TSH and FT4 concentrations were found to be more reliable indicators of metabolic state as compared with T3 concentrations.

Table 27.5
Thyroid Functional Test Patterns in Nonthyroidal Illness
Mild Moderate Severe/Critical Recovery a
Triiodothyronine (T3) ↓↓ ↓↓
Thyroxine (T4) Normal ↓↓
Thyrotropin (TSH) Normal Normal

a Transient rise in T3, T4, and TSH during recovery phase of severe/critical nonthyroidal illness. Reverse T3 levels elevated in nonthyroidal illness.


Reduced T3 levels are the most commonly observed thyroid functional test alteration in CKD patients. In a cross-sectional analysis of 2284 CKD patients with normal TSH levels, there was a graded increase in the prevalence of low T3 with progressively lower levels of kidney function, such that 79% of patients with eGFRs <15 mL/min per 1.73 m 2 had depressed T3 levels. Notably, the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 is reduced in the context of uremia, nonthyroidal illness, starvation, inflammation, various medications, elevated cortisol, and free nonesterified free fatty acids. Thus, it has been suggested that reduced T3 levels are more representative of protein-energy wasting and nonthyroidal illness as opposed to thyroid hormone deficiency in patients with CKD and other chronic illness states.

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