Anatomy and physiology

The eye lies in the bony orbit of the skull and is covered by the eyelid, which protects it from foreign bodies and keeps the anterior surface moist by maintaining the tear film. The upper lid is elevated by two muscles: the levator palpebrae superioris, innervated by cranial nerve III; and Müller’s muscle, innervated by sympathetic nerves. The orbicularis oculi muscle closes both upper and lower eyelids and is innervated by cranial nerve VII.

The orbit also contains the six extraocular muscles responsible for eye movement; the lacrimal gland; blood vessels; autonomic nerve fibres; and cranial nerves II, III, IV and VI, cushioned by orbital fat ( Fig. 8.1 ).

Fig. 8.1, Cross-section of the eye and orbit (sagittal view).

The conjunctiva is a thin mucous membrane lining the inner aspects of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyeball. It is reflected at the superior and inferior fornices. The conjunctiva is coated in a tear film that protects and nourishes the ocular surface.


The eyeball is normally approximately 25 mm in diameter and comprises three layers (see Fig. 8.1 ). These are:

  • Outer fibrous layer: this includes the white sclera and the clear cornea anteriorly.

  • Middle vascular layer (uveal tract): anteriorly, this consists of the ciliary body and the iris, and posteriorly, the choroid.

  • Inner neurosensory layer (retina): the retina is a thin layered structure responsible for transducing light to neurological signals. There are two main types of photoreceptors: cones function maximally under photopic (light) conditions and enable colour vision while rods are primarily used in scotopic (dark) conditions. Cones are concentrated at the centre of the retina and are most highly concentrated at the centre of the macula (the fovea). Photoreceptors transduce light into neuronal signals that pass via bipolar cells and ganglion cells to the nerve fibre layer of the inner retina before entering the optic nerve.

Extraocular muscles

Six extraocular muscles are responsible for eye movement: (1) the superior rectus, (2) medial rectus, (3) lateral rectus, (4) inferior rectus, (5) superior oblique and (6) inferior oblique. Each muscle is responsible for a specific vector of eye movement ( Fig. 8.2 ). They work together to move the eye in other directions.

Fig. 8.2, Control of eye movements.

Cranial nerve III innervates the superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique and inferior rectus muscles. Cranial nerve IV innervates the superior oblique muscle, and cranial nerve VI innervates the lateral rectus muscle. The cranial nerves originate in the midbrain and pons and pass through the cavernous sinus ( Fig. 8.3 ). Examining for eye movement deficits reveals cranial nerve deficits. For instance, a complete loss of cranial nerve III results in a loss of function of the superior rectus, inferior oblique, medial rectus and inferior rectus. If cranial nerves IV and VI are intact, the lateral rectus and the superior rectus continue to pull the eye inferiorly and laterally. This gives the classical ‘down and out’ resting position of an eye with cranial nerve III palsy.

Fig. 8.3, Cavernous sinus (coronal view).

Refractive elements of the eye

The major refractive elements of the eye are the tear film, cornea and crystalline lens. The cornea accounts for approximately two-thirds of the refractive power of the eye while the lens provides additional controllable refraction, allowing light to focus onto the retina at varying focal lengths. When light is precisely focused at the retina, the eye is called emmetropic ( Fig. 8.4A ). When the focus point falls behind the retina, the result is hypermetropia (see Fig. 8.4B , long-sightedness). When the focal point is in front of the retina, the result is myopia (see Fig. 8.4C , short-sightedness). These refractive errors can be corrected with lenses or partially corrected with a pinhole (see Fig. 8.4D ).

Fig. 8.4, Normal and abnormal refraction by the cornea and lens.

Visual pathway

The visual pathway connects the eye to the brain and consists of the retina, optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tracts, lateral geniculate bodies, optic radiations and visual cortex. Deficits in the visual pathway lead to specific field defects ( Fig. 8.5 ).

Fig. 8.5, Visual field defects.

Pupillary pathways

The pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye. The intensity of light determines the pupillary aperture through autonomic reflexes. The parasympathetic pathway controlling pupillary constriction is shown in Fig. 8.6A ; the sympathetic pathway controlling pupillary dilatation is shown in Fig. 8.6B .

Fig. 8.6, Pupillary innervation.

Patient history

To guide your ophthalmic history, remember the anatomy of the eye. This will enable you to work from ‘front to back’ to include or exclude differential diagnoses.

Common presenting symptoms

Start the ophthalmic history with open questions so the patient can describe their symptoms in their own words. Use the patient’s description to inform more directed questions later.

Specific visual symptoms prompt specific sets of directed questions. The most common symptoms are described below.

Change in vision

Loss or reduced vision is the most common change. Patients often describe blurred vision. Ocular disease is the most common cause of a change in vision. Any intraocular condition that prevents light from activating retinal photoreceptors or the signal from photoreceptors reaching the optic nerve can cause altered vision. Rarely, damage to the extraocular visual pathway may cause altered vision (see Fig. 8.5 ).

When patients present with a change in vision, ask:

  • Was the onset of visual change sudden or gradual? Sudden or gradual visual loss leads to specific differential diagnoses ( Box 8.1 and Fig. 8.7 ; Box 8.2 and Fig. 8.8 ). If sudden, then enquire about possible causes (e.g. trauma, foreign body, chemical injury).

    Common causes of an acute change in vision

    Cause Clinical features Cause Clinical features
    Giant cell arteritis
    • Painless loss of vision

    • Age >50 years

    • Weight loss

    • Loss of appetite, fatigue

    • Jaw or tongue claudication

    • Temporal headache

    • Pale or swollen optic disc

    • RAPD

    Vitreous haemorrhage
    • Painless loss of vision

    • Risk in proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    • History of flashing lights or floaters may precede haemorrhage in posterior vitreous detachment

    • Poor fundus view on examination

    • Reduction or loss of the red reflex

    • Usually no RAPD if retina is intact

    Central retinal vein occlusion
    • Acute, painless loss of vision

    • May have RAPD if severe

    • Greater risk if hypertensive

    • Haemorrhages, exudates and tortuous retinal veins ( Fig. 8.7A )

    Wet age-related macular degeneration
    • Sudden painless loss of central vision

    • Age >55 years

    • Increased risk in smokers

    • Haemorrhage at the macula ( Fig. 8.7E )

    Retinal detachment
    • Painless loss of vision

    • Association with flashing lights or floaters

    • History of a curtain coming across vision

    • Myopic patients at greater risk

    • RAPD if macula is involved

    • Pale raised retina usually with a retinal tear ( Fig. 8.7B )

    Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
    • Painless loss of upper or lower visual field

    • Increased risk in vasculopaths

    • Examination may reveal optic disc swelling

    Central retinal arterial occlusion
    • Acute, painless loss of vision

    • Carotid bruit may be heard

    • RAPD

    • Increased risk in vasculopaths

    • Examination: pale retina with a cherry red spot at the fovea ( Fig. 8.7C )

    Optic neuritis/retrobulbar neuritis
    • Visual reduction over hours

    • Usually aged 20–50

    • Pain exacerbated by eye movement

    • RAPD

    • Reduced colour sensitivity

    • Swollen optic disc in optic neuritis ( Fig. 8.7F ) or normal appearances in retrobulbar neuritis

    Corneal disease
    • Usually painful

    • Foreign body sensation

    • Corneal opacity may be visible (e.g. Fig. 8.7D )

    Amaurosis fugax
    • Painless loss of vision for minutes

    • History of cardiovascular disease

    • May have associated atrial fibrillation or carotid bruit

    • Normal ocular examination

    Giant cell arteritis
    • Painless loss of vision

    • Age >50 years

    • Weight loss

    • Loss of appetite, Fatigue

    • Jaw or tongue, claudication

    • Temporal headache

    • Pale or swollen optic disc

    Cerebral infarct
    • May have associated headache and/or neurological signs

    • Usually specific field defects dependent on how the visual pathway is affected ( Fig. 8.5 )

    • Normal fundus examination

    • If post chiasmal visual pathway affected, bilateral visual field abnormalities

    Raised intracranial pressure
    • Headache

    • Often asymmetric

    • Pulsatile tinnitus

    • Swollen optic discs

    • Gradually evolving usually bilateral visual loss

    • Vision loss is usually preceded by visual aura

    • Normal ocular examination

    • Ocular examination: normal

    • Vision usually returns to normal after hours

    RAPD, Relative afferent pupillary defect (p. 182).

    Fig. 8.7, Common causes of an acute change in vision.

    Common causes of a gradual loss of vision

    Cause Clinical features
    Refractive error
    • No associated symptoms

    • Normal ocular examination

    • Vision can be improved by pinhole ( Fig. 8.4D )

    • Usually bilateral but asymmetric loss of visual field

    • Cupped optic discs on examination

    • Gradual clouding of vision

    • May be associated with glare

    • Usually seen in the elderly

    • Examination: clouding of the pupil and altered red reflex ( Fig. 8.8A and B )

    Diabetic maculopathy
    • History of diabetes

    • Central vision reduced or distorted

    • Haemorrhages and exudates at the macula on examination ( Fig. 8.17A )

    Compressive optic neuropathy
    • Gradual unilateral loss of vision

    • Pale optic disc on examination ( Fig. 8.8D )

    Retinitis pigmentosa
    • Gradual bilateral symmetric loss of peripheral visual field

    • Nyctalopia (poor vision in dim light)

    • Family history

    • Examination: bone spicule fundus, attenuated blood vessels and waxy optic disc ( Fig. 8.8E )

    Dry age-related macular degeneration
    • Gradual loss of central vision

    • Usually bilateral

    • Examination: drusen, atrophy and pigmentation at the macula ( Fig. 8.8C )

    Fig. 8.8, Common causes of a gradual loss of vision.

  • Does the vision change affect one or both eyes? Sudden onset of bilateral change in vision suggests a post chiasmal cause.

  • Is the change in vision associated with any additional features (e.g. haloes, flashing lights, floaters, distortion, discharge, red eye, pain)? Haloes are bright or rainbow-coloured rings seen surrounding a light source. They occur when there is corneal oedema and are most commonly associated with angle-closure glaucoma. Flashes and floaters result from a disturbance of the vitreous–retinal interface, most commonly due to a posterior vitreous detachment. This usually occurs with age as the vitreous degenerates, liquefies and peels away from the retina, resulting in floaters. Detachment sometimes causes retinal traction, resulting in flashing lights. More rarely, posterior vitreous detachment causes a retinal tear (releasing cells seen as floaters), which may progress to retinal detachment with visual field loss. Distortion is most commonly seen in diseases of the macula, such as age-related macular degeneration, epiretinal membrane, vitreous traction on the retina or central serous retinopathy.

  • Does the change in vison affect part or whole of the visual field? If part, which part? Specific types of visual field loss may point to retinal disease, such as macular degeneration, optic nerve disease such as glaucoma or visual pathway defects (see Fig. 8.5 ).



  • Can you describe the nature of the pain?

  • How severe is it?

  • Did anything cause the pain?

  • Is pain exacerbated or relieved by anything?

  • Any other associated features (e.g. change in vision, red eye, discharge, photophobia, watering eye)?

The most common cause of a painful eye is corneal irritation from a foreign body or infection. The cornea is one of the most highly innervated parts of the body. When the corneal nerves are activated, a patient experiences foreign body sensation, pain, reflex watering and photophobia. There are, however, many other causes of a painful eye. Box 8.3 summarises the history and examination findings associated with a painful eye.

Causes and distinguishing features of a painful eye

Cause History Examination
Blocked gland on lid
  • Pain on lid

  • Tenderness to touch

  • Redness and swelling of lid

Corneal foreign body
  • Foreign body sensation

  • Watery eye

  • Photophobia

  • Foreign body visible or found under the eyelid

Corneal infection
  • Foreign body sensation

  • Photophobia

  • Red eye

  • Corneal ulcer, (highlighted with fluorescein stain ( Fig. 8.7D )

  • White infiltrates may be visible

  • Severe pain disturbing sleep

  • Association with recent infection, surgery or rheumatic disease

  • Eye is sore to touch

  • Scleral injection

Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Constant pain around eye

  • Acute reduction in vision

  • Haloes seen around lights

  • Associated nausea and vomiting

  • Fixed mid-dilated pupil, hazy cornea and usually a cataract

  • Clear or purulent discharge

  • Vision usually unaffected

  • Red eye

  • Floaters

  • Blurry vision

  • Photophobia

  • Ciliary flush

Optic neuritis
  • Reduction in vision

  • Reduction in colour sensitivity

  • Constant pain, worsened by eye movement

  • Swollen disc in optic neuritis ( Fig. 8.7F ), normal disc in retrobulbar neuritis

Orbital cellulitis
  • Constant ache around eyes

  • Reduced vision

  • Double vision

  • Associated with recent infection/sinus blockage

  • Conjunctival chemosis and injection

  • Restricted eye movements

  • Severe cases: visual reduction with RAPD

Thyroid eye disease
  • Symptoms of hyperthyroidism (p. 222)

  • Sore, gritty eyes

  • Double vision

  • Lid retraction

  • Proptosis

  • Restricted eye movements

  • Conjunctival injection or chemosis ( Fig. 10.2B )

RAPD, Relative afferent pupillary defect (p. 182).

Red eye

The eye is covered in a network of vessels in the conjunctiva, episclera and sclera. Ciliary vessels are also found around the cornea. Dilatation or haemorrhage of any of these vessels can lead to a red eye. Additionally, in uveitis, acute angle-closure glaucoma and corneal irritation, the ciliary vessels around the cornea become more prominent (‘ciliary flush’). The appearance is distinct from conjunctivitis, in which there is classically a relative blanching of vessels around the cornea.


  • Is there any pain or photophobia?

  • Is vision affected? If so, how?

  • Has there has been any recent trauma or foreign body?

  • Is the eye itchy?

  • Is there any discharge? If so, what kind (e.g. watery, sticky, clear, yellow)?

  • Has there been any recent contact lens use?

Box 8.4 summarises the features of the common causes of a red eye on history and examination.

Common causes and distinguishing features of a red eye

Causes History Examination
Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Itchy eyes

  • Clear discharge

  • May be seasonal

  • Conjunctival injection

Viral conjunctivitis
  • Watery discharge

  • Possible itch

  • Usually bilateral

  • Swollen conjunctiva

  • Gland swelling and follicles under lid

Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Purulent discharge

  • Pain

  • Purulent discharge

  • History of trauma

  • May reveal subconjunctival haemorrhage or injection

Acute angle-closure glaucoma
  • Acute reduction in vision

  • Pain

  • Blurring of vision

  • Haloes seen around lights

  • Nausea

  • Fixed, mid-dilated pupil with a hazy cornea

Acute anterior uveitis
  • Gradual onset of pain

  • Photophobia

  • Floaters

  • Ciliary flush

  • Red eye without pain

  • Vision not affected

  • Focal or diffuse injection

  • Possible association with a nodule

  • Focal or diffuse injection

  • Vision may be affected

  • Association with recent infection, surgery or rheumatic disease

  • Severe pain disturbing sleep

  • Eye painful to touch

Dry eyes
  • Gritty or burning sensation

  • Watery eyes

  • Corneal fluorescein staining

Subconjunctival haemorrhage
  • No pain

  • Vision unaffected

  • Mildly raised conjunctiva with a bleed

Corneal ulcer/abrasion
  • Vision usually reduced

  • Foreign body sensation

  • Photophobia

  • Watering

  • Ulcer seen on fluorescein staining ( Fig. 8.7D )

  • May be associated with a white corneal infiltrate

Orbital cellulitis
  • Usually affects young children

  • Recent intercurrent viral illness

  • Vision may be affected

  • Possible double vision

  • Reduced vision and colour vision

  • Proptosis

  • Eye movement restriction

  • In severe cases, RAPD

Thyroid eye disease
  • Chronic red eyes

  • Sore, gritty sensation

  • Foreign body sensation

  • Double vision

  • Lid retraction

  • Proptosis

  • Conjunctival injection and chemosis (see Fig. 10.2B )

RAPD, Relative afferent pupillary defect (p. 182).

Double vision (diplopia)


  • Does the double vision occur with one eye open or only with both eyes open? Binocular double vision is caused by an imbalance in eye movement between the eyes. Monocular diplopia results from intraocular disease in one eye.

  • What is the character of the double vision (e.g. are images seen side by side, one above the other or at an angle)?

  • Has there been any recent trauma?

In binocular diplopia, test the eye movements ( Fig. 8.9 ) and use your knowledge of the function of the extraocular muscles (see Fig. 8.2 ) to work out which cranial nerve is affected.

Fig. 8.9, Testing the six positions of gaze.

The causes of double vision are summarised in Box 8.5 and Figs. 8.10 and 8.11 .

Causes of double vision

  • High astigmatism

  • Corneal opacity

  • Abnormal lens

  • Iris defect

  • Myasthenia gravis (p. 190)

  • VI nerve palsy ( Fig. 8.10 )

  • IV nerve palsy

  • III nerve palsy ( Fig. 8.11 )

  • Internuclear ophthalmoplegia

  • Thyroid eye disease (see Fig. 10.2A,B )

  • Complex or combined palsy

  • Severe orbital cellulitis or orbital inflammation

Fig. 8.10, L sided sixth nerve palsy causing weakness of the lateral rectus.

Fig. 8.11, Third nerve palsy.


Ocular discharge results from either an increase in production or a decrease in drainage from the ocular surface. Irritation of corneal nerves activates cranial nerve V(I), resulting in a reflex tearing response.

Tears normally drain from the ocular surface through the puncta, small openings to the medial end of the upper and lower eyelid, into the nasolacrimal duct, which opens below the inferior turbinate in the nasal cavity. Consequently, blockage of tear drainage or an abnormal lid position can also result in excessive discharge.


  • Is the discharge clear or opaque? If opaque, what colour?

  • Is the discharge watery or sticky?

  • Is the discharge associated with any other features (e.g. pain, foreign body sensation, red eye or itchiness)?

The clinical features of different types of eye discharge are summarised in Box 8.6 .

Common causes of increased discharge from the eyes

Causes Clinical features
Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Red eye

  • Yellow or green sticky discharge

  • Vision usually unaffected

Viral conjunctivitis
  • Red eye

  • Clear, watery discharge

  • Occasionally itchy eyes

  • Vision usually unaffected

  • Ocular examination: conjunctival chemosis and injection

Blocked tear duct
  • White eye

  • Clear, colourless tearing

  • Possible occluded punctum

  • Possible malposition of the lid

Trichiasis/foreign body
  • Foreign body sensation

  • Clear discharge

  • Positive fluorescein staining

Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Red eyes

  • Itchy eyes

  • Clear discharge

  • Possible history of hay fever or atopy, or recent start of eye medication

  • Mild injection of lids

  • Deposits on lashes

Poor tear film/dry eyes
  • Constant tearing

  • Watering increased in the wind

  • Improvement with tear supplements

  • Ocular examination: early break-up time (<3 seconds) with fluorescein staining of tear film

Swollen eyes

The orbit is enclosed by bone on all sides, except anteriorly. As a result, orbital swelling can lead to the anterior displacement of the globe and proptosis.

Ask if the swelling is:

  • Unilateral or bilateral?

  • Acute or gradual in onset?

  • Associated with pain?

  • Associated with itch or irritation?

  • Associated with double vision?

Box 8.7 summarises the common causes of swollen eyes.

Common causes of periorbital swelling and proptosis

Category Causes Clinical features
  • Orbital cellulitis

  • Rapid onset unilateral swelling and erythema

  • Pyrexia and signs of sepsis

  • Restricted ocular movements

  • Optic nerve compression in severe cases

  • Granulomatous polyangiitis

  • Idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease

  • Vasculitis

  • Proptosis with conjunctival redness and swelling is seen.

  • Restricted eye movements

  • In severe cases optic nerve compression

  • Orbital tumours

  • Lymphoma

  • Metastases

  • Gradual onset unilateral periocular swelling.

  • Not inflamed and rarely any erythema

  • Restricted eye movements

  • Thyroid eye disease

  • Bilateral asymmetric periocular swelling

  • Associated proptosis and reduced ocular movements.

  • Most cases are not associated with inflammation

  • Caroticocavernous fistula

  • Unilateral proptosis with conjunctival swelling

  • Reduced ocular movements

  • Patient aware of a bruit

  • Orbital varices

  • Intermittent unilateral swelling and proptosis associated with Valsalva manoeuvre

  • Occasional pain

  • Ptosis

  • Asymmetric palpebrae aperture

  • Severe viral conjunctivitis

  • Bilateral conjunctival injection and oedema associated with serous discharge

  • Myopia

  • Significant difference in prescription between the two eyes

  • The eye with the more minus prescription will look more prominent

  • Lid retraction

  • Difference in height of palpebral aperture between the two eyes

Past ocular history

Ask the patient whether they have any known ophthalmic conditions. Enquire specifically about amblyopia (a reduction in vision in one eye from childhood), as this may limit best-corrected visual acuity. Check whether the patient normally wears glasses or contact lenses, and ask about the last time they had their eyes checked for refractive correction. Also ask about any previous eye surgery, as this may also limit vision.

Past medical history

Focus on systemic diseases that can affect the eyes. In particular:

  • a history of diabetes or hypertension, especially in the context of visual loss

  • thyroid disease in the context of red, swollen eyes or double vision.

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