The Future of Mechanical Circulatory Support

I. The trail blazed and the pathway ahead

As the field of Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) reaches into its sixth decade beyond first laboratory experimentation, it behooves us to reflect on the historical, pioneering advances on which the future will be leveraged. Such reflection is most valuable when it inspires the thoughtful to blaze new trials.

Much has been accomplished. The field is tantalizingly close to the holy grail of delivering amazing technologies for (1) extending life with (2) quality and (3) safety with (4) easier-to-use therapies applied at the (5) optimum time in (6) properly selected heart failure patients while (7) achieving cost-effectiveness .

And, yet, much remains. The good news is that the pace of progress is accelerating. Hopefully, we are in the final decade of pioneering.

Survival with durable MCS devices is finally approaching that of heart transplantation. The vision of suitable quality of life is within sight.

However, we are still in the early stages of assuring safety , which has been limited by adverse events (AEs). This problem continues to compromise patients with morbidity and mortality , to burden caretakers with the rigors of management, and to strain our healthcare systems with excessive costs . All of that inhibits expansion into earlier stages of heart failure.

Despite the marvels of engineering underlying today’s blood pumps, their interface and interactions with their hosts remain to be perfected. The single most important opportunity to reduce AEs is through preventing sublethal blood damage. Advances in the science of hemocompatibility , as applied to device design and testing, have opened the door for a next generation of devices that will overcome factors that contribute to bleeding, thrombosis, strokes, infection, and inflammation. Other device-host interfaces to be addressed include those that deliver improved durability, enhanced functionality, expanded indications for use, quality of life, and ease of use.

Fortunately, we have learned that it is not only technology, but also management and patient factors, that impacts outcomes in the MCS field. While we continue to await perfected technology , the field will continue to see improvements through advances in management , of both pumps and patients, and through advances in optimizing patients and their selection. That will best be facilitated by organization and integration of MCS field-wide efforts.

Indeed, the future is promising. Our mission now is to deliver on the goals so long envisioned.

II. The future is leveraging the past

There is much to be learned by understanding historical roots. In the words of Winston Churchill, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Early Goals of Life, and then Life Outside the Hospital

The pioneering, clinical experience with durable, implantable blood pumps began in earnest in the late 1980s. In that early era, it was a remarkable breakthrough to offer hope of life to patients declining while awaiting heart transplantation and then, ultimately, offer hope for quality of life .

The first device to complete a controlled, clinical trial culminating in US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 1994 for bridging to transplantation was the HeartMate IP (Thermo CardioSystems, Boston, MA), an implantable, pulsatile left ventricular assist device (LVAD) powered pneumatically by a 90-pound external console. Patients received a survival benefit but remained hospital bound. A portable, 25-pound, pneumatic driver subsequently offered patients greater mobility and early experience with discharge. Electrically powered blood pumps, emerging with the next-generation HeartMate series, the VE and XVE LVADs, were the next to receive FDA approval. This opened the era of outpatient LVAD support and improved quality of life with patients engaging in light recreation and with some returning to their occupations.

That first-generation implantable technology was limited by durability , with mechanical bearing and tissue valve failures occurring on average at 1.5 years. Infections were problematic, especially with the early, large, rigid percutaneous leads. However, an advantage of that technology that has yet to be reproduced is freedom from anticoagulation more than aspirin.

Exploring Long-Term Life with ‘Destination Therapy’

A decade later, in the late 1990s, the field began the transition to long-term implantation, introducing the era of so-called destination therapy (DT), moving beyond bridging to transplantation. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)-supported Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure (REMATCH) trial became the setting for the first randomized controlled trial of LVAD therapy with the HeartMate XVE compared to optimum medical management over a 2-year period of observation.

Patients receiving an LVAD lived longer, demonstrating a survival benefit greater than any other heart failure therapy previously studied. The hoped-for improvement in quality of life appeared believable. However, mortality (23% survival at 2 years) and morbidity (especially with pump failures and infections) were still considerable, well behind outcomes with heart transplantation. That was not too surprising considering that the population studied had the most advanced level of heart failure ever studied up to that time.

The REMATCH trial served as an early catalyst to the field, opening the door to the long sought-after goal of life-long therapy. Data from that trial were used to secure Medicare approvals for reimbursement at levels that permitted cautious growth of the field. And, clinical teams began forming, with the important, high-profile entry of heart failure cardiologists joining the efforts of the heart surgeons whose leadership had been instrumental during the early startup stages of the MCS field.

The Pathway to Improvement

The pioneering efforts of the late 1980s through the 1990s were leveraged into an era of progressive improvement throughout the decade of the 2000s. Blood pump therapy had to improve substantially to begin approaching heart transplantation, the ‘gold-standard’ for end-stage heart failure at that time. It would have to follow the precedent observed with heart transplantation in which humble beginnings during the initial pioneering stages gave way to progressively improving outcomes.

Three areas of improvement would be necessary:

  • 1.

    Technology , including a new-generation of blood pumps;

  • 2.

    Management , of both the patients and devices; and

  • 3.

    Patient selection , based on new insight into patient risk factors.

The course to be followed for outcomes improvement, throughout that next era and into the future, is illustrated in Fig. 22.1 . The survival outcomes for the pioneering phase of MCS, represented by the 2-year survival curve with LVADs observed during the REMATCH trial, are superimposed on the 17-year survival curve for heart transplantation in the current era. Improving outcomes with MCS would be driven by the three factors most responsible: technology, management, and patient selection.

Fig. 22.1, Improving outcomes with blood pump therapy. The 2-year survival curves for LVADs vs. OMM from the pioneering era REMATCH Trial (in white) superimposed on the long-term survival curve for heart transplantation. Progress with LVAD outcomes beyond the first trial of long-term destination therapy was enabled by improvements in devices, management and patient selection. HTx , Heart transplantation; LVAD , left ventricular assist device; OMM , optimum medical management; REMATCH , Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure.

TECHNOLOGY Breakthroughs

It once was considered dogma that continuous-flow pumps with rotors spinning at high speeds would not be suitable for blood, given expectations of unacceptable hemolysis. This myth was dispelled with the arrival of the Hemopump, after which a whole new generation of implantable blood pumps incorporating rotary blood pump designs, axial or centrifugal, was introduced. These pumps afforded smaller size, elimination of noise and vibration, improved durability, and easier implantation than the previous, pioneering generation of large, pulsing, displacement pumps.

The decade of the 2000s witnessed expanding use of these rotary pumps. Following clinical trials, incorporating randomization against a previous-generation, approved pump, the HeartMate II axial flow LVAD (Thoratec, Pleasanton, CA) received FDA approval in 2008 for bridging to transplantation and 2010 for long-term DT. The HeartWare HVAD centrifugal pump (HeartWare, Boston, MA) received FDA approvals for the same indications in 2012 and 2017.

MANAGEMENT Improvements and Guidelines

How patients and devices are managed markedly affects outcomes. Good management can offset some technological imperfections. The 2010 decade saw the rise of efforts to establish consensus around management issues, the publication of guidelines, and the application of best practices.

PATIENT Selection and Risk Mitigation

Early in the history of the MCS field, patients implanted with devices were extremely high-risk patients, literally on death’s door. Moving to earlier-stage patients would be expected to improve outcomes through lower exposure to perioperative risk. If pushed prematurely, however, the benefits of device therapy could be outweighed by the risks associated with good, but less-than-perfect, technology. The search for appropriate ‘equipoise’ balancing risk versus benefit at a given time with a given technology, has been a subject of considerable discussion.

The US national Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (INTERMACS) has afforded guidance with patient risk factor characterization and relevant outcomes data. Fig. 22.2 illustrates the breakdown of New York Heart Association (NYHA) class IV patients into six categories from highest severity of illness (IM 1) to lowest (IM 6), followed by NYHA class III (IM 7). The INTERMACS data confirm a lower likelihood of survival in the higher-acuity categories (lower IM levels), indicating the importance of careful patient selection. Preoperative optimization to reduce risk has been recognized as essential.

Fig. 22.2, INTERMACS levels of severity of heart failure. Descriptions of INTERMACS levels for IM 1 (greater severity) through IM 7 (less severity), grouped by NYHA class and by inotrope dependence or ambulatory status. HF , Heart failure; INTERMACS , Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; NYHA , New York Heart Association.

The Era of Improving Survival

A review of survival with LVADs throughout multiple clinical trials starting with the REMATCH trial demonstrates progressive improvement, now approaching that of heart transplantation, at least within the first 3 to 5 years. This is illustrated in Fig. 22.3 , demonstrating progressive improvement in survival from early clinical trials to more recent ones.

Fig. 22.3, Progressive improvement in LVAD survival. Survival curves from separate, controlled clinical trials of LVADs indicating progressive improvement in outcomes from 2001 onward. A survival curve for heart transplantation is superimposed. Superscript numbers are references. (Based on published data originating from controlled trials involving separate patient populations—presented to illustrate trends with MCS outcomes.) HM , HeartMate; HTx , heart transplantation; LVAD , left ventricular assist device (HM XVE, HM2, HVAD, HM3); OMM , optimum medical management (REMATCH trial); REMATCH , Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure.

Real-world experiences have supported this trend. Individual center and small group experiences have excelled, approaching equivalence to survival with heart transplantation.

III. The future is optimizing the present

How the challenges of preceding decades have been addressed, and what remains to be improved, serves as guidance for future directions in MCS. If remaining challenges represent opportunity, there is plenty of opportunity available.


The most important prospect in the near-term to improve the MCS field is to address the ominous challenge of adverse events (AEs). Data from the INTERMACS illustrates this and serves as a wake-up call. By 12 months after implantation with current-generation ventricular assist devices (VADs), 70% of patients will have experienced one major AE, whether it be bleeding, stroke, device thrombosis/malfunction, infection, or death. This is illustrated in Fig. 22.4 , which graphically displays the sobering magnitude of the AE challenge and summarizes the estimated rates of occurrence of the most troublesome AEs. The cumulative impact of the AEs year after year is considered the most significant impediment to responsible growth of the MCS field, whether that be through limiting the number of patients served or slowing expansion into earlier-stage heart failure.

Fig. 22.4, AEs with current LVADs. This INTERMACS analysis indicates a high level of AEs, with only 30% freedom from the first occurrence of a major AE at 1-year post LVAD implantation. Field-wide estimates of the rates of major AEs and impact on re-hospitalizations are provided. AE , Adverse event; INTERMACS , Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; LVAD , left ventricular assist device (continuous flow).

In addition to the substantial clinical impact of AEs, the economic challenge created by the AEs is enormous. Underlying this is the high frequency of re-hospitalizations. The costs of device replacement, rehospitalizations, diagnostic workups, and therapeutic interventions quickly add up. While the initial implantation costs remain high, it is the long-term costs that represent the greatest challenge. While there are encouraging trends with the most recent clinical experience, this opportunity for improving cost-effectiveness through improving AEs cannot be ignored.


As was noted throughout the history of the MCS field, ongoing improvements with technology, management, and patient selection will be fundamental to overcoming the challenges. While requests abound for better technology, it is clear that outcomes can be improved even with existing technology by improving management and patient selection.

Insight into this is garnered from observations of large differences in outcomes, varying from center to center even with the same devices. For example, wide differences in rates of pump thrombosis have been noted even with the same LVAD. Stroke rates have varied considerably between centers and across eras even with the same device.

Evidence exists to support the idea that improvements in thrombosis with HeartMate II LVADs can be achieved as a result of minimizing variation in management by standardization around best practices, either evidence based or through consensus. Improvements in stroke rates with HVAD LVADs have been noted with better management of blood pressure. Certainly, patient factors contribute varying degrees of risk for the occurrence of AEs—either through a state of compromise and deterioration induced by progressive heart failure—or through inherent biologic or genetically induced conditions that may predispose a particular patient to specific risks.


A wish list of technological improvements is presented in Fig. 22.5 . These improvements are broadly categorized into those for safety, for performance, and for utility. Safety is the highest priority given that the greatest challenge in MCS is the AE issue.

Fig. 22.5, Targets for optimization of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) technology. Opportunities for improving MCS technology, broadly categorized in relationship to safety, performance, and utility, with safety being the highest priority.


Hemocompatibility, a subset of biocompatibility, is the term used to describe the avoidance of damage to blood elements. The device-associated AEs of bleeding, thrombosis, and stroke are largely related to hemocompatibility.

Early goals for achieving hemocompatibility were focused on preventing major hemolysis due to shear-mediated damage to red blood cells. Given the relative freedom from significant hemolysis in current pumps, attention has turned to other blood elements, including the von Willebrand factor (vWF), platelets, and white blood cells (WBCs). Damage to the vWF has been associated with clinical bleeding, notably mucosal bleeding, particularly gastrointestinal (GI). Platelet damage and activation have been associated with thrombosis. Damage to WBCs can trigger inflammatory responses and impact defenses against infection.

The recent arrival of a blood pump designed intentionally to improve hemocompatibility has been met with enthusiasm, as evidenced by robust participation in the largest randomized trial ever in the MCS space. The HeartMate 3 LVAD (Abbott, Lake Bluff, IL, USA) is a centrifugal pump employing (a) magnetics to levitate its rotor instead of two other preceding designs: (b) miniature mechanical bearings lubricated by blood or (c) hydrodynamic bearings using inclined planes fabricated into the rotor edges to lift the rotor away from the pump body, suspending it on a thin, blood fluid film created when the rotor turns above a minimum speed, analogous to hydroplaning or skiing across the surface of water. By employing magnetics to continuously suspend the rotor, even when stopped, the gaps between the rotor and housing can be wider, resulting in lower shear forces between the rotor and housing. The HeartMate 3 also employs intermittent, intrinsic speed oscillation to avoid areas of stagnation. In theory, these device improvements could lead to lower rates of bleeding, thrombosis, and stroke.

An overall improvement in hemocompatibility-related AEs with the HeartMate 3 in comparison to the HeartMate II has been reported. Pump thrombosis has been markedly improved, now occurring rarely. However, stroke rates are still higher than ideal, although there are early indications of the potential for improvement. And bleeding remains a frequent, vexing problem. Further improvements in outcomes will depend upon device engineering advances supplemented by changes in clinical management.

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