The Epilepsies


A seizure is defined by transient focal or generalized signs or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain. Focal seizures, which originate within neuronal networks limited to one cerebral hemisphere, produce signs and symptoms corresponding to the specific region of the brain affected by the seizure. Generalized seizures rapidly affect extensive neuronal networks on both cerebral hemispheres, and their signs and symptoms are consistent with substantial involvement of both sides of the brain.

Seizures are not synonymous with epilepsy. The epilepsies should be distinguished from situations in which acute brain insults (e.g., infections, trauma, intoxication, metabolic disturbances) cause one or more seizures without a resulting chronic seizure tendency. Acute symptomatic seizures, or provoked seizures, constitute about 40% of all incident cases of nonfebrile seizures, typically respond to treatment of the provoking factor, and do not require long-term treatment with antiseizure medications.

The epilepsies are a group of conditions in which an underlying neurologic disorder results in a chronic tendency to have recurrent unprovoked seizures. The diagnosis of epilepsy is established if one of the following three criteria is met: two or more unprovoked or reflex seizures occurring more than 24 hours apart; a single unprovoked or reflex seizure in a person whose risk of recurrence is at least 60% over the next 10 years (e.g., brain tumor, hemorrhage, or infection); or a known epilepsy syndrome (e.g., self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes).

The causes, types, and clinical expression of the epilepsies are numerous and varied. However, some of the epilepsies conform into identifiable epileptic syndromes, which consist of clusters of clinical and electroencephalographic (EEG) features that have specific causes, respond to particular treatments, and may have specific prognostic implications.


Incidence and Prevalence

Seizures are common in the general population, and about 1 in 10 people will experience a seizure in their lifetime. Most of these seizures are provoked by acute events and are not related to epilepsy. The overall annual incidence of acute symptomatic seizures, excluding febrile seizures, in developed countries is about 39 per 100,000 people. The incidence is higher in men and follows a bimodal age distribution, with its highest peak in the first year of life (up to 300 per 100,000), a nadir of 15 per 100,000 in the third and fourth decades of life, and a second peak rising to 123 per 100,000 after 75 years of age. These differences are attributable to the high incidence of acute symptomatic seizures associated with metabolic, infectious, and encephalopathic causes during the neonatal period and of cerebrovascular, neoplastic, and degenerative diseases in elderly persons.

After headache, the epilepsies are the most frequent chronic neurologic condition seen in general practice worldwide. In developed countries, the prevalence of active epilepsy ranges from 5 to 7 per 1000 persons, and the median annual incidence is 45 per 100,000 (range, 30 to 67), varying by age and socioeconomic status. One in 26 people will develop epilepsy during their lifetime (1 in 21 males and 1 in 28 females). The incidence of epilepsy peaks in children younger than 5 years at 60 to 70 per 100,000, decreases throughout adolescence to 30 per 100,000 in early adulthood, and rises again after the sixth decade, reaching a peak of 150 to 200 per 100,000 persons older than 75 years. The overall incidence of epilepsy appears to be increasing in recent decades because of a larger proportion of elderly persons in the population and an increasing incidence rate of epilepsy within the elderly population. Overall, the incidence and prevalence of the epilepsies are higher in developing countries, largely owing to a higher frequency of perinatal insults, trauma, and infectious disorders of the brain and to suboptimal treatment. In these countries, the median prevalence of active epilepsy is 12.5 per 1000 (range, 5 to 57 per 1000), and the annual incidence ranges from 78 to 190 per 100,000. Furthermore, the patterns of age-specific incidence are quite different in developing countries, where incidence peaks in young adults, not in elderly persons.

Risk Factors

Among all age groups, the top five risk factors for developing acute symptomatic seizures are head trauma (16%), stroke (16%), infectious disorders (15%), toxic-metabolic disorders (15%), and drug and alcohol withdrawal (14%) ( Table 372-1 ).

TABLE 372-1
Hypernatremia, hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, nonketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, renal failure
Theophylline, meperidine, tricyclic antidepressants, ephedra, ginkgo, phenothiazines, quinolones, β-lactams, isoniazid, antihistamines, cyclosporine, interferons, tacrolimus, cocaine, lithium, amphetamines
Alcohol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates
Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, peripartum
Sickle cell crisis, hypertensive encephalopathy, systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis, eclampsia, high fever
Trauma, stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, encephalitis, abscess, bacterial meningitis

The risk factors for developing epilepsy differ in adults and children. In childhood, excluding inherited epilepsies, the risk is increased by febrile seizures, head trauma, infections of the brain, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, brain malformations, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Perinatal insults do not carry an increased risk for epilepsy unless they are accompanied by intellectual disability or cerebral palsy.

In adults, risk factors for developing epilepsy can be identified in about one third of patients, in whom head trauma, brain infections, stroke, brain tumor, and dementia are the most common causes. In surgical specimens, the most common causes are mesial temporal sclerosis, cortical dysplasias, low-grade tumors, and vascular malformations. The risk of developing epilepsy is increased more than 500-fold by a history of a military head injury; 30-fold by a severe civilian head injury ( Chapter 368 ); 20-fold each by stroke ( Chapter 376 ) and brain infection ( Chapter 381 to 383 ); and 10-fold each for Alzheimer disease ( Chapter 371 ), migraine ( Chapter 367 ), and hypertension. In Latin America, the most frequently identified risk factor is brain infection. In endemic areas, neurocysticercosis ( Chapter 325 ) accounts for about 10% of all newly diagnosed cases of epilepsy.



The pathologic substrates and mechanisms underpinning initiation and propagation differ for focal and generalized seizures. In focal seizures, an aggregate of cortical or subcortical neurons develop high-frequency bursts of sodium-dependent action potentials caused by a shift in calcium conductance, thereby resulting in the typical EEG spike discharge ( Fig. 372-1 ). Spread of bursting activity to other neurons is normally prevented by surrounding inhibitory mechanisms, such as hyperpolarization and inhibitory interneurons. When a sufficient number of neurons are engaged in sustained bursting, further excitatory phenomena ensue, including the increased release of excitatory neurotransmitters owing to presynaptic accumulation of Ca 2+ , depolarization of surrounding neurons owing to increased extracellular K + , and further neuronal activation caused by depolarization-induced activation of N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) receptors. As excitation increases and inhibition decreases, additional neurons are recruited regionally and distantly, thereby resulting in seizure propagation. The mechanisms by which neurons develop a tendency toward anomalous bursting activity include alterations in neurotransmitters, membrane receptors, ion channels, second-messenger systems, and gene expression of various proteins.

FIGURE 372-1, Selected electroencephalogram channels showing a typical right anterior temporal spike, the archetypal interictal footprint of temporal lobe epilepsy.

Considerably less is known about the basic mechanisms underlying generalized seizures, which depend prominently on thalamocortical circuits. In absence seizures, the classic generalized spike-and-wave discharges seen on EEG ( Video 372-1 ) are related to alterations in oscillatory rhythms generated by circuits that connect the thalamus and cortex and that involve T-type Ca 2+ channels, which are located in the reticular nucleus of the thalamus. In generalized convulsive seizures, cortical neurons exhibit prolonged depolarization during the tonic phase, followed by rhythmic depolarization and repolarization during the clonic phase. Activation of NMDA receptors increases calcium Ca 2+ influx, thereby leading to further neuronal excitation. The initiation and modulation of generalized convulsive seizures involve cholinergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic, and histaminergic afferents from the brain stem and basal forebrain structures, which modulate excitability of hemispheric motor mechanisms.


One or more genetic factors play a role in 70% of people with epilepsy, and the risk of epilepsy is higher in first-degree relatives of patients with epilepsy than in the general population. For example, about 15% of patients have one or more first-degree relatives who also suffer from epilepsy, and 75% of those have just one affected relative. In a large population-based study, the cumulative incidence of epilepsy to age 20 years was 2.5-fold higher in siblings and 3.4-fold higher in offspring of patients with epilepsy. Transcranial magnetic stimulation shows increased cortical excitability in siblings of patients with epilepsy, even when these epilepsies are acquired.

Genetic causes of epilepsy may arise at a chromosomal or molecular level. Important chromosomal disorders producing epilepsy include the following syndromes: Angelman (15q11-q13), Down (trisomy 21), Klinefelter (XXY), Miller Dieker (17p), Pallister Killian (12p), Wolf-Hirschhorn (4p), and Ring 14 and 20.

All modes of inheritance are involved in epilepsy: mendelian epilepsy genes, which are rare but carry a high risk of epilepsy; rare variants associated with an intermediate risk and frequency of epilepsy; and common variants, which occur frequently but have a low independent risk of epilepsy. In addition, epigenetic mechanisms, which can also be inherited, are increasingly recognized in epilepsy.

  • 1.

    Conditions in which epilepsy or seizures form part of a mendelian disorder (e.g., autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked) comprise over 1000 rare conditions with a high risk. These conditions include neurocutaneous disorders ( Chapter 385 ), neurodegenerative disorders, inherited malformations of cortical development ( Chapter 385 ), and inherited metabolic disorders. For example, genes have been identified in progressive myoclonic epilepsies (e.g., Unverricht-Lundborg disease, Lafora disease, and the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis), X-linked myoclonic epilepsy with intellectual disability, and cortical malformation syndromes (e.g., polymicrogyria, pachygyria, periventricular nodular heterotopia).

  • 2.

    Epilepsies that can be directly explained by single gene mutations are rare and account for only about 1% of all epilepsy cases. Over 30 genes have been identified in at least 15 focal and generalized epilepsy syndromes, including genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus, severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy and related syndromes, benign familial neonatal convulsions, benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures, benign familial infantile seizures, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, childhood absence epilepsy, West syndrome, early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression burst, malignant migrating partial seizures of infancy, autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, familial infantile myoclonic epilepsy, epilepsy + paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia, familial lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, and familial focal epilepsy with variable foci. Genetic mutations may affect neuronal excitability, neuronal metabolism, synaptic function, or network development. Although most of these gene mutations affect ion channels ( SCN1A, SCN1B, SCN2A, KCNQ2, KCNQ 3, KCNT1, KCTD7 ), other cellular functions affected include neurotransmitter release ( STXBP1 ), neurotransmitter receptors ( CHRNA, CHRNB, GABRD, GABRG2, GRIN2A, GRIN2B ), synaptic function ( SYN1 ), glutamate transport ( SLC25A22 ), gene regulation and transcription ( ARX ), cell adhesion ( PCDH19 ), cell membrane function ( PRRT2, TBC1D24, DEPDC5 ), protein kinase and cell energy function ( CDKL5, BCKDK, ATP1A2 ), glucose transporter GLUT1 deficiency ( SLC2A1 ), the mTOR pathway for cell growth and differentiation ( TSC1, TSC2 ), and neuronal signaling ( EFHC1, LGI1, PLCB1 ). An increased genetic predisposition for epilepsy is associated with specific genotypes ( MTHFR, C677T ) in patients who develop post-traumatic epilepsy.

  • 3.

    In some patients, the epilepsy is associated with “complex” disease genes. In this large group, which constitutes about 50% of all patients with epilepsy, multiple genes (common variants) with individually small but additive effects act in combination with environmental factors to produce an increased risk for epilepsy. Genes associated with generalized epilepsy in this category include CHRM3, VRK2, ZEB2, SCN1A , and PNPO .

Clinical Manifestations

The clinical expression of seizures varies widely depending on the type of seizure and the areas of the brain involved by the epileptic activity. Accurate identification of the specific type of seizures is crucial because it dictates the type of medication the patient should receive. The signs and symptoms at the onset of individual seizures describe three categories: focal, generalized, and unknown onset ( Fig. 372-2 and ).

FIGURE 372-2, International League Against Epilepsy Classification of Seizures.

Focal seizures are further subclassified according to their clinical expression. If awareness is impaired at any point, they are referred to as focal impaired awareness seizures . For example, patients who formerly were classified as having simple partial seizures are now classified as having focal aware seizures . Focal seizures are also subclassified by the presence or absence of motor phenomena at the onset into focal motor or nonmotor seizures . More granular categorization of motor and nonmotor seizures are then provided according to the clinical expression.

Generalized seizures are classified primarily into motor (e.g., tonic, tonic-clonic, myoclonic seizures) and nonmotor (absence seizures). Finally, when it is not possible to determine whether the onset of seizures is focal or generalized because of lack of information or ambiguous features, seizures are termed unknown-onset seizures .

Focal Seizures

The seizure warning often consists of sensory, autonomic, or emotional symptoms that are experienced at the start of an observable seizure. The warning symptom is a focal seizure itself, and it is often missed because patients and clinicians focus on the more dramatic aspects of awareness or convulsion that follow. Careful inquiry about the occurrence of a warning is of crucial importance for three reasons. First, it points to a focal as opposed to a generalized onset, thereby implying an underlying focal structural or functional brain abnormality (e.g., a tumor) that requires further investigation. Second, focal seizures have important implications for therapy and for prognosis (see later). Third, the nature of the symptoms points to the area of the brain that gives rise to the seizure and that could be a target for surgical treatment ( Table 372-2 ).

Clonic Precentral rolandic Contralateral regional clonic jerking, usually rhythmic and sustained, may spread to other body segments in jacksonian motor march; often accompanied by sensory symptoms in the same area
Tonic and Dystonic Supplementary sensory-motor Unilateral or bilateral tonic contraction of limbs causing postural changes; may exhibit classic fencing posture; may have speech arrest or vocalization
Frontal Contralateral head and eye version, salivation, speech arrest or vocalization; may be combined with other motor signs (as noted earlier) depending on seizure spread
Somatosensory Postcentral rolandic; parietal Contralateral intermittent or prolonged tingling, numbness, sense of movement, desire to move, heat, cold, electric shock. Sensation may spread to other body segments
Parietal Contralateral agnosia of a limb, phantom limb, distortion of size or position of body part
Second sensory; supplementary sensory-motor; insula Ipsilateral or bilateral facial, truncal or limb tingling, numbness, or pain. Often involve lips, tongue, fingertips, feet
Gustatory Parietal; rolandic operculum; insula; temporal lobe Often unpleasant taste, acidic, metallic, salty, sweet, smoky
Olfactory Mesial temporal; orbitofrontal Often unpleasant, often with gustatory symptoms
Vestibular Occipitotemporal-parietal junction; frontal lobe Sensation of body displacement in various directions
Visual Occipital Contralateral static, moving, or flashing colored or uncolored lights, shapes, or spots. Contralateral or bilateral, partial or complete loss of vision
Temporal; occipitotemporal-parietal junction Formed visual scenes, faces, people, objects, animals
Autonomic, Cognitive, and Emotional Limbic structures: amygdala, hippocampus, cingulum, olfactory cortex, hypothalamus Autonomic: abdominal rising sensation, nausea, borborygmi, flushing, pallor, piloerection, perspiration, heart rate changes including asystole, chest pain, shortness of breath, cephalic sensation, lightheadedness, orgasm
Cognitive: déjà vu, jamais vu, depersonalization, derealization, dreamlike state, forced memory or forced thinking, apraxia, aphasia
Emotional: fear, elation, sadness, anxiety, pleasure, crying, laughing, anger
Impaired Awareness Usually extensive or bilateral involvement of limbic structures (see earlier) Previously known as “complex partial seizures,” characterized by lack of perception, knowledge, or memory of events occurring during the seizure
Note: Focal seizures may evolve into bilateral tonic-clonic seizures.

The neuronal discharge causing the focal seizure may remain confined to the region where it began (as a warning symptom or more objective focal event), or it may spread to involve additional brain areas. Thus a focal seizure originating in the cortical area that represents sensation of the hand (rolandic area) may begin with contralateral hand tingling and then progress to involve additional cortical regions ipsilaterally, producing more extensive sensory symptoms as well as clonic motor signs. Seizures of rolandic origin in particular exhibit a peculiar type of propagation, in which the seizure activity “marches” from hand to arm to leg area ipsilaterally, a process referred to as a jacksonian march. After the clonic motor activity ends, patients are often weak; a postictal or Todd paralysis may last hours or even a day or two, with gradual resolution ( Video 372-2 ). The seizure may also propagate to distant ipsilateral or contralateral regions along known anatomic pathways.

In focal impaired awareness seizures, the person is not aware of self or environment during the seizure because of sufficient propagation of seizure activity to limbic and bilateral structures to cause alteration of awareness ( Videos 372-3 and 372-4 ). Focal seizures originating from any region can impair awareness, and unilateral focal seizures can progress to involve bilateral brain areas and cause a bilateral convulsive seizure ( Video 372-5 ). Such convulsive seizures usually take the form of bilateral tonic-clonic events rather than another type of generalized seizure ( Table 372-3 ).

TABLE 372-3
Tonic Sustained increase in muscle contraction persisting for a few seconds to minutes
Clonic Sustained regularly repetitive contractions involving the same muscle groups at a rate of 2-3 cycles per second
Tonic-clonic A sequence consisting of a tonic followed by a clonic phase
Myoclonic Myoclonic Sudden, brief (<100 msec), shocklike, involuntary single or multiple contractions of muscle groups of various locations
Myoclonic atonic A sequence consisting of a myoclonic followed by an atonic phase
Myoclonic-tonic-clonic A sequence consisting of a few myoclonic jerks followed by a tonic-clonic seizure, commonly seen in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Atonic Sudden loss or diminution of muscle tone persisting for 1-2 seconds, involving the head, trunk, jaw, or limb muscles
Absence Typical Abrupt cessation of activities, motionless, blank stare, and loss of awareness persisting about 10 seconds; attack ends suddenly, and patient resumes normal activities immediately
Atypical Longer duration than typical absence, gradual onset and offset, often accompanied by myoclonic, tonic, atonic, and autonomic features as well as automatisms
Myoclonic absence Absence seizure with rhythmic three-per-second myoclonic movements, causing ratcheting abduction of the upper limbs, progressive arm elevation, and associated with three-per-second generalized spike-wave discharges
Myoclonic atonic absence Absence seizure with brief jerking of limbs or trunk, followed by a limp drop

The evolution of the focal clinical seizure reflects the evolution of the EEG changes, which in turn reflects the pathophysiology of the process. A simultaneous rhythmic, localized discharge (often in the 4- to 7-Hz range) becomes higher in amplitude and lower in frequency as the seizure continues (see Video 372-5 ). Some seizures that begin in the association cortex (e.g., frontal or parietal lobes) have bizarre or extremely brief clinical manifestations without postictal deficits and create diagnostic challenges ( Videos 372-6 , 372-7 , and 372-8 ). The stereotyped nature of the clinical events, with identification of EEG changes if present, may be the only way to make an appropriate diagnosis. The diagnosis can be even more challenging if the seizure spreads to different cortical regions during different seizure episodes, thereby producing variable constellations of clinical findings at different times.

Focal seizures with or without impaired awareness can also occur as a series of single events without intervening normal behavior, thereby resulting in focal status epilepticus. Focal status epilepticus with impaired awareness seizures is characterized by prolonged confused behavior. EEG findings may be normal in a focal seizure without altered awareness, even in patients with status epilepticus, but the diagnosis is usually evident from the clinical features. In status epilepticus of focal impaired awareness seizures, EEG recordings show continuous abnormalities that are different than those seen in single seizures in that individual. The most common are a slow background with superimposed rhythmic high-amplitude sharp waves or repetitive rhythmic seizure discharges ( Fig. 372-3 ). This type of status epilepticus is most frequent with frontal lobe seizures but can occur in temporal lobe or other seizures as well. The factors that precipitate status epilepticus are not well defined, nor are the implications for treatment or prognosis.

FIGURE 372-3, Focal right hemisphere nonconvulsive status epilepticus in a comatose patient with a large right hemisphere infarct.

Nonconvulsive status epilepticus consists of a state of confusion or impaired mental status in patients with various neurologic diagnoses (e.g., trauma, stroke) in the acute intensive care unit setting ( Video 372-9 ). It also denotes a condition that can occur de novo in older adults without a precipitating cause and that is characterized by prolonged confusional episodes, which are caused by generalized slow spike-and-wave status epilepticus. Clinical suspicion should prompt an EEG study, which is essential for diagnosis.

Generalized Seizures

Generalized seizures rapidly affect both cerebral hemispheres, and their clinical expression is consistent with substantial involvement of both sides of the brain (see Table 372-3 ). Convulsive seizures, which were previously termed grand mal seizures, consist of excessive abnormal muscle contractions that may be sustained or interrupted and usually are a combination of tonic and clonic phases (generalized tonic-clonic seizures). This type of seizure may involve both hemispheres at the onset or may result from propagation of a focal seizure. These dramatic seizures often frighten witnesses and cause severe disruption of social interaction and development. They may begin with a “cry” as a result of abrupt air movement across the glottis from sudden tonic muscle contraction. The patient becomes diffusely stiff, usually with limb and body extension ( Video 372-10 ). Breathing is suspended, cyanosis occurs, and urinary incontinence is common. After 15 to 45 seconds, the tonic activity gives way to clonic, rhythmic, sometimes asymmetrical jerking of all four extremities ( Video 372-11 ). The rhythmic contractions gradually become slower in frequency until the event stops; the patient is apneic, comatose, and diaphoretic, but breathing with stridor and gasping begins within 60 seconds. Patients who have generalized tonic-clonic seizures in public often prompt bystanders to initiate resuscitation efforts, although such patients begin spontaneous respiration within 1 minute or so. Postictal stupor persists for a variable length of time. The patient generally sleeps for 2 to 8 hours and then complains of severe headache, sore muscles, a bitten tongue, and the inability to concentrate for a day or more. After generalized tonic-clonic seizures, some individuals have severe memory loss that gradually improves, sometimes over a period of weeks. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures also are a common expression of many metabolic, toxic, traumatic, or ischemic insults (see Table 372-1 ), but these provoked seizures do not qualify for the diagnosis of epilepsy.

Absence seizures, which are the second most common type of generalized seizure, are classified as typical or atypical (see Table 372-3 ). In typical absence seizures, patients experience an abrupt onset and termination of a momentary lapse of awareness. Patients have no perception of any aspect of the event and may or may not realize that some time was lost, although individuals often lose their train of thought. Because consciousness is abruptly lost and immediately regained, there is neither an initial symptom nor residual postictal symptoms. These seizures begin in childhood, and school teachers are often the first to notice them. In absence seizures, patients stop abruptly, stare vacantly, may have brief eye blinking or myoclonic movements, particularly if the event extends beyond 10 seconds (as judged by EEG), and regain function instantly (see Video 372-1 ). These seizures can occur many times a day but are not associated with progressive neurologic disease. Absences can also occur in a more continuous form as nonconvulsive status epilepticus with resultant confusion.

Atypical absence seizures occur in patients with extensive bilateral brain disease. The events are similar to typical absence seizures in terms of loss of contact, but the onset and termination are gradual instead of abrupt; the duration is longer; and there is more motor, autonomic, or automatic activity.

Myoclonic seizures consist of brief, irregular, unsustained episodes of sudden motor contraction (see Table 372-3 ) that can be focal ( Video 372-12 ), with one limb involved, or bilateral and massive, with involvement of the face, both upper extremities, and the trunk. Consciousness may be preserved but can be difficult to evaluate because of the brevity of these seizures. Myoclonic seizures form part of three main clinical entities: juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, which starts in childhood or adolescence and often persists into adulthood; epilepsy with various combinations of absence and myoclonic seizures; and progressive myoclonic epilepsy, which occurs in the setting of degenerative or inherited syndromes with bilateral cerebral involvement and abnormal cerebral function. Myoclonic seizures most commonly occur in the morning after awakening and often increase in frequency to culminate in a generalized tonic-clonic seizure.

Atonic and tonic seizures are brief but extremely disabling motor events that are characterized by a sudden increase or decrease in muscle tone. They can result in falls and injuries with variable impairment of awareness. Such seizures frequently begin in children with diffuse central nervous system (CNS) disease and multiple types of seizures, but they persist during adulthood ( Videos 372-13 and 372-14 ).


The basic diagnosis of seizures is established by the clinical history. Although EEG, imaging, and laboratory studies are commonly required to determine the type of epilepsy, epilepsy syndrome, site of origin of focal seizures, and occurrence of nonepileptic seizures, the answer to the basic question of whether the patient’s episodes are seizures or not rests almost entirely on a careful clinical history and descriptions from eyewitnesses. The diagnosis of epilepsy can also be established by history, because epilepsy is defined as the occurrence of two unprovoked seizures or one unprovoked seizure in the context of a high underlying risk of recurrence or an epileptic syndrome.

Differential Diagnosis

The first question facing clinicians is whether the episodes under consideration are indeed seizures. The diverse clinical expression of seizures encompasses a large differential diagnosis among conditions that produce episodic neurologic dysfunction ( Table 372-4 ). Common conditions resembling seizures include syncope ( Chapters 39 and 49 ), transient ischemic attacks ( Chapter 376 ), migraine ( Chapter 367 ), movement disorders ( Chapter 379 ), and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (see Table 372-4 ).

TABLE 372-4
Migraine, syncope, transient ischemic attack, transient global amnesia, arrhythmia/hypoperfusion
Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, panic disorder, dissociative disorder
Tics, paroxysmal dystonia, paroxysmal choreoathetosis, paroxysmal ataxia
Night terrors, sleep walking, sleep myoclonus, narcolepsy/cataplexy, rapid eye movement sleep intrusions
Alcoholic blackouts, delirium tremens, hypoglycemia, hallucinogenic drugs, renal or hepatic encephalopathy
Breath-holding spells in children, paroxysmal vertigo, migraine with recurrent abdominal pain and cyclic vomiting

A number of historical elements dramatically change the likelihood of this diagnosis. Three essential elements help determine whether an episode is a seizure ( Table 372-5 ) and distinguish seizures from other causes of temporary loss of consciousness, especially syncope ( Chapters 39 and 49 ).

  • 1.

    The clinical context, including medical and family history and circumstances under which the episode occurred. For example, a strong family history of seizures and an event after sleep deprivation support a diagnosis of epileptic seizures. Conversely, a family history of syncope and an event occurring upon standing or with painful stimuli support a diagnosis of syncope.

  • 2.

    Specific triggers or provoking factors. For example, events occurring with exposure to bright or flashing lights support a diagnosis of epileptic seizures.

  • 3.

    A stereotypical evolution of the event, including four key components:

    • What is the first symptom or sign (presence and type of warning symptom, evidence of focal seizure at onset)?

    • How does it evolve after onset (what happens during the seizure proper, what are the signs or symptoms, how long does it last)?

    • How does it end (gradually or abruptly)?

    • Are there any neurologic deficits after the seizure ends?

TABLE 372-5
Clinical context and circumstances Neurologic or systemic conditions that predispose to seizures, family history of seizures. Mental fatigue, sleep deprivation, alcohol use or withdrawal, systemic illness Cardiovascular disorders, dehydration, anemia. Family history of syncope
Triggers Usually none (unless reflex epilepsy) Orthostatic hypotension, venipuncture, painful and noxious stimuli, emotional stress, micturition, Valsalva maneuver
Clinical features
• Onset No warning unless there is a warning symptom. Abrupt loss of consciousness, generalized stiffening, and fall. Occurs in any position Tiredness, nausea, diaphoresis, tunneling of vision. Loss of consciousness over a few seconds and falls. Occurs usually standing
• Course Prominent tonic phase then clonic movements lasting about 1 minute, cyanosis, labored breathing, may bite tongue or cheeks, sometimes urinary incontinence Usually loss of tone, pallor, multifocal myoclonic jerks lasting <15 seconds, sometimes urinary incontinence, usually no tongue or cheek biting
• Offset Postictal sleepiness and confusion lasting up to hours, headache, myalgia Rapid recovery over seconds to less than a few minutes, no confusion, headache, or myalgia. May have fatigue

Because patients have limited or no recall, the history from others is crucial. Observers can contribute important information about the patient’s activity, responses, and appearance, including changes in color, diaphoresis, respirations, vocalization, and muscle tone. Cell-phone videos obtained by witnesses can be very helpful in this regard. This information is required to characterize the type of seizure and to distinguish seizures from conditions that resemble seizures.

Migraine ( Chapter 367 ) and focal seizures not only resemble each other but also coexist as comorbid conditions and share genetic susceptibility loci. Features that favor a diagnosis of seizures over classic migraine include an inconsistent occurrence of headache during the event, a brief duration, and the occurrence of more severe seizures. Myoclonus ( Chapter 379 ) occurs in a variety of settings (e.g., metabolic encephalopathies) without any association with epilepsy or the EEG changes seen in myoclonic epilepsy.

Frontal lobe seizures arise predominantly during sleep and can have dramatic motor expression. They can be confused with nonepileptic psychogenic seizures, sleep disorders ( Chapter 374 ), or movement disorders ( Chapters 378 and 379 ). Video EEG monitoring may be necessary for diagnosis (see Videos 372-7 and 372-8 ).

Patients with panic attacks ( Chapter 362 ) can experience events that mimic focal seizures with autonomic and emotional features. However, panic attacks usually have a longer duration, do not progress to more severe seizures, and can be linked to specific circumstances. Nevertheless, focal seizures with emotional symptoms are often misdiagnosed as panic attacks.

Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures are behaviors that resemble seizures and are part of a functional neurologic disorder ( Chapter 362 ) that often leads to misdiagnosis. Psychogenic seizures can be difficult to diagnose because they can mimic almost any type of epileptic seizure, and they often coexist with epilepsy in the same patient. An erroneous diagnosis of nonepileptic seizures poses a risk for inappropriate discontinuation of medication, resulting in status epilepticus. Conversely, an erroneous diagnosis of epileptic seizures in a patient with psychogenic seizures can result in complications of unnecessary therapy, excessive sedation, and consequent cardiorespiratory depression, often requiring intubation and respiratory support. Features suggesting nonepileptic psychogenic seizures include variable clinical manifestations across episodes, frequent and prolonged episodes, lack of response to antiseizure medication, out-of-phase upper and lower body movements, prominent pelvic thrusting, eye closure during convulsive movements, and lack of rigidity. Patients may have a history of sexual or physical abuse. Nevertheless, the peculiarities of these attacks may require continuous video EEG monitoring for diagnosis.

Diagnostic Investigations

A detailed history, EEG recordings, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can lead to a definitive diagnosis of epilepsy and can identify a cause in up to 50% of patients. In other patients, the information is insufficient or inconsistent, but the physiologic and CNS abnormalities surrounding the actual event allow it to be placed provisionally into a specific diagnostic category in about another 30% of patients. Continuous video EEG monitoring in an inpatient epilepsy unit can increase diagnostic accuracy.

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