The Breast and the Physiology of Lactation

Universal breastfeeding is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), but recommendations alone are not sufficient to promote breastfeeding. It is the responsibility of every physician to recommend and promote breastfeeding enthusiastically and support the breastfeeding mother-infant dyad with informed, applicable, evidence-based medicine. This is especially true in obstetrics, where a physician’s advice can immediately influence a woman’s informed decision concerning breastfeeding and create or diminish barriers to successful breastfeeding.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding provides significant benefits for both the mother and the infant. A number of these benefits are documented in an evidence-based analysis in the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report on breastfeeding in developed countries. , ACOG and other groups have championed the benefits of breastfeeding and the use of human milk. The benefits are so significant that the AAP and ACOG recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life and continued breastfeeding through 12 months or more. The WHO recommends that mothers initiate breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth and provide exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life to achieve optimal infant growth, development, and health; subsequently, to meet their evolving nutritional requirements, infants should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods, while continuing to be breastfed for up to 2 years or beyond.

Breast milk is species specific, made uniquely for the human infant. Protein in breast milk is readily digested and is present in amounts that can be handled by the developing kidney. Various minerals (e.g., iron) and nutrients exist in a form and in conjunction with other components that make them easily absorbed to meet infants’ needs during periods of rapid growth. , Cholesterol and docosahexaenoic acid have been shown to play a role in central nervous system development and may contribute to the enhanced intelligence quotient measurements reported in breastfed infants.

Protection against infections, including otitis media, croup, pneumonia, and gastrointestinal infections, is mediated by the over 50 immunologically active components found in breast milk. , These immunologically active components include viable functioning cells (T and B lymphocytes, macrophages), T cell–secreted products, immunoglobulins (especially secretory immunoglobulin A [IgA]), carrier proteins such as lactoferrin and transferrin, enzymes (lysozyme and lipoprotein lipase), and nonspecific factors such as complement, bifidus factor, gangliosides, oligosaccharides, and nucleotides. Other immune factors in breast milk include hormones, hormone-like factors, and growth factors that contribute to the normal maturation of the mucosal barrier of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts as well as the developing infant’s immune system. Breast milk is a very dynamic fluid, varying with the mother-infant dyad’s environment and needs, especially in the face of infection or stress (providing, e.g., leukocytes, nucleotides, oligosaccharides, secretory IgA, interleukin, interferon, and cytokines). There is also evidence that breastfeeding provides protection against some noninfectious illnesses such as asthma, eczema, childhood lymphoma, insulin-dependent childhood-onset diabetes, and obesity , in children who are exclusively breastfed for the first 4 to 6 months of life. A cohort study of infants in Australia and a meta-analysis showed lower odds of developing type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, respectively.

Cognitive and psychological benefits for breastfed infants have been suggested, including those for developmental performance, visual acuity, school performance, and performance on standardized and intelligence quotient tests. More recent articles continue to support the impact of breastfeeding on intellectual development while fostering debate over the relative contributions of nutrition, genetics, and environment to the intellectual development of infants and the possible influence on the child’s or adult’s future cognitive abilities as measured by intelligence quotient testing. , , The psychological benefits are more difficult to measure but are well described by Newton and Newton and, indeed, by most mothers who have successfully breastfed their infants. One of the most consistent findings of exclusive breastfeeding is its influence on later intelligence, with a few test points’ advantage to the breastfed infant. Reports questioning this effect have been based on heterogenous definitions of breastfeeding (any breastfeeding, not exclusive breastfeeding) and may not have controlled for all potential confounders.

Potential benefits to the mother in the short term include improved postpartum recovery, a decreased risk of postpartum hemorrhage, and prolonged amenorrhea in mothers who exclusively or predominantly breastfeed in the first 6 months postpartum, which may increase spacing between births. There are data supporting the psychological benefits of breastfeeding for the mother, but there are also some equivocal studies. The relationship between breastfeeding and postpartum depression is complicated. Prenatal and postpartum depression are associated with early cessation of breastfeeding. Among women without a prenatal diagnosis of depression, high positive emotions during infant feeding at 2 months were associated with lower depression and anxiety symptoms at 2, 6, and 12 months. In contrast, breastfeeding worries, lower breastfeeding self-efficacy, negative breastfeeding attitudes, breastfeeding challenges, and pain have increased risk of developing postpartum depression.

Long-term benefits of lactation include a reduced incidence of metabolic syndrome, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and breast and ovarian cancers. , , , Bone metabolism changes during pregnancy and lactation to meet the needs of the mother and infant. Specifically, during lactation, maternal bone resorption occurs to meet the demand for calcium, although these bone losses are reversed over time. Feltner and colleagues reviewed the risk of fractures rather than the risk of bone mass loss. They identified that many variables may contribute to the risk of fractures (age, hormone replacement therapy, physical activity, parity, and body mass index [BMI]) related to lactation. They concluded that no studies demonstrated a significant association between breastfeeding and fracture. Most of the studies described a lower odds of fracture with greater breastfeeding duration that was not statistically significant. Increasing number of pregnancies, longer oral contraceptive use, and increasing duration of lactation are all protective against ovarian cancer. The incidence of breast cancer is lower among women who have nursed. , Newer data show an association between breastfeeding and lower rates of diabetes, , and for women with gestational diabetes who breastfeed there is lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the postpartum period. Endometrial and thyroid cancers have also been reported to be lower in breastfeeding mothers. , Other benefits include lower cost of providing adequate infant nutrition and lower environmental costs: 6 months of breastfeeding saves between 95 and 153 kg of CO 2 compared with formula feeding. ,

There is a dose-response relationship between the amount of human milk received by an infant and the benefits or immunologic protection gained. The health benefits to the mother from breastfeeding also relate to the dose and duration of breastfeeding. The relative “dose” of breastfeeding has been defined in terms of exclusivity versus the amount of supplementation ( Table 11.1 ). The WHO provides a specific definition of exclusive breastfeeding: “Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines.” The importance of this dose-response relationship is emphasized in the AAP’s and ACOG’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of life and the AHRQ report’s analysis of the benefits of breastfeeding relative to measured durations of breastfeeding. ,

TABLE 11.1
Breastfeeding Definitions
Modified from Labbok M, Krasovec K. Toward consistency in breastfeeding definitions. Stud Fam Plan. 1990;21(4):226–230.
Definition Amount of Supplementation
Full breastfeeding Exclusive human breast milk only Infant ingests no other nutrients, supplements, or liquids
Almost exclusive No milk other than human milk; only minimal amounts of other substances such as water, juice, tea, or vitamins
Partial breastfeeding High partial Nearly all feeds are human milk (at least 80%)
Medium partial A moderate amount of feeds are breast milk, in combination with other nutrient foods and nonhuman milk (20%–80% of nutritional intake is human breast milk)
Low partial Almost no feeds are breast milk (less than 20% of intake is breast milk)
Token breastfeeding Breastfeeding primarily for comfort; nonnutritive, for short periods of time, or infrequent
Never breastfed Infant never ingested any human milk

It is essential that a discussion of the benefits of breastfeeding for families (fathers and partners included) be presented alongside any potential risks or contraindications. The benefits of breastfeeding are tremendous, and the risks and contraindications are few. Summarized here and in Table 11.2 are the conditions in which the risks of breastfeeding or providing expressed mother’s own milk to infants may outweigh its benefits.

  • Women who take illicit drugs, abuse legal substances, or do not control their alcohol intake and are not in stable substance abuse treatment. , Various groups (AAP, ABM, ACOG, NIH/LactMed, WHO) define abuse, use disorders, and excess consumption/lack of control of intake based on the specific substances. ,

  • A woman who has an infant with classic galactosemia, because both human and cow’s milk exacerbate the condition. A lactose-free formula is recommended for these infants. In milder forms of galactosemia, partial breastfeeding is possible.

  • Women who are infected with human immunodeficiency virus or human T-cell leukemia virus type I (see Maternal Infections During Breastfeeding in this chapter).

  • Women who have active untreated tuberculosis. Because of the increased risk of airborne transmission associated with the close contact that is typical of breastfeeding, women with active tuberculosis should not feed their infant by any method until treatment is initiated. However, infected women can provide their pumped milk to their infants (see later).

  • Women who are known or suspected to be infected with Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa virus, or dengue virus, when a safe alternative food source is readily available (see later).

  • Women who take certain medications (see Medications While Breastfeeding, later).

Table 11.2
Contraindications to Breastfeeding and or Feeding of Breast Milk
Data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Contraindications to Breastfeeding or Feeding Expressed Breast Milk to Infants. Updated 2018. .
Mothers should NOT breastfeed or feed expressed breast milk to their infants
  • Classic galactosemia in the infant

  • Mother actively using illicit street drug, such as PCP or cocaine

  • Mother infected with HIV, a human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I or type II

  • Mother with confirmed or suspected Ebola virus disease

Mothers should temporarily NOT breastfeed or feed expressed breast milk to their infants
  • Mother is infected with untreated brucellosis

  • Mother is taking certain medications; e.g., certain chemotherapies

  • Mother is undergoing diagnostic imaging with radiopharmaceuticals

  • Mother has an active herpes simplex virus infection with lesions present on the breast (transmission)

    • May feed or provide expressed milk from the unaffected breast provided the lesions on the affected breast are covered

    • May resume feeding or providing expressed milk from the affected breast once the lesions have resolved

Mothers should temporarily NOT breastfeed, but CAN feed expressed breast milk
  • Mother has untreated, active tuberculosis

    • May resume breastfeeding after 2 weeks of appropriate treatment and no longer contagious

  • Mother has active varicella that developed within 5 days prior or 2 days after delivery

a HIV recommendation only applies to the specific countries that have recommended this as a component of their national efforts at perinatal HIV transmission prevention (e.g., United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Italy, among others).

Medical situations that indicate a potential risk from breastfeeding must be weighed against the potential benefits for both mother and infant.

Some of the contraindications may be permanent or temporary. For those infections with predominantly airborne or contact precautions, expressed milk may still be given to the infant. When mothers need to temporarily discontinue breastfeeding, instructions should be provided on when and how to resume breastfeeding, and lactation support should be provided to help with maintenance of their supply.

Role of the Obstetrician in Promoting Breastfeeding

Obstetricians have many responsibilities for breastfeeding, including the following:

  • Enthusiastically promoting and supporting breastfeeding, based on the published literature of its benefits advocated by the major pediatric, obstetric, and women’s health organizations. , ,

  • Imparting clinical information to the lactating mother about the physiology of lactogenesis and lactation, before and after the birth.

  • Developing and supporting hospital policies that facilitate breastfeeding and actively remove any barriers to it.

  • Supporting community efforts to provide women with adequate information to make an informed decision about breastfeeding, including links to community breastfeeding resources.

  • Providing balanced anticipatory guidance and lactation support to mothers and families regarding potential concerns during labor, delivery, the postpartum period, and breastfeeding (e.g., antenatal consultation with a breastfeeding medicine specialist or lactation specialist for anticipated needs such as suspected fetal cleft palate, multiple gestation, prematurity, and prior breast reduction surgery).

  • Actively assessing women for potential breastfeeding challenges, especially those with high-risk pregnancies. Be prepared to fully evaluate and manage breastfeeding difficulties mothers encounter, personally or with the assistance of a breastfeeding medicine specialist or lactation specialist. Enabling breastfeeding in this at-risk population may ameliorate cardiometabolic disease trajectories in the mother and child dyads.

  • Providing additional breastfeeding support for mothers at increased risk of low or insufficient milk production or other breastfeeding challenges.

  • Proactively providing equitable lactation care addressing potential social challenges to initiating and continuing breastfeeding through the individual attention of the obstetrician and the coordinated and collaborative efforts of institutional and community-based lactation support teams.

  • Fostering a general acceptance of breastfeeding by promoting a normative portrayal of breastfeeding and supporting the provision of sufficient time and facilities in the workplace.

  • Performing breast examinations before and after the birth and emphasizing lactation as the primary function of the breast.

  • Participating in breastfeeding education in medical and other health profession schools.

  • Supporting breastfeeding within their own medical facilities by instituting the “Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding” as outlined by UNICEF/WHO ( Box 11.1 ).

    Box 11.1
    The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding
    From UNICEF/WHO. The ten steps to successful breastfeeding. . Accessed January 28, 2021.

    Critical Management Procedures

    • 1a.

      Comply fully with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and relevant World Health Assembly resolutions.

    • 1b.

      Have a written infant feeding policy that is routinely communicated to staff and parents.

    • 1c.

      Establish ongoing monitoring and data-management systems.

    • 2.

      Ensure that staff have sufficient knowledge, competence, and skills to support breastfeeding.

    Key Clinical Practices

    • 3.

      Discuss the importance and management of breastfeeding with pregnant women and their families.

    • 4.

      Facilitate immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact and support mothers to initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth.

    • 5.

      Support mothers to initiate and maintain breastfeeding and manage common difficulties.

    • 6.

      Do not provide breastfed newborns any food or fluids other than breast milk, unless medically indicated.

    • 7.

      Enable mothers and their infants to remain together and to practice rooming-in 24 hours a day.

    • 8.

      Support mothers to recognize and respond to their infants’ cues for feeding.

    • 9.

      Counsel mothers on the use and risks of feeding bottles, teats, and pacifiers.

    • 10.

      Coordinate discharge so that parents and their infants have timely access to ongoing support and care.

The mother’s plan for infant feeding should be addressed early in prenatal care, with counseling, a medical history focused on breast health and breastfeeding, and a physical examination of the breast. An outline for breastfeeding promotion in the prenatal setting is provided in the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s Clinical Protocol #19. Counseling can be modeled after “The Best Start Three-Step Counseling Strategy” as suggested by Lazarov and Evans. This strategy advises beginning with open-ended questions about breastfeeding. An acknowledgment that feelings of doubt about the ability to breastfeed successfully are normal is a good place to begin. Education about breastfeeding then continues with discussion of how others have dealt with these concerns. This conversation will elucidate much about the woman’s knowledge of breastfeeding, her previous experiences with breastfeeding, and her own attitudes and those of the mother’s partner, the extended family, and other potentially supportive persons in the mother’s life. To be respectfully inclusive of all parents/families and avoid one example of discrimination and inequity as experienced by the LGBTQ+ community, affirming health care should begin with affirming names, pronouns, and consideration of the experiences and opinions of both parents. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) provides some guides for providing affirming lactation care to LGBTQ+ patients and families.

To support breastfeeding optimally, the concerns of family and friends must be addressed actively to foster needed support on many levels. Misconceptions and potential barriers must be identified and reasonable solutions developed in partnership with the woman. These often include feelings of responsibility for every unexplained problem the infant displays; conflicts among a woman’s several roles as mother, sexual partner, and worker outside the home; and, most commonly, a greater time commitment and fatigue than was expected. It is important to address these and other questions repeatedly throughout pregnancy and not just in the immediate postpartum period, working closely with the infant’s pediatrician. , Dr. Alison Stuebe, a maternal-fetal medicine expert and a member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, utilizes open-ended questions following a format recommended by Duggan and Street that encompasses relational functions (fostering healing and validating and responding to patient emotions) of provider-patient communication and “task-driven” functions (exchanging and managing information, making treatment decisions, enabling patient self-management, and managing uncertainty) to approach maternal and familial recurring issues and concerns regarding breastfeeding. ,

It is important to be familiar with and in communication with members of the medical team who support breastfeeding throughout the community including lactation consultants, pediatric practices, and support groups. Specific codes from the International Classification of Diseases , 10th Revision (ICD-10) commonly used for breastfeeding care and breast abnormalities are listed by ACOG to facilitate billing for the time required for informed medical care and effective communication.

Examination of the Breast

The medical history related to the breasts should include their development, previous experience with breastfeeding, systemic illnesses, infections, breast surgery or trauma, medications, allergies, self–breast examinations and findings, and any anatomic or physical concerns the mother has about her breasts.

The breast examination at prenatal and postpartum visits should include careful inspection and palpation. Inspection of the breasts is most effective in the sitting position, first with the arms overhead and then with the hands on the hips. Skin changes, distortions in shape or contour, and the form and size of the areola and nipple should be noted. Palpation can begin in the sitting position, looking for axillary and supraclavicular adenopathy. Palpation in the supine position is easier for the complete examination of the breast and surrounding anterolateral chest wall. Size, shape, consistency, masses, scars, tenderness, and any abnormalities can be noted in both descriptive and picture form for future comparison. Serial examinations should document maturational changes of pregnancy (size, shape, fullness, enlargement of areola) and nipple position (inversion or eversion).

The changes in the breast during pregnancy provide important prognostic data regarding successful breastfeeding. With the increased frequency of cosmetic breast surgery, it is important to be aware of the nature of any surgery and to examine carefully for the location of the surgical scars. Many women successfully breastfeed after surgery for benign breast disease, breast augmentation, or breast reduction. However, a periareolar incision or “nipple translocation technique” for breast reduction can damage nerves and ducts, making this more difficult. Nipple piercing is another increasingly common procedure, after which breastfeeding can be successful with the jewelry removed. Such surgeries do not preclude successful breastfeeding but rather remind us that additional early support should be provided to these mothers from physicians, nurses, lactation consultants, and peer support groups.

Perinatal Period

The obstetrician can make important contributions to successful breastfeeding through the conduct of the labor, delivery, and puerperium. A stressful or exhausting labor and delivery has been shown to affect lactation adversely. A safe delivery for both mother and infant is, of course, the most important outcome. During the delivery and afterward, any medications used should be compatible with breastfeeding and not interfere with the bonding and first feeding. Immediate skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant and a first feeding within 1 hour of delivery are probably the most important intrapartum steps to increase the likelihood of successful breastfeeding. Having the infant in the mother’s room, feeding on demand, and early breastfeeding support (including teaching appropriate techniques) within the first 24 to 36 hours can also help. Supplementation should be avoided unless medically indicated and ordered by the pediatrician.

For the breastfeeding woman, medication choices are very important (see Medications While Breastfeeding in this chapter). Most women and many health professionals assume that no medication can be safely administered to a lactating woman, but the number of contraindicated drugs is in fact quite small. Before assuming a medication is unsafe, expert advice should be consulted, available in texts, websites, or through drug information telephone services. (e.g., LactMed, Infant Risk Center, MotherToBaby Call Center). , ,

Early follow-up (2 to 4 days after discharge) with the infant’s health provider should be arranged for all breastfeeding mothers. Continued support of breastfeeding for the mother should occur through the 6-week postpartum visit. Discussions about breastfeeding should cover techniques to ensure adequate emptying of the breast as well as problems such as nipple soreness or trauma, plugged duct (in the form of a small lump), mastitis, breast abscess, breast masses, and bloody nipple discharge, all of which can usually be treated without stopping breastfeeding.

The Breast

To fully understand the process of lactation, one needs to understand the anatomy and physiology of the breast as it applies to this function. The human mammary gland is the only organ that does not contain all of the rudimentary tissues at birth. It experiences dramatic changes in size, shape, and function from birth through menarche, pregnancy, and lactation and ultimately during involution. The three major phases of growth and development before pregnancy and lactation occur in utero, during the first 2 years of life, and at puberty ( Fig. 11.1 and Table 11.3 ).

Figure 11.1, Female breast from infancy to lactation, with corresponding duct structure and tissue cross sections.

TABLE 11.3
Stages of Mammary Development
Modified from Neville MC. Mammary gland biology and lactation: a short course. Presented at: International Society for Research on Human Milk and Lactation annual meeting; October 1997; Plymouth, MA.
Developmental Stage Hormonal Regulation Local Factors Description
Embryogenesis ? Fat pad necessary for ductal extension Epithelial bud develops in 18- to 19-week-old fetus, extending short distance into mammary fat pad with blind ducts that become canalized; some milk secretion may be present at birth
Mammogenesis Anatomic development
  • Puberty

    • Before onset of menses

Estrogen, GH IGF-I, hGF, TGF-β; others? Ductal extension into mammary fat pad; branching morphogenesis
    • After onset of menses

Estrogen, progesterone; PRL? Lobular development with formation of terminal duct lobular unit
  • Pregnancy

Progesterone, PRL, hPL HER; others? Alveolus formation; partial cellular differentiation
Lactogenesis Progesterone withdrawal, PRL, glucocorticoid Not known Onset of milk secretion

  • Stage I: midpregnancy

  • Stage II: parturition

Lactation PRL, oxytocin FIL Ongoing milk secretion
Involution PRL withdrawal, alpha-lactalbumin dimer Milk stasis; FIL? Alveolar epithelium undergoes apoptosis and remodeling; gland reverts to prepregnant state
FIL, Feedback inhibition of lactation; GH, growth hormone; HER, heregulin; hGF, human growth factor; hPL, human placental lactogen; IGF-I, insulin-like growth factor I; PRL, prolactin; TGF-β, transforming growth factor-β.

Embryonic Development

The milk streak appears in the fourth week of gestation when the embryo is approximately 2.5 mm long. It becomes the milk line, or milk ridge, during the fifth week of gestation (2.5 to 5.5 mm). The mammary gland itself begins to develop at 6 weeks of embryonic life, and proliferation of the milk ducts continues throughout embryonic growth and again in pregnancy and lactation. The process of forming the nipple in the human embryo begins with a thickened, raised area of ectoderm in the region of the future gland by the fourth week of pregnancy. This thickened ectoderm becomes depressed into the underlying mesoderm and thus the surface of the mammary area soon becomes flat and finally sinks below the level of the surrounding epidermis. The mesoderm that is in contact with the ingrowth of the ectoderm is compressed, and its elements become arranged in concentric layers that at a later stage give rise to the gland’s stroma. By dividing and branching, the ingrowing mass of ectodermal cells gives rise to the future lobes and lobules, and much later to the alveoli.

By 16 weeks’ gestation in the fetus, the branching stage has produced 15 to 25 epithelial strips that represent the future secretory alveoli. By 28 weeks’ gestation, placental sex hormones enter the fetal circulation and induce canalization in the fetal mammary tissue. The lactiferous ducts and their branches are developed from outgrowth in the lumen. They open into a shallow epidermal depression known as the mammary pit. The pit becomes elevated because of mesenchymal proliferation, forming the nipple and areola. An inverted nipple is the failure of this pit to elevate. At 32 weeks’ gestation, the lumen has formed in the branching system, and by term there are 4 to 18 mammary ducts that form the fetal mammary gland. Fig. 11.2 shows the hormonal regulation of mammary development in the mouse.

Figure 11.2, Schema for hormonal regulation of mammary development in the mouse.

The nipple, areola, and breast bud are important landmarks for the determination of gestational age in the newborn. At 40 weeks, the nipple and areola are clearly seen and the breast bud is up to 1.0 cm in diameter. In the first weeks after delivery, the breast bud is visible and palpable; however, the gland then regresses to a quiescent stage as maternal hormones in the infant diminish. After this, the gland grows only in proportion to the rest of the body until puberty.

Pubertal Development

With the onset of puberty in the female, further growth of the breast occurs, and the areolae enlarge and become more pigmented. The further development of the breast involves two distinct processes: organogenesis and milk production. The ductal and lobular growth is organogenesis, and this is initiated before and throughout puberty, resulting in the growth of breast parenchyma with its surrounding fat pad. The formation of alveolar buds begins within 1 to 2 years of the onset of menses and continues for several years, producing alveolar lobes. This menarchial stimulus begins with the extension of the ductal tree and the generation of its branching pattern. The existing ducts elongate. The ducts can develop bulbous terminal end buds that are the forerunners of alveoli. The formation of the alveolar bud begins within 1 to 2 years of the onset of menses. During this ductal growth, the alveoli enlarge and the nipple and areola become more pigmented. This growth involves an increase in connective tissue, adipose tissue, and vascular channels and is stimulated by estrogen and progesterone released by the ovary.

During the menstrual cycle, there continues to be cyclic microscopic proliferation and regression of ductal breast tissue. The breast continues to enlarge slightly with further division of the ductal system until about the age of 28 unless pregnancy intervenes.

The Mature Breast

The mature breast is located in the superficial fascia between the second and sixth intercostal cartilages and is superficial to the pectoralis muscle. It measures 10 to 12 cm in diameter. It is located horizontally from the parasternal to the midaxillary line. The central thickness of the gland is 5 to 7 cm. In the nonpregnant state, the breast weighs on average 200 g. During pregnancy, however, the size and weight increase to about 400 to 600 g, and to 600 to 800 g during lactation. Early in pregnancy there is a significant increase in ductal expansion and branching attributed to estrogen. Lobular formation increases due to prolactin, progesterone, and chorionic gonadotropin. By the third month of gestation, secretory material like colostrum is present in acini. Prolactin stimulates the secretion of colostrum in the second trimester, but production of milk prior to delivery is limited by the presence of progesterone. A projection of mammary tissue into the axilla is known as the tail of Spence and is connected to the central duct system. The breast is usually dome shaped or conic, becoming more hemispheric in the adult and pendulous in the older parous woman.


In some women, mammary tissue develops at other sites in the galactic band. This is referred to as hypermastia , which is the presence of accessory mammary glands that are phylogenic remnants. These remnants may include accessory nipples or accessory gland tissue located anywhere along the milk line. From 2% to 6% of women have hypermastia. These remnants remain quiet until pregnancy, when they may respond to the hormonal milieu by enlarging and even secreting milk during lactation. If left unstimulated, they will regress after the birth. Major glandular tissue in the axilla may pose a cosmetic or management problem if the tissue enlarges significantly during pregnancy and lactation, secreting milk. It is distinct from the tail of Spence.

Other abnormalities include amastia (absence of the breast or nipple), amazia, hyperadenia, hypoplasia, polythelia, and symmastia ( Box 11.2 ). Abnormalities of the kidneys have been associated with polythelia. Other variations include hyperplasia or hypoplasia in various combinations, as listed in Box 11.3 . Gigantomastia is the excessive enlargement of the breasts in pregnancy and lactation, sometimes to life-threatening proportions. This enlargement may occur with the first or any pregnancy and may not recur. The enlargement recedes but rarely back to original size. Breastfeeding has been successful in some cases of gigantomastia with appropriate professional support. In extreme cases, gigantomastia may require heroic measures, including emergency mastectomy.

Box 11.2
Breast Abnormalities
From Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession. 8th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2015:39.

  • Accessory breast: Any tissue outside the two major glands

  • Amastia: Congenital absence of breast or nipple

  • Amazia: Nipple without breast tissue

  • Hyperadenia: Mammary tissue without nipple

  • Hypoplasia: Underdevelopment of breast

  • Polythelia: Supernumerary nipple(s) (also hyperthelia)

  • Symmastia: Webbing between breasts

Box 11.3
Types of Breast Hypoplasia, Hyperplasia, and Acquired Abnormalities
From Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession. 8th ed. St Louis, MO: Mosby; 2015:40.


  • Unilateral hypoplasia, contralateral breast normal

  • Unilateral hypoplasia, contralateral breast hyperplasia

  • Unilateral hypoplasia of breast, thorax, and pectoral muscles (Poland syndrome)

  • Bilateral hypoplasia with asymmetry


  • Unilateral hyperplasia, contralateral breast normal

  • Bilateral hyperplasia with asymmetry

Acquired Abnormalities

  • Caused by trauma, burns, radiation treatment for hemangioma or intrathoracic disease, chest tube insertion in infancy, and preadolescent biopsy

Mothers with congenital abnormalities of the breast may wish to breastfeed. Not all abnormalities or variations preclude breastfeeding, and the decision is made on a case-by-case basis.

Nipple and Areola

The skin of the breast includes the nipple and areola and the thin, flexible, elastic skin that covers the body of the breast. The nipple is a conic elevation in the center of the areola at the level of about the fourth intercostal space, just below the midline of the breast. The nipple contains smooth muscle fibers and is richly innervated with sensory and pain fibers. It has a verrucous surface and has sebaceous and apocrine sweat glands but not hair.

The areola surrounds the nipple and is also slightly pigmented and becomes deeply pigmented during pregnancy and lactation. The average diameter is 15 to 16 mm, but the range may exceed 5 cm during pregnancy. The sensory innervation is less than that of the nipple. The nipple and areola are very elastic and elongate into a teat when drawn into the mouth by the suckling infant.

The surface of the areola contains Montgomery glands, which hypertrophy during pregnancy and lactation and resemble vesicles. During lactation, they secrete a sebaceous material to lubricate the nipple and areola and protect the tissue while the infant suckles. These glands atrophy after weaning and are not visible to the naked eye except during pregnancy or lactation.

Each nipple contains 4 to 18 lactiferous ducts, of which 5 to 8 are main ducts surrounded by fibromuscular tissue. These ducts end as small orifices at the tip of the nipple from which the milk flows. The corpus mammae is an orderly conglomeration of a number of independent glands known as lobes . The morphology of the gland includes parenchyma that contains the ductular-lobular-alveolar structures. It also includes the stroma, which is composed of connective tissue, fat tissue, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics.

The mass of breast tissue consists of tubuloalveolar glands embedded in adipose tissue, which gives the gland its smooth, rounded contour. The mammary fat pad is essential for the proliferation and differentiation of the ductal arborization ( Fig. 11.3 ). Each lobe is separated from the others by connective tissue and opens into a duct that opens into the nipple. The extension of ducts is orderly and protected by an inhibitory zone into which other ducts cannot penetrate.

Figure 11.3, Morphology of the mature breast.

Blood is supplied to the breast from branches of the intercostal arteries and perforating branches of the internal thoracic artery. The main blood supply comes from the internal mammary artery and the lateral thoracic artery. The venous supply parallels the arterial supply.

Lymphatic drainage has been thoroughly studied by researchers of breast cancer. The main drainage is to axillary nodes and the parasternal nodes along the thoracic artery within the thorax. The lymphatics of the breast originate in lymph capillaries of the mammary connective tissue and drain through the deep substance of the breast.

The breast is innervated from the branches of the fourth, fifth, and sixth intercostal nerves. The sensory innervation of the nipple and areola is extensive and includes both autonomic and sensory nerves. The innervation of the corpus mammae is meager by comparison and is predominantly autonomic. Neither parasympathetic nor cholinergic fibers supply any part of the breast. The efferent nerves are sympathetic adrenergic. Most of the mammary nerves follow the arteries. A few fibers course along the walls of the ducts. They may be sensory fibers that sense milk pressure. No innervation has been identified to supply the myoepithelial cells. The conclusion is that secretory activities of the acinar epithelium of the ducts depend on hormonal stimulation, such as by oxytocin.

When sensory fibers are stimulated, the release of adenohypophyseal prolactin and neurohypophyseal oxytocin occurs. The areola is most sensitive to the stimulus of suckling and the nipple the least; the skin of the breast is intermediate. The large number of dermal nerve endings results in high responsiveness to suckling. Pain fibers are more numerous in the nipple, with few in the areola. All cutaneous nerves run radially toward the nipple. Breast nerves can influence the mammary blood supply and therefore also influence the transport of oxytocin and prolactin to the myoepithelial cells and the lacteal cells, respectively.

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