Tag Dilek Ertoy Baydar MD

Penile basal cell carcinoma

Definition A rare indolent neoplasm of the penis identical to its cutaneous counterpart Clinical features Epidemiology Very rare, only less than 50 cases reported even when scrotal tumors are included Age range: 37–87 (usually above 40) White men mostly Etiology…

Polypoid urethritis

Definition Nonneoplastic polypoid or papillary exaggeration of urethral mucosa in response to inflammation or irritation, also known as inflammatory polyp or papillary urethritis Clinical features Epidemiology Unknown frequency Invariably associated with urinary tract infection or mechanical irritation You’re Reading a…

Gonadal dysgenesis

Definition Disorder of sex development; congenital developmental defect of one or both gonads and reproductive organs due to either structural or numerical anomalies of the sex chromosomes or mutations in the genes involved in the gonadal development Originally referred to…

Maturation arrest

Definition Cessation of germ cell development beyond a specific stage in spermatogenesis. The arrest is most frequently observed at primary spermatocyte, rarely spermatogonial, secondary spermatocyte, or spermatid level. Clinical features Epidemiology Can be idiopathic May have genetic etiologies including trisomy…

Testicular microlithiasis

Definition Presence of more than five foci of calcification per ultrasound field view randomly distributed in the testicular parenchyma May be due to deregulated phagocytic activity of Sertoli cells (undestroyed apoptotic testicular germinal epithelium in the seminiferous tubules, undergoing calcification)…

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction

Definition Obstruction of the flow of urine from the renal pelvis to the proximal ureter due to partial or total blockage at the ureteropelvic junction that can be congential or acquired Can be caused by structural abnormality (intrinsic disorganization, extrinsic…

Acute pyelonephritis

Definition Acute suppurative inflammation of the kidney caused by bacterial infection, due most commonly to ascent from a lower urinary tract infection and less commonly to hematogenous spread in septic patients Clinical features Epidemiology Common, with 15–17 cases annually per…