Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Introduction Not all brain tumors fit neatly into well-defined diagnostic categories within accepted classification systems. Such is the case with the three rare neoplasms discussed in this chapter: angiocentric glioma, astroblastoma, and chordoid glioma. Each of these has a unique…
The designation of “astrocytoma” includes a small subset of tumors with astrocytic differentiation that are better circumscribed than the diffuse astrocytomas. These tumors arise in the pediatric population most frequently, but are also occasionally noted in adults and include the…
Introduction and Brief Historical Overview The infiltrative, or “diffuse,” gliomas include astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas. Taken together, these are the most frequent primary neoplasms of the central nervous system (CNS) parenchyma. Bailey and Cushing first classified these neoplasms by their cellular…
CNS Tumor Classification Schemes and Additional “Neuropathology Patterns” The first comprehensive classification of nervous system tumors, formulated by Percival Bailey and Harvey Cushing in 1926, was founded on presumed parallels between embryologic and neoplastic cells. In large part, this histogenetic…