Supportive Care for the Transplant Patient

Although hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a therapeutic option for various hematological and non-hematological disorders, it can result in toxicities and complications, leading to significant treatment related morbidity and non-relapse mortality (NRM). Based on the temporal association from the date of HCT, these may be divided into early complications (within the first 3 months of HCT) or late complications (beyond 3 months of HCT), but can vary between patients based on comorbidities, type of HCT (autologous versus allogeneic), conditioning regimens and intensity, type and duration of immunosuppressant use, antimicrobial prophylaxis, and long-term post-transplant survivorship care ( Fig. 110.1 ). By etiology post-HCT complications may also be classified as infectious, early non-infectious complications, late non-infectious complications, and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) ( Table 110.1 ). Identification of risk factors for complications allows the design of risk-specific treatment and supportive care plans that may reduce treatment-related morbidity and mortality.

Figure 110.1
*Late end-organ complications include cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrinopathy, ophthalmologic, renal, iron metabolism and bone health. DAH , Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage; EBV , Epstein-Barr virus; GVHD , graft-versus-host disease; HCT , hematopoietic cell transplantation; IPS , idiopathic pulmonary syndrome; RSV , respiratory syncytial virus.

Table 110.1
Major Complications of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Complication Incidence
Bacterial Infections
Gram-positive bacteremia 20%–30%
Gram-negative bacteremia 5%–10%
Viral Infections
Cytomegalovirus 5%–40% in high-risk patients a
Herpes simplex virus 5%–10% in seropositive patients
Varicella-zoster virus 10%–50% in seropositive patients
Respiratory viruses 10%–20%
Fungal Infections
Candida 5%–10%
Aspergillus and other molds 5%–15%
Pneumocystis jirovecii <1%
Other Infections
Toxoplasma gondii 2%–7% in seropositive patients
Early Non-infectious Complications (0–3 months)
Regimen-Related Toxicity
Mucositis 60%–75%
Hemorrhagic cystitis 5%–10%
Veno-occlusive disease 5%–40%
Pneumonitis 10%–20%
Alveolar hemorrhage 5%–10%
Graft failure 2%–10%
Adverse drug reactions Common
Late Non-infectious Complications (>3 months)
Organ-Specific Late Effects
Cataracts 25%–40%
Hypothyroidism 30%–50%
Sterility/hypogonadism 50%–90%
Growth disturbances 30%–50% in prepubertal children
Osteoporosis/avascular necrosis 5%–20%
Malignant relapse Variable
Second cancers 2%–12%
Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Acute 20%–50% with related, 40%–90% with unrelated donors, 20%–50% with UCB, 10%–20% with haplo
Chronic 20%–40% with related, 40%–70% with unrelated donors, 20%–40% with UCB, 10%–20% with haplo
CMV , Cytomegalovirus; HCT , hematopoietic cell transplantation; UCB , umbilical cord.

a CMV-seropositive HCT recipients.


Infections are common causes of NRM in HCT recipients and cause significant morbidity, in both the early and late transplant period ( Table 110.2 ). Immune defects occurring in the post-transplant period can be divided into predictable phases based on time from transplant, with characteristic infections in each phase (see Fig. 110.1 ). Antimicrobial prophylaxis tailored to address the risk of specific infections are effective in decreasing the incidence of post-transplant infections ( Table 110.3 ). Evidence-based guidelines for preventive strategies have been published and can be used as a reference for determining infection risk and assigning antimicrobial prophylaxis for an individual patient.

Table 110.2
Common Infections in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
Pathogen Risk Period After HCT (Weeks) Risk Factors Common Clinical Syndromes Treatment
Gram-positive cocci 1–4
  • Neutropenia

  • Mucositis

  • Central venous catheters

  • Skin breakdown

Bacteremia Antibiotics based on susceptibility testing
Enterobacteriaceae spp. 1–4
  • Neutropenia

  • Skin breakdown

  • GI mucosal breakdown

Bacteremia Antibiotics based on susceptibility testing
Clostridoides difficile 1–8 Antibiotics Colitis
  • Metronidazole

  • Oral vancomycin

Encapsulated bacteria a >12
  • Chronic GVHD

  • Chronic immunosuppression

  • Sinusitis

  • Pneumonia

Antibiotics based on susceptibility testing
Candida spp. 1–4
  • Neutropenia

  • Skin breakdown

  • GI mucosal breakdown

  • Candidemia

  • Muco-cutaneous

  • Hepato-splenic

  • Azoles

  • Echinocandins

  • Amphotericin

Aspergillus spp. 1–4>8
  • HLA-disparity

  • CMV infection

  • Acute or chronic GVHD

  • Chronic immunosuppression

  • High-dose corticosteroids

  • Sinusitis

  • Pulmonary nodules or infiltrates

  • Mold specific azoles

  • Echinocandins

  • Amphotericin

Pneumocystis jirovecii >4
  • Chronic GVHD

  • Chronic immunosuppression


  • Dapsone

  • Pentamidine

CMV >4
  • Recipient or donor seropositivity

  • HLA-disparity

  • Acute or chronic GVHD

  • Chronic immunosuppression

  • Viremia

  • Enteritis

  • Interstitial pneumonitis

  • Ganciclovir

  • Foscarnet

  • Valganciclovir

HSV 1–4 Recipient seropositivity
  • Oro-pharyngeal

  • Esophagitis

  • Acyclovir

  • Valacyclovir

  • Foscarnet

VZV >4
  • Recipient seropositivity

  • History of chickenpox

  • HLA disparity

  • Acute or chronic GVHD

  • Chronic immunosuppression

  • Cutaneous

  • Interstitial pneumonitis

  • Hepatitis

  • Acyclovir

  • Valacyclovir

  • Foscarnet

EBV >4
  • HLA disparity

  • T-cell depletion

  • Viremia

  • PTLD

  • Rituximab

  • Reduce immunosuppression

  • Virus-specific T cells

  • Cytotoxic chemotherapy

CMV , Cytomegalovirus; EBV , Epstein-Barr virus; GI , gastrointestinal tract; GVHD , graft-versus-host disease; HCT , hematopoietic cell transplantation; HLA , human leukocyte antigen; HSV , herpes simplex virus; PTLD , post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder; TMP-SMX , trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.

a Includes Streptococcus pneumoniae , Haemophilus influenzae , and Neisseria meningitidis .

Table 110.3
Recommended Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Against Common Infections
Pathogen Preventing Early Disease (0–100 Days After HCT) Preventing Late Disease (>100 Days After HCT)
Bacterial infections Quinolone prophylaxis during period of neutropenia Antibiotics against encapsulated bacteria (e.g., Streptococcus pneumoniae ) in patients on chronic immunosuppression
CMV Letermovir prophylaxis recommended a or pre-emptive treatment with ganciclovir or valganciclovir Pre-emptive treatment with ganciclovir or valganciclovir
HSV Acyclovir/valacyclovir in seropositive patients Acyclovir/valacyclovir in patients with recurrent HSV infections
  • VZV

  • Yeast infections

  • Acyclovir/valacyclovir

  • Fluconazole

  • Acyclovir/valacyclovir

  • Fluconazole in patients on chronic immunosuppression

Mold infections Anti-mold triazole (e.g., posaconazole) prophylaxis in patients with GVHD b Anti-mold triazole (e.g., posaconazole) prophylaxis in patients with GVHD b
Pneumocystis jirovecii Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (preferred) or dapsone or pentamidine or atovaquone Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (preferred) or dapsone or pentamidine or atovaquone in patients on chronic immunosuppression

a CMV-seropositive HCT recipients.

b Limited data available. Prospective testing of voriconazole and posaconazole suggests possible benefit as prophylaxis. No impact on mold-related mortality. CMV , Cytomegalovirus; GVHD , graft-versus-host disease; HCT , hematopoietic cell transplantation; HSV , herpes simplex virus.

Neutrophil engraftment (sustained absolute neutrophil count >500/μL) generally occurs within 10 to 14 days in autologous and 14 to 28 days in allogeneic HCT recipients. Allografts utilizing bone marrow or umbilical cord (UCB) as the graft source tend to engraft later compared to peripheral blood allografts. Importantly, 5% to 10% of allo-HCT recipients may have primary graft failure, causing prolonged neutropenia and transfusion dependence. Risk factors for infection during the neutropenic phase are disruption of mucocutaneous barriers and indwelling venous catheters. Bacterial infections can occur in ~30% of transplant recipients during this initial period and usually arise from normal flora of the skin (coagulase-negative Staphylococcus ), oropharynx, and gastrointestinal tract ( Streptococcus viridans, Enterococcus spp. and enteric gram-negative bacilli). Colonizing yeasts or molds may also cause systemic mycotic infections (usually Candida or Aspergillus spp.) in ~10% to 15% of patients due to neutropenia and disruption of normal host flora. Reactivation of herpes virus can occur in the absence of prophylaxis.

The predominant defect seen in the early to late post-engraftment period is impaired cellular and humoral immunity. This state of underlying severe immune dysfunction is enhanced and prolonged by acute and chronic GVHD needing corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive agents, sometimes lasting beyond 2 years of HCT. The incidence of late opportunistic infections is lower in autologous HCT recipients because of relatively faster immune reconstitution. Patients with chronic GVHD can be functionally asplenic and at risk of infections by encapsulated bacteria. In addition, chronic GVHD patients on long-term immunosuppression are susceptible to fungi ( Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., and Pneumocystis jiroveci ) and viruses (cytomegalovirus [CMV]) and varicella zoster virus [VZV]). Additional factors that can delay immune reconstitution include donor-recipient human-leukocyte antigen (HLA) disparity, T-cell depletion (either by graft manipulation or in vivo by use of antithymocyte globulin or post-transplant cyclophosphamide) and donor type (unrelated donor, haploidentical donor and UCB transplantation). Recommended antimicrobial prophylaxis should continue beyond the initial post-transplant period, typically for at least 3 to 6 months after cessation of all immunosuppression, especially in those with chronic GVHD. Some centers use total T-cell (CD3+) and particularly CD4 cell levels as surrogate markers of T-cell immunity and to guide duration of antimicrobial prophylaxis. Supplemental intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) has been considered for patients with persistent hypogammaglobulinemia (IgG levels <400 mg/dL), but its prophylactic use is costly, does not prolong survival or prevent late infections and may impair humoral immune reconstitution. Patients with GVHD and those with indwelling venous access who undergo dental procedures should receive antibiotics for endocarditis prophylaxis. Published guidelines are available for recommendations on immunization of HCT recipients ( Table 110.4 ).

Table 110.4
Recommended Vaccinations for Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients
Vaccine a Time Post-HCT to Initiate Vaccine (Months) No. of Doses b
PCV 3–6 2–3 c
Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis d 6–12 3
Haemophilus influenzae conjugate 6–12 3
Inactivated polio 6–12 3
Recombinant hepatitis B 6–12 3
Inactivated herpes zoster 6–12 2
Inactivated influenza 4–6 1–2 yearly e
Measles-mumps-rubella (live) 24 1–2 f
Varicella zoster (live) g 24 1 f
GVHD , Graft-versus-host disease; HCT , hematopoietic cell transplant; PCV , pneumococcal conjugate; PPSV23 , 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine.

a Vaccinations are deferred in patients with chronic GVHD until discontinuation of immunosuppression.

b A minimum of 1-month interval between doses is suggested.

c Following the primary series of three PCV doses, a dose of the PPSV23 to broaden the immune response might be given. For patients with chronic GVHD who are likely to respond poorly to PPSV23, a fourth dose of the PCV should be considered instead of PPSV23.

d DTaP (diphtheria tetanus pertussis vaccine) is preferred; however, Tdap can be used if DTaP is not available.

e For children <9 years of age, two doses are recommended yearly between transplant and 9 years of age.

f Not recommended <24 months post-HCT, in patients with active GVHD and in patients on immune suppression. In children, two doses of MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) are favored. Lower viral dose vaccines (varicella vaccine, live [varivax], not zoster vaccine, live [zostavax]) may be preferred as potentially safer.

g Inactivated herpes zoster preferred and administered earlier in the course.

Owing to the shorter duration of neutropenia in reduced intensity/non-myeloablative allogeneic (RIC/NMA) HCT, the incidence of bacterial infections is usually lower. However, the degree and duration of lymphodepletion are comparable to myeloablative regimens and the risks of opportunistic infections such as pneumocystis pneumonia, invasive aspergillosis and CMV reactivation remain unchanged. Among UCB and haploidentical donor allo-HCT recipients, neutrophil engraftment and immune reconstitution can be delayed and a higher incidence of bacterial and viral infections in the early post-transplant period has been reported, but does not affect overall mortality and NRM. Infections that are unique to the HCT recipients are discussed in further detail here.

Febrile Neutropenia

Fever is a common occurrence in the early post-transplantation neutropenic phase, although an infectious pathogen is identified in only ~50% of the patients. Fever may also be due to tissue inflammation (oropharyngeal or enteric mucositis), transfusions, or drug reactions. Bacterial infections due to aerobic bacteria such as viridans streptococci and enteric gram-negative bacilli are the primary concern during this period, although yeast infections are also a possible cause of febrile neutropenia. Prophylactic strategies including suppressive antimicrobials such as fluoroquinolones, and azoles are considered during this period.

At the onset of febrile neutropenia, empiric therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics is promptly started along with appropriate clinical and microbiologic evaluation. The choice of antibiotics depends on prior and current antibiotic usage, accounting for local resistance patterns. These recommendations are based on the available guidelines for the treatment of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients. Among patients with persistent febrile neutropenia, that is fever without an identified focus that continues despite 3 to 5 days of appropriate broad-spectrum antibiotics, invasive fungal infections should be considered. Initiating empiric antifungal therapy with mold-active agents such as posaconazole, voriconazole or amphotericin is appropriate at this stage. The choice of agent is dependent on prior exposure to anti-mold agents for prophylaxis where resistant species (e.g., zygomycetes) may emerge. Empiric mold specific therapy can be started earlier in patients who have experienced prolonged periods of neutropenia pre-HCT (e.g., patients with myelodysplastic syndromes [MDSs]). Repeated vigorous investigation to identify sources of infection (e.g., computed tomography [CT] scans of the chest and sinuses), is essential. Although administration of myeloid growth factors (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor [G-CSF] or granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor [GM-CSF]) reduces the duration of neutropenia and accelerates neutrophil engraftment, they have not demonstrated reductions in mortality from early post-transplant infections. Granulocyte infusions have rarely been used for life-threatening infections during the pre-engraftment phase. However, questionable efficacy in “real-world” scenarios and logistical challenges have resulted in this strategy falling out of favor.

Cytomegalovirus Infection

Epidemiology and Risk Factors

Despite the introduction of effective antiviral therapies, CMV reactivation and infection can be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in allogeneic HCT recipients. The risk of CMV reactivation spans both the early and late transplant period, especially in patients with active GVHD requiring prolonged immunosuppression. Although the incidence of early CMV disease with organ involvement has declined to 3% to 6% with the use of empiric antiviral drug therapy directed by routine surveillance with CMV DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigenemia testing (pre-emptive strategy), late onset CMV infection and organ disease remain significant clinical concerns.

Seropositivity of the recipient is the most important risk factor for CMV infection in HCT recipients, and reactivation of latent virus is the most important mechanism resulting in CMV disease. CMV infections (<5%) in seronegative recipients are extremely rare and likely result from exogenous exposure (primary CMV infection). The use of a CMV-seronegative donor in a seropositive recipient carries the worst risk for reactivation and is associated with repeated infections and decreased survival. Other risk factors for CMV reactivation include use of an unrelated donor, UCB or haploidentical donor HCT, in vivo T-cell depletion, older recipient age, increasing donor-recipient HLA mismatch, acute and chronic GVHD, and the need for prolonged immunosuppression, especially with high-dose corticosteroids. CMV reactivation can occur in autologous HCT patients as well, especially in those with extensive lymphodepleting prior therapies (e.g., fludarabine) but the risk of CMV end-organ disease is rare. Significant debate and research have gone into the evaluation of the potential role of CMV reactivation in decreasing post-HCT risk of disease relapse. The largest published study to date, including more than 9000 patients, showed no benefit in relapse risk but a higher a risk of NRM with CMV reactivation.

Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis

CMV infection is often identified as asymptomatic reactivation noted by screening antigenemia or DNA PCR testing. The organs that are usually affected by CMV disease include the lungs (pneumonitis) and the gut (enteritis). CMV retinitis, hepatitis and encephalitis are less common and are usually seen in late-onset, recurrent CMV infection. Indirect effects of CMV infection may include increased risks of secondary graft failure and bacterial and fungal superinfection. Preceding CMV viremia is a strong predictor of subsequent clinical disease. CMV pneumonitis develops in 60% of patients with untreated asymptomatic viremia, and conversely effective treatment of CMV viremia reduces the incidence of CMV pneumonitis.

The diagnosis of CMV can be made either by demonstration of characteristic cytopathic effects in tissue or using more sensitive molecular methods that detect viral protein or DNA. Commonly used molecular assays include CMV DNA detection methods, and the pp65 antigenemia assay. Detection of the CMV pp65 antigen in leukocytes has been a commonly used method for CMV surveillance after HCT but is ineffective during early post-HCT leukopenia. Direct detection of CMV DNA either by PCR or DNA hybrid capture assay is the most sensitive method to detect CMV viremia. Furthermore, plasma CMV DNA PCR can be a valuable tool to monitor CMV during periods of neutropenia when CMV antigenemia testing is unreliable. In addition, quantitative real-time PCR assays allow estimation of viral load which can assist in determining the need for therapy, risk of disease progression and in monitoring response to anti-CMV treatment. Viral cultures of urine, saliva, blood or bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL), using either rapid shell-vial or routine culture techniques, have limited clinical utility since they are less sensitive than antigen or DNA detection techniques and take much longer to report. Since asymptomatic viral shedding in the airways is common, CMV DNA detected in BAL should be carefully interpreted. Higher viral loads and pre-test probability of CMV pneumonitis in these patients increase the positive predictive value of these tests.

Prevention and Treatment

For seronegative recipients, the use of seronegative donors and CMV-safe blood products is the mainstay of prevention of CMV disease (see box on Approach to Prevention and Treatment of CMV Infection ). For high-risk patients (seropositive recipients), two general strategies can be utilized, both of which have been effective in reducing early CMV infection rates to less than 10%. 9 In the “pre-emptive therapy” strategy, patients are monitored periodically (usually weekly) by quantitative PCR with prompt treatment of early CMV viremia with ganciclovir, valganciclovir, or foscarnet before it can lead to clinical disease. In “prophylactic therapy” at-risk patients are treated with anti-viral prophylaxis. Earlier studies evaluating the use of prophylactic ganciclovir and foscarnet did reduce rates of CMV infection but did not result in improved survival and was offset by drug related toxicities such as myelosuppression and renal dysfunction. The antiviral, letermovir was studied in a phase III randomized trial versus placebo in CMV-seropositive allogeneic HCT recipients for 12 weeks post-transplant and resulted in reduced CMV infections and improved all-cause mortality at 24 weeks. Letermovir should be considered in these patients. However, they do need additional acyclovir for prophylaxis against herpes simplex and varicella. Both approaches require aggressive surveillance to allow prompt detection of infection. Unlike ganciclovir, which is administered intravenously, its pro-drug valganciclovir, has excellent oral bioavailability and is often used for prophylaxis and pre-emptive therapy of CMV infection among HCT recipients. Surveillance for CMV is continued weekly until at least day 100 post-transplant for high-risk patients and is continued longer in patients with chronic GVHD on high-dose immunosuppression. In patients receiving prophylactic letermovir, continued monitoring after cessation of drug is recommended to detect rebound infections.

CMV disease, especially pneumonia, must be diagnosed and treated promptly as it is associated with high rates of mortality. The combined use of ganciclovir and IVIG has been the most successful treatment for CMV pneumonia, with resolution in 50% to 75% of non-ventilator dependent patients. Prolonged therapy (>2 months) with the combination is indicated because shorter treatment regimens have been associated with a recurrence of CMV pneumonia, and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) often necessary to manage ganciclovir- induced myelosuppression. Foscarnet, cidofovir or the combination of intravenous ganciclovir with foscarnet can be considered as second line therapy and early studies have shown promising data with maribavir for resistant or refractory cytomegalovirus disease. The antiviral management of CMV enteritis, hepatitis and retinitis is similar, although the use of IVIG in these settings is more controversial.

Although rare, rising CMV viral loads and worsening end-organ dysfunction despite optimal therapy, should raise the concern of CMV antiviral resistance. Ganciclovir resistance occurs due to mutations to human cytomegalovirus gene UL97 and ganciclovir, foscarnet and cidofovir resistance through UL54 mutations. Adoptive cellular therapies, using approaches to enhance natural killer (NK) or more commonly infusing donor or third-party CMV-specific cytotoxic T-cells (CTLs) have been studied. CMV-specific CTLs have shown efficacy although third party cells may be hampered by low proliferative capacity and persistence.

Approach to Prevention and Treatment of Cytomegalovirus Infection


  • 1.

    Seronegative recipient: Choose seronegative donor when possible. Consider chemoprophylaxis is seropositive donor is considered. Transfuse only cytomegalovirus (CMV) safe blood products. Leukocyte depletion by filtration and blood from CMV-seronegative donors are clinically equivalent alternatives.

  • 2.

    Seropositive recipients: Avoid seronegative donor when possible. Letermovir prophylaxis is recommended in this setting, considering improvement in 24-month all-cause mortality. Ganciclovir (or valganciclovir) is also effective but is myelosuppressive. Intensive surveillance and early pre-emptive therapy required if letermovir prophylaxis not possible.

  • 3.

    All patients need periodic (weekly) monitoring for CMV DNA PCR for at least 12 weeks post-transplantation. Longer duration (beyond 12 weeks) surveillance is appropriate for allograft recipients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and those previously on chemoprophylaxis to detect rebound.


  • 1.

    Asymptomatic infections: Ganciclovir or valganciclovir treatment of asymptomatic infection detected in blood or bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL), by either molecular detection or antigenic methods, is recommended to prevent the development of CMV pneumonia. Intensive induction treatment (2 weeks) followed by a maintenance phase of 5 days/week therapy for an additional 4–8 weeks is necessary.

  • 2.

    CMV pneumonia: Ganciclovir in combination with immunoglobulin is recommended. This should be instituted promptly. Once the disease has progressed to cause respiratory failure and ventilator dependence, outcomes are bleak.

  • 3.

    Foscarnet and cidofovir are alternatives to CMV disease that is resistant or refractory to ganciclovir.

Other Latent Viral Infections

Primary and reactivation of other herpes viruses can occur after transplantation. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is uncommon with the routine use of acyclovir or valacyclovir prophylaxis in serologically positive patients. Albeit uncommon, acyclovir-resistant HSV infection may occur in patients given a low-dose or intermittent prophylaxis and recipients of T-cell depleted grafts. Foscarnet is the drug of choice for resistant disease with cidofovir reserved as an alternative agent. Varicella zoster reactivation can occur in 30% to 50% of HCT recipients with previous exposure to VZV and can be effectively prevented by acyclovir prophylaxis. Acyclovir prophylaxis is recommended for the first year after transplantation for VZV seropositive autologous and allogeneic HCT recipients, although patients with chronic GVHD on immunosuppression and patients on maintenance proteasome inhibitors will need extended prophylaxis.

Human polyomavirus type I, also known as BK virus, can cause hemorrhagic cystitis in the early post-transplant period. Urine PCR can identify BK virus and distinguish it from hemorrhagic cystitis caused by other infections (e.g., adenovirus) and urotoxic agents (e.g., cyclophosphamide). Lowering the immunosuppressive therapy, if possible, should be the first step. Quinolone antibiotics suppress BK virus replication in vivo and in vitro and may have a role as prophylaxis in patients at high risk for hemorrhagic cystitis. Intravesical or intravenous cidofovir has been used for the treatment of BK virus hemorrhagic cystitis. BK-specific CTLs have been used in severe, progressive hemorrhagic cystitis. Rarely, BK virus encephalitis has been described post-allogeneic HCT. Another polyoma virus, John Cunningham (JC) virus, can reactivate in immunocompromised HCT recipients and cause progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a fatal demyelinating disease of the central nervous system.

Human herpes virus 6 (HHV-6) can also reactivate from latency post-HCT, with incidence ranging from 20% to 60%, depending on donor type and graft source. Although reactivation is a common, routine surveillance is not recommended. Treatment with ganciclovir or foscarnet is recommended in symptomatic patients (headache, mental status changes, unexplained fever and/or rash, bone marrow suppression) with accompanying high viral load (>25,000 copies). Asymptomatic reactivation of HHV6 is common and is not associated with adverse post-HCT outcomes.

Acquired Viral Infections

HCT recipients are prone to seasonal and community-acquired respiratory viral (CRV) infections including influenza, parainfluenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Upper respiratory infections can rapidly progress to more serious lower respiratory infections in immunocompromised HCT recipients. It is of vital importance to promptly initiate appropriate diagnostic testing (e.g., nasopharyngeal swabs) to identify the virus if possible. Zanamivir or oseltamivir can be used as chemoprophylaxis for HCT recipients with known contact to a case, as well as for treatment of influenza. Aerosolized ribavirin may be considered in patients with RSV lower respiratory tract infection. Novel antivirals are needed to treat respiratory viral infections in HCT recipients. A novel inhaled antiviral, DAS181 (Fludase), cleaves sialic acid-containing receptors on the surface of host respiratory epithelial cells, thus preventing parainfluenza virus attachment to and infection of respiratory cells has shown some activity.

In 2020, a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) caused a global pandemic of COVID-19 infection characterized by a viral syndrome with a predominance of respiratory symptoms. At the time of writing this chapter, the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and outcomes in HCT recipients were not well described. However, HCT recipients were anticipated to be at high-risk for getting infection and for developing more severe manifestations and adverse outcomes. It is expected that this virus will continue in circulation for some time, and its impact and management in the transplant population will become clearer with increasing experience.

Fungal Infections

Invasive fungal infections are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in HCT recipients. Most fungal infections in this setting are caused by yeasts ( Candida spp.) or molds ( Aspergillus spp.).

Candida infections

Candida albicans has been the leading cause of yeast infections in HCT recipients, but the current widespread use of azole (e.g., fluconazole) prophylaxis in the early transplant period has led to the emergence of a variety of non- albicans species, such as Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei , and Candida glabrata , as important pathogens. Yeasts are normal inhabitants of the skin, oral and gastrointestinal mucosa. Breakdown of mucosal surfaces due to radiation and chemotherapy, compounded by neutropenia in the pre-engraftment period, can greatly increase the risk of invasion and systemic infections. The presence of indwelling central venous catheters, parenteral nutrition and alteration of normal surface flora due to antibiotics are additional risk factors for Candida infections.

Clinical manifestations can range from localized mucocutaneous to disseminated deep-tissue infection. A high index of suspicion is needed for the diagnosis of Candida infections, especially in patients with persistent febrile neutropenia since blood cultures are usually not very sensitive for isolation and identification of Candida spp. Oral and esophageal candidiasis frequently occurs in the early post-transplant period and should be treated aggressively as these can serve as portals for subsequent systemic infection. Venous catheter infections can be difficult to eradicate with antifungal agents alone and necessitate removal of the central line. Patients with candidemia are also at risk for endovascular infections such as endocarditis and thrombophlebitis. Hepatosplenic candidiasis is the most common manifestation of disseminated candidiasis although it is increasingly rare with widespread use of effective anti-candida azoles and echinocandins. Specific signs or symptoms related to organ involvement may be absent and the diagnosis frequently must be made by abdominal CT scan imaging.

Prophylaxis with fluconazole is recommended in the pre-engraftment and early post-engraftment period, especially among allogeneic HCT recipients. In patients who are at high-risk for mold infections (e.g., severe GVHD), triazole antifungals such as posaconazole or voriconazole should be considered. Alternatively, caspofungin or micafungin can also be considered. In patients with severe GVHD, posaconazole prophylaxis compared to fluconazole was noted to be superior in preventing invasive aspergillosis and deaths due to fungal infections in a large phase III trial. C. krusei and C. glabrata are intrinsically resistant to fluconazole and other antifungal agents (e.g., posaconazole, micafungin) should be preferred for prophylaxis in those colonized with fluconazole-resistant Candida species. Itraconazole is another active agent, but its use is limited by its tolerability and absorption. Cross-resistance to azoles can occur among Candida species. Anti-fungal agents for treatment of suspected or known invasive candidiasis include voriconazole or posaconazole, echinocandins or an amphotericin formulation, especially when infection occurs in the setting of ongoing fluconazole prophylaxis.

Aspergillus Infections

Most mold infections in HCT recipients are due to Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus , and Aspergillus niger , which gain entry through breakdown of mucosal surfaces or through the nasal passages and respiratory tract. Examples of non-Aspergillus molds causing infections in this setting include Fusarium species, zygomycetes and rarely Scedosporium . Aspergillus infections can occur early after HCT (during the neutropenic phase) or later, especially with prolonged immunosuppression associated with acute or chronic GVHD. Risk factors for Aspergillus infections include allogeneic HCT, prolonged neutropenia, concomitant CMV infection, and severe GVHD and high-dose steroids is a risk factor for invasive aspergillosis-associated mortality. Underlying primary hematologic diagnosis such as chronic granulomatous disease, aplastic anemia and MDS, which are associated with prolonged pre-transplant neutropenia also increase the risk. A prior history of Aspergillus infection has also been observed to be a risk factor for reactivation after HCT. As pointed out earlier, mold-active triazole prophylaxis should be considered in high-risk patients.

Aspergillus infection is intrinsically difficult to diagnose pre-mortem. A high index of suspicion and an aggressive approach are required to establish diagnosis and initiate therapy. Since the nasal passages and tracheo-bronchial tree are the most common portals of entry for Aspergillus spp., these two sites are also the most common sites of infection. Sinusitis is frequently symptomatic and more advanced disease can be associated with erosion and necrosis of surrounding structures. Pulmonary manifestations typically include nodular infiltrates, usually distributed along the lung periphery, with pleuritic pain or cough as an initial symptom. Frank consolidation (with a halo sign on CT scan) or cavitary lesions can be seen in more advanced stages of pulmonary involvement. Aspergillus has angioinvasive properties and can present with hemoptysis or with intravascular dissemination to the skin or brain.

Blood cultures have a very low sensitivity in detecting Aspergillus and diagnosis relies on demonstration of typical fungal morphology on histopathology or on tests to detect fungal components or nucleic acids. Nasal and bronchial washings for Aspergillus may also not be sensitive and sinus or lung biopsy are often required to confirm diagnosis. The galactomannan assay is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect the Aspergillus cell wall glycoprotein; it has a high specificity, but low sensitivity for diagnosing invasive aspergillosis and has not been reproducible. Molecular methods for diagnosis, including PCR for Aspergillus DNA, are also undergoing development. Assays to detect fungal cell wall component (1–3)-β- d -glucan are sensitive to detect most invasive fungal infections (except Cryptococcus and zygomycetes) but are not specific to Aspergillus . Often, tissue biopsy is needed to confirm the presence of Aspergillus in suspicious lesions. When biopsy is not possible, empiric therapy is recommended if clinical suspicion for mold infection is high.

The use of high-efficiency air filters has reduced the nosocomial acquisition of Aspergillus , at least during the early neutropenic phase. The optimal pharmacologic strategy for primary prophylaxis against aspergillosis is not well defined. Posaconazole is effective and recommended as prophylaxis in patients with severe GVHD. A large, randomized trial showed no difference in fungal-free survival between voriconazole and fluconazole prophylaxis in HCT recipients at low risk for disease progression or early HCT mortality, although there was a trend towards fewer Aspergillus infections and less empiric antifungal use in the voriconazole arm. In patients with a previous history of invasive aspergillosis, secondary prophylaxis with a mold-specific azole (e.g., oral voriconazole or posaconazole), parenteral echinocandins, or an amphotericin preparation is recommended during the peri-transplant period and possibly for the duration of intensive immunosuppression. Similarly, in high-risk patients with persistent febrile neutropenia not responding to antibiotics, mold-directed therapy should be promptly initiated. Azoles and echinocandins have a more favorable side effect profile compared to amphotericin formulations. Patients with disease progressing on a single anti-mold drug might need combination therapy. The role of adjunctive measures such as cytokine growth factors, immunoglobulin infusion, or granulocyte transfusion remains undefined.

Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia

Pneumonitis caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii (PJP) has a typical bilateral distribution with a “butterfly” pattern on chest radiograph and is clinically associated with dyspnea and significant hypoxemia. The risk of Pneumocystis pneumonia is effectively eliminated with routine use of prophylaxis with TMP-SMX (first choice), dapsone, atovaquone, or aerosolized pentamidine. For those prescribed PJP prophylaxis, compliance must be ensured before ruling it out as a possible etiology. Diagnostic confirmation requires cytologic evaluation of silver-stained preparations of BAL cells or sputum, although transbronchial lung biopsy may slightly increase the diagnostic yield of a bronchoscopy examination. Although not confirmatory, positive (1–3)-β- d -glucan assay can be a useful marker for PJP besides invasive fungal infections. Pneumocystis pneumonia is effectively treated with high dose TMP-SMX or parenteral pentamidine. PJP prophylaxis is recommended through the period of immunosuppression (6 to 12 months) or for the duration of any chronic GVHD therapy in allogeneic HCT recipients and up to 3 months for autologous HCT recipients.

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