Special forms of comitant exotropia


Exotropia is a manifest divergent squint. A comitant squint is one in which the angle of deviation is the same in all positions of gaze, regardless of which eye is fixing.

This chapter addresses infantile exotropia, cyclic exotropia, micro-exotropia (monofixation), sensory exotropia, and consecutive exotropia. Other than consecutive exotropia, many of these entities are uncommon. A guide for the practising ophthalmologist on the background and the practical management of these, sometimes rare, conditions is provided.

Western and Asian studies differ on the incidence of convergent and divergent squint in their childhood populations. Western studies report a higher proportion of esotropia (convergent squint), whilst in Asia more children are divergent than convergent. However, the subgroup types appear to be similar in both Western and Asian studies, with intermittent divergent squint being by far the commonest form of exotropia. Intermittent divergent squint and primary constant exotropia are covered in Chapter 80 . Incomitant divergent deviations, such as third nerve palsy and Duane syndrome, are covered in Chapters 84 and 85 .

Infantile Exotropia

Infantile exotropia is best defined in an equivalent way to infantile esotropia. Thus, the term should be used to describe a large angle divergent squint presenting in a neurologically normal child before the age of 6 months. However, it is much less common than infantile esotropia, which may explain why the literature is both less extensive and often less rigorous than that for infantile esotropia. Estimates for the frequency of infantile exotropia are given as 1 in 30,000 births.

Publications frequently include children presenting with intermittent exotropia as well as constant exotropia, and it has been reported that some children present initially with an intermittent divergent squint which, within the first year of life, becomes a classic constant infantile exotropia.

The literature includes both children with no underlying disorder and those with squint secondary to underlying systemic or ocular conditions. It is important to separate out healthy children with infantile exotropia, or primary infantile exotropia, from those with ophthalmic or systemic disorders which can be called early onset exotropia or secondary infantile exotropia.

Studies on newborn babies, undertaken to look at the incidence and development of infantile esotropia, have reported that exotropic deviations are common in newborn infants and nearly all will resolve within the first 3–4 months. Studies of newborn babies report 32.7%–60% of them as having a divergent deviation, which can be constant or intermittent. . By between 6 weeks to 6 months of age over 97% of the babies studied had straight eyes. It has been reported that normal infants tend to have more intermittent deviations and premature infants more often have a constant divergent deviation. This suggests a normal development pattern with the eyes straightening by going from divergent to a more convergent deviation.

Once transient neonatal deviations have resolved, true infantile exotropia is rare. Infantile esotropia is reported at between 8 and 50 times more common than infantile exotropia.

Early onset exotropia can be seen in children with developmental delay, an ocular abnormality or orbital anomalies – in particular, craniofacial disorders.

Secondary infantile exotropia is significantly associated with developmental delay. Studies have shown that 20%–38% of children presenting with exotropia in the first year of life will have developmental delay associated with neurological problems (including cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, prematurity, perinatal asphyxia, periventricular hemorrhage, chromosomal or genetic abnormalities).

Nearly 75% of children with a constant deviation of more than 25 prism diopters (PD) in the first year of life have an underlying systemic or ocular abnormality. The systemic disorders include neurological, prematurity, and genetic issues. The ocular disorders identified included albinism, ptosis, oculomotor apraxia, optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia, cataract, retinoschisis, and iridolenticular adhesion.

Abnormalities of the orbit are also associated with early onset exotropia. Apert, Crouzon, and Pfeiffer craniosynostosis syndromes are all significantly associated with V pattern exotropia (see Chapter 26 ).

In normal children without developmental delay or a neurological disorder a larger biorbital angle, defined as the angle between the medial and lateral orbital walls, has been reported in children with infantile exotropia.


An infant with divergent strabismus in the first few weeks of life should be carefully examined but can usually simply be observed. Exotropia persisting after about 4 months of age is abnormal. The infant should be examined to exclude causes of secondary infantile exotropia. The eyes should be examined for an ophthalmic abnormality. A dilated examination will allow a good assessment of the lens with a portable slit-lamp. Examination with a retinoscope will also help to identify a red reflex abnormality. Fundus examination should exclude a retinal or optic nerve abnormality such as optic atrophy, optic nerve hypoplasia or retinoschisis.

Because of the significant association of systemic abnormalities with a constant infantile exotropia a pediatric review should be considered, particularly if the child is not meeting developmental milestones or there are other concerns. The ophthalmologist may be the first medical professional to see a child with an exotropia and they should consider a serious underlying medical condition. As an example, a child presented with hypertelorism, exotropia, and developmental delay and the ophthalmology team noted the child was pale; a pediatric review diagnosed Diamond Blackfan anemia.

Any refractive error and amblyopia should be treated. Amblyopia has been reported in between 6% and 23% of cases and is commoner in infantile than in intermittent exotropes. Most patients are found to be emmetropic with a range of +2.50 to −2. Very few patients have anisometropia. Glasses are therefore unlikely to be helpful in most cases. Any amblyopia should be treated with patching, as per usual protocols.

Preoperative part-time occlusion therapy has been reported to improve stereopsis outcome (but not the motor outcome) in a small number of children with constant infantile exotropia. The occlusion was either of the dominant eye or of alternate eyes if there was no dominant eye. For children under 3 this was for 1.5–2 hours each day and 3 hours daily if over 3 years old.

Most infants with infantile exotropia will require surgery, either bilateral lateral rectus recessions or unilateral lateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection. Most reports are of lateral rectus recessions, although unilateral lateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection has been reported to be more effective when surgery was performed on the amblyopic eye. An advantage of unilateral surgery is that it offers the surgeon an unoperated eye for any further surgery. There is no study comparing unilateral and bilateral surgery in infantile exotropia; it can be noted that a comparison study of bilateral medial rectus recessions and unilateral medial rectus recession and lateral rectus resection for esotropia showed no difference in outcome either for alignment or degree of binocular vision.

The surgeon should warn the parents that it is highly likely that more than one procedure will be required due to either the size of the initial angle or to later postoperative drift.

Because true infantile divergent squint is rare, reports on surgical outcomes often include intermittent divergent squint as well as constant infantile deviation. The numbers of patients are usually small with short follow-up. Many reports are of children who have had late surgery (after the age of 7 years). Most patients will have a good outcome in the short term, up to 1 year after operation, when up to 80% are well aligned. However, some authors have reported approximately one-third of early-onset exotropias will have a recurrence and suggest that a squint occurring before the age of 6 month affects central fusion and binocularity in the same way that infantile esotropia does. The mean drift has been estimated to be just over 10 PD at 3 years postoperative follow-up, helping to explain the reduced success rate. For this reason, it is often advised that the surgical plan should be for an initial postoperative overcorrection of up to 10 PD. Larger overcorrection of up to 20 PD has been associated with success. Some patients will develop some very gross stereopsis but bifoveal fixation is highly unlikely. When considering constant infantile primary divergent strabismus surgery the most important factor for a good outcome is the preoperative angle.

The reported risk of recurrence varies depending on the length of study. There is some evidence for better outcomes with earlier surgery and younger age at the time of surgery. Postoperative undercorrection in the presence of dissociated vertical deviation (DVD) is associated with the need for further surgery. The reported sensory outcomes are not as good as are found in patients with intermittent divergent squint.

Most of the postoperative exotropic drift appears to occur in the first 6 weeks after surgery. Some authors have cautioned about the risks of overcorrection producing small angle esotropic deviations, with resultant monofixation and amblyopia, but as the squint is likely to drift out again and most of these children are unlikely to be binocular it would seem appropriate to factor in some initial overcorrection.

Corrective surgery can be either bilateral rectus muscle recessions or a unilateral lateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection or plication.

In terms of total lateral rectus recession, these are usually equally divided between both eyes, so 10 mm would usually be 5 mm recessions on each lateral rectus. In Table 81.1 are the standard recommendations in many publications and the surgical amounts suggested by Yam, which allows for the anticipated exotropic drift. This shows that larger amounts of surgery should be considered to mitigate for the postoperative anticipated exo drift occurring in the first 6 weeks after surgery. If using these augmented amounts both the surgeon and the patient/parent should be aware that the initial postoperative period can be difficult with diplopia and concern over the esthetic appearance. The surgeon will need to be prepared to manage this situation whilst awaiting the anticipated postoperative corrective drift.

Table 81.1
Surgical dosing for infantile exotropia
Angle (PD) Total LR recession (mm)
Wright (after Parks) Helveston Richards Ansons Yam
15 8 8 8 9.5
20 10 10 for 20–25 10 10 11.5
25 12 12 for 25–30 12 12 13.5
30 14 14 for 30–40 14 14 15.5
35 15 16 15 18
40 16 16 for 40–50 16
50 18 18

Exceptionally, some authors have reported good results by reducing the standard surgical amounts by 1–2 mm of the total lateral rectus recession; that is, rather than 8 mm on both lateral rectus muscles for a 40 PD squint, they would either do 7 mm recession on one lateral and 8 mm on the other or bilateral 7 mm recessions. This is reported to give less immediate overcorrection but no difference at 1-year follow-up.

If the squint recurs, which is common, for second-stage surgery the surgeon has the option of bilateral medial rectus resections if previous lateral rectus surgery has been performed or second eye recession and resection if uniocular surgery was undertaken. Further recession of an already maximally recessed lateral rectus muscle will lead to incomitance and should be avoided. Long-term follow-up is indicated to monitor for amblyopia.

Cyclic Exotropia

A cyclic or periodic squint is a rare condition, first described in 1958. In most cases the deviation is convergent but vertical and divergent deviations have been reported. It has been estimated that cyclic esotropia occurs in 1 in every 3,000–5,000 squints, with cyclic exotropia being considerably rarer. Cyclic squints usually occur as an alternate-day deviation with a 48-hour cycle; there is a squint for a 24-hour period followed by 24 hours when the eyes are orthotropic. The deviation has also been reported as periodic, with 3–4-day cycles. Shorter and longer cycles have also been reported.

The etiology of cyclic deviations is unknown. A central processing defect or disruption of the circadian biological clock have been suggested. It can be acquired following ocular trauma, central nervous system lesions, or ocular surgery.

In children, very few cases of cyclic exotropia have been reported. The first were case reports in the Japanese literature. In English language articles there are two case reports involving three children, all girls, with alternate-day exotropia. At presentation the children were 1, 3, and 5 years of age. All the children were healthy with good vision in each eye. All three cases demonstrated 48-hour cycles with 24 hours of constant squint followed by 24 hours of straight eyes. The children were binocular on straight days. Behavioral changes were reported, with some children being unhappy or cross on the squinting days. Two of the children had previously undergone squint surgery, one for esotropia and the other for intermittent exotropia. Two patients required squint surgery, with a good outcome, and one improved spontaneously. There is a report of a child in the Korean literature with a 72-hour cyclic exotropia with 2 days squinting and 1 day straight whose condition resolved after squint surgery. A Japanese boy has been reported with a periodic exotropia of 1 day of squint every 7 days.

In children at least, a cyclic exotropic deviation does not appear to be associated with visual loss, whereas in adults, cyclic deviations are often associated with visual loss, particularly in the deviating eye. It has also developed after surgery for cyclic esotropia. The ophthalmic conditions associated with cyclic strabismus in adults included Graves disease, craniofacial surgery for fronto-orbital fibrous dysplasia, traumatic cataract with aphakia, retinitis pigmentosa, and glaucoma. All these adults had a 48-hour cyclic pattern to the deviation.

A literature review of cyclic strabismus in adults reported 24 cases, including two personal communications to the authors. Of the 24 cases, 6 included a divergent deviation, with 5 of the 6 cases also having a vertical misalignment. Only one case was reported as solely divergent. Five of these 6 cases required surgery, with only one requiring a correction for the divergent deviation which was combined with surgery for the coexistent vertical squint.


Cyclic deviations usually persist for months then decompensate to become constant manifest deviations. The management is initially observation as spontaneous resolution has been reported. Alternate-day patching and melatonin have been tried without success in pediatric cyclic exotropia. In many the squinting days will become more frequent. If intervention is required botulinum toxin has been used with success in one esotropic patient but most report lack of long-term effect. There is no report of its use in cyclic exotropia. The commonest treatment is squint surgery targeting the maximum deviation on squinting days which gives good results without overcorrection on the non-squinting day.

The diagnosis is made clinically, classically by the parents keeping a diary and a photographic record in particular is very helpful. It is also important to examine the patient on different days to confirm the cyclical nature of the deviation and to ensure the child does not have a very variable but constant divergent squint. In children there does not appear to be any pathological underlying abnormality so further assessment is not required. The surgeon can either wait until the deviation becomes constant or can operate on the largest measured deviation. Children appear to do well with surgery probably because they were binocular before the onset of the deviation with good acuity in each eye. The reported follow-up after surgery is between 3 months and 2 years with no reported recurrence.


Confusingly, microtropia has had at least 10 different names in the last 50 years including esophoria with retinal slip, esophoria with fixation disparity, strabismus spurius, microtropia unilateralis anamalo-fusionalis, flick (or flicker) eso, micro strabismus, monofixation syndrome, small angle squint, microtropia, and manifest mini strabismus with harmonious abnormal retinal correspondence. These descriptions all essentially refer to the same condition, with the more recent literature usually referring to microtropia.

The condition consists of straight or nearly straight eyes with a deviation of less than 10 PD, usually unequal visual acuity, foveal suppression of the affected eye and abnormal binocular single vision. There is peripheral fusion with stereopsis.

Optimal binocular single vision (BSV) exists with bifoveal fusion. If both foveas are not used simultaneously then there is reduced binocularity. In microtropia there is subnormal BSV with foveal (central) suppression in the non-preferred eye and reduced 3D vision. Motor fusion is present but the range may be reduced. Microtropia can be primary or secondary, occurring after surgical or optical treatment for a larger-angle squint or with ocular pathology. It is commonly associated with anisometropia and amblyopia in the deviating eye. Microtropia can be present with other strabismus, for example, a fully accommodative microtropia.

Microtropia often represents a good outcome after strabismus surgery, as it is a small angle deviation with good cosmetic appearance and often some binocularity. A microtropia is often considered to be a stable position but it is not always a long-term stable alignment and can decompensate, with the patient developing diplopia. The strabismus expert needs to be aware of this diagnostic possibility when a patient presents with new onset diplopia.

Microtropia is an uncommon squint and micro-exotropia even more so. Lang reported it to occur in 2.84% of 33,600 patients, most commonly as a microesotropia. In another report of 26,762 patients he identified only 19 (0.07%) as having micro-exotropia. A similar figure (0.089%) was reported in a study of Chinese preschool children which examined 5,667 children and identified only 5 micro-exotropes. The sensory aspects of micro-exotropia are similar to those of micro-esotropia, which is discussed in detail in Chapter 79 . The ophthalmologist should remember that a 4 PD base-in test may be needed to diagnose a micro-exotropia rather than the standard 4 PD base-out test.

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