Soft Tissue Injury to the Ankle: Ligament Injuries

General Considerations

Prevalence and Epidemiology

Ankle ligamentous injury or sprain is the most common type of ankle injury and accounts for 14% of visits to an emergency department, 1.6 million physician office visits, and more than 8000 hospitalizations per year in the United States. In the general U.S. population, the incident rate of ankle sprains is 2.15 per 1000 person-years. Fifteen- to 19-year-olds have the highest peak incidence rate of 7.2 per 1000 person-years.

In sports, the incidence of ankle sprains is even higher: Half of all ankle sprains occur during athletic activities. Recent National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) data revealed that ankle sprain is a common problem at all levels of college sports activities and constitutes 15% of all reported injuries. Certain sports, such as men's and women's basketball and women's volleyball, have the highest reported rates of injuries of around 25%. Although men sustain more ankle sprains than women, there is no gender difference in the incidence of ankle sprains among participants in similar sport activities.

Common risk factors for ligamentous ankle injury include generalized ligamentous laxity, wearing of inappropriate shoes, irregular playing surface, sports involving a cutting activity, and previous history of inversion injury.

Clinical Presentation

Despite the extensive research on the mechanism of injury, the sequence of ligamentous damage, treatment, and outcome, there are few evidenced-based guidelines for the work-up of ankle sprain. For most patients, the clinical history rarely provides diagnostic clues because sprains occur so quickly. Although clinical tests, such as stress testing, location of hematomas, and point tenderness at the site of ligament damage, can diagnose injured ligaments, the initial physical examination is commonly limited by pain and swelling during the acute stage of sprain.

In most patients presenting with acute ankle injury, the first consideration before extended physical exam is whether radiographs are necessary to exclude fracture.

The Ottawa Ankle Rules provide indications for obtaining radiographs. These rules were also developed to decrease unnecessary x-ray examinations when applied within 48 hours after trauma. Once fracture is excluded, specific clinical tests could be employed to assess stability and to confirm presence of ligament injury. Yet physical exam during the acute phase of injury is commonly limited by pain and swelling, despite one report showing that a delayed examination after 3 to 5 days could achieve 96% sensitivity when compared to operative findings.

In general, advanced imaging, such as MRI or ultrasound during the acute phase, may not be practical, because nonsurgical treatment is favored. The exceptions are professional athletes whose routine investigation after acute injury include ultrasound or MRI for detection of ligament and associated bone, chondral, and tendon injuries. Other indications for early advanced imaging include cases of suspected syndesmotic injury, in situations where the diagnosis is perplexing, and in patients whose symptoms persist beyond 3 weeks of conservative treatment. The size of this group, however, is not insignificant and constitutes 20% to 40% of those who failed initial conservative treatment.

Most ligaments derive their names from their sites of origin and attachment. The ligaments of the hindfoot and surrounding joints reviewed in this chapter are listed in eBox 32-1 .

eBox 32–1
Ligaments of the Hindfoot and Surrounding Joints

  • Talocrural joint

    • Lateral collateral ligaments

      • Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)

      • Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)

      • Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)

    • Deltoid (medial collateral ligaments)

      • Superficial

        • Tibionavicular ligament (TNL)

        • Tibiospring ligament (TSL)

        • Tibiocalcaneal ligament (TCL)

        • Superficial posterior tibiotalar ligament (sTTL)

      • Deep

        • Deep anterior tibiotalar ligament (TTL)

        • Deep posterior tibiotalar ligament (TTL)

  • Tibiofibular syndesmosis

    • Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL)

    • Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL)

    • Interosseous tibiofibular ligament (IOL)

    • Inferior transverse ligament (ITL)

  • Spring ligament complex (CNL)

    • Superomedial calcaneonavicular ligament (smCNL)

    • Medioplantar oblique calcaneonavicular ligament (mpoCNL)

    • Inferoplantar longitudinal calcaneonavicular ligament (iplCNL)

  • Sinus tarsi

    • Inferior extensor retinaculum and roots

    • Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (ITCL)

    • Cervical ligament (CL)

  • Lisfranc (tarsometatarsal [TMT]) joint

    • Lisfranc ligament complex (3 ligaments)

    • Intermetatarsal (IMT)

    • Intertarsal

Ankle ligamentous injuries are commonly divided into lateral ankle sprain, medial ankle sprain, syndesmotic sprain, and spring ligament injuries. This division, based on anatomic regions, is convenient but arbitrary, because many ankle sprains involve multiple groups of ligaments. For example, inversion sprain often involves both lateral and syndesmotic ligaments (see ) whereas eversion sprain may involve both deltoid and syndesmotic ligaments.

Classification of Ligamentous Sprain

Many grading systems for acute ligamentous sprains are available, but no single system is routinely used. A simple but general classification is provided by the American Medical Association and is based on the extent of ligament injury ( eTable 32-1 ). Specific to the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle, supplementary classification schemes based on anatomy (the number of involved ligaments) and functional assessment (the clinical presentation and physical exam) are also commonly employed. Ligament-specific classifications are reviewed within individual sections.

eTABLE 32–1
American Medical Association Classification of Ligamentous Sprain
Modified from Rachun A. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Sports. Subcommittee on Classification of Sports Injuries. Chicago: American Medical Association; 1966.
Grades Ligament Injury
1 Stretched ligament
2 Partial tear
3 Complete rupture



Radiography aids diagnosis of fractures in the emergency department when acute ankle injury is first presented.

There are published radiographic measurements for evaluation of ankle stability and integrity of the deltoid and syndesmotic ligaments (see eTable 32-2 ; Fig. 32-1 ). Yet radiographic measurements are indirect assessment of ligament integrity, readily affected by gender, body habitus, and ankle rotation. As a result, there is no agreement in the literature on the normal range for these measurements. In fact, stress views of the ankle, once used to identify ligamentous instability, are considered unreliable and obsolete ( Fig. 32-2 ). In other words, once fracture is excluded, radiography has a limited role in the diagnosis and management of ankle sprain.

FIGURE 32–1, Ankle radiographic measurements. Measurements are taken from anterior-posterior ( A ) and mortise ( B ) views. The anteroposterior (AP) tibiofibular clear space (TFCS), or syndesmosis A, is the horizontal distance between the lateral border of the posterior tibial malleolus (P) and the medial border (M) of the fibula ( M – P distance) on the AP view. Anterior-posterior tibiofibular overlap (TFO), or syndesmosis B, is the horizontal distance between the anterior tibial eminence (A) and the medial border of the fibula ( A – M distance). Both the TFO and the TFCS are obtained at 10 mm proximal to the talar dome. The mortise medial tibiotalar clear space (MCS) is obtained at 0.5 cm beneath the talar dome (small black arrows) . The MCS is less than or equal to the superior clear space ( T – S distance, white vertical line ).

FIGURE 32–2, Widened medial clear space (MCS) on stress radiographs of both ankles. The widened right MCS (arrowheads) reflects a torn deep deltoid ligament requiring operative treatment. The left is normal. Small arrows indicate a nondisplaced fracture of the right lateral malleolus.

eTABLE 32–2
Radiographic Measurements
View Normal Values (mm)
Tibiofibular clear space (TFCS) or syndesmosis A Anteroposterior ≤6 * (TFCS: fibular width <44%)
Tibiofibular clear space Mortise ≤6 *
Tibiofibular overlap (TFO) or syndesmosis B Anteroposterior ≥6 * (TFO: fibular width >24%)
Tibiofibular overlap or syndesmosis C Mortise >1
Medial clear space (MCS) Anteroposterior and mortise ≤4 or ≤ superior clear space

* The absolute value varied in the literature and did not apply to children.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging has been shown to be highly sensitive and accurate in identifying ligament injuries in the ankle (see eBox 32-2 ). Except in elite athletes, MRI is rarely performed in the acute setting except for detection of syndesmotic injury and associated injuries such as osteochondral talar lesion and occult fracture. In chronic ligamentous injuries, when surgery is contemplated, MRI can play a vital role in identifying the number and extent of ligamentous tears and in the detection of other associated conditions such as high syndesmotic injuries, impingement syndromes, sinus tarsi syndrome, superior peroneal retinacular tears, tears and dislocations of the peroneal tendons, and occult bony injuries.

eBox 32–2
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features in Ligamentous Injuries

  • Ligament abnormalities

    • Morphology: Wavy, indistinct borders, discontinuity or nonvisualization

    • Signal: Increased signal on either T1- or T2-weighted images

    • Size: Thick, thin, or normal

    • Edema around the injured ligament

  • Associated findings

    • Joint effusion or hemarthrosis

    • Periarticular soft tissue edema

    • Ruptured joint capsule, retinacular tears, tendon injuries

    • Osteochondral lesions

    • Fractures

    • Intraarticular bodies

    • Sinus tarsi abnormalities

    • Bone marrow edema

After injury, the MR appearance of the affected ligament evolves over time. Within 2 weeks after injury, discontinuity and/or attenuation and poorly defined margins of the ligament are common findings. Periarticular edema and fluid in the common peroneal tendon sheath have also been reported. The indistinct margins of the injured ligament improve over time. Periarticular edema is consistently seen throughout the first 6 months after the initial injury. In chronic injury, the ligament is either attenuated or stretched while its borders have become better defined. Over time, the ligamentous defect is replaced by a thickened band inseparable from the joint capsule. Radiographic evidence of talar tilt and shift could also be present.

MR arthrography of the ankle improves visualization of the ankle ligaments and is especially useful in analyzing soft tissue impingement syndromes. The lateral and syndesmotic ligaments, in particular, are more clearly depicted with joint distention during MR arthrography than during routine MRI. Several ligaments attached to the posterior and lateral processes of the talus are also more distinctly seen in combined ankle and posterior subtalar arthrography in a cadaveric study. In light of its invasiveness, additional time requirements, and increased cost, the added benefit of MR arthrography in the routine evaluation of ligaments, however, remains to be determined.

3D MRI technique allows reconstruction of selected anatomic structures in any desired planes and is useful to depict ankle ligaments. Moreover, the dreaded long imaging times in older 3D MRI techniques are now replaced by quick isotropic 3D acquisitions. Although these new 3D techniques show great promise, they require further study and refinement.

With increased use of MRI in diagnosis of ligament injury, reports on incidental findings of abnormal-appearing ligaments in asymptomatic patients, false positives, and pitfalls are beginning to emerge. For example, in a study consisting of 100 patients with no lateral ankle symptoms, only 71% and 90% had intact anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), respectively. In addition, the highly variable courses and numbers of fascicles of many ligaments could present interpretative pitfalls. An example is the anterior tibiotalar ligament, which is visualized in only 50% of cadavers and 55% of MRI studies of healthy volunteers. Using nonvisualization of the ligament, a common criterion for ligament injury, therefore could confound clinicians and radiologists. In fact, imaging findings rarely predict outcome or alter initial management in acute ankle ligament injuries. More studies are therefore necessary to address uncertainty, prevent overdiagnosis, and standardize work-up and treatment of ligament abnormalities.


The superficial ligaments of the ankle can be effectively depicted by ultrasonography. Detailed assessment of the ligaments requires high-frequency, up to 14- to 15-MHz probes, state-of-the-art scanning systems, and a high level of operator skill. Because ankle ligaments are seldom oriented parallel to the probe, and their bony insertions are used as reference structures, detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the ligaments is mandatory to produce an accurate evaluation. The ultrasonographic image of an intact ligament, obtained along the long axis, reveals a parallel-layered echogenic structure with well-defined sharp margins. Putting the ligaments under stress by changing the ankle position often improves visualization. The ankle ligaments are subject to anisotropy and may become hypoechoic if the ultrasound beam is not perpendicular to their fibers. Pathologic ligaments are also generally hypoechoic, but their sonographic features vary depending on the age of the injury (see eBox 32-3 ).

eBox 32–3
Adapted from Peetrons P, Creteur V, Bacq C. Sonography of ankle ligaments. J Clin Ultrasound 2004;32:491–9.
Ultrasonographic Features of Ligament Injury

  • Acute

    • Thickened ligament

    • Anechoic zone (hematoma or edema) across ligament

    • Anechoic band surrounding ligament representing edema

    • Avulsion at bony insertions

  • Chronic

    • Thickened and hypoechoic ligament

    • Osseous formation within enlarged ligament

    • Bony irregularities at the tip of the malleoli

    • Resolution of the superficial edema

    • Abnormal lengthening of the ligament

A complete ligament tear is diagnosed when the parallel fibers are discontinuous and a hypoechoic zone occupies the ligamentous defect. If residual parallel fibers can be seen, a diagnosis of incomplete tear is made. When healing, the ligament always appears thicker than normal on sonograms.

Although ultrasonography and MRI are equally reliable in detecting ligament injuries, ultrasonography, because of its noninvasiveness and portability, has emerged as the first-line imaging modality for managing acute musculo­skeletal injuries in the elite athlete. In fact, in the recent 2012 Olympics, 400 sonographic exams were completed during the 2 weeks of competition. In general practice, however, the use of ultrasonography to diagnose ankle ligament injury is appropriate only for anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) tears, based on a consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology. For deltoid and spring ligament injuries, these experts recommend ultrasonography only when other imaging modalities are not applicable. Moreover, sonography cannot detect osseous injuries such as associated bone bruises and osteochondral injuries.

Multidetector Computed Tomography

Normal ligaments, if surrounded by fat, can be visualized on CT. When the injured ligament is inseparable from surrounding soft tissue swelling, CT is less useful. CT is superior to MRI in depicting posttraumatic ossifications in the ligaments or small avulsed bone fragments associated with the ligamentous tear. Although 3D CT with volume rendering technique has proved useful in demonstrating the relationships of the ankle tendons with underlying osseous structures, the role of CT imaging of ankle ligaments has not been investigated.

Nuclear Medicine

Bone scintigraphy is a sensitive yet nonspecific method in the evaluation of osseous lesions. Its use in the imaging of ankle ligaments is limited. During the acute and subacute phases, increased bone uptake may be seen at sites of ligamentous avulsions. Increased uptake is also noted at sites of concurrent bony contusions, such as the medial talar dome and medial malleolus. Bone scintigraphy has been used to aid the diagnosis of subtle cases of Lisfranc ligament injuries but has been replaced by MRI (see later section on Lisfranc ligament).

Differential Diagnosis

Although lateral collateral ligament sprain is the most common occurrence after an acute ankle inversion injury, other conditions that may masquerade as an ankle sprain are listed in eBox 32-4 .

eBox 32–4
Adapted from DiGiovanni BF, Partal G, Baumhauer JF. Acute ankle injury and chronic lateral instability in the athlete. Clin Sports Med 2004; 23:1–19, v.
Ligamentous Lesions and Other Injuries Presenting as Ankle Sprain

  • Ligamentous injuries

    • Ankle: Lateral collateral, *

      * Most common.

      deltoid, syndesmosis

    • Midfoot: Tarsal-metatarsal or Lisfranc complex

    • Hindfoot: Sinus tarsi, calcaneocuboid, bifurcate ligament

  • Fractures

    • Malleolar

    • Lateral process of the talus

    • Anterior process of the calcaneus

    • Base of fifth metatarsal

    • Tarsal

  • Osteochondral lesion

    • Anterolateral talus

    • Posteromedial talus

    • Distal tibia

  • Tendon injury

    • Peroneus brevis (most common)

    • Peroneus longus

    • Peroneal retinaculum avulsion (dislocation and subluxation of peroneal tendons)

  • Nerve damage

    • Superficial peroneal nerve

  • Others

    • Tarsal coalition

Lateral Ligament Injury

Prevalence and Epidemiology

Lateral ankle sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injury in the United States, with 30,000 occurrences daily. The incidence of these sprains are high among athletes, with equal frequency among males and females within specific sports activities.

Despite extensive studies on intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for lateral ankle sprain, there is a general lack of agreement regarding their role in injury. The latest report cited four important intrinsic factors: strength, propriocepsis, balance, and range of motion of the patient who had sustained prior lateral ankle sprain. Among extrinsic factors, the type of sport and increased intensity in soccer increase risk of injury, but the player position in soccer and basketball makes no difference. The few agreements reported by these studies are (1) gender and foot type do not appear to be risk factors, and (2) bracing is effective in reducing repeated ankle sprains.


The lateral collateral ligamentous complex consists of three discrete focal thickenings of the capsule: the ATFL, CFL, and posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) ( eFigs. 32-1 to 32-3 ). The ATFL, the weakest of the three ligaments, originates approximately 1 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus and inserts on the talar neck. It stabilizes the talus against anterior displacement, internal rotation, and inversion.

eFIGURE 32–1, Diagram of the lateral collateral ligaments, lateral view. ATFL, Anterior talofibular ligament; CFL, calcaneofibular ligament; PTFL, posterior talofibular ligament.

eFIGURE 32–2, Diagram of ankle ligaments, anterior view. AITFL, Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament; ATFL, anterior talofibular ligament; ITCL, interosseous talocalcaneal ligament. Arrow indicates Bassett ligament or the inferior fascicle of the AITFL.

eFIGURE 32–3, Diagram of ankle ligaments, posterior view. PITFL, Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament; PTFL, posterior talofibular ligament; CFL, calcaneofibular ligament; ITL, inferior transverse ligament.

The CFL runs deep to the peroneal tendons, connecting the tip of the lateral malleolus to the trochlear eminence (see eFigs. 32-3 , 32-4 ). It crosses both the tibiotalar and subtalar joints and serves as the floor of the peroneal tendon sheath. It provides lateral restraint to the subtalar joint and is stressed in extreme inversion.

eFIGURE 32–4, Normal lateral collateral ligaments. Axial T2-weighted, fat-suppressed MR images at talar body ( A ) and at distal tip of lateral malleolus ( B ). The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is a thin band of low signal (arrow) , extending from the talus (T) to the fibula. At this level of the ATFL origin, the talus has an oblong configuration. The posterior talofibular ligament (curved arrow) has a broad-based, fan-shaped attachment to the fibular malleolar fossa (open arrow) . The calcaneofibular ligament (arrowhead) lies deep to the peroneal tendons (P) along the lateral wall of the calcaneus (c) .

The PTFL connects the malleolar fossa of the fibula to the lateral tubercle of the posterior talar process. It is the strongest of the three lateral collateral ligaments.


The most common mechanism of ankle injury is plantar flexion, inversion, and internal rotation of the foot, resulting in tearing or sprain of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex. The ligaments are usually sequentially injured. Aside from being the weakest ligament, the ATFL is also taut in plantarflexion and is, therefore, most susceptible to injury. It is the first component to be injured, with concomitant injury to the CFL occurring next. The PTFL is injured only under extreme inversion forces that commonly produce an avulsion fracture of the posterior malleolus rather than a rupture of the PTFL. The CFL is seldom ruptured in isolation.

Lateral collateral ligament injuries often occur in conjunction with injuries to other groups of ligaments, including the syndesmotic ligaments, the deltoid ligament, and the sinus tarsi ligaments. These combined injuries have been well illustrated on MRI studies. In a study on 24 patients with acute inversion injury, MRI detected 23 ATFL, 15 CFL, 11 PTFL, 13 interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (ITCL), 12 cervical ligament (CL), and 8 deltoid ligament tears. The ITCL, a component of the sinus tarsi ligaments, was injured in 43% to 56% of cases of ankle sprains in another MRI study.


Surgical studies reveal that isolated injury to the ATFL, the most frequently injured ligament, can be a midsubstance rupture or an avulsion at the ligament's attachment sites. The CFL is the second most frequently injured ligament but is usually torn in conjunction with the ATFL. The most common combination of lateral ligamentous tears is a complete tear of the ATFL and a partial or complete tear of the CFL. A tear of the CFL may be associated with a tear of the common peroneal tendon sheath, an observation that is the basis for diagnosing ligamentous tears with ankle arthrography in the past. In studies on chronic ankle instability requiring reconstruction, most cases have combined tears of both the ATFL and CFL and not infrequently combined lateral and deltoid ligament injury.

Clinical Presentation

The most common clinical presentation of acute lateral collateral ligamentous sprain is swelling, ecchymosis, and tenderness along the lateral ankle. Patients with complete ligament tears may describe a popping sensation at time of injury followed by swelling. Depending on the extent of injury, symptoms can also be present at the syndesmosis and along the medial aspect of the ankle.

Many different classifications of acute lateral collateral ligament sprain exist with lack of uniformity of grading. Purely anatomic classifications describe the severity (stretched, partially torn or complete torn ligament) (see eTable 32-1 ) and the damaged ligaments (ATFL alone or ATFL and CFL combined). These are easy to understand but not clinically useful. Functional classifications are numerous and commonly incorporate stability based on exam with severity and location of pain. Newer classifications combine functional and anatomic lesions with emphasis on the stability of the ankle joint (see eTable 32-3 ). Although considered more useful, these newer classifications generally have not incorporated imaging findings.

eTABLE 32–3
Classification of Lateral Ankle Sprain Combining Anatomic and Functional Classifications
Adapted from Brage ME, Bennett CR, Whitehurst JB, et al. Observer reliability in ankle radiographic measurements. Foot Ankle Int 1997; 18:324–9.
Combined Grade Stability Based on Clinical Exam * Ligament Injury
Stability Grade Clinical Exam ATFL CFL
1 Stable − Anterior drawer test Partial tear Intact
− Talar tilt test
2 Unstable + Anterior drawer test Complete tear Partial tear
− Talar tilt test
3 Unstable + Anterior drawer test Complete tear Complete tear
+ Talar tilt test
ATFL, Anterior talofibular ligament; CFL, calcaneofibular ligament.

* All have pain and swelling or hematoma over site of ligament.

Despite the general perception that ankle sprains are benign and self-limiting, 5% to 33% of patients still experience pain at 1 year. Lasting symptoms reported in 74% and 32% of patients with ankle sprains at 2 years and 7 years follow-up, respectively, with complaints of pain during activity, recurrent swelling, repetitive reinjury, and feelings of “giving way,” usually on uneven surfaces.

Lateral ankle injury may also lead to ankle instability, which may be divided into functional and mechanical. Functional instability, more prevalent, is defined as the patient's subjective sense of instability. Mechanical instability, defined by the objective findings of ligamentous incompetence, can be documented on clinical examination as hypermobility of the tibiotalar or subtalar joints.

Last, posttraumatic arthritis, subtalar instability syndesmotic injuries, osteochondral talar lesions, sinus tarsi syndrome, and peroneal tendon weakness are just a few of the long-term sequelae of lateral ankle sprain.



Radiography is generally not necessary for acute lateral ankle sprains unless fracture or osteochondral injury is suspected. In fact, talar osteochondral lesions are common, reported in 17% to 23% of patients undergoing arthroscopy and surgery, respectively, for chronic ankle instability after lateral ankle sprain. Arthrography and peroneal tenography, used in the past to diagnose acute ligament injury, have mostly been replaced by noninvasive modalities such as MRI and ultrasonography.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ankle MRI is not cost effective in uncomplicated acute lateral ankle sprain because these injuries are initially treated conservatively. MRI should be limited to those instances in which the clinical diagnosis is unclear or associated injuries such as syndesmotic or high ankle sprain, occult fracture, peroneal tendon dislocation, and avascular necrosis are suggested. If MRI was performed, multiple osseous and soft tissue injuries have been reported in conjunction with lateral ankle sprains. These osseous conditions include malleolar fractures; osteochondral talar or, less commonly, tibial lesions; bone contusions; fractures of the anterior process of the calcaneus or the base of the fifth metatarsal; and posttraumatic arthritis. Concurrent soft tissue conditions that may be seen on MRI include syndesmotic ankle sprains, deltoid injuries, anterior or posterior soft tissue impingement, sinus tarsi syndrome, superior peroneal retinacular injuries, and peroneal tendon tears and dislocations.

The normal ATFL is a band of low signal extending from the lateral talar head to the tip of the fibula (see eFig. 32-4A ). Representing a capsular thickening, this ligament is often best seen on fluid-sensitive images where the ligament is highlighted by joint fluid. It has a variable number of fascicles that are separated by fat. Signs of ATFL injury include nonvisualization of the ligament, discontinuity of the ligament, irregular contour, or heterogeneous increased signal intensity. The “bright rim sign” is a newly added criterion for ATFL tear. This sign, seen on T2-weighted axial image, consists of a dotlike or curvilinear high signal intensity adjacent to the focus of cortical disruption on either the fibular or talar attachment of the ATFL. This bright dot is thought to represent chemical shift artifact at the site of cortical avulsion at ATFL attachment. The avulsed or peeled-off cortex exposes the underlying fatty marrow to joint fluid, leading to formation of chemical artifact that is seen as the reported bright rim or dot. Adding this new criterion significantly improved the sensitivity of detecting ATFL tear, with a sensitivity of 90.9% to 96.9% when compared to arthroscopic findings. The authors, however, did not find increased specificity when this new criterion was added. Pitfalls in diagnosis may arise when the ligament is assessed at 1 to 2 cm above the tip of the fibula, where a physiologic gap occurs between the fascicles. The ligament can be distinguished from the more superiorly located AITFL by two major criteria. On axial images, the talus appears oblong at the ATFL ligament origin (see eFig. 32-4A ), whereas the talus is square at the talar dome where the anterior tibiofibular ligament is visualized. The shape of the fibula at site of ligament insertion also helps differentiate the ATFL from the AITFL. The ATFL inserts at the level of the fibular malleolar fossa where the fibula demonstrates a normal medial notch, whereas the fibula is round at the insertion of the AITFL (see eFig. 32-4 ).

The CFL is found deep to the peroneal tendons along the lateral wall of the calcaneus. The course of CFL is frequently oblique and highly variable. As a result, sequential images in both axial (see eFig. 32-4B ) and coronal images are necessary to depict the ligament's origin and insertion sites ( Fig. 32-3A ).

FIGURE 32–3, Normal posterior ligaments of the ankle. Coronal, fat-suppressed, T2-weighted MR images through the posterior malleolus are obtained at the origin of the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) ( A ) and slightly more posteriorly ( B ). The posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) connects the malleolar fossa (f) of the fibula to the lateral tubercle of the posterior talar process. The intermalleolar ligament (arrowheads) , a common variant, is sandwiched between the posterior tibiofibular ligament (arrows) and the PTFL. The CFL lies deep to the peroneal tendons (P) .

The PTFL can be consistently visualized on routine axial MR images (see eFig. 32-4B ). The ligament is fan shaped with a broad insertion into the fibular malleolar fossa. Its other insertion is at the lateral tubercle of the talus. Its fascicles are separated by fibrofatty tissue, similar to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee, resulting in a normally striated appearance of the ligament. This striation should not be confused with a tear.

MRI features of injury to the lateral collateral ligaments include disruption, nonvisualization, thickening, attenuation, heterogeneity, and wavy appearance of the ligaments (see eBox 32-2 ; Figs. 32-4 to 32-8 ). Acute ligamentous tears are associated with adjacent soft tissue edema and with fluid extravasation outside the joint capsule (see Fig. 32-4A ). Obliteration of the fat normally highlighting the ligaments is a reliable sign for ligament injury. Complete tear of the CFL allows communication between the common peroneal tendon sheath and the ankle joint (see Fig. 32-7B ). Fluid within the common peroneal tendon sheath was noted in 52% of patients within 2 weeks of acute sprain but was more common in cases of CFL tears. In contrast, at 7 weeks, 75% of patients with fluid in the peroneal tendon sheath had an intact CFL. This increased incidence of fluid in the peroneal tendon sheath is thought to represent tenosynovitis resulting from the added stress to the peroneal tendons as they attempt to stabilize the lateral laxity of the ankle joint.

FIGURE 32–4, Concomitant anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament tears and osteochondral lesion in a 16-year-old with a history of multiple ankle sprains. A , T2-weighted, fat-suppressed axial MR image shows a midsubstance tear of the ATFL (white arrow) with extravasation of fluid outside the capsule. B , An associated calcaneofibular ligament tear (black arrow) is best seen on the coronal image. Concomitant tears of these two ligaments are common. Edema of the deltoid ligament (D) is also noted. The posterior talofibular ligament ( A , open arrow ) is intact. Multiple foci of bone bruises and a lateral talar dome osteochondral lesion ( B , arrowhead ) are also seen. F, Fibula.

FIGURE 32–5, Acute lateral ankle sprain with multiple ligamentous injuries. Axial fat-suppressed, T2-weighted MR image shows a tear of the anterior talofibular (ATFL) ligament (arrow) . Other ligamentous injuries include sprain to both the posterior talofibular (PTFL) and the deltoid (D) ligaments, characterized by loss of normal striation and increased signal on T2-weighted images in these ligaments. Bone bruise of the medial talar dome (arrowhead) is present.

FIGURE 32–6, Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) tear near its fibular attachment in two patients. A , Axial, proton density–weighted MR image through the anterolateral gutter shows an irregular, bowed ATFL (small arrows) with a small bone fragment (arrowhead) avulsed from its fibular attachment. B , Fat-suppressed, axial MR image in another patient demonstrates a thickened and partially torn ATFL at its fibular attachment (curved arrow) .

FIGURE 32–7, Calcaneofibular ligament tear. Coronal, T2-weighted, fat-suppressed ( A ) and axial, proton density–weighted ( B ) MR images show discontinuity of the ligament (arrow) , which is located deep to the peroneal tendons (P) .

FIGURE 32–8, Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) injury in a ballet dancer. Axial, T2-weighted, fat-suppressed MR image shows a thick and irregular PTFL (arrowhead) .

Ligaments commonly heal through filling of the defect with a fibrous scar that may occur as early as 7 days after the injury. Scar formation is typically ligament specific. The location of the sprain also influences healing: The closer the site of ligamentous injury to the bony attachment, the greater the likelihood of delayed healing. A study using MRI to track the changes in the injured ligaments over time showed progression from an obvious defect to a hypoplastic or hyperplastic appearance of the ligament. For example, 50% of the imaged ATFL ligaments had a defect at 2 weeks. By the seventh week, only 11% of the ATFL ligaments displayed a defect. During healing, the margins of the ATFL also became better defined.

Concomitant ATFL and CFL injury is frequent (see Fig. 32-4 ); syndesmotic and deltoid tears or contusions are often seen in conjunction with lateral collateral ligament tears (see Fig. 32-5 ).

Thirty-five percent of cases of lateral ligament injuries had bone bruises, predominantly in the talar dome. Bone contusions in the medial tibia, talus, and calcaneus and more subtle ipsilateral bone contusions of the distal fibula are other common findings associated with acute tears (see Fig. 32-5 ). These talar and navicular bone contusions result from talar head rotational instability.

Using surgery as the gold standard, MRI was demonstrated to be 74% sensitive and 100% specific for detecting complete lateral ligament tears. In another study, MRI correctly detected 92% of surgically proven cases of lateral ligament tears. In a recent study using arthroscopy as gold standard, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of MRI in detecting ATFL injury is 97%, 100%, and 97%, respectively.

Despite the ability of MRI to document the extent of ligamentous injury in acute sprain, the ability of MRI findings to affect therapy and predict clinical outcome is moderate, as most acute injuries are initially treated conservatively. On the other hand, imaging of residual chronic pain and instability is indicated, as these chronic lesions are frequently treated surgically.


The group of European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology experts has deemed sonography of ATFL and CFL clinically appropriate but not cost effective. Using MRI as gold standard, sonography of the ATFL reported a sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 83%, respectively. In another study, sonographic findings of ATFL tears were confirmed by arthroscopic surgery, yielding a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 33%, respectively. A sonographic study on 105 patients who underwent surgery for lateral ankle sprain showed accuracies of 92% for diagnosing CFL lesions.

ATFL on sonography is a flat fibrillar hyperechoic structure connecting the tip of the lateral malleolus to the lateral talus ( Fig. 32-9 ). To avoid hypoechoic anisotropic artifacts, the transducer must be parallel to the long axis of the ATFL when obtaining longitudinal images. The CFL lies deep to the peroneal tendons, which can be used to localize the ligament. Dorsiflexion of the foot stretches the CFL and improves visualization. The proximal segment of the CFL is generally obscured by the lateral malleolus. Because of the close proximity between the CFL and the peroneal tendons, fluid is commonly found in the common peroneal tendon sheath after CFL tears. An indirect sign of CFL tear is lack of motion of the peroneal tendons toward the probe during dorsiflexion. Also, the attenuated or torn CFL allows the peroneal tendons to fall deeper toward the calcaneus. The PTFL is difficult to visualize on ultrasonography, owing to its deep location.

FIGURE 32–9, Normal lateral collateral ligaments on sonography. ( A ) Axial oblique image of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) (arrows) and ( B ) coronal oblique image of the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) (arrowheads) , both acquired with transducer parallel to the ligament. The ATFL is a flat fibrillar hyperechoic structure connecting the tip of the lateral malleolus to the lateral talus. The CFL lies deep to the peroneus brevis tendon (PB) and peroneus longus tendon (PL) , which can be used to localize the ligament. The proximal segment of the CFL (top arrowhead) is generally obscured by the lateral malleolus (LM) . C, Calcaneus; F, fibula; Ta, talus.

Synopsis of Treatment Options

Nonsurgical Treatment

Immediately after injury and after exclusion of fracture, rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) treatment is delivered at the field or the emergency room. The ankle is reexamined in 5 days after the initial treatment because delayed physical exam was shown to have higher sensitivity to ankle injuries as pain and swelling resolved. If the exam reveals a stable ankle joint or grade 1 or 2 lesion, the general consensus is nonsurgical management, such as functional rehabilitation.

Functional regimens include elastic wrap, frequent applications of ice, short period of weight- bearing immobilization, and initiation of range of motion exercise during the acute phase of injury. Once swelling has receded, neuromuscular training stressing peroneal muscle strengthening and proprioceptive exercise should begin. Functional bracing that controls inversion and eversion is commonly used during the strengthening period and prophylactically for high-risk activities thereafter. These measures are shown to be cost effective, associated with recovery of ankle range of motion and early return to work. For unstable, or grade 3, sprains, the treatment remains controversial. Because surgical treatment to the lateral complex may induce some serious though infrequent complications, and functional treatment is free of complications, the growing consensus is to treat grade 3 sprains first with a trial of nonsurgical functional regimen. If such trial fails to resolve symptoms after a considerable period, surgical repair could subsequently be performed.

Surgical Treatment

Surgical repair of acute lateral ligament ruptures is rarely indicated. The exception may be in cases of sprains in the competitive athlete, where surgical treatment should be considered on an individual basis. Several studies suggested a decreased incidence of late recurrent instability after surgical intervention, but high-quality evidence studies are not available. Operative indications include instability and arthrosis in chronic ligamentous injuries, which can typically be detected clinically or on routine weight-bearing radiographs. More than 50 procedures designed to stabilize the lateral ankle have been described. These can be categorized into four general groups: (1) direct lateral ligament repair, (2) peroneus brevis tendon rerouting, (3) peroneus brevis tendon loop, and (4) peroneus brevis tendon loop and rerouting.

The postsurgical appearance after ligamentous reconstruction may be assessed by radiography, ultrasonography, and MRI. The presence of suture anchors in the region of the ATFL indicates direct ligamentous repair, whereas detection of a fibular tunnel suggests a peroneus brevis loop or rerouting. T1-weighted MR images, in particular, can clearly depict the rerouted peroneus brevis tendon within the fibular tunnel. The integrity of the rerouted tendon is best assessed by backward tracing of the peroneus brevis from its distal attachment at the base of the fifth metatarsal. The distal attachment of the peroneus brevis is typically not disturbed during surgical intervention.

Syndesmotic Sprain

Prevalence and Epidemiology

Syndesmotic ligamentous injury, also called high ankle sprain, can occur as an isolated injury or associated with ankle fractures. The injury is common in young athletic individuals, especially those involved in high contact sports. Syndesmotic disruption is associated with all Weber C (Lauge-Hansen pronation–external rotation) and 65% of Weber B (Lauge-Hansen supination–external rotation) ankle fractures, according to a recent MRI study. An arthroscopic study reported syndesmotic injuries occurring in 53% to 67% of all external rotation ankle fractures.

Isolated syndesmotic injuries are estimated to involve between 10% and 20% of acute ankle sprains. Among high-performance athletes with ankle injuries, the incidence may be as high as 40%. Syndesmotic disruptions are more frequent in high-impact activities when greater stress is placed on the ankle. Isolated syndesmotic injuries often do not present as gross diastasis and can be difficult to diagnose, leading to underestimation of injury, incomplete rehabilitation, and prolonged pain and disability.


The syndesmosis ligament complex is made up of four ligaments: the AITFL, the posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL), the inferior interosseous ligament (IOL), and the inferior transverse ligament (ITL). The anatomy for the syndesmosis is constant for the AITFL and PITFL with variation seen in the IOL (see eFigs. 32-2 and 32-3 ).

The AITFL ligament attaches to the anterior tibial (Chaput) and fibular (Le Fort) tubercles and has multiple bands of oblique fibers. A distinct distal band of the AITFL with a more horizontal orientation, described by Bassett and colleagues, is also called the Bassett ligament (see eFig. 32-2 ). Occasionally, with ankle laxity associated with an ATFL ligament tear, Bassett ligament may come into contact with the talar dome and may lead to anterolateral impingement.

The PITFL is a compact band with a triangular shape and attaches to the posterior tibial and fibular tubercles. The ITL is the distal band of the PITFL and has a labrum-like extension from the posterior border of the tibial articular surface (see eFig. 32-2 ).

The IOL is a broad and multifascicular ligament traveling from the proximal tibia to the distal fibula. The IOL starts at a variable distance that ranges from 15 to 33 mm above the joint line.

A synovium-lined interosseous recess or syndesmotic recess extends from the ankle joint, in between the distal tibia and fibula, and is bordered proximally by the distal IOL. The recess is formed by a posteriorly located V-shaped synovial plica that blends laterally with the fibula. The medial aspect of the plica lies loosely on the tibia, thus creating the recess. The height of the syndesmotic recess varies from 4 to 25 mm.


The syndesmotic ligaments stabilize the distal tibiofibular articulation and prevent diastasis of the tibia and fibula at the ankle. Although the mechanism of syndesmotic sprain has not been firmly established, dorsiflexion and external rotation with a firmly planted foot is the most commonly described injury mechanism. Twisting maneuvers, commonly seen in sports such as soccer and football, in which there is simultaneous external rotation of the ankle and internal rotation of the leg, have also been implicated as a cause of syndesmotic sprains.


Among the syndesmotic ligaments, the AITFL is the most vulnerable to injury. Furthermore, sectioning the AITFL resulted in mechanical instability of the sydesmosis. Although the exact contributions of the individual ligaments to the stability of the syndesmosis remain uncertain, cadaveric studies found that the deltoid ligament contributes additional support to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis and the congruency of the ankle mortise.

The stability of the syndesmosis after ankle fractures has a significant positive correlation with clinical outcome. Rupture of the AITFL and PITFL ligaments is a crucial part of the Lauge-Hansen ankle fracture classification scheme. In the Danis-Weber classification of distal fibular fractures, MRI detected syndesmotic injury in all Weber B fractures, even though 65% of these fractures have normal radiographic measurements. Multiple studies attempted to predict IOL disruption, a sign of syndesmotic instability, based on the height of fibular fracture and therefore the need for transsyndesmotic fixation. The most recent study using MRI as standard reported that the integrity of IOL tears could not be predicted accurately in 33% of patients based on the level of fibular fracture on radiograph. The Wagstaffe fracture is a vertical fibular fracture produced by AITFL ligament avulsion. Eighty-five percent of Wagstaffe fragments are associated with ankle diastasis and syndesmosis injury. Thus, the presence of a Wagstaffe fragment necessitates careful examination of the syndesmotic ligaments and, if necessary, a surgical repair of the torn ligaments.

Clinical Presentation

Patients with acute syndesmotic injury may present with “high ankle” pain, swelling, and palpable tenderness over the syndesmosis, exacerbated by external rotation and a talar tilt test. In addition, a calf compression test is positive in syndesmosis sprain but not in lateral collateral ligament injury. Yet multiple studies have reported that clinical history, symptoms, and special clinical exams are all unreliable in detecting syndesmotic injury.

This failure to recognize and stabilize the syndesmotic injury is a major cause for poor outcome. Interrupted syndesmotic ligaments may lead to ankle instability and distal tibiofibular diastasis, a decrease in the tibiotalar articular contact area, and an increase in the tibiotalar contact pressure. All these factors can result in early tibiotalar arthrosis. Calcification or ossifications of the syndesmosis may be seen after syndesmotic injury and are generally thought to be asymptomatic. Painful ossifications, however, have been reported in cases of syndesmotic sprain without diastasis. Furthermore, lateral talar shift has to be differentiated from lateral talar tilt. The lateral talar shift requires concomitant injuries to both deltoid and the syndesmotic ligaments, whereas talar tilt is isolated to deltoid ligament disruption.


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