Shoulder girdle and arm

The upper limb is differentiated to achieve the complex patterns of stereotactic, non-stereotactic and gestural movements (each with a distinct neurological basis) that enable hand function. The combined movements of the shoulder and elbow bring objects in the hand into the visual field, while the great range of the shoulder and pectoral girdle enable a wide reach. Oculospinal afferents appear to be the most important modulators of the shoulder joint stability needed for reaching . An object is first reached and then grasped (increasing both superficial and deep peripheral afferent inputs that enhance proximal shoulder girdle stability ( )), before being retrieved into the visual field. The requirements of attention to the visual field define the need for stability in the shoulder girdle: the closer the attention to an object in the centre of the field of vision (‘macular vision’), the finer the control of the motion and stability of the shoulder girdle.

The joints of the upper limb become more complex proximodistally. The greatest potential for stability is gained through ‘close-packing’ (the state of a joint where the greatest stability is achieved for the least energy) in the carpus of the hand, while the range of available motion in each joint becomes more restricted. Close-packing occurs through a lesser, more specific, range of movement in the elbow: the flexed elbow with a supinated forearm is the position for carrying the greatest load with the least energy expenditure or the greatest resistance to fatigue. Close-packing occurs in the glenohumeral joint, so providing stability, but it is almost entirely gained through muscular activity. At the extremes of range, through capsular fibre spiralling, it is costly in terms of muscular energy expenditure, especially on a background of age- and gene-dependent musculotendinous degeneration. The scapulothoracic joint is the least intrinsically stable joint in the body and is entirely dependent on muscular activity for its stability and movement around the fulcrum of the acromioclavicular joint.

For the purposes of this chapter, the junction between the ‘arm’ and the ‘elbow joint’ will be taken to be the level at which the radial nerve perforates the lateral intermuscular septum to enter the anterior compartment of the arm, and the ulnar nerve perforates the medial intermuscular septum to gain the posterior compartment of the arm at the elbow.

Skin and Soft Tissues


Cutaneous vascular supply

The skin over the lateral end of the clavicle is supplied by the supraclavicular artery, which pierces the deep fascia superior to the clavicle and anterior to trapezius. In most cases, this artery arises from the superficial cervical/transverse cervical artery, but it occasionally arises from the suprascapular artery. The area over deltoid is supplied by the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries. The deltoid branch of the thoraco-acromial axis contributes to the blood supply of the anterior aspect of the shoulder via musculocutaneous perforators through deltoid.

The blood supply to the skin of the upper arm may be divided into three regions with separate supplies. The deltoid region is supplied by musculocutaneous perforators, and the medial and lateral regions are supplied by fasciocutaneous perforators ( , Salmon, in ).

The deltoid region is supplied by the posterior circumflex humeral artery via musculocutaneous perforators. After exiting from the quadrangular space, it gives off a descending branch that runs down to the insertion of deltoid and the overlying skin, and an ascending branch that passes superiorly towards the acromion and pierces the edge of deltoid and the deep fascia to fan out and supply the overlying skin.

The medial side of the upper arm is supplied by five or six fasciocutaneous perforators that arise from the brachial artery, the superior ulnar collateral artery and, if present, the single artery to biceps brachii. These perforators pass along the medial intermuscular septum to spread out in the deep fascia and anastomose with perforating vessels superiorly and inferiorly, and from the lateral side. There are virtually no musculocutaneous perforators through biceps or triceps.

The lateral side of the upper arm below deltoid is supplied by perforating vessels from the middle collateral and radial collateral arteries (the terminating bifurcation of the profunda brachii). The middle collateral artery sends perforators to the skin via the lateral intermuscular septum between brachioradialis and triceps, while the radial collateral artery gives off cutaneous perforators via the intermuscular septum between brachialis and brachioradialis. These cutaneous vessels anastomose with those from the medial side.

Cutaneous innervation

The skin over the anterior shoulder region is mobile and accommodates the great mobility of the shoulder girdle. The skin over the posterior aspect of the shoulder girdle is thicker and less mobile, being held to the underlying scapula by coarse connective tissue fibres. The cutaneous innervation reflects this difference in skin quality. The supraclavicular nerves (see Fig. 35.1B ) are long, mobile nerves passing deep to platysma before piercing the muscle and the investing cervical fascia over or immediately caudal to the clavicle. The medial clavicular skin, including the skin over the sternoclavicular joint, is innervated by the small, often multifilamentous, medial supraclavicular nerve. The skin over the clavicle and over a variable extent of the anterior chest skin, including a variable extent of the anterior axillary fold, is innervated by the large, middle supraclavicular nerve. This nerve is frequently injured by injudicious incisions for the surgical treatment of fractures of the clavicle; a painful neuroma is a common outcome. The skin over the lateral clavicle, acromion and deltoid region is innervated by the lateral supraclavicular nerve or nerves. The floor of the axilla, together with part of the upper medial aspect of the arm, is supplied by the intercostobrachial nerve (lateral branch of the second intercostal nerve). Occasionally, the lateral branch of the third intercostal nerve contributes to the supply of the skin in the floor of the axilla. The lower aspect of the medial side of the upper arm is supplied by the medial cutaneous nerve of the arm. The lateral aspect of the upper arm is supplied by the upper lateral cutaneous nerve (a branch of the axillary nerve) and the lower lateral cutaneous nerve (a branch of the radial nerve). The posterior aspect is supplied by the posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm (a branch of the radial nerve). Fig. 49.1 49.5 illustrate the approximate areas of sensory loss or disturbance after pre- or postganglionic lesions involving C4–T1.

Fig. 49.1, The approximate area of sensory loss or disturbance after proven preganglionic (avulsion) lesion of C4–T1 and C5–T1. A , Anterior view. B , Posterior view.

Fig. 49.2, The approximate area of sensory loss or disturbance after complete interruption of C5 and the axillary nerve. A , Anterior view. B , Posterior view. Sensory loss is greater in C5 lesions than in axillary lesions.

Fig. 49.3, The approximate area of sensory loss or disturbance after complete interruption of the lateral cord. A , Anterior view. B , Posterior view. Sometimes, loss of sensation is not complete; this is also true of the medial cord.

Fig. 49.4, The approximate area of sensory loss or disturbance after complete interruption of the medial cord. A , Anterior view. B , Posterior view.

Fig. 49.5, The approximate area of sensory loss or disturbance after complete interruption of the posterior cord. Posterior view.

Soft tissues

Deep fascia

In common with locomotor muscles in the lower limb, the upper limb muscles are attached, in varying degrees, to their surrounding deep fascial envelopes. This arrangement increases the area (footprint) of attachment of a muscle within a fascial compartment, so increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of that muscle. For example, the fasciae overlying the three muscles of the scapular fossae (subscapularis, infraspinatus and supraspinatus) are well attached and thicker medially; the fibro-osseous cuff so formed around the medial parts of the muscles affords a greater area of attachment than would be available if the muscles were attached only to the scapular fossae. The blood supply to the muscles of the upper limb is defined by their fascial compartmentation.

Compartment syndrome of the arm

The muscular compartments of the arm (and thigh) are not as well defined as those of the forearm (and leg). Compartment syndrome is less common in trauma of the arm but remains a concern, particularly after extensive reconstruction procedures and high-energy or crushing injuries of the limb.

Fascia over deltoid

The deep fascia over deltoid is thickest anteriorly and posteriorly, and is adherent in a linear fashion to the external aspect of the superficial fibrous septa of the central (lateral) part of that muscle. It blends with the pectoral fascia in front, and with the thick and strong fascia overlying infraspinatus behind. Above, it blends with the periosteum of the lateral part of the clavicle, the thin periosteum of the acromion, the crest of the scapular spine and the cranial part of the medial border of the scapula, caudal to the spine of the scapula, where it blends with the infraspinatus fascia. Below, it is continuous with the deep brachial fascia, blending with the lateral intermuscular septum ( ).

Pectoral and axillary fascia

The pectoral fascia is thin over pectoralis major. It is attached medially to the sternum and is continuous with the fascia of the rectus sheath caudally. Cranially, it blends with the periosteum of the clavicle and the anterior aspect of the capsule of the sternoclavicular joint. Laterally, it is continuous with the fascia over deltoid; it forms the roof of the infraclavicular fossa between the muscular attachments of pectoralis major and deltoid to the clavicle. The fascia is loosely adherent to the septum between the sternal and clavicular parts of pectoralis major. Inferolaterally, between pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi, the fascia thickens to form the floor of the axilla as the axillary fascia. At the caudal edge of pectoralis major, a deep lamina of fascia ascends to envelop the caudal border of pectoralis minor; it becomes the clavipectoral fascia at the upper edge of pectoralis minor. The hollow of the armpit is produced mainly by the action of this fascia in tethering the axillary skin to the floor of the axilla; it is sometimes referred to as the suspensory ligament of the axilla. The axillary fascia is pierced by the tail of the breast (see Fig. 53.22A ). The pectoral fascia envelops the lateral margin of latissimus dorsi; the deep and superficial layers ensheathe that muscle and are attached behind to the spines of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, blending with the thoracolumbar fascia medially and caudally.

Clavipectoral fascia

The clavipectoral fascia is the superior continuation of the deep lamina of the pectoral fascia and the medial continuation of the parietal layer of the subscapular bursal fascia. Laterally, it is continuous with the coraco-acromial ligament above and lateral to the coracoid. It envelops the coracoid blending with the periosteum of the tip of that process, the short head of biceps brachii and coracobrachialis. It covers the interval between those two muscles and pectoralis minor, which it envelops, and then traverses the interval between pectoralis minor and subclavius. It splits around subclavius and is attached to the clavicle anterior and posterior to the groove for subclavius. The posterior layer is contiguous with the deep cervical fascia, a condensation of which forms a tether around the central tendinous part of omohyoid, so indirectly connecting it to the clavicle. The deep aspect of the posterior lamina of the clavipectoral fascia blends with the sheath of the axillary vessels. Medially, it blends with the fascia over the first two intercostal spaces and is attached to the first rib, medial to subclavius. Occasionally, the fascia thickens to form a band between the first rib and coracoid process, the costocoracoid ligament, under which the lateral cord of the brachial plexus is closely applied ( ). The cephalic vein, thoraco-acromial artery and associated veins and lymphatic vessels, and the lateral pectoral nerve all pass through the fascia immediately superior to the upper border of pectoralis minor. This fascia was called the 'clavi-coraco-axillary aponeurosis' by .

Subscapular fascia

The subscapular fascia is thin and attached to the entire circumference of the subscapular fossa. Subscapularis is partly attached to its deep surface medially, which is an example of the extension of the attachment zone of a muscle for more effective action. The fascia extends laterally and blends with the deep layer of the subscapular bursa in front of the tendon of subscapularis and with the external layer of the capsule of the rotator interval of the glenohumeral joint. Inferiorly, it continues as the fascia enveloping teres major.

Infraspinous fascia

The infraspinous fascia covers infraspinatus and is attached to the margins of the infraspinous fossa, except cranially and medially, where there is a loose attachment to the lower aspect of the spine of the scapula. Cranially and laterally, the infraspinatus fascia is continuous with the supraspinatus fascia, creating a single muscular compartment for the two muscles. The deep fibres of deltoid are attached to the infraspinatus fascia over a strip of about 1 cm for the entire length of the spine of the scapula; the examining finger cannot palpate the spine of the scapula from within the space between deltoid and infraspinatus. The fascia is contiguous with the strong lower border of the deltoid fascia along the overlapping posterior border of deltoid.

Supraspinous fascia

The supraspinous fascia completes the osseofibrous compartment containing supraspinatus; it is attached to the scapula around the boundaries of the attachment of supraspinatus. It is thick medially, where supraspinatus attaches to its own fascia, but thinner laterally under the coraco-acromial ligament.

Brachial fascia

The deep fascia of the upper arm, the brachial fascia, is continuous with the fasciae covering deltoid and pectoralis major; it forms a thin, loose covering for the anterior muscles of the arm and a more robust covering for the posterior muscles. Medially, just below the middle of the upper arm, it is perforated by the basilic vein, lymphatic vessels and, at various levels, by branches of the brachial cutaneous nerves.

The fascia is thickest distally, where it contains the brachial muscles in distinct compartments anteriorly and posteriorly, and is defined medially and laterally by tough septa. The lateral intermuscular septum is continuous with the fascia overlying the lateral part of deltoid proximally, and has an upward, thinner extension to the lateral crest of the intertubercular sulcus (groove) contiguous with the fascia over the anterior border of deltoid. It is attached to the supracondylar ridge of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, and is perforated at the level of the junction of the upper three-fifths and lower two-fifths of the humerus by the radial nerve and the radial collateral branch of the profunda brachii artery passing into the anterior compartment from behind. It provides extension for the zone of attachment of the lateral head of triceps posteriorly, and of brachialis, brachioradialis and extensor carpi radialis longus anteriorly. The medial intermuscular septum extends from the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus, where it is contiguous with the fascia of teres major, next blends with the aponeurosis of attachment of coracobrachialis to the medial aspect of the humerus, and then passes as a thick septum along the medial aspect of the humerus to the medial supracondylar ridge of the medial epicondyle. It gives attachment to the medial head of triceps posteriorly, and brachialis anteriorly. It is perforated by the ulnar nerve at about the same level as the radial nerve laterally, together with the superior ulnar collateral artery and the posterior branch of the inferior ulnar collateral artery. At the elbow, the brachial fascia is attached to the epicondyles of the humerus, so completing the muscular compartments, and the olecranon of the ulna, and is continuous with the antebrachial fascia.

Axillary neurovascular sheath

The axillary neurovascular sheath is closely contiguous with the posterior aspect of the clavipectoral fascia. The second part of the axillary artery lies behind pectoralis minor; most intimal ruptures of the vessel caused by distraction trauma occur in this part of the vessel.

During forceful flexion/adduction/protraction of the upper limb across the trunk (e.g. when the scapula is wrenched from the lateral end of the clavicle in thoracoscapular dissociation), the axillary sheath containing the axial vessels and cords of the brachial plexus is forced into pectoralis minor, which acts as a fulcrum or guillotine, around which the vessels angle sharply, so rupturing the arterial intima. Acute neural injuries occur as a result of direct injury (traction, compression, or both) to the nerve trunks, causing acute sensorimotor deficits, arterial adventitial haematoma or acute aneurysm expanding within the axillary sheath to cause the syndrome of causalgia (rapidly progressive, severe pain in the distribution of the affected nerve trunks with neural deficits). Arterial thrombosis following intimal rupture is associated with late nerve deficits as a result of inadequate neural perfusion, local scarring with distortion of the axillary sheath and its contents, and poor posture of the affected limb.

The neurovascular bundle enclosed within the sheath is separated from the subscapular fascia by a ‘virtual space’ traversed by the subscapular nerves, an arrangement that permits full excursion of subscapularis without distortion of the neurovascular bundle during normal arm movements. The tip of the coracoid can be likened to the tip of the shaft of a steering oar attached to a vessel (the scapula) tethered within the thick clavipectoral fascia: the effect of pectoralis minor acting as an antagonist of trapezius in scapular position and motion control (see below) is optimized by the wide attachment of the clavipectoral fascia and coraco-acromial ligament to the clavicle and scapula (see Fig. 49.18 ).

Spread of infection

When axillary suppuration occurs, the local fascial arrangement affects the spread of pus. Suppuration may be superficial or deep to the clavipectoral fascia. In the former, an abscess would appear at the edge of the anterior axillary fold or in the groove between deltoid and pectoralis major; in the latter, pus would tend to track upwards in the axillary neurovascular sheath and appear at the root of the neck, taking the direction of least resistance. Lymphangitis in the medial aspect of the arm suggests infection deep to the clavipectoral fascia with lymphatic obstruction. When an axillary abscess is incised, the knife should enter the axillary ‘base’, midway between the anterior and posterior margins and near the thoracic side, to avoid the lateral thoracic, subscapular and axillary vessels on the anterior, posterior and lateral walls, respectively.



The clavicle lies almost horizontally at the root of the neck (see Figure 35.13, Figure 48.7A ). It is a crank-shaped cantilever that carries the scapula, so enabling the limb to swing clear of the trunk. It transmits part of the weight of the limb to the axial skeleton. The lateral or acromial end of the bone is flattened and articulates with the medial side of the acromion, whereas the medial or sternal end is enlarged and articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium sterni and first costal cartilage. The shaft is gently curved and resembles the italic letter f in shape, being convex forwards (the antecurve) in its medial two-thirds and concave forwards (the retrocurve) in its lateral third ( Fig. 49.6 ). The inferior aspect of the intermediate two-fifths is grooved in its long axis for the attachment of subclavius. Laterally, the internal architecture of the clavicle is trabecular, with a medullary cavity in the medial two-thirds. The cortical bone is thickest at the transition zone between the antecurve and retrocurve. The female clavicle is typically shorter, thinner, less curved and smoother. Mid-shaft circumference is the most reliable single indicator of sex; a combination of this measurement with weight and length yields more reliable and consistent results. The clavicle is subcutaneous throughout its whole length and accordingly can be palpated for its entire length; the medial (sternal) end forms an expanded, blunt-faced margin of the jugular notch. The anterior border of the lateral (acromial) end is not readily distinguished from the acromion; the attachment of deltoid obscures the anterior aspect of the acromioclavicular joint. By contrast, the posterior border of the lateral end forms the anterior margin of a roughly parabolic hollow under the lateral fibres of trapezius, the posterior border being formed by the anterior border of the spine of the scapula. The hollow will admit at least one palpating finger. If the pulp of the finger is placed on the spine of the scapula as far laterally as the hollow will permit, the nail will inevitably point to the posterior capsule of the acromioclavicular joint; this landmark is always palpable, even in well-muscled individuals, when other shoulder landmarks can be obscured.

Fig. 49.6, The left clavicle, showing sites of muscular and ligamentous attachment and articular surfaces. A , Superior view. Key: 1, sternocleidomastoid (clavicular head); 2, sternal end; 3, pectoralis major; 4, trapezius; 5, acromial end; 6, deltoid. B , Inferior view. Key: 1, pectoralis major; 2, for costoclavicular ligament; 3, for first costal cartilage; 4, for sternum; 5, sternohyoid; 6, subclavius; 7, deltoid; 8, for acromion; 9, trapezoid line; 10, trapezius; 11, conoid tubercle.

Lateral two-fifths

The lateral two-fifths of the clavicle are flattened and have superior and inferior surfaces, and anterior and posterior borders. The anterior border is concave, thin and roughened, and may be marked by a small deltoid tubercle. The posterior border, also roughened by muscular attachments, is convex backwards. The superior surface is roughened near its margins but is smooth centrally, where it can be felt through the skin. The inferior surface presents two obvious markings. Close to the posterior border, at the junction of the lateral fourth with the rest of the bone, a prominent conoid tubercle gives attachment to the conoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament. A narrow, roughened strip, the trapezoid line, runs forwards and laterally from the lateral side of this tubercle, almost as far as the acromial end ( Fig. 49.6B ). The trapezoid part of the coracoclavicular ligament is attached to it. A small, oval articular facet, for articulation with the medial aspect of the acromion, faces laterally and slightly downwards at the lateral end of the shaft.

Subclavius is attached to the groove on the inferior surface (see Fig. 49.6B ). The clavipectoral fascia is attached to the edges of the groove. The posterior edge of the groove runs to the conoid tubercle, where fascia and conoid ligament merge. There is a laterally inclined nutrient foramen lateral to the groove. Deltoid (anteriorly) and trapezius (posteriorly) are attached to the lateral two-fifths of the shaft; both muscles are inserted directly into the clavicle and indirectly into the clavicular periosteum. The coracoclavicular ligaments, attached to the conoid tubercle and trapezoid line (see Fig. 49.6B ), transmit the weight of the upper limb to the clavicle, and are counteracted by the cervical part of trapezius, which supports its lateral part (see Fig. 49.18 ).

Medial three-fifths

The medial three-fifths of the shaft of the clavicle are cylindrical or prismoid in form and have four surfaces, although the inferior surface is often reduced to a mere ridge. The anterior surface is roughened over most of its extent but is smooth and rounded laterally, where it forms the upper boundary of the infraclavicular fossa. The upper surface is roughened medially and smooth laterally. The posterior surface is smooth and featureless medially; its lateral half bears a groove in the long axis of the bone. The inferior surface is marked near its sternal end by a roughened oval impression, which is often depressed below the surface. Its margins give attachment to the costoclavicular ligament, which connects the clavicle to the upper surface of the first rib and its cartilage. Rarely, this area is smooth or raised to constitute an eminence that may form a synovial pseudarthrosis with the upper surface of the first rib; in older subjects, an extra-articular synostosis may form.

The medial three-fifths provide attachment, anteriorly, for the clavicular head of pectoralis major. The clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid is attached to the medial half of the superior surface, but the marking on the bone is not conspicuous. The smooth, posterior surface is devoid of muscular attachments, except at its lower part immediately adjoining the sternal end, where the lateral fibres of sternohyoid are attached. Medially, this surface is related to the lower end of the internal jugular vein (from which it is separated by sternohyoid), the termination of the subclavian vein, and the start of the brachiocephalic vein. More laterally, the clavicle arches in front of the trunks and divisions of the brachial plexus and the third part of the subclavian artery. The thyrocervical trunk and its branches, and the suprascapular and transverse cervical vessels are immediately behind and above the upper aspect of this surface. Subclavius is inserted in the subclavian groove on the inferior surface, and the clavipectoral fascia is attached to the edges of the groove. The posterior lip of the groove is continuous with the conoid tubercle laterally and brings the clavipectoral fascia into continuity with the conoid ligament. A nutrient foramen is found in the lateral end of the groove, running in a lateral direction; the nutrient artery is derived from the suprascapular artery.

Sternal end

The sternal end of the clavicle is directed medially, downwards and forwards, and articulates with the clavicular notch of the manubrium sterni. The sternal surface, usually irregular and pitted, is quadrangular (sometimes triangular). Its uppermost part is slightly roughened for attachment of the interclavicular ligament, sternoclavicular capsule and articular disc. Elsewhere, the surface is smooth and articular; it extends on to the inferior surface for a short distance, where it articulates with the first costal cartilage. The sternal end of the clavicle projects upwards beyond the manubrium sterni and can be felt and seen easily, forming the lateral wall of the jugular notch, behind which are the cricoid cartilage, cricothyroid membrane, the lower part of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx and the brachiocephalic vein. The sternal ends of each clavicle thus form a guide to the jugular notch: if the sternal end of the clavicle is displaced backwards (by traumatic dislocation), the landmarks of the notch are lost, the trachea is displaced and there will be difficulty breathing. If the trachea is displaced to one side (for instance, by pneumothorax), the features of the larynx cannot be palpated readily.

The shaft of the clavicle is usually fractured as a result of a violent impact to the side of the shoulder. The fracture typically occurs at the junction of the lateral two-fifths and medial three-fifths, where the transition from antecurve to retrocurve occurs and the bone changes in cross-sectional shape from its flatter lateral part to a tubular medial part. The weight of the arm causes displacement of the lateral fragment downwards, inwards and into forward (ventral) rotation, a posture maintained even in recumbency partly by the action of subclavius. If the fracture heals in this position, the dimensions and shape of the retroclavicular space are altered, particularly during elevation of the arm above shoulder level, and the brachial plexus (and its perfusion) and the subclavian vessels can be distorted (one of the many causes of the syndrome associated with thoracic outlet obstruction).


The clavicle begins to ossify before any other bone in the body. The shaft of the bone undergoes intramembranous ossification in two primary centres, medial and lateral, in stages 18–20 (42–50 postfertilization days). However, the clavicle does not ossify exclusively by intramembranous ossification. Endochondral ossification extends from the shaft to the sternal and acromial ends in stages 20–21. In 14 mm embryos, the clavicle is a band of condensed mesenchyme between the acromion and apex of the first rib, and is continuous with the sternal rudiment. Medial and lateral zones of early cartilage transformation (‘precartilage’) occur within this band; intramembranous centres of ossification appear and soon fuse in the mesenchyme between them. Sternal and acromial zones become true cartilage into which ossification extends from the shaft. Length increases by interstitial growth of these terminal cartilages, which develop zones of hypertrophy, calcification and advancing endochondral ossification like other growth cartilages. Diameter increases by subperichondral deposition in the extremities and subperiosteal deposition in the shaft. A secondary centre for the sternal end appears in the late teens, or even early twenties, usually 2 years earlier in females ( Fig. 49.7 ). Fusion is probably rapid but reliable data are lacking. An acromial secondary centre sometimes develops at around 18–20 years, but this epiphysis is always small and rudimentary, and rapidly joins the shaft. Growth is usually complete by 23 years in both sexes. Epiphyses are endochondral and probably fuse in the same way as they do in long bones.

Fig. 49.7, The three constant centres of ossification of the clavicle.

Anomalies of clavicular growth and development include defects of ossification, morphology (shape) and length. Defects of ossification in the clavicle and those cranial bones that ossify by intramembranous ossification occasionally coincide, e.g. in cleidocranial dysostosis. Defects of morphology and length occur in the immature clavicle in birth lesions of the brachial plexus; the lateral two-fifths are affected. In a typical case, the acromial end of the clavicle is short and excessively curved ventrally, rotated by up to 90°, while the coracoclavicular ligaments are normal. The coracoid is long and more vertical than usual; the scapula is often small, and the scapular neck region is short with variable glenoid dysplasia. These characteristic defects are predominantly associated with the upper trunk lesion (C5 and C6) that results in a muscular imbalance across the acromioclavicular and glenohumeral joints; the flexor and medial (internal) rotator muscles are relatively short. The short, tight pectoralis minor and coracobrachialis produce a distorting force on the coracoid, which elongates and rotates dorsally. With retropulsion of the humeral head posteriorly, the scapula rotates ventrally, particularly if there is posterior glenoid dysplasia. Deltoid shortening creates a downward distraction on the developing acromion, which lengthens and curves distally. The spine of the scapula is parallel to the body of the scapula rather than dorsally directed, and these deformities cause the acromioclavicular joint to be orientated more horizontally. As a result, the lateral clavicle is excessively curved ventrally. The concept here is that the abnormal shape is driven by asymmetrical muscle paralysis and partial recovery, and that form follows the neural lesion. While poor movement (causing a lack of ‘motivation’ for growth in length ) might explain the clavicular shortening, an equally valid explanation might involve a vascular insufficiency of the lateral ossification centre of the clavicle (with a similar insufficiency of the lateral ossification centres of the scapula for the glenoid): both have a contribution from the suprascapular artery, which is ‘at risk’ during injuries that lead to brachial plexus palsy. Length is a function of perfusion and shortening follows vascular insufficiency ( ).


The scapula is a large, triangular bone that lies over the posterolateral chest wall, covering parts of the second to seventh ribs (see Fig. 48.7A ), with a vertical long (craniocaudal) axis. It has costal and dorsal surfaces; superior, lateral and medial borders; inferior, superior and lateral angles; and three processes: the spine, the acromion and the coracoid process ( Figs 49.8 49.9 ).

Fig. 49.8, The left scapula, showing sites of muscular and ligamentous attachment and articular surfaces. A , Posterior aspect. Key: 1, clavicular facet; 2, biceps brachii (short head); 3, acromion; 4, deltoid; 5, glenoid fossa; 6, triceps brachii (long head); 7 and 9, teres minor; 8, groove for circumflex scapular artery; 10, teres major; 11, conoid tubercle; 12, coracoid process; 13, omohyoid (inferior belly); 14, superior angle; 15, supraspinatus; 16, levator scapulae; 17, spine; 18, trapezius; 19, rhomboid minor; 20, infraspinatus; 21, rhomboid major; 22, latissimus dorsi; 23, inferior angle. B , Anterior aspect. Key: 1, attachment of trapezoid ligament; 2, attachment of conoid ligament; 3, acromion process; 4, suprascapular notch; 5, omohyoid (inferior belly); 6, serratus anterior; 7, subscapularis; 8, ridge for intermuscular tendon of subscapularis; 9, deltoid; 10, biceps brachii (short head) and coracobrachialis; 11, pectoralis minor; 12, glenoid fossa; 13, triceps brachii (long head).

Fig. 49.9, The left scapula, showing sites of muscular and ligamentous attachment and articular surfaces. A , Superior aspect. Key: 1, facet for clavicle; 2, acromial process; 3, spine; 4, superior border; 5, head; 6, glenoid fossa; 7, neck; 8, conoid tubercle (for conoid ligament); 9, coracoid process; 10, attachment of trapezoid ligament. B , Lateral aspect. Key: 1, coracoid process; 2, supraglenoid tubercle; 3, glenoid fossa; 4, infraglenoid tubercle for long head of triceps brachii; 5, ventral surface; 6, acromion; 7, acromial angle; 8, lateral border; 9, inferior angle.

The superior and lateral borders and the supraspinous and infraspinous fossae converge laterally at the lateral angle of the scapula. This region comprises the glenoid fossa, the coracoid process and the neck of the scapula. Three robust columns of bone, namely, the lateral border of the spine of the scapula, the coracoid and the lateral border of the scapula, thus converge at the neck region. Load applied through the glenoid fossa or through the coracoid is transmitted into the scapula through these columns, which also provide a robust framework for the scapular body. The main processes, and thicker parts of the scapula, contain trabecular bone for load-bearing; the rest consists of a thin layer of compact bone for muscular attachments.

Costal surface

The costal surface, which is directed medially and forwards when the arm is by the side, is gently concave, especially in its upper part, matching the contour of the chest wall ( Fig. 49.8B ).

Near the lateral border, there is a longitudinal rounded ridge, prominent near the neck but less so below, which is separated from the lateral border by a narrow, grooved area. Subscapularis arises from the subscapular fossa that comprises nearly the whole of the costal surface, including the grooved area immediately adjoining the lateral border, but excluding the area next to the neck of the bone. Small, fibrous intramuscular septa are attached to four or five roughened ridges that subdivide this surface incompletely into a number of smooth areas. The anterior aspect of the neck is separated from subscapularis by a bursal protrusion of the synovial membrane of the shoulder joint (subscapular ‘bursa’). The lower five or six digitations of serratus anterior are attached to an oval area near the inferior angle. The remainder of the muscle is inserted into a narrow strip along the ventral aspect of the medial border, which is wider above, where it receives the large first digitation. The longitudinal thickening of the bone near the lateral border provides a column of the necessary strength to withstand the pull of serratus anterior on the inferior angle during lateral scapular rotation, when the glenoid cavity is turned to face more directly upwards as the arm is raised from the side and carried above the head against gravity.

Dorsal surface

The dorsal surface is divided by the transverse, shelf-like spine of the scapula into two unequal parts: a smaller supraspinous fossa above and an infraspinous fossa below. The fossae are confluent at the spinoglenoid notch between the lateral border of the spine and the dorsal aspect of the neck; their central parts may be very thin ( Fig. 49.8A ). The supraspinous fossa is bounded superiorly and anteriorly by the superior border, from the suprascapular notch and dorsal aspect of the root of the coracoid laterally, to the superior angle medially; and medially, by the upper part of the medial border. The infraspinous fossa is bounded by the medial and lateral borders and the inferior angle.

Supraspinatus is attached to the medial two-thirds of the supraspinous fossa on the dorsal surface; the fascia that covers the muscle is attached to the margins of the fossa. A fat pad lies between the supraspinatus fascia and the under-surface of trapezius. Teres minor is attached to the upper two-thirds of a flattened strip that adjoins the lateral border. The strip is grooved near its upper end by the circumflex scapular vessels passing between teres minor and the bone as they enter the infraspinous fossa. The lower limit of the attachment of teres minor is indicated by an oblique ridge, which runs from the lateral border to the neighbourhood of the inferior angle and cuts off a somewhat oval area where teres major is attached. The dorsal aspect of the inferior angle may give origin to a small slip that joins the deep surface of latissimus dorsi. The infraspinous fossa is hollowed out laterally but is convex medially. Infraspinatus is attached to the infraspinous fossa, with the exception of an area near the neck of the bone. The strong infraspinatus fascia passes on to teres minor and teres major, and sends fascial partitions between them that reach the bone along the ridges marking the limits of their attachments.

Superior border

The superior border, thin and sharp, is the shortest. At its anterolateral end, it is separated from the root of the coracoid process by the suprascapular notch (see Fig. 49.8B ), which can vary in shape and size. Medial to the suprascapular notch, the superior border gives origin to the inferior belly of omohyoid. The notch is bridged by the superior transverse ligament (or suprascapular ligament), which is attached laterally to the root of the coracoid process and medially to the limit of the notch. The ligament is sometimes ossified. The foramen, thus completed, transmits the suprascapular nerve to the supraspinous fossa, whereas the suprascapular vessels pass backwards above the ligament.

Lateral border

The lateral border has a triangular or rhomboidal cross-section. It forms a clearly defined, sharp, roughened ridge that runs sinuously from the inferior angle to the glenoid cavity. At its upper end, it widens into a rough, somewhat triangular, area: the infraglenoid tubercle ( Fig. 49.9B ). The lateral border separates the attachments of subscapularis and teres minor and major. These muscles project beyond the bone and, with latissimus dorsi below, cover it so completely that it cannot be felt through the skin. The long head of triceps is attached to the infraglenoid tubercle.

The grooved part of the costal surface, the narrow, flat lateral strip of the dorsal surface and the adjacent thickened ridge (see Fig. 49.9B ) are often included in the ‘lateral column’ in surgical practice. By definition, the remainder of the scapular body (costal and dorsal surfaces) and the medial border are called the ‘medial column’.

Medial border

The medial border extends from the inferior to the superior angle. It is slightly thickened and flat, and is further thickened at the medial end of the spine. In its lower two-thirds, this border can easily be felt through the skin, but its upper third is more deeply placed and more difficult to palpate. It is thin and often angled opposite the root of the spine. Levator scapulae is attached to a narrow strip, extending from the superior angle to the root of the spine, and rhomboid minor is attached below this, opposite the root of the spine. Rhomboid major is attached to the remainder of the border.

Scapular angles

The inferior angle lies over the seventh rib, or over the seventh intercostal space. It can be felt through the skin and the muscles that cover it, and, when the arm is raised above the head, it can be seen to rotate forwards (protract) around the chest wall; when the arm is lowered, the scapula should restitute (retract) to its original position without a disturbance of rhythm. It is covered on its dorsal aspect by the upper border of latissimus dorsi, a small slip from which is frequently attached to the inferior angle. The superior angle, at the junction of the superior and medial borders, is obscured by the upper part of trapezius. It lies over the dorsal surface of the second rib and can be palpated deeply above and behind the clavicle.

The lateral angle, truncated and broad, comprises the glenoid fossa (cavity) and scapular neck, with the coracoid projecting forwards. When the arm is by the side, the fossa is directed forwards, laterally and slightly upwards. When the arm is raised above the head, it is directed almost straight upwards, i.e. the plane of the fossa is horizontal. The supraglenoid tubercle is a small, rough, sloping area at the cranial margin of the fossa; it often encroaches on the root of the coracoid process, and is the site of attachment for the tendon of the long head of biceps brachii. The infraglenoid tubercle is a larger, rough area at the caudal margin of the glenoid fossa, at the upper end of the lateral margin, and is the site of attachment for the tendon of the long head of the triceps brachii. The anatomical neck is the region of the scapula extending between the infraglenoid and supraglenoid tubercles anteriorly and posteriorly, lateral to the root of the coracoid process; anteriorly, there is no landmark to distinguish the anatomical neck from the costal surface of the body of the scapula. Posteriorly, the anatomical neck is limited by the spinoglenoid notch at the root of the spine of the scapula. The bone here has an asymmetric, triangular cross-sectional shape; the plane of the anterior surface of the neck makes an acute angle of about 60° with the plane of the glenoid fossa, but the dimension and shape of the posterior surface are more variable.

Spine of the scapula

The spine of the scapula forms a shelf-like projection on the upper part of the dorsal surface of the bone, and is triangular in shape (see Fig. 49.8A ). Its lateral border is free, thick and rounded, and bounds the spinoglenoid notch, which lies between it and the dorsal surface of the neck of the bone. Its anterior aspect joins the dorsal surface of the scapula along a line that runs laterally and slightly upwards from the junction of the upper and middle thirds of the medial border. The plate-like body of the bone is bent along this line, which accounts for the concavity of the upper part of the costal surface. The dorsal border is the crest of the spine and is subcutaneous throughout nearly its whole extent. The crest expands into a smooth, triangular area at its medial end. Elsewhere, the upper and lower edges and the surface of the crest are roughened for muscular attachments. The upper surface of the spine widens as it is traced laterally and is slightly hollowed out. Together with the upper area of the dorsal surface of the bone, the upper surface of the spine forms the supraspinous fossa. The lower surface is overhung by the crest at its medial, narrow end, but is gently convex in its wider, lateral portion. Together with the lower area of the dorsal surface of the bone, the lower surface of the spine forms the infraspinous fossa, which communicates with the supraspinous fossa through the spinoglenoid notch.

Supraspinatus is attached to the upper surface of the spine of the scapula; the infraspinatus, by contrast, is not attached to the lower surface of the spine. The flattened triangular area at its root lies opposite the spine of the third thoracic vertebra and is covered by the tendon of trapezius; a bursa intervenes to enable the tendon to play over this part of the bone. The posterior fibres of deltoid are attached to the lower border of the crest and, to a variable extent, to the medial border by attachment to the infraspinatus fascia. The middle fibres of trapezius are attached to the upper border of the crest. The lowest fibres of trapezius terminate in a flat, triangular tendon that glides over the smooth area at the base of the spine and inserts into a rough prominence, erroneously called the deltoid tubercle, on the dorsal or subcutaneous aspect of the spine near its medial end.


The acromion projects forwards, almost at right-angles, from the lateral end of the spine, with which it is continuous. The lower border of the crest of the spine becomes continuous with the lateral border of the acromion at the acromial angle, which forms a reliable, subcutaneous, bony landmark. The medial border of the acromion is short and is marked anteriorly by a small, oval facet, directed upwards and medially, for articulation with the lateral end of the clavicle. The lateral border, tip and upper surface of the acromion can all be felt through the skin without difficulty. There may be an accessory articular facet on the inferior surface of the acromion.

The acromion is subcutaneous over its dorsal surface, being covered only by the skin and superficial fascia. The lateral border, which is thick and irregular, and the tip of the process, as far round as the clavicular facet, give origin to the middle fibres of deltoid. The medial aspect of the tip gives attachment, below deltoid, to the lateral end of the coraco-acromial ligament. The articular capsule of the acromioclavicular joint is attached around the margins of the clavicular facet. Behind the facet, the medial border of the acromion gives insertion to the horizontal (middle) fibres of trapezius. The inferior aspect of the acromion is relatively smooth and forms a protective arch over the shoulder joint, together with the coraco-acromial ligament and the coracoid process. The tendon of supraspinatus passes below the overhanging acromion and is separated from it and from deltoid by the subacromial bursa.

Coracoid process

The coracoid process arises from the upper border of the neck of the scapula and its body is bent sharply so as to project forwards and slightly laterally (see Figs 49.8 49.9 ). When the arm is by the side, the coracoid process points almost straight forwards. Its tip can be felt through the skin and is covered by the anterior fibres of deltoid, about 2.5 cm below the clavicle at the junction of the lateral fifth with the rest of the bone, at the lateral border of the infraclavicular fossa. It forms a short, curved cantilever fixed to the scapula at its base and is displaced by the actions of the muscles attached to its body and tip. Pectoralis minor pulls the coracoid (and, therefore, the scapula) forwards and medially around the chest wall, balanced by trapezius, its antagonist; this action forms the foundation on which coracobrachialis can help support the long lever arm of the humerus during humeral motion, together with its antagonist, the deltoid. During forceful forward elevation of the protracted shoulder girdle, subclavius and pectoralis minor may contribute to deceleration of the limb.

The infraclavicular brachial plexus and the axillary vessels lie below and medial to the coracoid. The acromial branch of the thoraco-acromial artery passes above it, and the sensory branch of the lateral pectoral nerve to the rotator interval capsule, together with accompanying vessels, lies immediately below.

On the dorsal aspect of the coracoid process, at the point where it changes direction, a rough impression forms part of the region of attachment of the conoid portion of the coracoclavicular ligament. The trapezoid portion of the coracoclavicular ligament is attached to the upper aspect of the horizontal part of the process, anterior to the conoid part. Pectoralis minor is attached to the superior and medial aspects of the coracoid process. The wider, medial, end of the coraco-acromial ligament is attached to the lateral border and is continuous inferiorly with the lateral aponeurotic part of the tendon of the short head of biceps brachii. The coracohumeral ligament is attached to the root of the coracoid at its lateral border. The interval between the anterior aspect of the scapular neck immediately medial to the glenoid fossa and the deep surface of the coracoid is often bridged by the glenocoracoid ligament. The inferior aspect of the coracoid process is otherwise smooth and saddle-shaped. When the arm is elevated, the upper border of subscapularis is apposed to, and runs under, this surface, which forms a pulley for the muscle, increasing the power generated during forceful medial (internal) rotation of the shoulder in elevation, such as during a serve in tennis. Coracobrachialis is attached to the deep aspect of the lower part of the medial side and the deep surface of the tip of the process, and the short head of biceps is attached to the lateral side and superficial aspect of the tip.

Scapular movements

Scapular movement is a product of interconnected suspension, motion and articulation mechanisms. The suspension mechanism consists of the scapular articulation with the clavicle and the suspension muscles of the scapula and clavicle, notably trapezius, attached to the lateral clavicle, the acromion and the spine of scapula, and its antagonists pectoralis minor and subclavius. The articulation with the clavicle comprises two linked systems: ‘clavicle – acromioclavicular joint – acromion – spine of scapula – lateral scapular angle’ and ‘clavicle – coracoclavicular ligament – coracoid – lateral scapular angle – spine of scapula’. This mechanism therefore subserves the function of scapular rotation or tilt limited by the ellipsoid range of motion of the lateral clavicle. The motion mechanism consists of the agonist–antagonist force couple of serratus anterior passing to the chest wall anterolaterally, and levator scapulae, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor and serratus posterior (when present), which all pass to the vertebral column medially. This mechanism therefore subserves the function of scapular protraction and retraction around the elliptic paraboloid of the chest wall. The articulation mechanism consists of the scapular neck region and the glenoid fossa, which articulates with the humeral head. The muscles that subserve the function of holding the humeral head on the glenoid through the wide range of motion of the glenohumeral joint are the rotator cuff muscles, which take their attachment from the body of the scapula. This mechanism therefore concerns the relationship between the position and orientation of the glenoid fossa and the scapular body.


The cartilaginous scapula is ossified from eight or more centres: one in the body, two each in the coracoid process and the acromion, and one each in the medial border, inferior angle and lower part of the rim of the glenoid cavity ( Fig. 49.10 ). The medial part originates from dermomyotomes of somites 17–24 (level of fifth cervical vertebra – level of fifth thoracic vertebra) and the lateral part from somatopleuric mesenchyme. The primary ossification centre for the body appears in stage 23 (53–58 postfertilization days). Ossification begins in the middle of the coracoid process in the first year or, in a small proportion of individuals, before birth; the process joins the rest of the bone about the fifteenth year. At or soon after puberty, centres of ossification occur in the rest of the coracoid process (subcoracoid centre), in the rim of the lower part of the glenoid cavity, frequently at the tip of the coracoid process, in the acromion, in the inferior angle and contiguous part of the medial border and in the medial border. A variable area of the upper part of the glenoid cavity, usually the upper third, is ossified from the subcoracoid centre; it unites with the rest of the bone in the fourteenth year in the female and the seventeenth year in the male. A horseshoe-shaped epiphysis appears for the rim of the lower part of the glenoid cavity; thicker at its peripheral than at its central margin, it converts the flat glenoid cavity of the child into the gently concave fossa of the adult. The base of the acromion is formed by an extension from the spine; the rest of the acromion is ossified from two centres that unite and then join the extension from the spine. The various epiphyses of the scapula have all joined the bone by about the twentieth year.

Fig. 49.10, Ossification of the scapula. A , Dorsal aspect. B , Lateral aspect.

The primordial scapula migrates caudally to its usual position at a level between the second and seventh ribs by the end of the embryonic period (53–58 postfertilization days). With further development, the scapula alters shape. Initially, the horizontal diameter exceeds the vertical but the ratio gradually decreases until mature dimensions are reached, an adaptation thought to provide upright hominids with increased range, and therefore freedom of use, of the upper limb. Avian gene-deletion studies have shed light on the development of the scapula. Scapular body development appears to be controlled by the Emx2 gene, also expressed in the developing mesonephros. The development of the acromion and the spine of the scapula are controlled by the Pax1 gene, and glenoid and coracoid development is controlled by the Hoxc6 gene ( ), one of the homeobox genes responsible for somite differentiation and development; development of the glenoid and coracoid appears likely to be more intimately related to the development of the upper limb bud as a whole. The development of the scapular body appears to be independent of that of the processes and glenoid region. Adult scapulae may show a line of fusion across the body and spine of the scapula, suggesting that the primordia of the processes (including the glenoid) and the primordium of the body migrate towards each other; since the trapezius is derived from branchial arch mesoderm it would appear that the development of the spine of the scapula and acromion and trapezius are intimately related, but separate from the body. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that; in the condition of congenital undescended scapular syndrome (Sprengel deformity), the development of the scapular body is altered, and there is intramuscular ossification of variable parts of the medial scapulospinal muscles; the development of the processes (including the glenoid) is unaffected ( ; ). Since the medial border of the scapula develops from the dermomyotomes of somites 17–24 (see above) any vertebral anomalies at this level may result in tethering of scapular structures to the cervical spine, sometimes by an abnormal omovertebral tether (fibrous, chondral, or osseous), that prevents the upper border of the scapula descending to its usual position.


The intrinsic scapular ligaments are strengthening ligaments (coraco-acromial ligament) and bounding ligaments (superior transverse scapular or suprascapular ligament, inferior transverse scapular or spinoglenoid ligament, and the variable glenocoracoid ligament).

Coraco-acromial ligament

The coraco-acromial ligament is a strong triangular band between the coracoid process and acromion. It is attached apically to the acromion anterior to the articular surface for the clavicle, and by its base along the whole lateral border of the coracoid. Together with the coracoid process and acromion, it completes an arch above the humeral head. It may be composed of two strong marginal bands with a thinner centre; when pectoralis minor is inserted into the humeral capsule instead of the coracoid process, which happens occasionally, its tendon passes between the bands. The subacromial bursa facilitates movement between the coraco-acromial arch and the subjacent supraspinatus and shoulder joint, functioning as a secondary synovial articulation. When the coraco-acromial ligament is cut, it is impossible to appose the two cut surfaces afterwards: this suggests there is resting tension in the ligament, which forms a ‘tension band’ between the acromial and coracoid processes of the scapula, so ‘pre-tensioning’ both processes against the distracting forces of deltoid and trapezius, and pectoralis minor and the conjoined short head of biceps brachii and coracobrachialis, respectively.

Superior transverse scapular (suprascapular) ligament

The superior transverse scapular (suprascapular) ligament converts the scapular notch into a foramen; it is sometimes ossified. A flat fasciculus, it narrows towards its attachments to the base of the coracoid process, blending with the lower fibres of the conoid ligament, and to the medial side of the scapular notch. The suprascapular nerve traverses the foramen, and the suprascapular vessels cross above the ligament.

The suprascapular nerve may be entrapped by the ligament if this is thickened or ossified and this may cause the syndrome of neurostenalgia, a typical pain of unremitting burning or aching nature, due to stenosis or distortion of the nerve trunk by extrinsic compression. Weakness of supraspinatus and infraspinatus may subsequently occur. Surgical release of the ligament is often helpful; this may be undertaken by open or arthroscopic surgical exposure and division of the ligament.

Inferior transverse scapular (spinoglenoid) ligament

When present, the inferior transverse scapular ligament is a membranous ligament that may stretch from the lateral border of the spine of the scapula to the glenoid margin (see Fig. 49.33 ). It forms an arch over the branches of the suprascapular nerve and vessels entering the infraspinous fossa to supply infraspinatus.

A ganglion (an outpouching of the synovial membrane of the glenohumeral joint) may occur immediately behind and above the posterosuperior corner of the glenoid fossa; this can compress the branch of the suprascapular nerve that supplies infraspinatus as it courses around the lateral aspect of the spine of the scapula under the inferior scapular ligament. Since the nerve cannot move aside (it is ‘held’ under the ligament), it can be readily distorted; there is characteristic severe pain, followed by specific atrophy of infraspinatus. Decompression of the ganglion and division of the ligament are curative in the early stage of this syndrome. An intraneural ganglion may arise from the articular branch of the suprascapular nerve; muscular pain and atrophy would be expected to be more rapid than in the case of the synovial ganglion ( ).


The humerus, the longest and largest bone in the upper limb, has expanded ends and a shaft ( Figs 49.11 49.12 ). The spheroidal humeral head forms an enarthrodial articulation with the glenoid fossa of the scapula. The lesser tubercle projects from the front of the shaft, close to the head, and is limited on its lateral side by the well-marked groove, the intertubercular sulcus, by which it is separated from the greater tubercle. The distal end is adapted to the forearm bones at the elbow joint and carries the medial and lateral epicondyles with the articular surfaces for the radius and ulna between them. The axis between the epicondyles is the inter-epicondylar axis.

Fig. 49.11, The left humerus showing sites of muscular attachments. A , Anterior aspect. Key: 1, subscapularis; 2, triceps brachii (medial head); 3, coracobrachialis; 4, pronator teres (humeral head); 5, common flexor origin; 6, supraspinatus; 7, pectoralis major; 8, latissimus dorsi; 9, teres major; 10, deltoid; 11, brachialis; 12, brachioradialis; 13, extensor carpi radialis longus; 14, common extensor origin. B , Posterior aspect. Key: 1, infraspinatus; 2, teres minor; 3, triceps brachii (lateral head); 4, deltoid; 5, brachialis; 6, triceps brachii (medial head); 7, anconeus.

Fig. 49.12, The proximal end of the left humerus. A , Anterior aspect. Key: 1, head; 2, anatomical neck; 3, surgical neck; 4, greater tubercle; 5, lesser tubercle; 6, intertubercular sulcus; 7, shaft. B , Posterior aspect. Key: 1, greater tubercle; 2, surgical neck; 3, shaft; 4, radial groove; 5, head; 6, anatomical neck.

The shaft of the human (and primate) humerus is relatively medially rotated with respect to the humeral head, compared with quadripedal ancestors; this gives the characteristically greater range of external rotation at the glenohumeral joint than that obtaining in other species. This is reflected in the spiroidal architecture of the adult humeral medullary cavity, the arrangement and relationship of the posterior compartment of brachial muscles and the radial nerve, and the disposition to long spiral fractures caused by external twisting forces.

With the arm by the side in the anatomical position, and with the medial and lateral epicondyles in the same (frontal) plane (i.e. the inter-epicondylar axis is in the frontal plane), the humeral head is rotated posteriorly at an angle averaging 15–20° in European cadaveric specimens ( ). Since the glenoid fossa of the scapula faces anterolaterally, the humerus is not rotated posteriorly relative to the scapula in the anatomical position. It is important to remember this position of the bone when movements of the arm and forearm are considered; movements are recorded relative to the trunk (starting in the anatomical position) or relative to the scapula, and it is important to define which method is in use.

Proximal end

The proximal end of the humerus consists of the head, anatomical neck, and the greater and lesser tubercles. It joins the shaft at an ill-defined ‘surgical neck’, which is closely related on its medial side to the axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral artery (see Figs 49.22 , 49.31 , 49.33 ). The proximal end of the humerus makes up the upper fifth of the length of the bone.


The head of the humerus forms rather less than half a spheroid; in sectional profile, it is spheroidal (strictly, ovoidal) (see Fig. 49.12 ). Its smooth articular surface is covered with hyaline cartilage that is thicker centrally. When the arm is at rest by the side, it is directed medially, backwards and upwards to articulate with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The humeral articular surface is much more extensive than the glenoid cavity, which means that only a portion of it is in contact with the cavity in any one position of the arm.

Anatomical neck

The anatomical neck of the humerus immediately adjoins the margin of the head, forming a slight constriction that is least obvious next to the greater tubercle. A slight roughness indicates the line of capsular attachment of the shoulder joint, other than at the intertubercular sulcus, where the long tendon of biceps brachii emerges. Medially, the capsular attachment diverges from the anatomical neck and descends 1 cm or more on to the shaft.

Lesser tubercle

The lesser tubercle is anterior to and just distal to the anatomical neck. It is palpable through the thickness of deltoid about 3 cm below the anterior edge of the acromion. It can be distinguished from the coracoid by rotation of the humerus under the palpating finger; the lesser tubercle slips away from the examining finger, the tip of the coracoid does not. The lateral edge of the lesser tubercle is sharp and forms the medial border of the intertubercular sulcus. Subscapularis is attached to the lesser tubercle (see Fig. 49.11A ). The transverse ligament of the shoulder (transverse humeral ligament) is attached to the upper aspect of the lateral margin of the tubercle.

Greater tubercle

The greater tubercle is the most lateral part of the proximal end of the humerus and projects beyond the lateral border of the acromion. Its posterosuperior aspect, near the anatomical neck, bears three smooth, flattened impressions for the attachment of supraspinatus (uppermost), infraspinatus (middle) and teres minor (lowest and placed on the posterior surface of the tubercle) (see Fig. 49.11 ). The attachments of subscapularis and teres minor are not confined to their respective tubercles, but extend for varying distances on to the adjacent metaphysis. The projecting lateral surface of the tubercle presents numerous vascular foramina and is covered by deltoid, producing the normal rounded contour of the shoulder. A part of the subacromial bursa may cover the upper part of this area and separate it from deltoid. The intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove) lies between the tubercles. It contains the long tendon of biceps, its synovial sheath, and an ascending branch from the anterior circumflex humeral artery. The rough lateral lip of the groove is marked by the bilaminar tendon of pectoralis major, and its medial lip by the tendon and muscular insertion of teres major. The floor of the groove provides attachment for a frequent upward extension of the tendon of pectoralis major, and for the tendon of latissimus dorsi more caudally ( ).


The shaft of the humerus is almost cylindrical in its proximal half. Distal to the deltoid tuberosity, it is equilaterally triangular in cross-section, flaring out into a broad isosceles triangular cross-section just above the elbow joint. It can be readily palpated laterally and medially, but the muscles of the anterior and posterior compartments obscure the bone to palpation anteriorly and posteriorly. It has three surfaces and three borders, which are only distinct towards the elbow joint. The shaft comprises the middle three-fifths of the humerus.


The posterior surface, between the medial and lateral borders, is broad, flat and convex distally. The medial head of triceps is attached to the posterior surface over an elongated triangular area, the apex of which is placed on the medial part of the bone above the level of the lower limit of insertion of teres major. The area widens below and covers the whole surface almost down to the lower end of the bone. The lateral head of triceps is attached to a ridge, sometimes rough, that descends obliquely and laterally above the attachment for the medial head. Above triceps, the axillary nerve and the posterior circumflex humeral vessels wind around the bone on the deep surface of deltoid. Below the attachment of the lateral head of triceps, but above the attachment of the medial head, a shallow groove runs from the upper medial aspect of the surface downwards and laterally towards the lateral border; it contains the radial nerve and its branches, and the profunda brachii vessels.

The anterolateral surface is bounded by the anterior and lateral borders, and is smooth and featureless in its upper part, which is covered by deltoid. About, or a little above, the middle of this surface, deltoid is attached to the deltoid tubercle. Further distally, the surface gives origin to the lateral fibres of brachialis, which extend upwards into the floor of the lower end of the groove for the radial nerve (see Fig. 49.11 ). The nerve perforates the lateral intermuscular septum close to the bone at the level of the junction of the upper three-fifths and lower two-fifths of the humerus, and enters the anterior compartment of the arm close to the anterolateral surface, between brachialis medially and brachioradialis laterally.

The anteromedial surface is bounded by the anterior and medial borders. Below the intertubercular sulcus, the rest of the upper half of the surface is smooth and devoid of muscular attachment; its lower half is occupied by the medial part of brachialis (see Fig. 49.11A ). Coracobrachialis is attached to a long rough strip in the middle third of the medial border, posterior to the brachial neurovascular sheath, which lies in close relation to the humerus in the middle third of this surface. The humeral head of pronator teres is attached to a narrow area close to the lowest part of the medial supracondylar ridge; the ridge itself gives attachment to the medial intermuscular septum of the arm.

A little below its midpoint, the nutrient foramen, which is directed downwards, opens close to the medial border. A hook-shaped process of bone, the supracondylar process, ranging from 2 to 20 mm in length, occasionally projects from the anteromedial surface of the shaft, approximately 5 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. It is curved downwards and forwards, and its pointed apex is connected to the medial border, just above the epicondyle, by a fibrous band, to which part of pronator teres is attached. The foramen completed by this fibrous band usually transmits the median nerve and brachial artery, but sometimes encloses only the nerve, or the nerve plus the ulnar artery (in cases of high division of the brachial artery). A groove that lodges the artery and nerve is usually found posterior to the process.

Anterior border

The anterior border starts on the front of the greater tubercle and runs downwards almost to the lower end of the bone. Its proximal third forms the lateral lip of the intertubercular sulcus and is roughened for muscular attachments. The succeeding portion is also roughened and forms the anterior limit of the deltoid tubercle; the lower half of the border is smooth and rounded.

Lateral border

The lateral border is most conspicuous at the lower end of the bone, where it is thickened to form the lateral supracondylar ridge, and its sharp edge is roughened along its anterior aspect. In its middle and upper thirds, the border is barely discernible, but in a well-marked bone it can be traced upwards to the posterior surface of the greater tubercle. A little above its middle, it is marked by a V-shaped, roughened area: the deltoid tubercle. The limbs of the V are broad; the groove for the radial nerve runs downwards and laterally behind the posterior limb and fades away on the lower part of the anterolateral surface. The lateral intermuscular septum is attached to the lateral border, and is a condensation of the fascia over the lower part of deltoid and the neighbouring brachialis, forming a septum between the anterior and posterior muscular compartments. The septum is most obvious in the lower three-fifths of the arm, and is perforated by the radial nerve and accompanying vessels.

Medial border

The medial border, although rounded, can be identified without difficulty in the lower half of the shaft, where it becomes the medial supracondylar ridge. In its proximal third, the medial border is indistinct until it broadens out to form a triangular area. The lateral border of this area forms the medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus, and the medial border runs upwards as the calcar humerale to the anatomical neck, where it is roughened, with vascular apertures, and forms the area of attachment of the inferior part of the shoulder capsule. In its middle third, the medial border is interrupted by a wide, shallow groove, the radial (spiral) groove that crosses the bone obliquely, passing downwards and forwards from its posterior to its anterior surface.

Fractures of the humeral shaft

Humeral shaft fractures are common; the pattern of the fracture and the displacement of the fragments depend on the force of injury and on the level at which the bone is broken. If there is wide displacement at the time of fracture, closely associated nerves and vessels are at risk of direct injury. Nerves that are ‘fixed’ in relation to the bone and attached septa are at further risk of indirect injury by stretching or, later, by the callus of bone healing. (For a discussion of radial nerve injury and fractures of the humeral shaft, see .)

Distal end

The distal end of the humerus is described in Chapter 50 .


The proximal humerus and shaft are ossified from four centres: one each in the shaft, head, greater and lesser tubercles ( Fig. 49.13 ). The centre for the shaft appears near its middle in stages 21–22 (50–55 postfertilization days) and gradually extends towards the ends. Most growth occurs at the distal end of the bone. Ossification beginning in the head has been reported between 4 and 6 postnatal months; the greater tubercle starts to ossify during the first year in females and second year in males; the lesser tubercle begins to ossify at about the fifth year.

Fig. 49.13, Stages in ossification of ( A ) the humerus, ( B ) the radius and ( C ) the ulna (not to scale).

By the sixth year, the centres for the head and tubercles have joined to form a single large epiphysis, hollowed out on its inferior surface to adapt to the conical upper end of the metaphysis. This macroscopic topography provides for mechanical stability in the physis during growth, although rotational stability is still relatively poor; adolescent proximal humeral physial fracture-separations are commonly unstable in rotation. The proximal humeral epiphysis fuses with the shaft of the humerus at about the thirteenth or fourteenth year in females, beginning on the medial aspect of the physial line, and between the fourteenth to sixteenth year in males.


Sternoclavicular joint

The sternoclavicular joint is a synovial sellar (saddle, or hyperbolic paraboloid) joint with an intra-articular fibrocartilaginous disc. It is the only skeletal articulation between the upper limb and the axial skeleton ( ).

Articulating surfaces

The articulating surfaces are the sternal end of the clavicle and the clavicular notch of the sternum, together with the adjacent superior surface of the first costal cartilage ( Fig. 49.14 ). The larger clavicular articular surface is covered by fibrocartilage, which is thicker than the fibrocartilaginous lamina on the sternum. The joint is convex vertically but slightly concave anteroposteriorly, and is therefore sellar; the clavicular notch of the sternum is reciprocally curved but the two surfaces are not fully congruent. An articular disc completely divides the joint.

Fig. 49.14, The sternoclavicular joints, anterior aspect. The joint on the left side is intact and the joint on the right side is shown in coronal section.

Fibrous capsule

The capsule is thickened anteriorly and posteriorly, but superiorly and especially inferiorly, it is little more than loose areolar tissue.


There are two sets of associated ligaments. The intrinsic ligaments are the anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments; the extrinsic ligaments are the midline interclavicular ligament and the costoclavicular ligaments on each side.

Anterior sternoclavicular ligament

The anterior sternoclavicular ligament is broad and attached above to the anterosuperior aspect of the sternal end of the clavicle. It passes inferomedially to the upper anterior aspect of the manubrium, spreading on to the first costal cartilage.

Posterior sternoclavicular ligament

The posterior sternoclavicular ligament is a weaker band posterior to the joint. It descends inferomedially from the posterior aspect of the sternal end of the clavicle to the posterior aspect of the upper manubrium.

Interclavicular ligament

The interclavicular ligament is continuous above with the deep cervical fascia. It unites the superior aspect of the sternal ends of both clavicles; some fibres are attached to the superior manubrial margin.

Costoclavicular ligament

The costoclavicular ligament is like an inverted cone, but short and flattened. It has anterior and posterior laminae that are attached to the upper surface of the first rib and costal cartilage, and ascends to the margins of an impression on the inferior clavicular surface at its medial end. Fibres of the anterior lamina ascend laterally and those of the posterior lamina (which are shorter) ascend medially (see Fig. 49.14 ). They fuse laterally and are closely related to the attachments of subclavius, particularly the tendon of origin; it can be hard to distinguish the lateral border of the ligament from the tendon. The ligament merges medially with the capsule. It can be ossified in older adults, particularly females. A few deep fibres of pectoralis major attach to the external surface of the ligament, adjacent first rib, first costal cartilage and manubrium sterni.

Articular disc

The fibrocartilaginous articular disc divides the cavity of the joint into two compartments between the sternal and clavicular surfaces. It is attached above to the posterosuperior border of the articular surface of the clavicle, below to the first costal cartilage near its sternal junction, and by the rest of its circumference to the capsule, and therefore adapts to the contour of the clavicular surface. It is thicker peripherally, especially superoposteriorly and inferomedially; the central part of the disc may be perforated in later life.

Vascular supply

The sternoclavicular joint is supplied by branches from the internal thoracic and suprascapular arteries.


The sternoclavicular joint is innervated superficially by branches from the medial supraclavicular nerve and deeply by the nerve to subclavius.

Factors maintaining stability

There is almost no bony articular congruence at the sternoclavicular joint. However, the strength of its associated ligaments and the articular disc produce durable stability. These factors make sternoclavicular joint dislocation rare; fracture of the clavicular shaft is far more common for the same force directed along the clavicle. (See for a review of the mechanisms and treatment of sternoclavicular instability.)


The capsule around the clavicular attachment is more lax. Movements between the clavicle and the disc are more extensive than those between the disc and sternum. The sellar shape of the articular surfaces permits translation or gliding in approximately anteroposterior and vertical planes, with rotation about the long axis of the clavicle. Close-packing coincides with maximum posterior rotation associated with full scapular rotation, i.e. in high elevation of the arm above shoulder height.

In this position, the tension developed in the anterior sternoclavicular ligament and anterior component of the costoclavicular ligament causes the clavicle to undergo an obligatory posterior translation. It also acts as a check-rein on further rotation and displacement, so protecting the relatively weaker posterior sternoclavicular ligament from overload. Although the function of subclavius is unknown, a consideration of the simple biomechanics of forceful elevation of the arm above shoulder height suggests that this muscle has an important role in decelerating the elevating arm, so protecting the medial ‘clavicular–costal–sternal’ ligamentous structures from recurrent stretching that is likely to accelerate degeneration and injury. The common innervation of the sternoclavicular joint (the deep afferent–mechanoceptor system) and subclavius suggests an intimate functional relationship between these structures. In daily activities, in which the upper limb is used largely in front of the trunk, the sternal end of the clavicle glides on the sternal facet about the fulcrum provided by the costoclavicular ligament. All joints in which polyaxial gliding occurs, producing shear forces (rotation with translation), possess either intra-articular synovial bursae or intra-articular fibrocartilaginous discs; the latter degenerate over time, producing characteristic exophytic degenerative arthritis. In this context, it is interesting that degeneration of the sternoclavicular joint and ossification of the costoclavicular ligaments (claviculocostal synostosis) are almost exclusively found in females above the age of 50 years.

Acromioclavicular joint

The acromioclavicular joint is a synovial plane joint and has an intra-articular fibrocartilaginous disc.

Articulating surfaces

The articulating surfaces are between the acromial end of the clavicle and the medial acromial margin ( Fig. 49.15 ). The joint is approximately plane but either surface may be slightly convex, the other usually being reciprocally concave: both surfaces are covered by fibrocartilage. It may appear incongruent at rest. The clavicular surface is a narrow, oval area that faces laterally or inferolaterally and overlaps a corresponding facet on the medial acromial border. The long axis is anteroposterior ( ).

Fig. 49.15, A , The interior of the left shoulder joint, anterolateral aspect. B , Sagittal T1-weighted MR arthrogram of the left shoulder, viewed from the left. Contrast medium is injected into the joint before the acquisition, and then shows up as bright fluid within the distended joint capsule (∗).

Fibrous capsule

The capsule completely surrounds the articular margins. It is lined by synovial membrane and is strengthened superiorly by the acromioclavicular ligament and the fibres of the attachment of trapezius, posteriorly by the fibres of attachment of trapezius, and anteriorly by the fibres of attachment of deltoid. The inferior capsule is often incomplete in later life.


There are two sets of associated ligaments. The intrinsic ligaments are the acromioclavicular ligaments; the extrinsic ligaments are the coracoclavicular ligaments.

Acromioclavicular ligaments

The superior acromioclavicular ligament is quadrilateral. It extends between the upper aspects of the lateral end of the clavicle and the adjoining acromion. Its parallel fibres interlace with the aponeuroses of trapezius and deltoid. The inferior acromioclavicular ligament is thin, and often perforated in later life; it extends between the inferior surface of the lateral end of the clavicle and the adjoining acromion. It provides attachment for the intra-articular disc when this is present and complete.

Coracoclavicular ligament

The coracoclavicular ligament connects the clavicle and the coracoid process of the scapula. Though separate from the acromioclavicular joint, it is an efficient and important accessory ligament because it helps to maintain the apposition of the acromion to the clavicle, and so contributes to the suspension mechanism of the scapula (see above). The trapezoid and conoid parts of the ligament, usually separated by fat or, frequently, by a bursa, connect the posterior (more horizontal) part of the coracoid process and the lateral end of the subclavian groove of the clavicle ( Fig. 49.16 ): these adjacent areas may even be covered by cartilage to form a coracoclavicular joint.

Fig. 49.16, A , The ligaments associated with the left shoulder, anterior aspect. B , A deeper view, showing the subscapularis bursa.

The trapezoid part is anterolateral and is broad, thin and quadrilateral, ascending slightly from the upper coracoid surface to the trapezoid line on the inferior clavicular surface. Its anterior border is free, and its posterior border is joined to the conoid part, forming an angle that projects backwards and upwards. Quadrilateral ligaments twist when the adjoined bones rotate with respect to each other, and as they twist, the apposed surfaces must approach each other; such ligaments, therefore, act to oppose excessive rotation of the adjoining bones.

The conoid part is posteromedial and is a dense, almost vertical, triangular or conical band. Its broader base is attached superiorly to the conoid tubercle of the clavicle; its inferior apex is attached posteromedially to the dorsal surface and root of the coracoid process immediately lateral to the scapular notch, and is contiguous with the superior transverse scapular ligament. Conical ligaments are constructed to oppose distraction; the conoid ligament, therefore, helps to keep the coracoid and the clavicle closely apposed. If the trapezoid ligament is disrupted, the conoid ligament forms a vertical fulcrum around which the coracoid can rotate under the clavicle, particularly if the acromioclavicular ligaments are also disrupted. This is the anatomical basis for the spectrum of acromioclavicular joint dislocation.

Articular disc

The articular disc is a complete fibrocartilaginous partition in juvenile and adolescent joints, creating medial and lateral compartments; over time, the centre of the disc perforates, and in adults (more than 20 years old), it is often incomplete inferiorly.

Vascular supply

The acromioclavicular joint receives its arterial supply from branches of the suprascapular and thoraco-acromial arteries.


The acromioclavicular joint is innervated by branches from the suprascapular and lateral pectoral nerves. It has been suggested that the density of nociceptors is greatest in the inferior acromioclavicular ligament and capsule.

Factors maintaining stability

The acromioclavicular ligaments provide the greatest resistance to anteroposterior displacement of the acromioclavicular joint, while the coracoclavicular ligaments resist rotation and vertical translation of the joint.


Movements at the joint complement those of the sternoclavicular joint ( Figs 49.17 49.20 ). The sternal end of the clavicle is robustly supported by strong ligaments, and a similar, but less robust, arrangement of ligaments suspends the scapula from the lateral end of the bone. The motion of the acromioclavicular joint is limited by its small surface area and the articular capsule.

Fig. 49.17, Clavicular motion about the medial fulcrum of the costoclavicular ligaments immediately lateral to the sternoclavicular joint. The motion of the lateral end of the clavicle is limited by the motion available in the sternoclavicular joint, but based on an extra-articular fulcrum. The movements of the medial end of the clavicle at the sternoclavicular joint are therefore translations or gliding motions: the articular surfaces are configured for this type of motion. The lateral (acromial) end of the clavicle describes an asymmetric conical path during motion of the upper extremity. The maximal range of rotation of the clavicle (subtended by the sternoclavicular joint) is 30°; the maximal range of rotation of the scapula (sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints combined) is about 60° with respect to the sternum. The scapula is suspended from the distal clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint, which can be considered as the true joint (the cavity bounded by the acromioclavicular capsule and ligaments); it is also part of an extended articulation that comprises the true joint and the coracoclavicular suspensory ligaments. Arguably, the ligaments might be better defined as the claviculocoracoid ligaments, to acknowledge their role as the spiroid fulcrum around which the body of the scapula, and therefore the glenoid fossa, rotate during protraction and retraction of the scapula. The action of subclavius is to resist upward displacement of the distal clavicle, or to decelerate the clavicle moving into elevation. Linear measurements are given in centimetres.

Fig. 49.18, The distal clavicle is moved by trapezius, which has an extensive attachment along the spine of the scapula and the medial aspect of the distal third of the clavicle. The antagonist of trapezial power is pectoralis minor, which, rarely, has an extension or slip of tendon that joins the coraco-acromial ligament. The latter acts as a tension band between the ‘outriggers’ of the acromion and coracoid. If surgically divided, the cut surfaces of the coraco-acromial ligament cannot be readily reapposed, suggesting a mechanical role in pre-tensioning the acromion and coracoid against the pull of trapezius. Shortening or tightness of pectoralis minor will create fixed protraction of the scapula, which then rotates ventrally around the chest wall. As a consequence, the acromion tilts and the space between it and the cranial surface of the rotator cuff below (the subacromial space) diminishes, creating the conditions in which forceful coaptation of the apposed surface of the rotator cuff and the coraco-acromial ligament may occur. This is the painful condition of ‘impingement’.

Fig. 49.19, Motion of the medial border of the scapula is governed by the opposing actions of the medial parascapular group (levator scapulae and rhomboids minor and major) and the scapulothoracic group (serratus anterior), causing retraction and protraction, respectively.

Fig. 49.20, The closely related humeral attachments of pectoralis major and deltoid (between one-third and one-half of the way down the shaft of the bone) enable the pectoralis major–deltoid muscular envelope to move the elbow, forearm and hand in space, using the shoulder as a fulcrum for effective delivery of power through a wide range of motion from in front of the trunk to behind. The relative coarseness of these muscles underlies their ability to produce great torque in upper-extremity motion; motion generated by these muscles is ‘fine-tuned’ by the rotator cuff working concordantly with the outer envelope (each segment or part of the rotator cuff can be said to have an equivalent segment or part in the outer envelope of muscles; this pattern is considered as a force-couple generating stable motion of the humerus on the scapula at the glenoid).

Movements at the scapulothoracic joint

The sternoclavicular and the acromioclavicular joints, in combination with the fascial space between the scapula and underlying chest wall, are known collectively as the scapulothoracic articulation. Scapular movements on the thoracic wall are facilitated by loose areolar tissue between subscapularis and serratus anterior, and between serratus anterior and the chest wall; the latter gliding plane is the scapulothoracic joint. It is a virtual space. There may be a bursa between the superior angle of the scapula and the dorsal aspect of the second rib.

The three long nerves innervating the scapulothoracic ‘joint’, i.e. accessory, long thoracic and dorsal scapular, innervate the three major muscle groups of scapulothoracic motion, namely: trapezius, serratus anterior and the medial scapular stabilizing muscles (levator scapulae and the rhomboids).

The following account should be read together with the description of movements of the glenohumeral joint. It is important to bear in mind that the purpose of scapular motion is the appropriate positioning of the glenohumeral joint in space, and the purpose of scapular stability is to provide a foundation for glenohumeral motion.

Elevation and depression

Scapular elevation, as in ‘shrugging the shoulders’, is generated by trapezius acting on the lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of the scapula. If levator scapulae is less active, the scapula rotates laterally (i.e. the inferior angle protracts around the chest wall), with dorsal rotation at the acromioclavicular joint; this is resisted by the rhomboid muscles and controlled by pectoralis minor. If levator scapulae is more active, then the scapula ascends with less rotation. The sternal end of the clavicle, rotating about an anteroposterior axis through the bone above the medial attachment of the costoclavicular ligament, slides down over the articular disc. This is resisted by subclavius and by tension in the costoclavicular ligament and sternoclavicular joint capsule. In scapular depression, ventral rotation occurs at the acromioclavicular joint, and the clavicle slides up on the disc at the sternoclavicular joint. The movements are checked by the cervical fibres of trapezius, the interclavicular and superior sternoclavicular ligaments and the articular disc. Usually, gravity alone is sufficient; when necessary, the lowest part of serratus anterior and pectoralis minor are active depressors.

Protraction and retraction

Protraction (forward movement) round the thoracic wall occurs in pushing, thrusting and reaching movements, usually with some lateral rotation. The acromion advances over the clavicular facet to the limit, and the shoulder is simultaneously advanced by forward movement of the lateral end of the clavicle and posterior translation of its sternal end over the sternal facet, carrying the disc with it. Pectoralis major, together with the anterior sternoclavicular ligament and posterior lamina of the costoclavicular ligament, check backward slide of the sternal end. Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor are prime movers and maintain continuous apposition of the scapula, especially its medial border, in smooth gliding on the thoracic wall, with the rhomboid muscles controlling the rate and range of motion. The upper part of latissimus dorsi also acts like a strap across the inferior scapular angle in protraction and lateral rotation.

In scapular retraction, i.e. bracing back the shoulders, these movements are reversed and checked at the sternoclavicular joint by the posterior sternoclavicular ligament and anterior lamina of the costoclavicular ligament. Trapezius (horizontal and lower fibres) and the rhomboids are prime movers, while the subclavius and pectoralis minor, enveloped within the clavi-coraco-axillary fascia, appear to decelerate the elevating limb.

Lateral and medial rotation

Lateral (upward) rotation of the scapula increases the range of humeral elevation by turning the glenoid cavity to face almost directly up, e.g. when raising the arm above the head. This movement is always associated with humeral elevation and rotation at the glenohumeral joint, and with protraction of the scapula. Scapular rotation requires movement at both sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints; the sternoclavicular joint permits elevation of the lateral end of the clavicle, a movement that is almost complete when the arm is abducted to 90°. The acromioclavicular joint moves in the first 30° of abduction, when the conoid ligament becomes taut, and is subsequently accompanied by clavicular rotation at the sternoclavicular joint around the longitudinal axis of the bone. The medial end is depressed further as the lateral end continues to rise. Some acromioclavicular movement also occurs in the final stages of humeral abduction. Trapezius (cervical fibres) and serratus anterior (the lower part) are prime movers, with the rhomboids providing resistance to motion.

Medial (downward) rotation is usually effected by gravity; gradual active lengthening of trapezius and serratus anterior is sufficient to control it. When more force is needed, levator scapulae, the rhomboids and, in the initial stages, pectoralis minor are prime movers in returning the scapula to a position of rest.

Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint

The glenohumeral joint is a synovial multiaxial spheroidal joint between the roughly hemispherical head of the humerus and the shallow glenoid fossa of the scapula ( Fig. 49.21 ). It is the most mobile joint in the body and the most frequently dislocated. Its anatomy is a compromise between the requirements for motion and stability; both depend on the surrounding muscular and soft tissue envelope more than on the shape and surface area of the articulating surfaces.

Fig. 49.21, Radiographs of the left shoulder of an 18-year-old female. A , Anteroposterior view. B , Axillary view with the arm abducted. Key:1, head of humerus; 2, acromion; 3, clavicle;4, acromioclavicular joint; 5, coracoid process;6, glenoid fossa; 7, glenohumeral articulation.

The humeral head is held to the concave glenoid fossa by the compressive action of the rotator cuff muscles; the stabilizing mechanism of the glenohumeral joint is one of concavity compression. The rotator cuff muscles are attached to the proximal humerus through a musculotendinous envelope (see below), the deep surface of which fuses with the lateral part of the articular fibrous capsule. The humeral head is then contained in a spherical space bounded medially by the glenoid fossa and elsewhere by the deep surface of the fibrous capsule, a form of osseofibrous acetabulum. The walls of this ‘acetabulum’ (i.e. the rotator cuff muscles and tendons) are contained within a roughly spherical space bounded by the coracoid anteriorly; the coraco-acromial ligament anterosuperiorly; the acromion and spine of the scapula posteriorly, posterosuperiorly and posterolaterally; and the deep surface of deltoid anterolaterally and laterally. This arrangement creates two gliding planes, one internal (the glenohumeral articular gliding plane) and one external (the subcoracoid–subacromial–subdeltoid plane); the latter is continuous with the plane under the scapula (the scapulothoracic gliding plane). Gliding is facilitated by the synovial lined cavities of the glenohumeral joint and the subcoracoid, subacromial and subdeltoid bursae, which are nearly always contiguous. Infection, inflammation and injury commonly cause adhesions and fibrosis (with subsequent contracture) in these planes; restriction of motion follows, specific to the site and extent of adhesion. The surfaces of both gliding planes are extensive and fibrosis is consequently very restricting.

Articulating surfaces

The articular surfaces are reciprocally curved and are correctly termed ovoids. The surface area of the humeral convexity is approximately four times that of the glenoid concavity, which means that only a small portion of the head opposes the glenoid in any position ( Figs 49.22 49.23 ). The radius of curvature of the glenoid fossa in the coronal plane is greater than that of the humeral head, and is deepened by a fibrocartilaginous rim, the glenoid labrum (see Fig. 49.15 ). Both articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage, thickest centrally and thinner peripherally over the humerus, and vice versa over the glenoid cavity. In most positions, their curvatures are not fully congruent and the joint is loose-packed; close-packing (full congruence) is probably only reached with the humerus abducted and laterally rotated.

Fig. 49.22, Coronal sections through the left shoulder joint, posterior aspect. A , Anterior view. B , Posterior view. Note the subacromial bursa and contents of the quadrangular space. C , Coronal T1-weighted MR arthrogram of the left shoulder through the anterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint, viewed from posterior to match B . Contrast medium is injected into the joint before the acquisition, and then shows up as bright fluid within the joint capsule (∗).

Fig. 49.23, A magnetic resonance arthrogram of the shoulder. A , Axial T1-weighted MRI of the left shoulder through the mid-level of the glenohumeral joint. Contrast medium is injected into the joint before the acquisition, and then shows up as bright fluid within the distended joint capsule (∗). B , Sagittal T1-weighted MRI of the shoulder through the mid-level of the glenohumeral joint. Contrast medium is injected into the joint before the acquisition, and then shows up as bright fluid within the distended joint capsule (∗).

Glenoid labrum

The glenoid labrum is a fibrocartilaginous rim around the glenoid fossa. Anteriorly, it is triangular in section; posteriorly, it is more ovoid; while inferiorly, it may be flattened and almost deficient. It varies in size and thickness. The attachment to the edge of the glenoid fossa is secure superiorly where it blends with the anterior and posterior fasciculi of the long tendon of biceps ( ), less secure posteriorly, but relatively more secure anteroinferiorly ( ). There may be an aperture between the free deep edge of the labrum and the anterior glenoid rim above the midpoint of the fossa. In slightly less than one-fifth of normal shoulders, there may be no anterior labrum, in which case its place is taken by a cord-like middle glenohumeral ligament. The labrum may be hypoplastic or absent in patients with collagen deficiency but with normal shoulder function (hypermobility syndrome); these shoulders are not necessarily unstable. The labrum deepens the glenoid cavity and so may assist in stabilizing the humeral head on the fossa, although the mechanism of this function remains uncertain. It may protect the bone and probably assists lubrication.

Fibrous capsule

A fibrous capsule envelops the joint (see Figs 49.16 , 49.22 ). It is attached medially to the glenoid neck at a variable distance from the glenoid labrum, so forming recesses anterior and posterior to the scapular neck; it includes the supraglenoid tubercle, to which the long head of biceps attaches, and which is therefore intracapsular. Laterally, it is attached to the anatomical neck of the humerus, i.e. near the articular margin, exceptinferomedially, where it descends more than 1 cm on the calcar humerale. The fibres of the capsule are orientated in a spiral fashion, so that, in elevation of the arm, the capsule tightens, so bringing the articular surfaces into closer apposition and contributing to the concavity compression. In some individuals, a deeper band of fibres orientated in a reverse obliquity to the main capsular fibres passes from the region of the lesser tubercle to the lower part of the anterior rim of the glenoid fossa. This is the anterior oblique band; its contribution to stability is uncertain.

The lateral part of the external surface of the fibrous capsule is blended with the tendons of supraspinatus (superiorly), infraspinatus and teres minor (posteriorly), subscapularis (anteriorly) and by the tendon of the long head of triceps at the infraglenoid tubercle (inferiorly). The rotator interval is a medially based, triangular area of uncovered capsule between the superior edge of subscapularis and the anterior edge of supraspinatus, with the base of the coracoid as the medial boundary of the interval. It is reinforced by the coracohumeral ligament, the superior glenohumeral ligament, and fibres from the supraspinatus tendon laterally. The axillary nerve and posterior circumflex humeral vessels are separated from the inferior capsule by the inferior border of subscapularis. The capsule is least supported inferiorly, and subjected to the greatest strain in full abduction, when it is stretched tightly across the humeral head. It is supported in this position by the proximal part of the long head of triceps and the broad bulk of teres major.

There are two openings in the capsule: below the coracoid process, connecting the joint cavity to a bursa that may envelop the upper border of the tendon of subscapularis (anteriorly); and between the humeral tubercles, allowing passage of the long tendon of biceps and its synovial sheath.


The ligaments associated with the glenohumeral joint are the glenohumeral (superior, middle and inferior), coracohumeral and transverse humeral. A ligament only restricts a specific motion of a joint when discrete parts of the ligament become tight; this only occurs at the limits of a specific motion of the joint when the ligament acts as a ‘check-rein’. For movements that lie within the limit of motion, ligaments have no mechanical role. Mechanoreceptors and nociceptors are clustered at each end of the ligaments, more on the glenoid side than the humeral side ( ). The capsule, ligaments and labrum contain the deep afferent innervation of the glenohumeral joint and therefore contribute to stability of the joint through facilitation of the rotator cuff activity within the normal range of human shoulder motion.

Glenohumeral ligaments

Three glenohumeral ligaments, only visible from within the joint, reinforce the capsule anteriorly and inferiorly ( Fig. 49.24 ). The superior glenohumeral ligament passes from the supraglenoid tubercle, just anterior to the origin of the long head of biceps, to the humerus at the fovea capitis, near the proximal tip of the lesser tubercle on the medial ridge of the intertubercular sulcus. It forms an anterior cover around the long head of biceps and is part of the rotator interval. Together with the coracohumeral ligament, it is an important stabilizer in the inferior direction, helping to keep the humeral head suspended (the coracohumeral ligament is more robust than the superior glenohumeral ligament).

Fig. 49.24, A sagittal MR arthrogram of the shoulder of a 28-year-old male. The glenohumeral joint has been distended by intra-articular injection of contrast medium: the glenohumeral ligaments are clearly outlined.

The middle glenohumeral ligament arises from a wide attachment below the superior glenohumeral ligament, along the anterior glenoid margin as far as the inferior third of the rim, and passes obliquely inferolaterally, enlarging as it does so, to attach to the lesser tubercle deep to the tendon of subscapularis, with which it blends. The width and thickness of this ligament may be as much as 2 cm and 4 mm, respectively. It provides anterior stability between 45° and 60° of abduction in the scapular plane. However, 30% of individuals may not have a middle glenohumeral ligament; these individuals are not more likely to have unstable shoulders. It may be thickened and cord-like in the Buford complex (a congenital glenoidal labrum variant), again with no apparent disadvantage for stability.

The thicker and longer inferior glenohumeral ligament complex is a hammock-like structure with anchor points on the anterior and posterior sides of the glenoid. It arises from the anterior, middle and posterior margins of the glenoid labrum, below the epiphysial line, and passes anteroinferiorly to the inferior and medial aspects of the neck of the humerus. The anterior, superior edge of the inferior ligament is thickened as the anterior band; there is an equivalent, but not so robust, thickening of the posterior capsule: the posterior band. Between the two bands is a region of thin capsule known as the axillary pouch. (For further details, consult , .)

Coracohumeral ligament

The coracohumeral ligament is attached to the dorsolateral base of the coracoid process and extends as two bands, which blend with the capsule, to the greater and lesser tubercles (see Fig. 49.16 ). Portions of the coracohumeral ligament form a tunnel for the biceps tendon on the anterior side of the joint. The rotator interval is reinforced by the coracohumeral ligament. It also blends inferiorly with the superior glenohumeral ligament. The ligament tightens in external rotation of the glenohumeral joint.

Transverse humeral ligament

The transverse humeral ligament is a broad band that passes between the humeral tubercles, and is attached superior to the epiphysial line (see Fig. 49.16 ). It converts the intertubercular sulcus into a canal, and acts as a retinaculum for the long tendon of biceps.

Synovial membrane

The synovial membrane lines the capsule and covers parts of the anatomical neck. The long tendon of biceps brachii traverses the joint in a synovial sheath that continues into the intertubercular sulcus as far as the surgical neck of the humerus (see Figs 49.16B , 49.22A ). The intra-articular bicipital sheath may be connected to the articular surface of the superior capsule above by a mesotenon, which may be incomplete, presenting as one or several strands. This arrangement can only be the case if the biceps tendon was originally an extra-articular structure and invaginated, with its synovial sheath, into the glenohumeral joint as the upper limb rotated into external rotation relative to the trunk during development.


Many bursae adjoin the shoulder joint (see Figs 49.15 49.16 ). They are usually found between the tendon of subscapularis and the capsule, communicating with the joint between the superior and middle glenohumeral ligaments; on the superior acromial aspect; between the coracoid process and capsule; between teres major and the long head of triceps; and anterior and posterior to the tendon of latissimus dorsi. The subacromial bursa, between deltoid and the capsule, does not communicate with the joint cavity but is prolonged under the acromion and coraco-acromial ligament, and between them and supraspinatus: it appears to be attached, together with the subdeltoid fascia, to the acromion. Bursae sometimes occur behind coracobrachialis and between the tendon of infraspinatus and the capsule, occasionally opening into the joint.

Vascular supply

The glenohumeral joint is supplied by branches from the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral, suprascapular and circumflex scapular vessels.


The glenohumeral joint is innervated mainly from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus through the subscapular nerves. The capsule is supplied by the suprascapular nerve (posterior and superior parts), axillary nerve (anteroinferior) and the lateral pectoral nerve (anterosuperior, including the rotator interval capsule).

Factors maintaining stability

The articulation between the relatively large humeral head and the shallow glenoid fossa allows a wide range of movement but is a challenge for the stability of the joint.

Movements at the glenohumeral joint

The shoulder is capable of any combination of swing and spin over a range far wider than that of any other joint in the body. Flexion–extension, abduction–adduction, and medial (internal) and lateral (external) rotation all occur at the shoulder. A combination of all of these results in circumduction, which is not a useful movement to record in clinical practice. Although most movement of the shoulder occurs at the glenohumeral joint, the scapulothoracic articulation contributes to overall shoulder movement in all directions, including lateral rotation.

In the anatomical analysis of shoulder movements, it is usual to relate humeral movement to the scapula, rather than to conventional anatomical planes. However, in clinical practice, movements are related to the conventional anatomical planes. When the arm hangs at rest, the glenoid fossa faces almost equally forwards and laterally, and the humeral capitular and scapular (topographical) axes correspond, although the humerus, relative to the anatomical position, is medially rotated. With the humerus in the anatomical position, i.e. with the inter-epicondylar axis in the frontal plane, the humeral head axis is posteriorly directed, in line with the axis of the scapula.

Using the anatomical description, flexion carries the arm anteromedially on an axis through the humeral head orthogonal to the glenoid fossa at its centre. Abduction and adduction occur in a vertical plane orthogonal to that of flexion–extension and the axis is horizontal, through the humeral head and parallel with the glenoid plane. Pure abduction raises the arm anterolaterally in the plane of the scapula. However, when referred to the trunk, flexion and extension occur in the paramedian plane, and abduction and adduction occur in the coronal plane. In this sense, raising the arm vertically from flexion or raising it from abduction are both accompanied by humeral rotation in opposite directions. Whether ‘scapular’ or any other plane of abduction is described, these are selections from an infinite series. In scapular abduction, points on the humeral surface pursue vertical cords, but in rotation, they are horizontal. In ‘pure’ flexion–extension, in a plane orthogonal to the scapula, the axis of movement and the notional ‘mechanical axis’ are regarded as projected from the centre of the glenoid cavity.

Glenohumeral abduction is about 120° or more (see Fig. 49.21B ). Abduction may reach 180° after thoracoscapular arthrodesis for facioscapulohumeral dystrophy ( ). Abduction is restricted to about 45° after glenohumeral arthrodesis. Some 60° of further abduction occurs at the sterno- and acromioclavicular articulations, and contralateral vertebral flexion also aids in bringing the arm to the vertical. During active elevation, movements at the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints are simultaneous, except in the initial few degrees, when most, often all, movement is glenohumeral. For every 15° of elevation, glenohumeral movement is said to be 10° and scapular movement 5°, but this ratio is not linear throughout the range of motion. During the initial stages of abduction, the entire rotator cuff counteracts the strong upward component of the pull of deltoid, which would otherwise cause the humeral head to slide up the glenoid surface; the additive turning moments exerted by the combined deltoid and supraspinatus force-couple may then abduct the arm. Deltoid also acts with the other elements of the rotator cuff, according to the position of the arm in space, to maintain rotation, flexion and extension of the arm. It is important to consider the synergistic relation between the rotator cuff and deltoid as a continuum in which the rotator cuff muscles act to provide a stable base on which deltoid can work effectively, whatever the position of the arm.

In flexion, the humerus swings at right-angles to the scapular plane, and scapular rotation cannot increase the elevation (120°) that is obtainable in full flexion. If the fully flexed humerus is also abducted, elevation increases pro rata until, when the humerus reaches the scapular plane, i.e. when true abduction is reached, 180° of elevation becomes possible. In medial or lateral rotation, the humerus revolves about one-quarter of a circle around a vertical axis; the range is greatest when the arm is pendant, and least when it is vertical. When the rotational range at the glenohumeral joint is assessed, the forearm should be flexed to a right-angle at the elbow in order to prevent the effects of superadded pronation or supination in the pendant limb. In circumduction, which is a succession of the foregoing movements, the distal end of the humerus describes the base of a cone with its apex at the humeral head. This glenohumeral movement may be greatly increased by scapular movements, e.g. in acts of slinging objects with force.

The peculiar relation of the long head of biceps brachii to the shoulder joint may serve several purposes. By its connection with both the shoulder and elbow, the muscle harmonizes their actions as an elastic connection during all upper limb movements. It helps to prevent the humeral head impinging on the acromion when deltoid contracts and also to steady it in movements of the arm. In paralysis or absence (i.e. in rotator cuff tendon tears) of supraspinatus, the long head of biceps may also help initiate abduction of the arm, particularly when the humerus is laterally rotated.

Muscles producing movements

The muscles that produce movements at the glenohumeral joint are principally the scapulohumeral and thoracobrachial muscles: deltoid, pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi, assisted by coracobrachialis. The translating effect of these muscles on the shoulder joint is counteracted by the rotator cuff, a group of short muscles (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor), including teres major, that are attached closer to the joint, and that centre the head of the humerus in the glenoid fossa through the entire range of motion.


Flexion is carried out by pectoralis major (clavicular part), deltoid (anterior fibres) and coracobrachialis, assisted by biceps. The sternocostal part of pectoralis major is a major force in flexion forwards to the coronal plane from full extension.


Extension is carried out by deltoid (posterior fibres) and teres major, from the dependent position. When the fully flexed arm is extended against resistance, latissimus dorsi and the sternocostal part of pectoralis major act powerfully until the arm reaches the coronal plane.


Abduction is carried out by supraspinatus and deltoid. The effect of deltoid is mainly upward and, unless opposed, this would displace the humerus upwards. Subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor exert a centralizing force and so apply a balancing force; together with deltoid, they constitute a ‘couple’ to produce abduction in the scapular plane.

Medial rotation

Medial rotation is carried out by pectoralis major, deltoid (anterior fibres), latissimus dorsi, teres major and, with the arm pendant, subscapularis.

Lateral rotation

Lateral rotation is carried out by infraspinatus, deltoid (posterior fibres) and teres minor. Lateral rotation is important for clearance of the greater tubercle and its associated tissues as it passes under the coraco-acromial arch during elevation of the arm.

Glenohumeral joint dislocation

The glenohumeral joint is the most frequently dislocated joint in the body. Most dislocations are anterior, and occur when the forearm is forced backwards into greater lateral (external) rotation when it is in abduction, lateral rotation and extension. A dislocated shoulder loses its normal contour because the humeral head is displaced anterior to the glenoid rim and, sometimes, under the coracoid, which means that the acromion process, rather than the greater tubercle, becomes the most lateral bony structure, giving the shoulder a ‘squared-off’ appearance.

The axillary nerve and vessels may be injured during dislocation or, more commonly, during inexpert attempts at relocation, particularly in older patients. This can lead to an inability to maintain abduction of the shoulder as a result of paralysis of deltoid. If, after relocation of the joint, the patient cannot initiate elevation (abduction) from the pendant position, then there may be an associated rotator cuff rupture and/or suprascapular nerve lesion. If the patient can initiate, but cannot maintain, abduction beyond 15°, then deltoid palsy should be suspected. Patients, particularly the elderly, can have a rotator cuff rupture and an axillary nerve palsy causing deltoid paralysis; it can be difficult to distinguish between the two. There may also be an area of hypoaesthesia or anaesthesia over the distal part of the muscle (sometimes referred to as the ‘regimental badge patch’ of skin; see Fig. 49.2 ), reflecting loss of function in the upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm (a branch of the axillary nerve), as well as venous occlusive changes (swelling) in the limb. After more violent dislocation, younger patients may have deltoid paralysis and an intact, but stretched, rotator cuff or partial tearing of the tendons, with a suprascapular nerve injury; these patients may have unexpected pain in the supraspinous fossa with weakness of infraspinatus (lateral rotation), as well as the anticipated anterior shoulder pain. Posterior dislocation is rare and typically occurs when violent movements produce marked medial rotation and adduction, e.g. in epileptic seizures or electric shock. The upper limb is held in fixed medial rotation, and external rotation is impossible to perform.


The shoulder girdle and shoulder joint musculature are arranged in layered, functional groups ( Table 49.1 ). The muscles of the shoulder girdle may suspend or move the scapula; these functions are interdependent. The muscles of the shoulder joint may stabilize the joint, move the arm on the stable shoulder joint, or coordinate shoulder and elbow movement; these functions are also interdependent. The closer a muscle is to the centre of motion of the joint on which it acts, the greater its effect on the stability of that joint at rest and during motion. The further away from the centre of motion, the greater the effect of the resultant muscular vector on translation of the joint surfaces. As an example, both subscapularis and pectoralis major generate medial rotation of the glenohumeral joint; subscapularis contributes to concavity compression at the glenohumeral joint (i.e. stability), while pectoralis major causes anterior displacement into flexion and adduction in the absence of subscapularis; when these muscles are working synergistically, the arm is both stabilized at the glenohumeral joint, and flexed and adducted.

TABLE 49.1
The relationship between functional muscle grouping and actions of the pectoral girdle
Functional group Specific muscles Action
Occipitospinoscapular Trapezius Scapular suspension
Position and motion of the acromioclavicular joint in relation to the thorax and (neur)axis
Deceleration of the lateral clavicle during motion
Thoracoscapular Pectoralis minor
Spinoclavicular Trapezius
Thoracoclavicular Subclavius
Thoracoscapular (medial border) Levator scapulae
Rhomboid minor
Rhomboid major
Serratus anterior
Serratus posterior superior
Serratus posterior inferior
Scapular motion
Position and motion of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the thorax and (neur)axis
Thoracohumeral Pectoralis major
Latissimus dorsi
Thoracobrachial motion
Position of the arm
Scapulohumeral Deltoid
Biceps brachii (short head)
Teres minor
Teres major
Concavity compression of the glenohumeral joint
Triceps brachii (long head)
Biceps brachii (long head)
Coordination of shoulder and elbow motion

As a principle, a muscle will act on a motion segment to alter the position of the distal extent of that segment in space. As an example, deltoid acts on the shoulder joint but its effect is to move the distal extent of the humerus, i.e. the elbow.

The clinical examination of the shoulder girdle muscles is demonstrated in .

Muscles of scapular suspension

Trapezius acts on the spine of the scapula, acromion and lateral clavicle to rotate the acromioclavicular joint upwards and dorsally; movement is guided and limited by the length and shape of the clavicle. Pectoralis minor acts to control the position of the coracoid as trapezius acts on the scapula, while subclavius acts to control clavicular elevation and rotation. These muscles act on the processes of the scapula, while the coraco-acromial ligament acts as a tension band between the processes. Disruption of the continuity of this arrangement (fracture of the clavicle or coracoid, or dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint) will have a profound effect on scapular suspension.


Trapezius is derived from head paraxial mesenchyme with neural crest connective tissue, rather than from the dermomyotomes of lower somites, and is therefore unique among shoulder girdle muscles. It is attached to the spine of the scapula and acromion, segments of the scapula for which development is encoded by a single gene ( ).

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