Selective Nerve Root Block, Lumbar Spine



  • Selective corticosteroid and long-acting anesthetic injection of lumbar nerve root at level of neural foramen


  • Imaging

    • Single or multilevel involvement


  • Carefully determine correct level(s) for injection

    • Nerve root exits below pedicle of same numbered vertebral body

  • 2 approaches for lumbar selective nerve root block

    • Angle C-arm toward side to be injected and target beneath pedicle/“eye” of “Scotty dog”

    • Using AP projection, mark skin 6-8 cm lateral to neural foramen and determine trajectory to foramen

  • Assess pain score/reproduction of pain before, during, and after injection

  • Findings and reporting

    • Pain before, during, and after injection

    • Was pain reproduced by procedure?

    • Level(s) injected including injectate volume and medications injected

Post Procedure

  • Expectation

    • Significant reduction in pain following injection (may take 48-72 hours)


  • Most feared complications

    • Dural puncture (spinal cord injury, meningitis, CSF leak)

    • Vascular injury/intravascular injection (spinal cord ischemia)

  • Problems

    • Failure of pain relief

    • Vasovagal reaction


Intraforaminal and Epidural Injection

Needle Placement: Oblique View

Intraforaminal and Epidural Injection



  • Selective nerve root block (SNRB), epidural steroid injection (ESI)

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