
  • Robin sequence (RS) is a clinical triad consisting of glossoptosis, retro- or micrognathia, and airway compromise. RS is often associated with clefting of the secondary palate.

  • RS can be an isolated entity or found in association with many syndromes, most commonly Stickler syndrome. The spectrum of associations is broad, and multidisciplinary evaluation and management are necessary.

  • Respiratory abnormalities and feeding difficulties are observed in most patients with RS. Respiratory distress presents on a spectrum from subclinical sleep apnea to overt obstructive airway compromise. Feeding difficulties range from gastroesophageal reflux disease to complete intolerance of oral feeding necessitating gastrostomy placement.

  • Workup must begin with a functional and anatomic airway assessment, including clinical exam, polysomnography, and airway endoscopy or noninvasive airway imaging. Respiratory distress can be managed conservatively with prone positioning and supplemental oxygen for most children with RS with isolated base-of-tongue airway obstruction. Nasopharyngeal airway may be utilized if these measures are inadequate.

  • Respiratory distress is managed surgically when it is refractory to conservative measures. The most used interventions are tongue–lip adhesion, mandibular distraction, or tracheostomy. There is debate over the preferred surgical management, however mandibular distraction is more commonly performed and is effective at reduction in apnea–hypopnea index.

  • Feeding difficulties necessitate nutritional support for most patients. Interventions may consist of conservative measures such as specialized bottles, nipples, and feeding positions, or invasive measures such as oro- and nasogastric tube feeding or gastrostomy tube placement with full caloric need fulfillment by tube feeds.

  • RS patients must be followed until completion of craniofacial growth by a multidisciplinary team.

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Definition and epidemiology

Robin sequence is a clinical triad consisting of glossoptosis, retro- or micrognathia, and airway obstruction. The term “glossoptosis” refers to a posteriorly displaced tongue that obstructs the airway and does not refer to an enlarged tongue. A cleft palate is not obligatory for the diagnosis, although a high degree of concordance has resulted in the erroneous substitution of cleft palate into the diagnostic triad of RS in several studies. Cleft palate in RS patients may be U- or V-shaped and is reported in 65% to over 90% of cases ( Fig. 28.2 ). Robin sequence can be an isolated entity or found in the clinical setting of a syndromic child. Between 30% and 60% of patients with RS have an associated syndrome.

Figure 28.2, (A) This child with Robin sequence demonstrates the classic U-shaped cleft palate. (B) The cleft palate in Robin sequence may also take the form of a V.

The incidence of RS is estimated to be from 1:8500 to 1:20,000 live births. There are no gender differences in incidence, except in extremely rare X-linked syndromic associations.


The etiology of RS remains unclear and is likely multifactorial. Before any etiological considerations, a clear understanding of the difference between a syndrome and clinical sequence is important. A syndrome refers to a group of signs and symptoms that vary in degree of expression but ultimately result from a single pathological insult. A sequence describes a series of anomalies that may be instigated by varying disease processes, but ultimately converge in the same phenotypic findings. This differentiation is germane, as a portion of patients with RS will also be syndromic, such as Stickler syndrome. The converse does not hold true, as not all patients with Stickler syndrome have the phenotypic findings of RS ( Fig. 28.3 ).

Figure 28.3, There are many syndromes associated with Robin sequence; however, it can be found in isolation as well.

The etiology of RS is likely multifactorial. Shprintzen classified etiology as “malformational” or “deformational”. “Malformational” refers to a mandibular predisposition to be retrognathic, such as in Nager or Stickler syndromes. “Deformational” refers to an intrauterine growth restriction that places the child’s chin in a flexed position into the chest, restricting growth. He hypothesized that restriction could be caused by a multigravid pregnancy, oligohydramnios, or a uterine anomaly.

Chiriac and colleagues postulated three theories regarding the etiology of RS. In the “mechanical theory”, the inciting event is mandibular hypoplasia that occurs in the 7th to 11th week of gestational life from various etiologies. The effect is a tongue that rides high in the oral cavity and interferes with the movement of the lateral palatine processes as they progress from a vertical to horizontal orientation ( Fig. 28.4 ). Experimental animal models support this sequence of events. Imaging of human fetuses has shown tongue malposition against the posterior pharyngeal wall in RS fetuses while in utero , providing additional support for the “mechanical theory”. Some hypothesize a U-shaped palatal cleft is more common in RS due to this wide blockage by the tongue; however, clinically, both U- and V-shaped clefts have been noted. In the “neurological maturation theory”, a neuromuscular delay occurs in the musculature to the tongue, pharyngeal pillars, and palate. The delay has been noted on electromyogram in RS. In the “rhombencephalic dysneuralation theory”, motor and regulatory organization of the rhombencephalon is related to a major complication in development.

Figure 28.4, (A–H) The embryology of the tongue and palate is important for understanding the cleft palate in Robin sequence. The retropositioned tongue blocks the movement of the lateral palatine processes from a vertical to horizontal position.

Cohen also described several distinct mechanisms of etiopathogenesis: malformation, deformation, and connective tissue dysplasia. This final mechanism describes a link between diseases of “connective tissue dysplasia” such as Stickler syndrome and RS. Many authors also agree upon the potential influence of intrauterine teratogen exposure in the formation of RS, including alcohol, trimethadione, and phenytoin.

Historical perspective

The earliest account of a presentation of RS dates back to 1822 by St. Hilaire, followed by Fairbain in 1846. Later in the nineteenth century, Taruffi attempted to subclassify the clinical entity into those with “hypomicrognathus” and those with “hypoagnathus.” These descriptions demonstrate that as early as the nineteenth century clinicians understood that a major component of this entity was the mandible. In 1891, Lanneloague and Monard described four cases, two of which had an associated cleft of the palate. In 1902 Shukowsky presented a case of a hypoplastic mandible causing respiratory distress.

Despite earlier descriptions, the condition bears the name of the French stomatologist Dr. Pierre Robin. Dr. Robin lived from 1867 to 1949 and was a professor in the French School of Stomatology as well as editor of the periodical Stomatologie . His main contribution to the body of knowledge regarding RS was its dissemination. Beginning in 1923, he wrote 17 articles on the problems of “glossoptosis” and is credited with introducing the term. He highlighted the severity of the potential respiratory complications and the difficulty these children have with feeding and weight gain. Robin felt that the more severe cases were quite dire and wrote, “I have never seen a child live more than 16–18 months who presented with hypoplasia such as the lower maxilla [mandible] was pushed more than 1 cm behind the upper.” To combat the airway compromise Robin preferred a “monobloc” dental orthopedic appliance to keep the mandible forward to restore the normal maxillomandibular relationship. Unfortunately, Robin drew many extraneous associations to this cohort and overestimated the incidence of the clinical entity at 3 out of 5 live births ( Fig. 28.1 ).

In 1902, Shukowsky performed the first tongue–lip adhesion (TLA) by simply suturing the tongue to the lip, but the description was not published until 1911. This was successful in one patient, but another patient died of asphyxia when the suture pulled through the tongue. The use of TLA was not widely accepted during these initial descriptions. For the next four decades, primary treatment for respiratory distress in this cohort consisted of external traction devices placed on the mandible. One such device consisted of a pediatric back brace with a halo from which traction was applied. This was maintained for 4 weeks and was usually successful in alleviating the airway compromise. This modality, however, led to a significant amount of temporomandibular joint ankylosis. Then, in the 1940s, Douglas published a refined technique of TLA and a resurgence in the technique occurred.

Other soft-tissue procedures were described for RS that have not been continued. Oecononopoulas described the use of a heavy silk suture through the base of the tongue that is affixed to the cartilaginous portion of the mandible about 1 cm lateral to the midline. Hadley and Johnson also devised a technique where the tongue is pulled anteriorly, then a Kirschner wire is driven through the mandible from angle to angle in order to maintain tongue position. Lewis et al . described a tensor fascia lata sling for treatment. In this technique, a long strip of tensor fascia lata is harvested and passed posteriorly through the substance of the tongue through a submental incision. The graft is then tensioned and sutured to the periosteum of the mandibular symphysis. Bergoin and colleagues describe a procedure termed “Hyomandibulopexie”. In this technique the ventral anterior surface of the tongue and mandible is anchored to the hyoid bone with 3-0 braided nylon sutures. Lapidot and Ben-Hur describe passing 18-gauge steel wire into the most posterior midline portion of the tongue base and tensioned around the hyoid bone. In the Duhamel procedure, heavy nylon suture was passed across the most posterior aspect of the body of the tongue, exiting laterally through the cheeks or oral commissures, and then tied over buttons.

Skeletal techniques have transitioned from traction procedures to distraction procedures over time. Traction applied to mandible as a treatment for RS is mainly of historical note, but is still practiced in some institutions. Circummandibular wires are placed, and these wires are attached to a pulley that applies traction to the mandible. One major drawback of this technique is that the circummandibular wires at the parasymphysis can cut through the thin bone in neonates. One method affixes an acrylic plate to the mandible by circummandibular wires and the tension is distributed evenly, decreasing cut-through. The traction is released for feeds after 1–2 weeks. Over time, the counterweight is decreased. The wires may remain in place for up to 5 weeks. Some centers have had success with this technique on an outpatient basis.

Robin Sequence has evolved in name since the early descriptions as the understanding of the etiopathogenesis has advanced. Initially, the clinical constellation was termed “Pierre Robin syndrome”. In 1976 Gorlin, Pinborg, and Cohen created the term “Pierre Robin anomalad”, noting that this entity was not a syndrome. The term “anomalad” was used to describe an etiologically nonspecific complex that could occur with various syndromes of known or unknown origin or in isolation. Some authors began to use the phrase “Robin complex” but this was shortly replaced by “Pierre Robin sequence” or “Robin sequence” (RS) by Pasyayan and Lewis in 1984. Purists feel that eponyms should not include first names and prefer “Robin sequence”.

Syndromic associations

Due to the multiple syndromes associated with RS and its multifactorial etiopathogenesis, analysis of inheritance is complex. Cohen reported up to 18 associated syndromes with RS in 1978. The current list of recognized associations is extensive ( Box 28.1 ). The most frequently associated syndrome with RS is Stickler syndrome, representing 11%–20% of RS cases. Multiple subtypes of this connective tissue disorder exist, most commonly with autosomal dominant inheritance. Causative genes include COL2A1 (12q13, accounts for 80%–90% of cases), COL9A1 , COL11A1 (1p21) or COL11A2 (6p21), which affect type II, IX, or XI collagens. Stickler syndrome is characterized by midline clefting, flattened midface, hypoplastic mandible, flat nasal bridge, long philtrum, epicanthal folds, prominent eyes, retinal detachment, cataracts, joint hypermobility, and sensorineural hearing loss. Molecular genetic testing for causative genes is available, but most often the initial diagnosis is clinical.

Box 28.1
Syndromes associated with Robin sequence

There are many recognized syndromes associated with Robin sequence. The postulated or known genetic loci are shown for several syndromes.

  • Abruzzo–Erickson syndrome

  • Achondrogenesis type II: 12q13.11–q13.2, COL2A1

  • ADAM sequence (anionic deformity, adhesions, mutilations)

  • Amniotic band disruption

  • Andersen–Tawil: 17q23.1–q24.2, KCNJ2 gene

  • Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome: locus 11p15.5, 11p15.5, 11p15.5, 5q35. p57, H19, LIT1

  • Bruce–Winship syndrome

  • Campomelic syndrome

  • Carey–Fineman–Ziter

  • Catel–Mancke syndrome

  • Cerebrocostomandibular syndrome

  • CHARGE association

  • Chitayat syndrome

  • Collagen XI gene sequence

  • Congenital myotonic dystrophy

  • Del (4q) syndrome

  • Del (6q) syndrome

  • Diastrophic dysplasia

  • Distal arthrogryposis–Robin sequence

  • Donlan syndrome

  • Dup (11q) syndrome

  • Femoral dysgenesis–unusual facies syndrome

  • Fetal alcohol syndrome

  • Froster contracture–torticollis syndrome

  • Kabuki syndrome

  • Larsen syndrome: 3p14.3, mutations in FLNB (Filamin B) gene

  • Marshall syndrome: COL11A1

  • Martsolf syndrome: 1q41 gene encoding protein RAB3GAP2

  • Miller–Dieker syndrome: 17p13.3

  • Möbius syndrome: 13q12.2-q13

  • Nager syndrome: SF3B4, 9q32

  • PARC syndrome (poikilodermia, alopecia, retrognathism, cleft palate)

  • Persistent left superior vena cava syndrome

  • Popliteal pterygium syndrome

  • Postaxial acrofacial dysostosis (Miller syndrome)

  • Radiohumeral synostosis

  • Richieri–Costa syndrome

  • Robin–oligodactyly syndrome

  • Sanderson–Fraser syndrome

  • Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenital: 12q13.11–q13.2, COL2A1

  • Stickler syndrome: 12q13.11–q13.2, COL2A1, COL9A1, COL11A1, COL11A2

  • Stoll syndrome

  • TARP Syndrome (RBM10, X-linked)

  • Toriello–Carey syndrome

  • Treacher Collins syndrome: mutation in the “treacle” gene (TCOF1), locus 5q32–q33.1

  • Velocardiofacial syndrome: microdeletion at the q11.2 band of chromosome 22

  • Weissenbacher–Zweymuller syndrome (otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia) (type II Stickler or “nonocular Stickler syndrome”): gene COL11A2 locus 6p21.3

The second most commonly associated syndrome with RS is 22q11.2 deletion encompassing a spectrum of presentations including velocardiofacial syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome, and Shprintzen–Goldberg syndrome, representing 11% of RS cases. The etiopathogenesis is secondary to a deletion in 22q11.2, hence the updated nomenclature “22q11.2 deletion syndrome”. Characteristics include cleft palate, mandibular hypoplasia, long upper lip and philtrum, an elongated face, almond-shaped eyes, a wide nose, small ears, conductive hearing loss, slender digits, hypoparathyroidism, immune dysfunction (thymic aplasia), and learning disabilities. The cardiothoracic anomalies can include pulmonary atresia, ventricular septal defect, and hypoplastic pulmonary arteries. Approximately 21% of patients have micrognathia and 27% have cleft palate including 16% with submucous cleft palate.

Nager syndrome, or acrofacial dysostosis, is a rare syndrome that can demonstrate autosomal-recessive or, more commonly, autosomal-dominant inheritance. The majority of cases are caused by haploinsufficiency of gene SF3B4 . The craniofacial features are similar to Treacher Collins syndrome with downward-slanting palpebral fissures, mandibular and malar hypoplasia. Additionally, these patients may have hypoplasia or agenesis of the thumbs, radius, and occasionally lower extremity malformations with short stature. Cleft palate may be present. The mandibular hypoplasia can be severe, and patients do not have normal mandibular growth potential.

Clinical presentation

Robin sequence varies widely in clinical presentations and severity of symptoms. Most patients will have respiratory and/or feeding difficulties among other anomalies. Respiratory disturbances range from mild, with subtle findings on polysomnogram, to profound, requiring emergent intubation at birth. In severe cases, periodic desaturations may occur along with retractions, stridor, or hypoxia and hypoxemic neurological injury. Untreated, these children can progress to develop cor pulmonale. Children with RS consistently have an obstruction localized to the level of the base of the tongue due to glossoptosis. However, synchronous airway lesions are common in RS in up to 28% of patients. The most common of these is laryngomalacia with loss of support of supraglottic structures, present in 10% to 15% of infants with RS. Furthermore, central nervous system abnormalities may exacerbate the impact of existing anatomic airway abnormalities on respiratory function.

Infants with RS may also present with feeding difficulties and failure to thrive. Poor feeding, long feeding times, hypoxia during feeding, gagging, vomiting, aspiration, frequent pneumonia, and gastroesophageal reflux disease are possible. The failure to thrive in this cohort has dual causality from both the poor intake and from the increased metabolic demand from increased respiratory effort. Feeding difficulties in RS are multifactorial. Airway compromise can lead to gastroesophageal reflux through decreased intrathoracic pressure which can exacerbate respiratory issues. Additionally, children with RS have abnormal oroesophageal motility, and syndromic RS patients often have abnormal oral and/or facial muscle innervation.

Cardiac abnormalities are also commonly associated with RS, with congenital heart defects detected in 14%–30% of cases. Cardiac findings can be isolated or result from syndromic association. The presence of cardiac abnormalities is associated with increased mortality in the population of RS patients initially admitted to an intensive care unit. Mortality rates have improved as both the understanding of and treatment options for RS have evolved. As noted above, Robin painted a bleak picture for any child with RS. In 1946 Douglas reported greater than 50% mortality with conservative treatment. The major cause of mortality was felt to be secondary to aspiration. In 1994, Caouette-Laberge et al . stratified mortality into three groups. For patients with adequate respiration in prone position and the ability to bottle-feed, the mortality was 1.8%, increasing to 10% if gavage feeds were required. Mortality increased further to 41% in those with respiratory distress necessitating endotracheal intubation and gavage feeds. More recently, Costa et al . describe an 11-year series of 181 patients, with an overall 16.6% mortality rate. Concomitant cardiac and neurologic malformations were the greatest predictors of mortality. There were no deaths in isolated nonsyndromic RS patients.

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