Rigid Gas Permeable Corneal and Corneoscleral Lens Fitting


With the advent of inexpensive, easy-to-fit hydrophilic lenses, some practitioners have abandoned the art of rigid gas permeable (RGP) lens fitting. However, there are many reasons why practitioners attempting to fit contact lenses with any degree of seriousness should have a detailed knowledge of RGP fitting:

  • Some patients will get better visual acuity with RGPs.

    • astigmats

    • irregular astigmats

    • low levels of astigmatism left uncorrected in hydrophilic lenses but corrected by the tear lens with an RGP fit.

      • buildup of deposits or surface dryness on soft lenses leading to poor acuity.

  • Some conditions can only be fitted with RGPs.

    • keratoconus

    • traumatised corneas

    • post-grafts.

  • RGP lenses may be easier to handle.

    • narrow interpalpebral apertures

    • enophthalmics.

  • RGP lenses perform better physiologically, and there are fewer adverse corneal reactions because there is:

    • less corneal coverage

    • greater oxygen permeability

    • better retro-lens tear flow.

  • Patients with higher prescriptions or borderline-acceptable physiology (e.g. traumatised corneas) may therefore be more safely fitted with RGP lenses.

  • Former polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and RGP wearers usually need refitting at some stage.

  • RGP lenses may provide a better, and sometimes the only, alternative to hydrophilic lenses in some clinical situations;

    • giant (GPC) or contact lens–induced papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC)

    • superior epithelial arcuate lesions (see Chapters 16 and 17 )

    • in certain other cases such as marginal dry eyes.

  • For patients who work in environments where gaseous or suspended droplets or aerosols may be absorbed into the lenses – for example, hairdressers, industrial chemists, etc. – RGP lenses are a preferable alternative.

Where disposable soft lenses are not available, rigid lenses may be preferable because of:

  • greater deposit resistance

  • greater resistance to breakage

  • their capacity to be modified

  • significantly reduced contamination risk

  • they do not absorb and concentrate substances into the lens matrix, so patients using long-term topical preserved medication can use the drops whilst wearing the lenses.

Because patients appreciate the higher level of skill involved in fitting RGP lenses, they are often more loyal to their practitioner and refer more new patients.

There is now evidence to indicate that wearing Ortho-K RGP lenses will retard the progression of myopia. To fit these lenses, a good knowledge of conventional RGP fitting is a prerequisite (see Chapters 19 and 28 ).

Basic Requirements

The student new to contact lens practice is often confused by the multitude of different lens materials and fitting techniques, each claiming its own special advantages. The basic requirements of a well-fitting contact lens are often forgotten and should be stressed from the outset. These are simply:

  • maintenance of corneal integrity (including integrity of the related ocular and extraocular tissues)

  • maintenance of normal tear flow behind and over the lens

  • adequate vision

  • patient comfort

  • invisibility.

It follows, therefore, that the best fitting technique or lens construction to use in any one particular instance is the one which most readily satisfies these criteria. For many patients, several different techniques may all perform adequately; in others, the use of a single specific technique may give improved results.

The ideal corneal lens material should have a high degree of the following properties:

  • oxygen permeability

  • surface wettability

  • low surface reactivity

  • dimensional stability

  • flexure resistance and recovery

  • surface hardness

  • machine and polishing capability

  • fracture resistance

  • material and quality control, i.e. different batches of the material should have the same chemical and physical characteristics and should behave in an identical manner during the lens fabrication process

  • a range of tints and depths of tints.

With the exception of oxygen permeability, the original hard lens material, PMMA, satisfied all these requirements to a good or acceptable degree. Indeed, the first few RGP materials were forced to sacrifice several material considerations to gain oxygen permeability. Fortunately, materials have developed that now satisfy almost all the above desiderata, including excellent oxygen permeability.

RGP Lens Materials (see also Chapter 2 )

Early materials to replace the non-oxygen-permeable PMMA, such as cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), are no longer in use, generally having been replaced with materials of greater stability and oxygen permeability. Although new materials and material improvements are constantly appearing, the majority of modern lenses are made of silicone-acrylate or fluorosilicone-acrylate. These are discussed in brief as follows.

Silicone-acrylate (or siloxanyl-acrylate)

Although highly permeable to oxygen, pure silicone polymers are soft and hydrophobic. They are therefore combined with PMMA to enhance the hardness and stability of the material. To ensure adequate wettability, hydrophilic monomers (e.g. methacrylic acid) are also incorporated into the polymer so that surface treatment or special solutions are required to maintain adequate wettability. This allows subsequent laboratory and practitioner modification or repolishing of the lens. Different additives such as dimethacrylate may be used to enhance tensile strength and resistance to deformation.

The ratio of PMMA to silicone is generally 65% PMMA to 35% silicone. The greater the proportion of silicone, the higher the oxygen permeability, but the poorer the wettability, stability and strength. Similarly, the greater the proportion of wetting agent, the greater the surface wettability, but the poorer the dimensional stability and the greater the affinity for surface deposition due to increased surface reactivity.

The range of Dk values of the materials commonly available is limited (generally 9–30 units *

* Oxygen permeability units or Dk units are expressed as units of 10 –11 (cm mL O 2 )/(cm 2 s mm Hg). See also Chapter 2 .

), although by incorporating proprietary compounds, some laboratories have achieved higher values without sacrificing other desirable properties.

As with all RGP materials, care is needed during manufacture, although there is less susceptibility to distortion than with earlier materials such as CAB. Warpage often indicates excessive overheating during the button blocking or lathing procedures (see Chapter 29 ). Ammoniated polishes are best avoided, and alcohols, esters, ketones and aromatic hydrocarbons will damage the material.


  • PMMA acts as a thermal insulator. Not only does the lack of oxygen create corneal hypoxia, but by insulating the cornea, the PMMA also raises the basal metabolic rate and increases the oxygen demand of the corneal epithelium. However, silicones, either in the pure form or polymerised with PMMA, are thermal conductors which remove the heat of metabolism from the corneal surface, thereby decreasing oxygen requirements. Silicone-acrylates are approximately twice as good thermal conductors as PMMA and CAB, which is useful for patients living or working in hot environments.

  • The material is less susceptible to warpage and hydration-dehydration changes than earlier materials.


  • The silicone-acrylate materials are softer and more flexible than PMMA and thus scratch more easily and flex on astigmatic corneas (see below). Most RGP materials break more easily than PMMA.

  • The hydrophobic nature of silicone and the relatively high surface charge provide a propensity to attract protein deposits and to bind these tenaciously.

  • As a rough guide, there is a manufacturing trade-off with increasing oxygen permeability. Thus, increased permeability is often traded for poor optical quality, poor wettability, etc. Most manufacturers now incorporate proprietary ingredients to counteract these problems. Certain of the original high-Dk silicone-acrylate materials were also prone to surface cracking (see Fig. 9.25 ).

Fluorosilicone-acrylate (fluoropolymers)

Fluorocarbon gases have been widely used since the early 1900s as a form of refrigerant (e.g. freon) and a gaseous propellant for aerosol sprays. Fluoroplastics include high-temperature cable insulation, heat-resistant plastics for piping and gaskets, and low-friction and anti-stick applications for nonlubricated bearings and coatings for cooking utensils (e.g. Teflon). More recently, researchers discovered that liquid fluorochemicals are highly efficient carriers of oxygen and carbon dioxide. These properties led to the use of fluorochemicals in physiological salt solution as a form of artificial blood ( ). This ‘blood’ supplies oxygen to the body tissues while carrying away waste products such as carbon dioxide.

Early reference to fluoroplastics for contact lenses appeared in patents by the DuPont Corporation in 1970 and Gaylord in 1974. These early contact lens materials never reached the commercial stage of development, partly due to the poor wetting characteristics, softness, high specific gravity (1.60) and low index of refraction (1.388) ( ).

Polymer Technology were the first to attempt to avoid these problems in the ‘Boston Equalens’ by using a polymer incorporating a fluorinated monomer and combining it with a silicone-acrylate moiety. The fluorinated component enhances the material's capability of resisting mucus adhesion and deposit formation while promoting its affinity for tear mucin and soluble proteins for superior wettability in vivo.

Many materials now incorporate an ultraviolet (UV) absorber within the polymer matrix in response to the growing concern over the potential cataractogenic and retinal toxic effects of UV light.

Fluorosilicone-acrylates (and a small number of silicone-acrylates) now make up the majority of RGP lenses being fitted.


  • high oxygen permeability

  • resistance to mucus and deposit formation

  • dimensional stability equal to that of silicone-acrylate materials

  • effective UV light filtration when required

  • suitability for daily, flexi- or extended wear.


Compared with silicone-acrylate lenses:

  • Breakage – many materials are less resistant.

  • Flexure – materials may be more vulnerable and slower to recover.

  • Hardness – may be worse so lenses scratch more easily.

  • Modifications – the response of the material is quicker and should therefore be carried out by skilled technicians. Polishing compounds containing ammonia, alcohol or organic solvents should not be used.

  • The lenses are generally more prone to lipid deposits.

The incorporation of a UV absorber in some materials means that conventional hand UV lamps cannot be used for assessing fluorescein patterns. A white light with blue filter or the blue light of a slit-lamp must be used (see ‘Fluorescein Patterns’, p. 181 ).


This material represents a further modification to the fluorosilicone-acrylates. Currently only available as the Menicon Z lens, this polymer is composed of siloxanylstyrene, fluoromethacrylate and benzotriazole UV absorber. The surface is modified to improve wettability (see below). The result is a material with good structural integrity and hyperoxygen transmissibility.

Modified surface materials

Some lenses have their surfaces modified to optimise the surface wettability. These lenses claim to have the physical characteristics (durability, flexure resistance and oxygen transmissibility) of RGP lenses but the wettability and easier adaptability of hydrophilic lenses. This is achieved by either surface plasma treatment or incorporation of hydrophilic monomers into the lens material.

In plasma treatment the lens is placed in a specialised vacuum chamber and bombarded with oxygen ions through the use of a radio frequency generator. This not only removes any remaining residuals left over from the manufacturing process but also significantly improves the wetting angle of the lens.

The Novalens (Ocutec Ltd) is composed of rosilfocon A, a hydrophilic styryl-silicone material. The lens consists of a rigid core and a surface polymer that has hydrophilic properties.

Aquasil (Aquaperm) is a silicone-acrylate copolymer which, when immersed in a weak acidic solution, produces a thin layer of pHEMA on the surface 15–20 µm thick. The hydroxyl groups of pHEMA that are permanently bonded to the polymer are claimed to be nonreactive. Solution uptake is less than 2%, making solution sensitivity unlikely, provided that the correct cleaning regime is used. The hydrophilised surface can be retreated if it is worn off or removed by repolishing or modification.

A different technique is used in Menicon Super-EX , which is a surface-modified fluorosilicone-acrylate material. In this case the very high Dk value has been gained at the expense of surface wettability, hence the surface treatment. Lens modifications are not possible with this design, and the lens is contraindicated for patients with a Dry eye problem. The lens is mainly indicated for those patients with a high physiological demand or for extended wear.

The SEED S-1 (Seed Co., Japan) uses polyethylene glycol, a hydrophilic monomer, grafted onto the surface of a fluorosilicone-acrylate RGP material by plasma treatment and polymerisation. Improved hydrophilicity and the ability to resist contamination and spoiling are claimed.

The Hybrid FS Plus (Contamac) , Tyro-97 (Lagado Corporation) incorporate small amounts of hydrophilic monomer into a fluorosilicone-acrylate RGP material during the polymerisation process. Surface treatment is therefore unnecessary, and the material can be machined, processed and modified as with any other RGP material. Water uptake is less than 0.85% in the Hybrid FS Plus so that the material displays great stability. Conventional RGP solutions can be used.

The Comfort O 2 lens (David Thomas, UK) is a rigid silicone hydrogel polymer claimed to hydrate on the surface like a soft silicone hydrogel while remaining rigid in the lens interior. It has a Dk of 56 and can be made to any prescription.

Opinions vary as to the value of these modified materials. found no difference in initial comfort or wettability between the Novalens and two other RGP materials. Of 20 patients fitted by the author with an Aquasil material lens in one eye and a conventional FSA material in the other, only one could detect any improvement in comfort or wettability. On the other hand, reported improvements using the Aquasil material in patients over 35 years of age, in patients showing GPC or dry eye and in PMMA refit cases. Similar good results were reported by and .


  • possible improved surface wettability and initial comfort

  • possible deposit resistance

  • good oxygen permeability and extremely high permeability in the case of the Menicon Super-EX and Z materials.


  • Many of the advantages claimed for improved surface wettability (in the appropriate materials) are disputed.

  • The advantages may apply only to certain wearers.

  • Surface-treated lenses cannot be modified, and little or no research has been carried out on the life of the surface treatment.

  • Specific cleaners or disinfecting regimens may be necessary.

  • ‘Abrasive’ cleaners should not be used for surface-treated materials.

  • In some types (e.g. Menicon's Super EX or Z or the Operm range), reapplication of the hydrophilic coating is not possible should this either wear off or be removed by modification or repolishing.

  • Practitioners other than the prescribing practitioner may not appreciate that a surface-modified material has been used and may inadvertently repolish the lens.

  • Some lenses may be vulnerable to parameter changes.

  • The lenses are often more expensive than conventional RGP lenses.

Material and design classification

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has produced a method of classification of both soft and rigid lenses which differs from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ‘Approved Names’ system (USAN). The objective is to identify each material more accurately ( Table 9.1 and Table 10.4 ).

Table 9.1
Classification of RGP Materials by Group Code
Group Code Dk Units Examples
1 1–15 Boston II
2 16–30 Boston ES, SGP 1, Fluoroperm 30
3 31–60 Boston EO/7, Contamac
4 61–100 Boston XO, Quantum 2, Paragon HDS100
5 101–150 Optimum Extreme, Silperm 125, Boston XO2
6 151–200 FluoroPerm 151, Menicon Z
7 200+ (in 50s)

Material names, therefore, indicate the polymer (whether it is a first or subsequent development of that polymer), the constituents and the Dk. Nowadays, nearly all new materials will be Group III lenses ( Table 9.2 ).

Table 9.2
Differentiation of RGP Materials by Chemistry
Group Suffix Content Examples
I No silicone or fluorine PMMA
II Silicone but no fluorine Boston IV
III Silicone and fluorine Fluoroperm 92
IV Fluorine but no silicone

For example: Paragon HDS is called Paflufocon B III 3:

  • Paflu – name of polymer mix

  • focon – rigid lens material

  • B – second generation of this polymer

  • III – fluorosilicone-acrylate

  • 3 – ISO Dk is between 31 and 60 units.

Corneal Shape

The use of modern computerised videotopography has led to an understanding of corneal shape and its variations. Fig. 9.1 shows the variations of the conicoids in Cartesian coordinates.

Fig. 9.1, The conicoids in Cartesian coordinates with a circle shown as reference. The shape factor (p) is derived from the equation shown. The normal cornea and most aspheric lens designs are prolate ellipses.

Almost all corneas show as a flattening or prolate ellipse. The degree of flattening, or asphericity, may be expressed in several ways: e (eccentricity), p or SF (shape factor), Q value (coefficient of asphericity). The relationship between the various terms is as follows:

p = 1 e 2 SF = 1 p = e 2 e = 1 p = S F Q = e 2

Table 9.3 gives a summary of the mean asphericity data for the anterior surface of the cornea. The most commonly used term in corneal topography is the eccentricity or e value. The e value of a sphere is zero. As the rate of corneal flattening increases away from a true sphere, its e value increases. An extreme example of this would be in keratoconus.

Table 9.3
Summary of the Mean Asphericity Data for the Anterior Surface of the Cornea
e p Q SF
0.54 0.70 −0.30 0.30
0.48 0.77 −0.23 0.23
0.51 0.74 −0.26 0.26
0.42 0.82 −0.18 0.18
0.17 0.97 −0.03 0.03
0.42 0.42 −0.18 0.18
0.57 0.67 −0.33 0.33
0.49 0.76 −0.24 0.24
0.66 0.56 −0.44 0.44
SF, shape factor.

If we ignore the results from in Table 9.3 (since they vary considerably from those found by all other workers), we find an average e value of 0.51. , in a group of Caucasian subjects, gave a range of e values from 0.14 ( p = 1.02) to 0.75 ( p = 0.50) in the near horizontal meridian but found no difference in asphericity between steep and flat corneas in the normal range. , in Chinese subjects, also found no difference in e values between steep and flat corneas. Neither group found a significant difference in e values with either gender or age. Chui noted, however, that the average e value taken across a 7.20 mm chord was 0.59 ± 0.10 mm, less than across a 9.80 mm chord (0.66 ± 0.10 mm). noted that the e value varied between the horizontal meridian (0.49) and the vertical (0.42); i.e. the near-horizontal cornea is more aspheric than the near-vertical cornea.

When examining e values (or any other measurement of corneal shape), the figure derived will depend on:

  • the instrument used

  • how many readings are taken (i.e. the repeatability of the instrument and whether the result given is from a single measurement or an average of several measurements)

  • the algorithm used to calculate the eccentricity

  • whether the calculated e value is from along a single meridian or whether it is a global measurement, i.e. the average of the eccentricities from all meridians

  • from Douthwaite's results, the direction of any astigmatism and its effect on any measurement given

  • the chord width being measured. Unfortunately some topographers do not use chord widths of greatest value for RGP fitting or do not allow practitioner choice of the chord width.

Thus, while current topography methods have given us a significantly better understanding of the corneal shape, they do have certain limitations which will have an effect on the calculation of lens design and subsequent fitting (see below).

Terms Relating to Corneal Lenses

Detailed terminology relating to corneal lenses is summarised in the Glossary of terms at the beginning of the book. For ease of reference, the major terms are summarised in Fig. 9.2 (see also Chapter 30 ).

Fig. 9.2, Corneal lens dimensions as recommended by the International Organization for Standardization.

Forces Affecting the Lens on the Eye

For a lens to fit correctly, a balance is needed between the forces acting to hold the lens against the cornea and those acting to move the lens or eject it from the eye.

Capillary attraction/Post-lens tear layer forces

The force of attraction between the lens and the cornea varies inversely with the distance between the two surfaces ( ); i.e. the more closely a lens surface matches the corneal contour, the greater the force of attraction. Because the cornea is not spherical, the posterior lens surface is made either of multiple flattening curves or aspherical curves. In practice, however, although it is desirable to achieve a reasonable area of corneal ‘alignment’ to aid capillary attraction and prevent corneal insult, a lens that conforms exactly to the corneal contour over the whole of its surface would not be comfortably tolerated. The capillary attraction would be so great that there would be minimal lens movement or tear circulation beneath the lens.

Tear fluid squeeze pressure (TFSP)

Since the lens does not exactly match the shape of the eye, capillary attraction is not a major force holding the lens in place – it is the TFSP. This is the pressure that develops behind the optic zone in the Post-lens tear film. It centres the lens by opposing the gravity force (see below) that acts to decentre the lens inferiorly and the eyelid force (ELF) that acts to decentre the lens superiorly at equilibrium. During blinking, the TFSP is the main recentration force, as its dynamic action creates a symmetrical force on the contact lens ( ). This force is proportional to the irregularity of the Post-lens tear layer in that region and directly proportional to the tear layer thickness (TLT): The greater the TLT, the greater the TFSP. Manipulation of the fitting affects the TLT in conventional RGP fitting (see below), and this pressure is utilised in orthokeratology (see Chapter 19 ).

showed that if a lens with zero apical tear thickness is placed on the cornea, the lack of TFSP allows the lid to manipulate the lens position until a tear layer develops. This occurs as the lens decentres, usually superiorly, and continues until the surface tension forces around the lens edge balance the squeeze force so that a quasistatic state re-emerges.


The effects of gravity on the lens are best envisaged using the concept of the centre of gravity. This has the property that the object acts as though all of its weight were concentrated at that one point. For a corneal lens, the position of the centre of gravity is near the back surface or actually behind the lens. The further the centre of gravity moves behind the lens, the greater the area of support above it. As the centre of gravity moves towards the front surface of the lens, there is less support for the lens, and it tends to drop or ‘lag’ more readily under the effect of gravity.

The position of the centre of gravity is affected by the lens total diameter (TD), back vertex power, thickness and back optic zone radius (BOZR) ( Fig. 9.3 ). Thus the effects of gravity are lessened for lenses with negative powers, minimal centre thickness, steep corneal curvature and larger TD.

Fig. 9.3, Centre of gravity (C) with lenses of differing power, thickness, BOZR and TD.

summarised the relative effects of various changes in lens parameters and the effect that these have on the movement of the lens centre of gravity. These are shown in Table 9.4 . This shows the markedly superior effect achieved by increasing the TD in comparison to other design changes.

Table 9.4
The Effect of Lens Parameter Changes in Shifting the Centre of Gravity to Enhance Lens Stability *
Centre of Gravity Change/Parameter Change Relative Effect
Negative lenses
Total diameter 0.018 mm/0.1 mm ×4.5
Back central radius 0.004 mm/0.05 mm ×1
Centre thickness 0.006 mm/0.01 mm ×1.5
Positive lenses
Total diameter 0.014 mm/0.1 mm ×7
Back central radius 0.004 mm/0.05 mm ×2
Centre thickness 0.002 mm/0.01 mm ×1
After .

* Derived from the altered centre of gravity resulting from the smallest parameter change of clinical relevance. The change in centre of gravity is based on the total parameter ranges encompassed in the figures; the exact values will vary slightly depending on position within those ranges.

For example, if a practitioner wishes to stabilise a −3.00 D lens of 9.00 mm TD, 7.40 mm back optic zone diameter (BOZD) and 7.80 mm BOZR, the following options are realistically available:

  • Increase the diameter by 0.10 mm steps to shift the centre of gravity back by 0.018 mm.

  • Steepen the BOZR by 0.05 mm steps to shift the centre of gravity back by 0.004 mm.

  • Reduce the centre thickness by 0.01 mm steps to shift the centre of gravity back by 0.006 mm.

In conclusion, it is therefore apparent that changes in lens thickness, TD and power are the parameter changes most likely to affect lens position on the eye.

Specific gravity

Table of RGP Materials available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com lists the range of specific gravities in most common examples of RGP materials. In a study on a small group of wearers exhibiting poor lens centration, found no major effect by changing to materials of differing specific gravity but made the following recommendations:

  • If a patient consistently exhibits a high-riding lens, material changes to manipulate specific gravity will probably not significantly improve centration. However, refabricating a lens in a thinner design may provide some benefit.

  • If a patient consistently exhibits a low-riding lens, selecting a low-specific-gravity material and/or thinning the lens should prove beneficial.

Tear meniscus/edge tension force

The existence of a tear meniscus under the edge of a corneal lens produces an edge tension force (ETF) which is essential for lens centration ( , , ). This force acts to hold the lens against the cornea whenever the lids do not cover the edge. For any given lens, the greater the circumference of the meniscus, the better the lens centration. If the peripheral curve of the lens is too close to the cornea, the tear meniscus will be ineffective in holding the lens on the eye and will reduce tear interchange. If the clearance is too great, the meniscus will be inverted and will reduce the adhesion, causing possible 3 and 9 o'clock staining (see p. 196 ) or bubbles under the edge.

The ETF depends on the radius of the tear meniscus: The smaller the radius, the stronger the force ( , ). Altering the edge clearance and edge thickness can vary this (see p. 186 ).

The ETF has a secondary effect on mechanical performance but plays a key role in maintaining a continuous tear film at the edge of the lens (Guillon 1994). Here again, the shorter the radius, the more likely the tear film is to remain contiguous.

Eyelid force (ELF) and position

The eyelids exert the principal role in RGP lens mechanical performance.

  • During blinking, the lens may displace 2–3 mm.

  • The lens may be supported by the lower lid.

  • Between blinks the ELF affects extrapalpebral fitting lenses by acting normally to the contact lens to hold it against the cornea. This results in negative pressure, which keeps the lens centred or riding high, counteracting gravity which would force the lens to ride low.

  • Where TFSP and ETF are inadequate, gravity forces excessive or the lens edge too thick, the lids may push the lens down on the cornea where it may ‘bind’ (see ‘Lens Adhesion Phenomenon’ p. 195 ).

To Increase ELF (for Low-Riding Lenses)

  • Increase the TD of the lens, thereby increasing the area of contact between lens and eyelid and reducing the effect of gravity (see above).

  • Reshape the lens front edge into a negative carrier (see ‘The Edge Shape’, p. 203 ).

To Reduce ELF (for High-Riding Lenses)

  • Decrease the TD (and therefore eyelid contact).

  • Reshape the lens front edge to produce a positive carrier.

Fluorescein Patterns

Fluorescein patterns (see Figs 9.7 ) are used to assess lens fit and are produced when a small drop of 2% sodium fluorescein *

* Fluorescein sodium absorbs blue light, with peak excitation occurring at wavelengths between 465 and 490 nm. The resulting fluorescence occurs at the yellow-green wavelengths of 520–530 nm. For the action of fluorescein, see: http://www.opsweb.org/?page=FA

is instilled in the lower fornix or onto the bulbar conjunctiva to colour the tears. The lens fit is then viewed under UV or cobalt blue light, which renders the tears fluorescent. A different pattern is obtained as the lens moves after each blink and as the fluorescein drains from behind the lens. It is thus a dynamic picture and not easily represented pictorially.

The degree of fluorescence of the tear layer between the lens and the cornea is a useful guide to the fit but has certain limitations that need to be understood. The degree of fluorescence will depend on:

  • concentration of fluorescein (whether a drop of 2% sodium fluorescein is used or a wetted fluorescein impregnated strip)

  • tear flow

  • wavelength of emitter light

  • presence of appropriate filters in the viewing system

  • fluorescein on the lens front surface (which may obscure the fluorescence of the tear layer behind the lens)

  • any UV absorber in the lens material

  • pH of the saline used (fluorescence is more effective in an alkaline pH)

  • TLT

  • possibly the brand of fluorescein used.

A few moments should be allowed for excess fluorescein to drain from the front surface to see the retro-lens picture. However, excess tearing may rapidly wash all fluorescein from behind the lens, leaving the ‘black’ appearance of an aligning zone or lens. Conversely, lack of blinking or tearing may leave fluorescein on the lens front surface, thereby mimicking fluorescein trapped under the back optic zone (BOZ) of a steep-fitting lens. If the fluorescein is not allowed to dilute enough, it will not fluoresce, and the fit of the lens cannot be assessed.

With a tight-fitting lens where the BOZ transition or lens edge indents the cornea, preventing retro-lens tear flow, fluorescein cannot enter behind the lens. Tight-fitting lenses do not usually move on normal blinking, but digital manipulation of the lens using the lid margin will allow lens movement and an influx of fluorescein underneath. This might also indicate a very dry eye (see also ‘Lens Adhesion Phenomenon’, p. 195 ). A lens that is too flat may move excessively and cause irritation from the lens edge, resulting in excess tearing and loss of fluorescein from under the lens.

The experienced practitioner can quickly judge corneal ‘alignment’ (where the appearance is almost black), small degrees of corneal clearance (where fluorescence pools) or poor edge clearance. On astigmatic corneas (see Fig. 9.19 ) the difference in the degree of fluorescence between the two meridians can be seen.

Fig. 9.4 (and other figures in this chapter, along with figures available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com ) shows the layer of tears trapped between the lens back surface and the eye. The corneal surface is shown as a straight line along the x -axis, and the TLT is in microns along the y -axis.

Fig. 9.4, Tear layer thickness (TLT) with the corneal back surface represented by the straight line of the x -axis and the TLT shown in microns on the y -axis.

For simplicity, the whole tear layer is shown in green. In reality the degree of fluorescence becomes increasingly less visible below around 20 microns. This is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 9.5a , with the ‘real life’ picture shown in Fig. 9.5b for comparison; i.e. what is actually seen when looking with a cobalt blue light to assess the level of fluorescence.

Fig. 9.5, (a) Fig. 9.4 modified to remove the ‘invisible’ part of the TLT, i.e. to show the visible part of the fluorescein pattern as seen under UV light (b).

showed that between 10 and 40 microns, the degree of fluorescence was related linearly to the TLT between lens and eye. At the typical fluorescein tear concentration of 0.025%, there is maximum saturation at around 60 microns so that TLTs above this thickness cannot be judged by appearance alone ( ). Hence, the experienced practitioner can judge the degree of fluorescence of TLT between 15 and 60 microns, but lenses which are centrally slightly flat, or show edge clearances above 60 microns, cannot be judged on fluorescein appearance alone.

Some RGP materials contain UV absorbers for ocular protection. These are particularly useful for:

  • aphakes who have lost their UV-absorbing crystalline lens

  • children whose crystalline lenses have little natural UV-absorbing properties

  • those working outdoors much of the time.

However, the fluorescein pattern of these lenses cannot be viewed with a normal hand UV (Burton) lamp, and the cobalt blue filter of a slit-lamp, set at low magnification, or a white hand lamp with a Wratten No. 47 filter over the light emitter and a Wratten No. 12 filter over the viewing aperture should be used instead. The No. 12 filter can also be used over the viewing microscope end of a slit-lamp to enhance the fluorescence. These filters may be available from lens material manufacturers or their suppliers.

The General Principles of Rigid Corneal Lens Fitting

Multicurve corneal lenses are produced with a number of curves of different radii and diameters. Altering these will affect the fit of the lens and these alterations follow certain principles. Lenses should have:

  • as large an area of corneal ‘alignment’ as possible to spread the weight of the lens and pressure of the eyelids against the lens and also to minimise lens-induced trauma through localised pressure (e.g. from a sharp transition or too steep a BOZR).

  • back surface peripheral curve(s) that are flat enough to prevent lens indentation on movement to the flatter corneal periphery, but not such excess edge clearance as to cause lid margin or perilimbal irritation. Also, the peripheral back surface configuration should encourage good retro-lens tear flow and allow easy lens removal.

  • BOZD large enough to prevent flare from the peripheral curves when the pupil is dilated at night but not so large as to prevent adequate alignment of the aspheric corneal shape.

  • lens material that has adequate Dk to allow normal corneal physiological function for each eye and wearing time required

  • lens thickness to optimise transmissibility but not so thin that the lens warps, distorts or is easily fractured.

  • back surface design to encourage good retro-lens tear flow and no pressure points on the cornea

  • the lens edge should be thin enough and correctly shaped for comfort, but not so thin that it effectively becomes sharp or may chip

  • TD large enough to:

    • encompass the chosen BOZD

    • allow adequate width for the peripheral curve configuration

    • provide minimal lid irritation

    • assist good centration

  • TD small enough to:

    • allow retro-lens tear flow

    • avoid limbal ‘bumping’ on lateral eye movements.

It is now pertinent to enlarge on these points.

Selection of BOZR and BOZD in spherical or near-spherical corneas

Because the cornea is aspherical in shape, as stated earlier, a small layer of tear liquid must exist between the cornea and spherical back optic zone of the lens. This volume will tend to increase when the lens is decentred and thereby tend to recentre the lens after lens movement by the negative pressure thus induced. In the case of an aspheric back surface lens, negative pressure can be induced only if the lens fit creates a positive tear layer between the lens centre and the point of contact with the cornea.

Thus, although practitioners commonly refer to ‘lens alignment’ of the cornea, in reality there will always be a very thin layer of tears between the lens and cornea as discussed earlier. This is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 9.6 .

TLT = sag of BOZR sag of cornea at BOZD

Sag of the contact

( r = BOZR and y = BOZD/2) and the sag ( x ) of the cornea (assumed elliptical) can be determined from

y 2 = 2 r 0 x p x 2

(see Fig. 9.1 )

Fig. 9.6, Tear layer trapped between the back optic zone of the lens and cornea. The central clearance between lens and cornea is known as the TLT. Also shown is the axial edge clearance (AEC) and radial edge clearance (REC) from the cornea and axial edge lift (AEL) between the lens edge and extended BOZR (dotted line). BOZD, back optic zone diameter; BPD 1 , first back peripheral curve diameter; TLT, tear layer thickness.

where y = BOZD/2, r 0 = apical corneal radius and p = asphericity.

Also, r 0 = b 2 / a and p = b 2 / a 2 where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the corneal ellipse ( , ).

Fortunately, these calculations can be done easily using suitable lens design programs such as the one available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com . The examples listed below can thus be reproduced, and neophyte practitioners are urged to do this.

Clinical experience has shown that the ideal central TLT to give apparent alignment is between 10 and 25 microns with a typical value of around 20 microns ( ). Increasing the TLT beyond this will show increasing lens clearance ( Fig. 9.7 ).

Fig. 9.7, This series of pictures shows the fluorescein patterns for lenses of various BOZR on the same eye, K readings 7.90 at 180°, 7.70 at 90°. The lens TD is 9.60 mm and BOZD 7.50 mm. The horizontal visible iris diameter is 11.50 mm.

As the BOZD increases, the BOZR should be flattened on the normal prolate cornea. Thus the choice of BOZR will depend not only on the apical radius and the degree of flattening ( e or p value) but also on the BOZD selected which, in turn, will depend on the lens TD. The practitioner must look not at one parameter in isolation but at the overall lens design and fitting philosophy. However, it is logical to examine the selection of BOZR first and to determine how typical changes in corneal and lens parameters will affect this.

Keratometry typically measures the corneal curvature approximately 1.50–1.75 mm from the corneal apex, i.e. a diameter of around 3.0–3.5 mm across. Fortuitously this gives an approximate average mid-value curvature for the 7.00 mm BOZD which historically was a common value in early fitting set lenses. To create a TLT of 15–20 microns, practitioners then simply fitted lenses 0.05 mm steeper than the flattest K reading. This is shown in Fig. 9.8 for a typical cornea with K readings of 7.80 mm at 180° and 7.60 mm at 90°, an e value of 0.5 and BOZR of 7.75 mm.

Fig. 9.8, The TLT of a lens C3:7.75:7.00/8.10:7.60/9.40:9.00 on a cornea of K reading 7.80 at 180°, 7.60 at 90° and e value 0.50, i.e. the BOZR (7.75 mm) is 0.05 mm steeper than the flattest K and gives a TLT of 18 microns. If a BOZR of 7.80 mm had been chosen, the TLT would have been only 12 microns, i.e. imperceptibly ‘flat’.

Small diameter lenses are rarely used nowadays except in some keratoconus fittings. RGP lenses are usually fitted with larger TDs which allows:

  • larger BOZDs for reduced flare and better vision

  • greater capillary attraction and edge tension force to improve centration and reduce lens loss

  • greater comfort by commonly tucking the upper lens edge under the upper lid so that there is reduced lens edge sensation.

Fig. 9.9 shows the change in parameters necessary to produce a central TLT similar to that in Fig. 9.8 with the BOZD now increased to 8.30 mm (and the TD increased to 9.80 mm).

Fig. 9.9, The TLT for the same cornea as shown in Fig. 9.8 but with the BOZD increased to 8.30 mm and the TD increased to 9.80 mm. To give a similar TLT, the BOZR must now be flattened to 7.85 mm and the full lens prescription is C3:7.85:8.30/8.20:8.80/9.80:9.80.

So far we have seen what effect changing the BOZD has and how this alters the BOZR for an equivalent fit. A rough rule of thumb is:

Key Point

  • Increasing (or decreasing) the BOZD by 0.5 mm requires an increase (or decrease) of the BOZR by 0.05 mm.

However, using the program
available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com allows a much more accurate approach, for example when a suitable-diameter trial lens is not available for a specific patient (see also ‘Effects of Variations in the BOZD’, p. 200 ).

Next we need to examine the effect of varying corneal eccentricities and how these affect the choice of BOZR.

In the example given in Fig. 9.9 , we have assumed an average e value of 0.5. Let us now examine the typical extreme values of 0.3 and 0.7. Figs 9.10 and 9.11 give the TLTs of the lenses necessary to produce a ‘ideal’ fit for these values.

Fig. 9.10, For the same patient as used in Figs 9.8 and 9.9 and the lens prescription as used in Fig. 9.9, an e value of 0.3 would give a central TLT of just 10 microns. It is therefore necessary to steepen the BOZR from 7.85 to 7.75 mm to now give a TLT of 19 microns.

Fig. 9.11, Following Fig. 9.10 , if the corneal e value is now increased to 0.7, the TLT for the same lens prescription as in Fig. 9.9 , the TLT would become too steep with a TLT of 29 microns and show slight central fluorescein pooling. In this instance the BOZR must be flattened to 7.95 mm to now give a central TLT of 22 microns.

We can therefore see that for this cornea of 7.80 mm by 7.60 mm and this particular BOZD, the ideal BOZR can vary from 7.75 to 7.95 mm. Table 9.5 shows how the BOZR varies according to the flattest K reading ( K F ) and e value.

Table 9.5
The Theoretical BOZR Required for the Normal Extremes of K F and e Values
K F (mm) e value 0.3 0.5 0.7
BOZR (mm)
7.20 7.15 7.30 7.45
7.80 7.75 7.85 7.95
8.40 8.35 8.45 8.55

Although a corneal topographic device is extremely helpful in selecting this ‘ideal’ BOZR, an experienced clinician can visually estimate the fluorescein pattern and judge an acceptable fit. However, neophyte practitioners should determine the first BOZR to show mild central fluorescence and then fit 0.05 mm flatter since a borderline flat fit can be difficult to determine. Even topographical devices have limitations (see Chapter 8 ), and two BOZR both may produce central TLTs that are within the acceptable range.

In conclusion, the initial BOZR for a nearly spherical cornea is chosen as the flattest K reading, but it may need to be modified depending on:

  • The BOZD chosen (which in turn may be governed by the TD selected).

  • The patient's corneal eccentricity. The higher the e value, the flatter the compromise spherical BOZR should be.

Thus the final BOZR selected typically will vary by 0.10 mm steeper than the flattest K reading to 0.20 mm flatter, and possibly 0.25 mm flatter for patients at the steep end of corneal curvature and with high e values.

Selection of the BOZR in astigmatic corneas

The majority of contact lens patients will show some degree of corneal astigmatism. If this is under 1.00 D, most can be fitted with a spherical BOZR. As the astigmatism increases, a steeper (0.05 mm) BOZR may centre better. If a topographical device is available, corneas showing central astigmatism only (as opposed to a limbus-to-limbus astigmatic pattern) are more likely to be able to be fitted with a spherical BOZR. For corneal astigmatism of 1.50 D and above, a toric BOZR becomes more essential for a good fit.

Key Point

Spherical lenses can be fitted to eyes with greater amounts of
w i t h - t h e - r e ̲ c or a l i g m a t i s m t h a n
against-the-rule’ astigmatism. This is because a lens on a with-the-rule cornea often decentres upwards, where it is comfortable, whereas a lens on an against-the-rule cornea displaces sideways, where it is less comfortable.

Because of the differences in sag between the two meridians, an astigmatic back surface will become necessary in larger TD lenses before the same level of astigmatism in a cornea requiring a smaller TD lens.

showed that, in an astigmatic cornea, the steeper corneal meridian has a slightly lower e value than the flatter meridian; therefore toric trial lenses are advantageous in most cases. Fitting sets with meridional differences of 0.4–0.6 mm are extremely useful.

The decision to use an astigmatic lens will depend on:

  • lens centration, i.e. stable vision

  • patient comfort

  • acceptable corneal and limbal physiology.

The optical implications of astigmatic lenses are discussed in Chapter 11 and under ‘Assessment of Fit’, below.

Selection of the BOZD

This should be at least 1.50 mm larger than the pupil diameter in average room illumination and larger still if the lenses are to be used frequently for activities such as night driving.

As already mentioned, if the BOZD is changed, a corresponding alteration to the BOZR should be made to maintain the same lens sag.

Selection of the edge curve (see also ‘Tear Meniscus’, p. 181 )

The purpose of the edge curve is to:

  • prevent indentation from the lens edge on lens movement

  • assist in lens centration by providing a tear meniscus

  • Improve comfort

It should:

  • be adequate enough to encourage good retro-lens tear flow

  • be adequate enough to allow easy lens removal

  • not be so excessive as to allow lens movement onto the perilimbal area

  • not be so excessive as to cause edge awareness.

The axial edge clearance (AEC) will be dictated by the radii and width of peripheral curve(s). The optimal AEC generally ranges from 60 to 90 microns. However, in patients with 3 and 9 o'clock staining, a small (40–60 microns) AEC may be preferable ( , ), providing that the lens remains mobile and does not bind to the cornea. By keeping the lens edge closer to the corneal surface, better contact is achieved between the superior palpebral conjunctival surface and the cornea and limbal conjunctiva, reducing desiccation. A small AEC will produce greater lens comfort, as a lens edge that is close to the cornea causes less irritation of the upper lid margin during blinking.

However, if the AEC is too small, the periphery may cause discomfort when it moves to a flatter part of the cornea, as it will exert greater pressure on the corneal surface, also making it more difficult to remove.

Conversely, excessive AEC can result in:

  • thinning of the corneal tear layer adjacent to the lens edge, resulting in punctate staining

  • destabilising the lens fitting, resulting in excessive movement. This is partly due to a reduction in the surface tension force caused by a change in the tear meniscus around the edge of the lens and partly due to the effect of the lid action on blinking

  • possible formation of bubbles under or adjacent to the lens edge.

Lens movement is largely controlled by the peripheral zone width and the AEC.

Key Point

A small change in the peripheral zone width generally will not have as great an effect on the fit as an increase or decrease in the AEC (by changing the peripheral curve radius).

However, a narrow peripheral zone combined with an average AEC may cause a problem when the lens moves towards the flatter corneal periphery as fluorescein will disappear from the peripheral zone (see Fig. 9.7b ), resulting in the edge indenting the cornea and causing discomfort. Conversely, if the edge curve is too wide, it may move too far to the corneal periphery and accumulate large amounts of debris in the tear reservoir which can be a source of foreign body irritation.

The ideal peripheral curve width was shown by to be approximately 0.50–0.60 mm. If the peripheral curve is smaller, a large change in radius is necessary to change the AEC significantly, but a small error in diameter during manufacture would change the edge clearance considerably. Similarly, with large peripheral curve widths, a small error in radius would be significant but a large error in diameter less significant. An example of a curve change is given below and can be calculated using the lens design program material available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com .

It is necessary, therefore, to assess the performance of a trial lens with a known peripheral curve radius and width, and then to modify the lens design to ensure that the peripheral curve is neither inadequate nor excessive. A typical edge curve fluorescein pattern is shown in Fig. 9.12 .

Key Point

For typical back optic zone radii and diameters, a change of 0.05 mm in the BOZR may produce a clinically significant change in the TLT. However, for the flatter and narrower edge curves, a much larger change in edge curve radius is necessary to produce a clinically significant change.

This is illustrated:

  • Lens prescription: C3/7.85:8.30/8.20:8.80/ 9.20 :9.80

  • Working from the program l available at https://expertconsult.inkling.com , if the corneal e value is 0.50 (and K F is 7.80 mm) and the axial edge lift (AEL) is 58 microns, the edge may be considered borderline tight.

  • Changing the edge curve radius from 9.20 to 9.40 mm increases the AEL from 58 to only 66 microns, i.e. a clinically insignificant amount. This is shown in Fig. 9.13 .

    Fig. 9.13, The TLT and fluorescein picture of a lens with the borderline adequate axial edge clearance of 66 microns.

  • If the edge curve is now changed to 9.60 mm, the AEC increases to 74 microns ( Fig. 9.14 ).

    Fig. 9.14, The TLT and fluorescein picture of the same lens shown in Fig. 9.13 but with the edge curve now flattened to 9.60 mm to give an AEC of 74 µm.

Key Point

  • Relatively large changes to the (narrow) edge curve radius (0.20–0.40 mm) are commonly necessary to show clinical significance.

Fig. 9.12, The fluorescein edge pattern of an RGP lens with axial edge clearance of 80 microns.

Selection of the TD

In general nowadays, larger-TD lenses made of RGP materials are fitted such that the superior lens edge is positioned under the upper lid. This can provide better comfort for the patient as the interaction between the lens edge and the lid margin will be reduced. Nevertheless, each case should be judged on its own merits.

Too large a TD may allow limbal bumping on ocular excursion and, in the case of moderately astigmatic corneas, may precipitate the need for an astigmatic fitting lens due to excess edge clearance along the steeper corneal meridian.

Where the upper lid margin lies above the lens, factors dictating comfort will be the design and shape of the edge of the lens. Lindsay and Bruce (personal communication, 2004) devised a schema for the selection of the lens TD depending on the relative position of the two eyelids. This is shown in Fig. 9.15 . As most eyes show ‘low’ upper lids (i.e. covering the upper part of the cornea) and lower lids level with or slightly covering the lower limbal area, a relatively large TD is possible for the majority of patients. Thus most corneal lenses now have TDs of 9.50–10.50 mm.

Fig. 9.15, Suggested lens TD depending on the relative position of the eyelids in relation to the cornea. (The grey inner circle represents the diameter of the contact lens.)

Selection of the intermediate curve(s)

These curve(s) provide a transition between the BOZR and edge curves. Each curve should have a minimum width of 0.25 mm (i.e. 0.5 mm between the BOZD and BPZD), with a radius that is between the BOZR and edge curve and showing a very small edge lift. Commonly only one intermediate curve is necessary, but if there is a relatively large distance between the edge of the BOZ and edge curve, more than one curve may be necessary to follow the corneal contour. Examples of intermediate curves have been given above in Figs. 9.8–9.10 , so for example, the intermediate curve in Fig. 9.8 has a radius of 8.10 mm and a diameter of 7.60 mm.

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