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There are good reasons to deal with the retroperitoneal situs of the abdomen (i. e. the organs which are not located in the peritoneal cavity, but at the dorsal wall) in combination with the pelvis. The kidneys, which are the major organs of the retroperitoneal space, initially develop in the pelvis and later ascend to a level just below the ribs. In contrast, the gonads, which are the testicles and ovaries, descend from the abdomen into the pelvis and, in men, even further down into the scrotum. Therefore, the subperitoneal connective tissue spaces of the pelvis and the retroperitoneal space form a continuum.
In the retroperitoneal space, a kidney (Ren) with a superior adjacent adrenal gland (Glandula suprarenalis) lies on each side. The ureter connects the kidney to the urinary bladder in the pelvis. The ureter runs on both sides of the major blood vessels, the aorta, and the inferior vena cava (V. cava inferior), and is accompanied by lymph vessels and autonomic nerves.
The pelvis is made up of three levels. Cranially, the peritoneal cavity extends from the abdominal cavity into the pelvis. The so-called greater pelvis lies between the wings of the ilium and essentially contains the intestinal loops and therewith the abdominal organs. Caudally it is joined by the conical lesser pelvis, which contains the actual pelvic organs. Here the parietal peritoneum marks the boundary of the subperitoneal space as the second level of the pelvis. This level is caudally bordered by the pelvic floor, which is connected to the perineal region. The pelvic organs include the internal genitalia, the urinary bladder (Vesica urinaria) and urethra as well as the rectum and anal canal (Canalis analis), as the distal portions of the large intestine.
After working through this chapter, you should be able to:
describe the structure of the retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavity, and to show their neurovascular pathways on a specimen;
explain the neurovascular pathways of all organs, including their clinical relevance and organ-specific characteristics;
demonstrate their vital importance based on their functions;
explain the development and possible malformations;
show their position and projection including the membranous sheath on a specimen;
explain the structure of the urinary tract and its development;
describe sections, constrictions and sphincter mechanisms in both sexes, as well as the basic processes during micturition;
show the sections and topographical relationships of the rectum and anal canal on a specimen, and explain their development;
explain the continence organ along with the functions of its different parts, and describe the key processes in defecation;
explain the sections and positions of the internal and external male and female genitalia as well as their development and function;
understand the membranous fasciae and content of the spermatic cord on a dissection;
explain all the peritoneal duplications and ligaments of the internal genitalia along with their course and contents;
explain the structure, innervation and function of the pelvic floor and the perineal muscles, and show the Fossa ischioanalis on a dissection.
In order not to lose touch with prospective everyday clinical life with so many anatomical details, the following describes a typical case that shows why the content of this chapter is so important.
A 78-year-old female patient has an appointment with her gynaecologist because she increasingly passes urine when she coughs or sneezes. She has had these symptoms for a long time and has so far managed it well with pads, but now the involuntary passing of urine is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. The patient has four children, all born naturally (by vaginal delivery).
The physical examination is largely unremarkable. When her abdominal muscles contract (abdominal pressure), a mucus-coated enlargement prolapses into the vaginal orifice.
The vaginal examination (colposcopy) shows that the posterior wall of the urinary bladder has dropped (cystocele). When the intra-abdominal pressure increases, the anterior wall of the uterus also protrudes (uterine prolapse).
Incontinence due to insufficiency of the pelvic floor, along with a cystocele and prolapse of the uterus ( Fig. a ). These issues are very common in elderly women and often caused by pregnancies. As the delivery mode apparently does not play an important role, caesarean sections would not significantly reduce the risk.
The patient is advised to do pelvic floor exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist. After two months the patient can increasingly better control the passing of urine.
After five years, the incontinence gets worse again. The patient is admitted to the gynaecology ward for surgical treatment with so-called tension-free vaginal tapes (TVTs). After this, she is largely symptom-free.
The pelvic floor (Diaphragma pelvis) and the adjacent perineum (Regio perinealis) are anatomically and clinically challenging regions. The pelvic floor can be easily dissected from the lesser pelvis once the pelvis has been split down the middle, and one half has been removed along with the bone. The Diaphragma pelvis is then visible as a striated muscle plate composed of three muscle parts.
Across various dissections, compare the different thicknesses of the pelvic floor in men and women. As the majority of body donors are elderly, the pelvic floor is often in a very poor condition.
These parts are predominantly innervated by direct branches of the Plexus sacralis, and designated ventrally as M. levator ani (consisting of the M. pubococcygeus and M. iliococcygeus), and dorsally as M. ischiococcygeus. The term ‘pelvic floor’ (Diaphragma pelvis) was chosen because this muscle plate caudally closes off a body cavity, in the same way as the diaphragm closes off the lower opening of the thorax. The muscles of both sides leave an opening medially, the Hiatus levatorius, for the passage of the anal canal, urethra and, in women, the vagina. The name for these muscles largely reflects their route from the hip bone to the sacrum and coccyx. The M. iliococcygeus does not have a bony origin, and is only indirectly attached to the pelvic bones because it originates from a duplication of the fascia of the M. obturatorius internus (Arcus tendineus m. levatoris ani). This muscle can be easily identified due to the Canalis obturatorius, which penetrates the muscle and leads the A./V. obturatoria and the N. obturatorius from the pelvic cavity to the anterior aspect of the thigh. Caudally of the Arcus tendineus m. levatoris ani, it disappears below the pelvic floor,
Here you can put your hand between the M. levator ani and the M. obturatorius internus to feel the different routes of the two muscles.
nestling against the lateral pelvic wall, where it is redirected at the ischium and then passes through the Foramen ischiadicum minus to the Trochanter major of the femur. This opening can be depicted better dorsally and caudally. To do this, the M. gluteus maximus must be detached medially from its origin in the dorsal gluteal region and folded back laterally. Then the M. piriformis becomes visible, as well as the Lig. sacrotuberale which bridges the Foramen ischiadicum minus. Through this opening, the A./V. pudenda interna and the N. pudendus pass caudally from the gluteal region into the Fossa ischioanalis, which occupies the posterior half of the perineal region on both sides of the anus. They are embedded here in another duplication of the fascia of the M. obturatorius (Canalis pudendalis, ALCOCK's canal).
Once you have seen the dimensions of this space, you will understand how septic foci (abscesses) almost the size of a fist can form here, most of which spread from fistulas in the anal canal.
The Fossa ischioanalis is a pyramid-shaped space largely filled with adipose tissue, which at the top is limited medially by the lower surface of the M. levator ani and laterally by the M. obturatorius internus along with the ALCOCK's canal. It extends at the front up to the perineal musculature and forms very variable prolongations up to the pubic symphysis (Symphysis pubica).
The pelvic floor supports all the pelvic organs which lie on top of it. This explains why it is important for urinary and faecal continence, although it does not form a sphincter like the muscles of the perineum. In perineal operations, an aggravating factor for stabilising the pelvic floor is the fact that the patients are mostly in the supine ‘lithotomy’ position, which you have to keep in mind when visualising the anatomical relationships.
Branch | Vertebral level | Vessel position ( Fig. 7.5b ) | Area supplied |
Truncus coeliacus | T12 | Median, non-paired visceral | Stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen |
A. mesenterica superior | L1 | Median, non-paired visceral | Pancreas, small and large intestines |
A. mesenterica inferior | L3 | Median, non-paired visceral | Large intestines |
A. sacralis mediana | L4 | Median, non-paired parietal terminal branch | Wall of the trunk, spinal cord |
A. suprarenalis media | L1 | Lateral, paired visceral | Adrenal gland |
A. renalis | L2 | Lateral, paired visceral | Kidney, adrenal gland |
A. testicularis/ovarica | L2 | Lateral, paired visceral | Testis and epididymis/ovary and FALLOPIAN tube |
A. iliaca communis | L4 | Lateral, paired terminal branches | Lower extremity |
A. phrenica inferior | T12 | Posterolateral, paired, parietal | Diaphragm |
A. subcostalis | T12 | Posterolateral, paired, parietal | Wall of the trunk |
Aa. lumbales (4) | L1–L4 | Posterolateral, paired, parietal | Wall of the trunk |
Branches | Individual arteries |
Parietal branches for the abdominal wall |
Visceral branches for the viscera |
Terminal branches |
A pelvic lymph node dissection performed in the case of malignancies in pelvic organs usually includes an extensive removal of all lymph nodes up to the bifurcation of the A. Iliaca communis. A careful exposure of the neurovascular structures of the obturator canal (A./V. obturatoria and N. obturatorius) helps to prevent injury to those structures during the surgery.
Examining the kidneys for pain sensitivity is performed with a well-judged punch in the lumbar region (at the back of the trunk and at the level of the kidney, just below the ribs). However, the patient should not be alerted, as otherwise the punch would be attenuated too effectively by the anticipatory tensing of the back muscles. In the case of an inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis), the patient will report considerable pain in response to the punch.
Pelvic kidneys ( Fig. 7.28c ) and horseshoe kidneys ( Fig. 7.28d ) are usually accidental findings and have no clinical relevance, if the ureter is not compromised. Displacement of the ureter, however, can cause a urinary stasis, which may result in renal damage due to the increased pressure and ascending infections.
The retroperitoneal position of the kidneys determines the surgical access routes. The anterior approach through the abdominal peritoneal cavity always bears the risk of peritoneal infection (Peritonitis) with subsequent adhesions of intestinal loops to the parietal peritoneum. Therefore, the transperitoneal surgical approach to the kidney is chosen only when the removal of a renal or adrenal carcinoma requires procedural space. To access the kidney for benign diseases, such as the removal of kidney stones from the renal pelvis (nephrolithiasis ), a retroperitoneal approach is chosen. This way, access is from dorsal through the Fascia thoracolumbalis ( Fig. 7.33 ) or lateral thereof, demonstrating the importance of this fascia for spatial orientation.
The fascial systems and topographical relationships of the kidneys are clinically relevant. In cases of malignant tumours, the kidney is always removed together with the adrenal gland, as well as the GEROTA's fascia (nephrectomy) .
The evaluation of the renal volume is clinically of great importance as it has prognostic relevance for the outcome of diseases. The normal renal volume is 120–200 ml, when determined by ultrasound. In polycystic kidney disease , the volume can exceed 1,500 ml. With volumes exceeding 1,000 ml, a reduction of the renal function is to be expected. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) occurs with a frequency of 1:500–1:1,000 live births and is one of the most common genetic disorders.
If both adrenal glands have to be removed in the case of disease, a therapeutic substitution of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids is essential, otherwise life-threatening conditions can cause low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemia) and a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). This may also be the case with insufficiency of the adrenal glands (ADDISON's disease ).
As renal carcinomas often invade the renal veins, a tumour growth on the left side can cause a venous stasis in the V. testicularis in men, with convoluted and dilated veins in the scrotum (varicocele ). In a left-sided varicocele a kidney tumour must therefore always be excluded!
Carcinomas of the kidneys and adrenal glands can metastasise to the lumbar lymph nodes. Based on embryonic development, the lumbar lymph nodes are also sentinel nodes for the gonads (testis/ovary). In the case of enlarged lumbar lymph nodes, a primary tumour of the internal genitalia also needs to be excluded.
The ultrasound is a particularly suitable imaging technique for the kidneys. A mass, such as a cyst (figure) or tumour, can usually be detected easily. Where findings are inconclusive, CT examination is available, and with this, lymph node metastases to the lumbar lymph nodes and an invasion into the renal vein can be reliably identified.
Course of the ureter
Along its route, the ureter comes into contact with various structures. Its Pars abdominalis usually crosses over the genitofemoral nerve and crosses underneath the A./V. testicularis/ovarica. On the right side it is covered by the duodenum, the A. colica dextra and the mesenteric root (Radix mesenterii), and on the left side by the A./V. mesenterica inferior or the A. colica sinistra. At the transition to the Pars pelvica the ureter crosses over the A./V. iliaca communis. In the male it crosses in the lesser pelvis under the vas deferens (Ductus deferens) and in the female the A. uterina.
‘Over-under’ rule: the ureter firstly passes over the N. genitofemoralis, crossing under the A. and V. testicularis/ovarica, then crosses over the A. and V. iliaca, and in men crosses under the Ductus deferens and in women the A. uterina.
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