Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion

Pancreatic secretion is regulated by highly integrated neural and hormonal influences that involve the brain, enteric nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract. Although these processes are complex they illustrate the finely regulated nature that is needed for maintaining sufficient secretion of pancreatic enzymes that are essential for adequate ingestion and digestion of nutrients. Another source of information about the regulation of exocrine pancreatic physiology can be found in the The Pancreapedia: Exocrine Pancreas Knowledge Base ( ).

Patterns of Secretion

Basal secretion of pancreatic enzymes, bicarbonate, and fluid occurs when food has emptied from the stomach and the small intestine and is associated with fasting. Meal-induced pancreatic secretion occurs following the ingestion of the meal and is associated with the ingestion, digestion, and absorption of food. Meal-induced secretion is thought to be the most important aspect of pancreatic exocrine function because lack of pancreatic enzyme secretion results in malabsorption and maldigestion of nutrients and general poor nutrition. Interestingly, however, the amount of pancreatic secretions that are present in the intestine even during the basal condition may be sufficient to facilitate substantial enzymatic degradation of ingested foods and prevent malnutrition. These observations suggest that the exocrine pancreas functions at a level that is considerably greater than the minimum necessary for complete digestion of food. Despite this finding, most studies of pancreatic function have been devoted to studying stimulated secretion rather than basal secretion.

Basal Secretion

The rate of basal pancreatic exocrine secretion is generally expressed as a percent of the maximal amount that the pancreas can secrete when stimulated by a secretagogue such as cholecystokinin (CCK). When expressed as a percentage of the maximal pancreatic capacity to secrete enzymes, values for basal enzyme secretion range from 10% of maximal in cats to 20% in humans and 30% of maximal in rats. Basal secretion of bicarbonate, however, is often only 1%–2% of the maximal secretory rate compared to administration of exogenous secretin and there is considerably less species variation with the exception being the rat where basal bicarbonate secretion is 25% of maximal secretion. Therefore, the basal secretory rate of pancreatic enzymes may be adequate to prevent malabsorption of ingested nutrients since frank malabsorption generally appears only when pancreatic enzyme secretion is reduced to 10% or less.

Several different mechanisms are responsible for basal pancreatic exocrine secretion and could be due to (1) an automaticity of the gland, (2) regulation by low levels of gastrointestinal hormones such as CCK or secretin, or (3) due to the release of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. In vitro, pancreatic acinar cells demonstrate basal enzyme release, although it is unknown what is responsible for this basal exocytosis. In experimental animals such as dogs and rats, basal secretion is due primarily to cholinergic innervation as atropine blocks basal secretion and CCK receptor antagonists have repeatedly been shown to have no effect on basal pancreatic secretion. The inhibitory effects of anticholinergic drugs are probably due to the blockade of the muscarinic receptor on pancreatic acinar cells that block the effects of acetylcholine released from postganglionic pancreatic nerves. Moreover, basal levels of CCK are not sufficiently high to stimulate pancreatic exocrine secretion. Therefore, in contrast to secretin which appears to play a role in basal pancreatic secretion, there is strong evidence that CCK is not important in regulating basal pancreatic secretion in rats. In humans, however, varying reports have suggested that CCK and cholinergic inputs may contribute to basal pancreatic enzyme secretion. Profound inhibition of pancreatic secretion has been seen after atropine administration in humans and some reports indicate that CCK receptor antagonists may reduce pancreatic secretion. These findings indicate that low levels of circulating CCK or CCK acting locally on vagal afferent nerves are sufficient to stimulate human pancreatic secretion or that CCK released as a peptidergic transmitter from pancreatic neurons contributes to basal secretion. Recently, an alternative pathway for CCK-induced pancreatic secretion involving pancreatic stellate cells that lie in close proximity to acinar cells has been proposed. Human pancreatic stellate cells express CCK1 receptor and in primary culture it was shown that reasonably low levels of CCK (20 pM) stimulated acetylcholine release which induced amylase secretion from acini. This finding raises the possibility that CCK may regulate cholinergic stimulation of the pancreas through both neural and nonneural pathways.

Pancreatic bicarbonate secretion is largely regulated by secretin. Basal bicarbonate secretion correlates with plasma secretin levels, however, cholinergic inputs also affect bicarbonate release as atropine decreases both the basal and the secretin-stimulated bicarbonate secretion. It is likely that basal bicarbonate release is augmented by acetylcholine released from nerves locally in the pancreas.

Interestingly, the patterns of pancreatic secretion appear to be more complex if one examines secretory rates over time. Even under basal conditions, over several minutes, the secretory rate of pancreatic secretion varies. There are brief increases in bicarbonate and enzyme secretion that occur every 60–120 min. These bursts of pancreatic secretory activity coincide with periods of increased motor activity of the stomach and duodenum that are associated with the migrating motor complex (MMC) (25–27). Simultaneous with increases in pancreatic secretion, there are increases in gastric acid secretion and biliary flow into the duodenum. All of these actions are associated with increases in motilin levels in the blood. In addition, pancreatic polypeptide levels correlate well with the antral phase II motor activity and pancreatic enzyme secretion. These activities appear to be cholinergically mediated since atropine administration or ganglionic blockers abolish the periodic spikes in basal enzyme secretion. The administration of motilin prematurely initiates pancreatic secretion that is seen during the basal period and shortens the time between peaks of secretory activity. Conversely, immunoneutralization of motilin with specific antiserum abolishes the cyclic pattern of pancreatic secretion. The administration of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) inhibits basal pancreatic secretion and immunoneutralization with PP antiserum augments the peak in pancreatic secretion that is seen in the basal period. These findings are consistent with the overall belief that the MMC functions as a housekeeper to eliminate chyme, debris, and other secretions during the interdigestive period and to keep microbial populations in check. Although it is reduced, the periodic basal pattern of pancreatic secretion persists despite duodenectomy or autotransplantation of the pancreas indicating that independent of any obvious hormonal or neural influences the pancreas is able to generate an endogenous periodicity that is most likely due to activation of postganglionic cholinergic neural activity. These findings are consistent with electrophysiologic observations documenting spontaneous ganglionic neural activity. A circadian rhythm to pancreatic secretion has been described in rats where there is a peak in secretion during the dark phase of the day-night cycle.

Integrated Response of Meals

The major function of the exocrine pancreas is to facilitate the efficient digestion of food and absorption of micronutrients. The function of pancreatic enzymes is to break down macronutrients such as proteins to small peptides and amino acids, triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides, and carbohydrates to sugars that can be easily absorbed from the small intestine. Pancreatic bicarbonate secretion is important for neutralizing gastric acid and creating an intraluminal environment with a pH that is hospitable to the action of enzymes especially in fat digestion. Unfortunately, very little is known about the actual pancreatic secretory process involved in the normal digestion of meals in humans. This problem is due in large part to difficulties in sampling intestinal secretions with and without food in the lumen without altering the normal physiologic function of the pancreas, biliary system, and intestine that together constitute an integrated response to a meal. Attempting to measure pancreatic juice free of biliary secretions requires cannulation of the pancreatic duct or diversion of pancreatic juice flow from the intestine. Diversion of pancreatic juice from the intestine disturbs the normal milieu by removing one or more factors that are either involved in neutralizing gastric acid or necessary for maintaining the proper intestinal environment in which intestinal releasing factors may function (mentioned later).

When pancreatic juice is diverted from the intestine, pancreatic bicarbonate is no longer present and the gastric acid entering the duodenum may avoid neutralization. Gastric acid is also a potent stimulus of secretin release which, in turn, stimulates pancreatic fluid and bicarbonate secretion. Interestingly, in dogs, the flow of pancreatic juice rich in bicarbonate increases following the diversion of pancreatic juice from the intestine. Although this fluid is rich in bicarbonate the amount of enzymes in the juice does not increase. In contrast, in rats diverting pancreatic juice stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion to near-maximal amounts similar to that produced by exogenous CCK.

Quantifying pancreatic secretion associated with meals in humans is extremely difficult; therefore, there is very little quantitative information available. Sampling from the duodenum is fraught with hazards. Concentration measurements are notoriously unreliable because the volume of duodenal contents may vary. Moreover, duodenal bicarbonate is produced not only by the pancreas, but is secreted from the biliary tract and intestinal mucosa. There are also important species differences because pancreatic bicarbonate secretion in the pig is much less than biliary bicarbonate production, whereas pancreatic bicarbonate is the major source for neutralization of acid chyme in dogs. Maximum bicarbonate concentration in humans may be as high as 150 mM which is approximately twice as that in the rat. Measurement of trypsin is also difficult because it requires enzymatic activation of trypsinogen and the active form binds avidly to food making its quantification complex.

The physical nature of food is an important factor in the regulation of meal-stimulated pancreatic responses. When comparing a solid form of a meal to the same food homogenized to a liquid, the total pancreatic trypsin output is the same, however, the secretory response is prolonged, which is consistent with solid food emptying from the stomach at a slower rate than liquids. The maximal pancreatic enzyme response to fat occurs at low rates of fat delivery to the intestine. When the fat content of the meal was increased there was no further stimulation of pancreatic enzyme secretion; however, when the protein content was increased there was nearly a twofold increase in meal-stimulated pancreatic enzyme secretion.

The effects of food on gastric emptying rates appear to be important in regulating pancreatic secretory responses. The duration of pancreatic secretion correlates with the time required for the stomach to empty. As long as food was emptying from the stomach, pancreatic secretion was maintained at a high level; when the upper small intestine was free of food, pancreatic secretion declined. Importantly, delivery of food further down the intestine has an inhibitory effect on pancreatic secretion. Overall, meal-stimulated pancreatic secretion is 50%–60% of the maximal secretory capacity of the organ.

Meal-stimulated bicarbonate and enzyme responses are consistently found to be lower than maximal rates of secretion regardless of the species studied including dogs, rats, and humans. Although the reasons for this are not entirely clear they may be related to slow rates of gastric emptying. With delayed delivery of nutrients to the duodenum there may be submaximal pancreatic stimulation from the gastrointestinal hormones CCK and secretin. There also may be simultaneous or subsequent release of inhibitors of pancreatic secretion as food travels further down the intestine. Furthermore, as absorption of nutrients occurs they are no longer present in the lumen of the intestine to stimulate pancreatic responses. All of these possibilities may contribute to postprandial pancreatic secretion which is less than that can be induced by CCK alone.

Phases of the Meal Response

There are four major physiologic digestive processes that are used to describe pancreatic secretion. These include cephalic , gastric , intestinal , and absorbed nutrient phases which describe the sites at which signals to the pancreas originate. Each of the phases involves both secretory and inhibitory inputs although the overall effect is overwhelmingly stimulatory. The secretory processes involve multiple levels of regulation including neurohormonal and hormonal-hormonal interactions. Although many of the steps that stimulate pancreatic secretion seem redundant, the system ensures that adequate enzymes are available for digestion. In general, following a meal there is a temporal relationship in which the cephalic phase contributes to pancreatic secretion prior to initiation of the gastric and intestinal phases, respectively. The absorbed nutrient phase includes inputs from each of the other three phases and involves the effects of nutrients absorbed into the blood to affect pancreatic secretion. Although it is important to understand the contribution of each of these phases to pancreatic secretion, it is more important to recognize that with normal feeding there is considerable overlap. Therefore, the integrated response to a meal results from the combination of all phases for physiologic regulation of pancreatic secretion.

Cephalic Phase

The cephalic phase of secretion results from inputs including the sight, smell, taste, and act of eating food and can account for up to 25% of the pancreatic exocrine secretion of a meal. Although we commonly think of these processes as stimulating pancreatic secretion they may also generate inhibitory signals when eating is associated with unpleasant features such as unattractive, malodorous, or bad tasting food. The cephalic phase of secretion has been produced in humans by presenting them with food that they see, smell, and taste but not swallow (a process known as modified sham feeding). In animals, food can be diverted from the esophagus by a surgically prepared esophageal or gastric fistula, and sham feeding can occur by allowing these animals to eat and swallow while preventing food from entering the stomach. In both dogs and humans, sham feeding stimulates low volumes of pancreatic secretions that are rich in enzymes but low in bicarbonate. The total pancreatic secretory response to sham feeding is approximately 25%–50% of maximal. Secretion of the islet hormone, pancreatic polypeptide, increases with sham feeding and has been used as an indicator of vagal innervation of the pancreas. In humans, the duration of pancreatic response to modified sham feeding is brief, lasting approximately 60 min, and ceases at the conclusion of sham feeding. If swallowing is included in sham feeding, the pancreatic secretory response is much greater. In contrast, in dogs, the pancreatic enzyme response to sham feeding lasts > 4 h.

There is substantial experimental data to support the concept that cephalic stimulation of pancreatic secretion is mediated by the vagus nerve. First, cholinergic agonists produce a pancreatic secretory response similar to that of cephalic stimulation. Second, the vagus nerve is the major source of cholinergic neurotransmitters to the pancreas. Third, electrical nerve stimulation to the vagus nerve or administration of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) which causes hypoglycemia (and initiates a vagal response) stimulated pancreatic juice flow similar to that of sham feeding. Finally, vagotomy blocked these responses. In anesthetized rats, pancreatic fluid and protein output following electrical nerve stimulation or 2-DG was partially blocked by atropine. Thus, although the vagus nerve carries fibers that bear peptidergic transmitters as well as acetylcholine, these data indicate that acetylcholine is the dominant neurotransmitter. The role of peptidergic efferent fibers in sham feeding is largely unknown.

Sham feeding is also a major stimulus of gastric secretion which may contribute to stimulation of pancreatic secretion through the release of secretin. Interestingly, it has been shown that mental stress produced by intense problem-solving can also stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion in humans.

The regions of the dorsal and ventral anterior hypothalamus, including the medial hypothalamus, dorsomedial and ventromedial nuclei, and mammillary bodies, appear to generate signals for pancreatic secretion. Determination of the neurotransmitters and peptides that are involved in regulating these processes has been approached by examining effects of substances administered into the central nervous system. In rats, central administration of beta-endorphin, CGRP, and CRF inhibit pancreatic secretion. In contrast, TRH stimulates pancreatic secretion through the vagus nerve and involves both muscarinic and VIP receptors.

Gastric Phase

The gastric phase of pancreatic secretion has been difficult to study in unanesthetized intact animals and humans. Other than testing the effects of gastric distention by installing inert substances or balloon dilation of the stomach, it has been problematic to examine the effects of foods or other nutrients on pancreatic secretion because of the chemical properties of the nutrients themselves that stimulate neural reflexes and cause the release of hormones.

Gastrin is the best-studied gastrointestinal hormone and is a major regulator of gastric acid secretion. Although early reports suggested that gastrin was also a potent stimulus to pancreatic secretion these conclusions have been shown to be incorrect since plasma gastrin levels that are required for stimulation of pancreatic secretion are considerably higher than those that occur after a meal.

The gastric phase is responsible for about 10% of the pancreatic secretory response to a meal. This phase of pancreatic secretion is mediated primarily by gastropancreatic reflexes. Balloon distention of the stomach stimulates pancreatic secretion that is rich in pancreatic enzymes which is blocked by atropine or truncal vagotomy. Therefore, it appears that gastric contributions to pancreatic secretion are mediated by vagovagal cholinergic reflexes that originate in the stomach and terminate in the pancreas.

The stomach is also important in preparing food for delivery to the intestine where nutrients can stimulate the intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion. By the action of pepsin and gastric lipases, proteins are digested to peptides and triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides, respectively. More extensive degradation of protein by enzymes other than pepsin does not further increase the pancreatic stimulatory activity of pepsin digests, suggesting that gastric digestion of protein is sufficient to produce protein products that initiate the intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion. In clinical situations, release of pancreatic enzymes is reduced in humans who have had gastric operations that alter gastric digestion or emptying. Of course, gastric emptying rates are critical for the delivery of nutrients to the intestine that is involved in the stimulation of neural reflexes and hormones that regulate pancreatic secretion.

Intestinal Phase

The intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion begins when food and chyme empty from the stomach into the intestine. Under normal conditions, the pancreas is already primed by cephalic and gastric influences that have increased blood flow to the pancreas and initiated secretion. The intestinal phase which accounts for 50%–80% of pancreatic exocrine secretion is easier to study than the other phases since solutions can be instilled directly into the intestinal lumen. The interactions of various food components such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and their breakdown products with neural and hormonal factors are complex. In the intestine, pancreatic secretions serve two major purposes. First, pancreatic bicarbonate neutralizes gastric acid delivered to the duodenum. Second, pancreatic enzymes break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to their constituent components that are ultimately absorbed but during the process can initiate processes that influence pancreatic secretion. The intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion can contribute as much as 70% to the postprandial secretory response.

Role of Gastric Acid

Most studies investigating the role of acid on pancreatic bicarbonate secretion have been performed by instilling acid solutions into various regions of the small intestine. Instillation of HCl into the duodenum is a very potent stimulus of pancreatic bicarbonate secretion. However, gastric acid that is delivered to the intestine after a meal is strongly buffered by food, primarily proteins. The pH of the duodenum is 2.0–3.0 in the first few centimeters, however, there is a steep gradient and the pH rises to 5.0–6.0 in the mid-duodenum. The increase in pH in the more distal portion of the duodenum is due to pancreatic bicarbonate secretion stimulated in large part by the release of secretin from the intestinal mucosa. Although instilling acid solutions into the duodenum is not the same as delivery of gastric acid normally produced by the stomach, there is substantial experimental evidence that gastric acid-induced release of secretin following a meal stimulates pancreatic secretion. It has been shown that the pancreatic bicarbonate response to a meal is twofold greater in dogs in which the pancreatic juice has been diverted from the intestine, indicating that pancreatic juice in the intestine is necessary to neutralize the intestinal contents and that the lack of this neutralization results in greater bicarbonate secretion. In addition, administration of the histamine H2 receptor blocker, cimetidine, that blocks gastric acid production, has been found to substantially reduce pancreatic bicarbonate response to a meal. Interestingly, the pancreatic bicarbonate response to a liquid meal is related to the amount of free, unbuffered H + entering the duodenum rather than the total amount of buffered acid. Finally, in dogs, maintaining the pH of a liquid gastric meal above 4.5 resulted in little pancreatic bicarbonate secretion, however, secretion increased substantially as the pH values were lowered. Therefore, it appears that there is a pH threshold of 4.5 in the intestine that is important for the stimulation of pancreatic secretion and that the bicarbonate response is proportional to the load of acid entering the intestine. The pancreatic response to acid is also dependent on the length of small intestine that is exposed to a pH below 4.5.

Contributions of Proteins, Peptides, and Amino Acids to Pancreatic Secretion

There appears to be some species differences in the ability of dietary protein to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In dogs, intact proteins such as casein, albumin, and gelatin did not stimulate pancreatic secretion. However, enzymatic digestion of proteins into small peptides and amino acids converts them into effective stimulants of pancreatic enzyme secretion. Amino acids and peptides are only weak stimulants of pancreatic fluid and bicarbonate secretion but are more potent stimulants of pancreatic enzymes. The aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan appear to be the most potent in dogs and humans. Moreover, only L-amino acids can stimulate pancreatic secretion which is consistent with the overall metabolic importance of these stereoisomers.

Although under experimental conditions amino acids can stimulate pancreatic secretion, overall, peptides may be the more physiologically relevant secretagogues since small peptides are much more abundant than amino acids in the lumen of the intestine after a meal. Di- and tri-peptides containing phenylalanine and tryptophan are effective stimulants of pancreatic secretion as are longer peptides generated by pepsin digestion of proteins. Despite expression of the intestinal oligopeptide transporter PepT1 in CCK cells, recent studies suggest that protein hydrolysates do not stimulate CCK release directly through this mechanism.

The amount of pancreatic secretion produced by intraluminal administration of amino acids or peptides is much less than that produced by maximal doses of exogenously administered CCK. This finding indicates that either (1) intraluminal amino acids or peptides are incapable of stimulating maximal release of hormones or neural signals that stimulate secretion or (2) inhibitors of secretion are also produced along with the stimulatory signals. It has recently been demonstrated that the aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tryptophan act directly on intestinal CCK cells to stimulate CCK secretion. Importantly, this action is mediated by amino acid activation of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) which is highly expressed in intestinal I cells. It is not yet known whether amino acids interact with CaSR on the apical surface of the cell or with receptors on the basolateral surface following nutrient absorption.

The mechanisms by which intestinal factors stimulate pancreatic secretion are incompletely understood, however, the release of CCK into the circulation and the stimulation of cholinergic reflexes are thought to be most important. Only recently are the precise cellular and molecular processes by which amino acids or peptides interact with cells of the intestinal mucosa being defined. For example, it has been proposed that there are specific receptors or transporters on enterocytes that bind amino acids or peptides and generate intracellular signals stimulating hormone release or a neural reflex. Recent in vitro studies on isolated intestinal cells indicate that proteins and peptides have little effect on CCK release and other factors are probably involved (see releasing factors).

The pancreatic response to intraluminal infusion of amino acids is concentration dependent. It appears as though amino acid concentrations of 3–8 mM are necessary to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In addition, the pancreatic response to amino acids is dependent on the entire load of nutrients, not just the concentration of nutrients. Only the proximal small intestine is involved in the stimulatory actions of pancreatic secretion. Once nutrients are introduced into the distal jejunum and ileum other hormones and neural reflexes are activated which inhibit pancreatic secretion and gastric function. This inhibitory action is known as the “ileal brake.” Addition of acid to amino acid or peptide preparations potentiates the pancreatic bicarbonate response but does not affect pancreatic enzyme.

The pancreatic response to dietary protein differs in the rat. Intestinal or intragastric administration of certain proteins such as casein or soy protein potently stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion. However, hydrolyzed casein does not stimulate pancreatic secretion and amino acids are much less effective than in other species. The effects of proteins on pancreatic secretion appear to be mediated by the release of CCK.

Contributions of Dietary Fat to Pancreatic Secretion

Fatty acids with > 8 carbons stimulate both enzyme and bicarbonate release in dogs, rats, and humans. It also appears that fatty acids are effective stimulants of pancreatic secretion only when in a micellar form. Following lipase digestion of fatty acids in humans, monoglycerides stimulate the pancreas but glycerol does not. Not all fatty acids are equal in their ability to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In humans, fatty acids of 8, 12, and 18 carbon atoms are effective stimulants and the order of potency for stimulating enzyme output is C18 > C12 > C8. The explanation for differences in potency is not entirely clear but it does not appear to be due to rates of fatty acid absorption. In STC-1 cells, which have been used as a model of CCK cells, in vitro fatty acids of medium chain length were shown to stimulate CCK release, raising the possibility that the effects of fatty acids in the intestine are mediated through the release of CCK. However, oleate did not stimulate CCK release from isolated rat intestinal cells containing CCK without producing nonspecific effects on LDH release (a sign of cell toxicity). Delivery of fatty acids in micellar form to rat intestinal cells in vitro was not performed.

Recent evidence suggests that fat-stimulated CCK release may be mediated by one or more G protein-coupled receptors that are activated by long-chain fatty acids. On their discovery, GPR40 and GPR120 (now known as free fatty acid receptors 1 and 4, respectively) were designated orphan receptors and only later were they localized on endocrine, “nutrient-sensing” cells including CCK cells. GPR40-deficient mice were found to exhibit reduced CCK release following long-chain fatty acid exposure and this effect appeared to be mediated through CCK cells. However, the mechanisms resulting in fat-stimulated CCK release may be more complicated than previously realized. It has recently been demonstrated that a non-G protein-coupled receptor, immunoglobulin-like domain containing receptor 1 (ILDR1), is expressed by CCK cells and mediates intestinal fatty acid-induced elevation of blood CCK levels in wild-type mice but not in Ildr1 -deficient mice. Also, the uptake of fluorescently labeled lipoproteins in ILDR1-transfected CHO cells and release of CCK from isolated CCK cells required a unique combination of fatty acid plus high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Although full characterization of gut endocrine cells has not been completed, it is likely that fatty acids in the gut may stimulate hormone secretion through specific free fatty acid receptors and ILDR1.

Intestinal fatty acids also produced a robust pancreatic bicarbonate response that was as high as 70% of the maximal response to exogenous secretin in dogs. In contrast to the effects seen on enzyme secretion, the order of fatty acid chain length on bicarbonate secretion is the reverse with shorter chain fatty acids (e.g., C8) being more potent than longer chain fatty acids (e.g., C18). Fatty acid stimulation of bicarbonate secretion occurs at a neutral or alkaline pH and fatty acids do not interact with acid to potentiate bicarbonate secretion.

Role of Bile Acids in Regulating Pancreatic Secretion

Under normal conditions, bile acids are secreted into the intestinal lumen where they form micelles with fatty acids, triglycerides, and phospholipids. Consequently, free bile acids are in low concentrations in the intestine. It is possible that bile acids interact with the intestinal mucosa to elicit some response. Alternatively, bile acids may solubilize triglycerides and their digestion products that could affect pancreatic secretion. However, the overall importance of bile acids in regulating pancreatic secretion is not well understood. In humans, intraduodenal infusion of bile and the bile salt sodium-taurodeoxycholate stimulated secretin release, therefore, it is possible that any effects of bile on pancreatic bicarbonate and fluid secretion may be due to release of secretin. The effects of bile on pancreatic enzyme secretion was inhibited by atropine indicating that a cholinergic mechanism is involved. Bile does not modify the pancreatic response to exogenously administered CCK or secretin .

In rats, diversion of bile from the intestine stimulates pancreatic secretion. This may be due to the destruction of intraluminal pancreatic enzymes in the absence of bile, which leads to increased levels of endogenously produced releasing factors that exert a positive effect on pancreatic secretion through the release of CCK. This phenomenon of feedback regulation is easily demonstrated in the rat and differs somewhat in other species (see discussion below).

Other Factors

Distention of the intestine with a balloon inhibits pancreatic secretion in conscious but not anesthetized animals. It was reported that distention-induced inhibition of pancreatic secretion could be blocked by topical applications of lidocaine or intravenous atropine indicating that neural nonadrenergic pathways were involved.

Osmolality may also influence pancreatic secretory responses. Infusions of mannitol at concentrations up to 520 mOsm/kg were shown to stimulate pancreatic secretion to levels approximately 20% of maximal. However, higher levels of osmolality may actually inhibit pancreatic secretion.

Calcium and magnesium salts perfused into the intestine of dogs or humans stimulated pancreatic secretion to levels similar to those of maximal doses of CCK. It is possible that magnesium stimulates CCK release since gallbladder contraction was also observed. It is also conceivable that absorbed calcium and magnesium stimulate the pancreas directly.

Absorbed Nutrient Phase

The absorbed nutrient phase refers to the concept that nutrients once absorbed from the intestine may directly stimulate pancreatic secretion. Such an action would represent a direct effect of nutrients on the pancreas or an indirect effect through the ability of absorbed nutrients to stimulate the release of hormones or neurotransmitters that may affect pancreatic exocrine secretion.

Amino Acids and Fats

The effects of intravenous infusion of amino acids and fatty acids have been controversial. Infusion of a mixture of amino acids has been shown to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion in some studies and inhibit secretion in others.

Other Nutrients

Infusion of glucose to produce hyperglycemia actually inhibited pancreatic enzyme and bicarbonate secretion. Large amounts of calcium infused intravenously have been shown to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion.

Overall, the evidence that nutrients absorbed after a meal may have significant effects on pancreatic exocrine secretion are weak. However, the studies described above are provocative and illustrate the need to correlate levels of amino acids, lipids, and glucose that occur postprandially with those achieved after intravenous infusion in order to accurately assess the effects on pancreatic secretion.

Neural and Hormonal Regulators

For many decades it was thought that the vagus nerve and the hormones CCK and secretin were the only regulators of pancreatic secretion. However, it is now clear that multiple neural pathways involving a number of different neurotransmitters and neuropeptides as well as a variety of hormones can influence pancreatic secretion in either a stimulatory or inhibitory manner. These pathways will be discussed in the following section.

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