Recurrent Dislocations

Recurrent instability can result from congenital, developmental, or traumatic ligamentous or bony containment deficiencies or from deformities caused by muscular imbalance, joint incongruity, or joint malalignment in one or more planes. Proper treatment begins with knowledge and skillful evaluation of deformities before initiating a specific treatment plan.


Patellar instability results from a direct or indirect valgus-producing force. When significant force results in dislocation, a tear of medial soft-tissue restraints, as well as an osteochondral defect in the medial facet of the patella or lateral femoral condyle, may result. Dislocations in skeletally immature individuals tend to recur as in other joints, with recurrences in two thirds of patients.

The amount of trauma necessary to result in patellar instability depends on soft-tissue restraints both static (medial patellofemoral ligament [MPFL]) and dynamic (vastus medialis obliquus [VMO]), bony restraints, trochlear and patellar morphology, and extremity alignment in the axial and coronal planes. Normally, the MPFL and VMO maintain patellar stability in 0 to 20 degrees of flexion. At 30 degrees, the patella is centered and stabilized by the bony contour of the trochlea. When patella alta or trochlear or patellar dysplasia is present, bony stability is compromised. Genu valgus or rotational deformities from femoral anteversion or external tibial torsion increase the quadriceps angle and result in valgus-directed force on the patella. These factors must all be considered when conservative or operative management is indicated.

Clinical Features

In patients with recurrent dislocation or subluxation of the patella, an accurate history is still one of the most important diagnostic tools. Patellar problems can mimic various “internal derangements” of the knee. An accurate history of the mechanism of injury and the type and area of pain is important. Patients with patellar instability frequently report diffuse pain around the knee that is aggravated by going up and down stairs or hills. The pain usually is located anterior in the knee and often is described as an aching pain with intermittent episodes of sharp, severe pain. A feeling of insecurity in the knee and occasionally of “giving way” or “going out” of the knee may be present. Patellar crepitation and swelling of the knee are common. Physical findings include the previously cited factors that contribute to increasing the Q angle.

The examination begins by observing the patient’s patellar height, with the patient in the seated position. An upward tilt indicates patella alta. Dynamic patellar tracking is evaluated with the examiner standing in front of the seated patient while the patient slowly extends the knee. A positive J sign (slight lateral subluxation of the patella as the knee approaches full extension) indicates some degree of maltracking. Active patellar tracking also should be examined with the knee relaxed in the extended position. When the quadriceps muscle is tightened, motion of the patella is examined. Normally, the patella should move more superiorly than laterally. With the patient supine and the knee flexed 30 degrees with a bolster behind the knee, the Q angle is measured. Insufficiency of the femoral sulcus and the MPFL, which provide 60% of the medial stabilization, is tested by applying an inferolaterally directed stress while palpating the ligament. Displacement of more than two quadrants and a soft end point generally indicate MPFL insufficiency. The patellar grind test is done by applying pressure to the patella and manually displacing it medially, laterally, superiorly, and inferiorly in the trochlear groove. This test reproduces anterior knee pain when a patellofemoral pathologic condition is present.

For the “apprehension test,” the examiner holds the relaxed knee in 20 to 30 degrees of flexion and manually subluxes the patella laterally. When the test is positive, the patient suddenly complains of pain and resists any further lateral motion of the patella. The active apprehension test is more accurate: the same controlled maneuver is done while slowly flexing and extending the patient’s knee. Patella laxity is evaluated by visually dividing the patella into four quadrants and passively moving the patella medially and then laterally, measuring the amount of excursion in the patellar quadrants. This is done with the knee at 0 degrees and at 20 degrees of flexion. Normally, passive patellar glide is one to two quadrants medially and laterally; motion of more than two quadrants indicates soft-tissue laxity. Excessive lateral retinacular tightness is indicated by limited medial passive patellar glide and by a negative patellar tilt. The patellar tilt test is done with the knee in 20 degrees of flexion. The examiner’s fingers are placed along the medial side of the patella with the thumb on the lateral aspect. Inability to raise the lateral facet to the horizontal plane or slightly past indicates excessive lateral retinacular tightness. Tenderness along the MPFL, medial patellar facet, and lateral condyle are common with stability.

Thigh circumferences measured proximal to the patella often show quadriceps atrophy on the involved side. With the patient sitting and the knees flexed 90 degrees, a lateral or superior position of the patella sometimes can be seen. After careful examination of the uninvolved and injured knees, other joints should be examined for hyperlaxity. Hyperextension of the knees or elbows past 10 degrees, ability to touch the thumb passively to the forearm, hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger, and multidirectional laxity of the shoulder joint all are indicative of generalized ligamentous laxity. Patients with generalized ligamentous laxity have been found to have fewer articular lesions associated with dislocations than patients without ligamentous laxity. The thigh-foot angle is measured with the patient prone and the knee flexed 90 degrees. An angle of more than 30 degrees indicates significant rotational deformity of the lower extremity. The final part of the examination is done with the patient standing and consists of observation for malalignment (i.e., femoral anteversion, genu valgum, external tibial torsion, and pes planus) and core condition.

Radiographic Features ( Table 47.1 )

The anteroposterior view of the knee can be used to confirm valgus alignment and lateral position of the patella and to look for osteochondral damage. The lateral view of the knee is helpful in determining patella alta. Blumensaat showed that with the knee flexed 30 degrees, a line extending through the intercondylar notch should just touch the lower pole of the patella ( Fig. 47.1 ).

FIGURE 47.1, A, Normal knee. Lower pole of patella at Blumensaat line at 30 degrees of flexion of knee. B, Patella alta. Patella significantly proximal to Blumensaat line.

Patellar height is more accurately evaluated by the Insall, Clanton, or Blackburn-Peel index (see Table 47.1 ). The crossover sign is the best indicator of trochlear dysplasia—the earlier the crossover, the more dysplasia present. A trochlear depth of less than 3 mm or trochlear bump of more than 4 mm indicates significant dysplasia.

TABLE 47.1
Radiographic Measurements of the Patella
Technique Measurement Characteristics
Blumensaat line ( Fig. 47.1 ), lateral radiograph, to determine patella alta With knee flexed 30 degrees, line is drawn through intercondylar notch Should approximate the lower pole of the patella
Insall-Salvati index lateral radiograph LT:LP = 1.0 Patella alta if ratio ≤1.2
Trochlear depth (Dejour) lateral radiograph Trochlear depth measured 1 cm from top of groove Should be ≥5 mm
Patellar height (Caton-Deschamps), lateral radiograph Ratio between articular facet length of patella (AP) and distance between articular facet of patella and anterior corner of superior tibial epiphysis (AT). Knee flexed 30 degrees. AP/AT ratio—normal 0.6-1.3 Patella infera—ratio <0.6 Patella alta—ratio >1.3
Blackburne-Peel ratio Length of articular surface of patella to length measured from articular surface of tibia to inferior pole of patella Normal ratio 0.54-1.06
Patellar tilt (CT scan) Angle formed by intersection of the tangent of the posterior condyles and the major axis of the patella on 20-degree flexion scan Normal angle: <20 degrees
Angle >20 degrees: dysplasia
TT-TG (axial radiograph, CT scan) Two lines drawn perpendicular to posterior bicondylar line, one line through middle of trochlear groove and second through tibial tuberosity. Distance between the lines is measured >20 mm = malalignment
Crossing sign Anterior cortical outline of condyle intersects trochlear outline Dysplastic sulcus
Trochlear bump Trochlear line extends anterior to femoral cortex Dysplastic sulcus
CT , Computed tomography; LP , length of the patella; LT , length of the patellar tendon; TT-TG , tibial tubercle-trochlear groove.

The most important routine view of the patellofemoral joint is the axial view of the patella. Several methods have been described for taking this axial view ( Fig. 47.2B ). For this radiograph to be meaningful, both knees should be exposed at the same time for comparison. The plane of the film should be perpendicular to the x-ray beam to avoid distortion, the legs should be held vertical to prevent rotation that might simulate low lateral femoral condyles, the quadriceps muscles should be relaxed to prevent the patella from being reduced at the time the radiograph is made, and the knee should be flexed in the range of 20 to 45 degrees because more flexion generally reduces most patellofemoral abnormalities.

FIGURE 47.2, Radiographic techniques for evaluation of patellofemoral joint. A, Infrapatellar view. B, Axial view. C, Skyline view.

When the axial view has been obtained, the shape of the patella should be evaluated, along with the shape of the femoral trochlea and the relationship of the patella to the femur. Normally, the patella appears evenly seated within the trochlear groove of the femur, with an equal distance between both patellar facets and the adjacent femoral surfaces. Abnormalities include tilting of the patella or subluxation and complete dislocation of the patella ( Fig. 47.3 ). The trochlea is evaluated on the Merchant view for dysplasia, sulcus angle greater than 145 degrees, and congruence—normally 60 ± 11 degrees ( Figs. 47.4 and 47.5 ). For most dislocations or first-time dislocations, particularly in athletes, MRI or three-dimensional (3D) CT examination may be indicated to evaluate for chondral damage, loose bodies, dysplasia, and malalignment. An axial view at the superior trochlear groove is used to evaluate dysplasia; superimposed views are used to evaluate malalignment. Tibial tubercle–trochlear groove (TT-TG) distance of more than 20 mm on CT ( Fig. 47.6 ) or MRI may indicate malalignment and may necessitate distal realignment.

FIGURE 47.3, Lateral tilt of patella on axial view.

FIGURE 47.4, Merchant view showing hypoplastic sulcus.

FIGURE 47.5, Measurements of patellofemoral congruence described by Merchant et al. F, Facet; L, lateral condyle; M, medial condyle; P, patellar ridge; S, sulcus. Angle MSL is sulcus angle (average, 137 degrees; standard deviation, 6 degrees). Line SO is zero reference line bisecting sulcus angle. Angle PSO is congruence angle (average, −8 degrees; standard deviation, 6 degrees). Line PF (lateral facet) and line ML form patellofemoral angle that should diverge laterally.

FIGURE 47.6, Lines used to calculate tibial tubercle lateralization using CT. Line is drawn on superimposed image between posterior margins of femoral condyles (AB) . Two lines are drawn perpendicular to this, one bisecting femoral trochlear groove (CD) and one bisecting anterior tibial tuberosity through chosen point in center of patellar tendon insertion (EF). Distance between these two lines (GH) is measured in millimeters.

Conservative Treatment

Acute Patellar Dislocation or Subluxation

After an acute dislocation or subluxation of the patella, the knee is immobilized in a commercial immobilizer with a Jones-type compressive dressing and crutches are used for ambulation. If hemarthrosis is present, causing significant pain and tightness, aspiration under sterile conditions is indicated before the extremity is immobilized.

Quadriceps-setting exercises and three sets of 15 to 20 straight-leg raises are done four or five times a day during the acute period. Ice is applied for 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours to reduce swelling. The knee immobilizer and compressive wrap are discontinued at 3 to 5 days, after the acute reaction has resolved. The crutches are discontinued when the patient is able to do straight-leg raises with a 5-lb ankle weight and is able to walk with a near-normal gait.

Rehabilitation should emphasize closed-chain exercises, including wall sets, in which the patient squats to approximately 40 degrees while keeping the back flat against the wall for 15 to 20 seconds, for a total of 10 to 15 repetitions. Side and forward step-up exercises using a 6- to 8-inch platform should be performed after the acute inflammatory reaction has resolved. These are followed by short-arc leg presses and endurance-type strengthening using a stationary bike and Stairmaster. Core, hip, knee, and ankle exercises all are important to success. The patient can return to sports activity when quadriceps and hamstring muscle strength is at least 85% normal and sport-specific agility has been regained. In general, a patellar stabilizing brace is prescribed for the first 6 to 8 weeks during rehabilitation and long-term for sports activity.

Surgical Treatment of Patellar Instability

First-time dislocations generally are treated conservatively with good results, except for patients with open physes and trochlear dysplasia, two thirds of whom will have a recurrence. These patients and those who have recurrent instability of the contralateral patella may require more aggressive treatment ( Table 47.2 ).

TABLE 47.2
Treatment of Patellofemoral Instability
Pathology Diagnostic Findings Procedure
Patella alta Insall index >1:3 Distalization
Trochlear dysplasia Crossing sign
Trochlear bump
Sulcus angle > 145 degrees, depth ≥ 3 mm
MPFL reconstruction
Patellar dysplasia Wiberg type C MPFL reconstruction
Tibial tubercle Q angle > 20 degrees, TT-TG > 20 mm, >15 mm with trochlear dysplasia Anteromedialization of tuberosity
Femoral anteversion
Severe genu valgum
Thigh-foot angle > 30 degrees Rotational osteotomy /epiphysiodesis
External tibial torsion, genu valgum, hyperpronation Observation for malalignment Orthotics and rehabilitation
Dynamic (VMO dysfunction) TT-TG < 20 mm Rehabilitation
Incompetent MPFL or generalized hyperlaxity Lateral glide 3 quadrants MPFL reconstruction
Overconstraint Lateral tilt (excessive lateral pressure syndrome) Lateral release
MPFL , Medial patellofemoral ligament; TG , trochlear groove; TT , anterior tibial tuberosity; VMO , vastus medialis oblique.

Distalization can result in loss of motion or of fixation.

Trochleoplasty: risk/benefit excessively high.

Rotational osteotomy: high risk/benefit.

Choosing treatment for malalignment requires thorough evaluation, imaging, and planning. Many instabilities are multifactorial and must be treated as such. Containment issues are most commonly treated by reconstruction of the medial quadriceps tendon–femoral ligament (MQTFL) or the MPFL. Avulsion from the patella can be repaired with some success. Severe dysplasia can be directly treated with trochleoplasty, with good stability results, but often with persistent pain and swelling and the potential for chondral damage.

Malalignment measured by a tibial tubercle–to–trochlear groove (TT-TG) distance of 20 mm with a normal trochlea or a TT-TG of more than 15 mm with a dysplastic trochlea is treated with tibial tuberosity osteotomy.

When patellar chondral damage is distal and lateral, an anterior medialization of the tuberosity can stabilize and unload the cartilage defect. Medialization procedures are contraindicated for proximal and medial chondral defects. It has been noted that an oblique tuberosity osteotomy of 30 degrees produces 1 mm of anterior elevation for each 2 mm of medial displacement. A 45-degree oblique osteotomy produces 1 mm anterior to 1 mm medial displacement. Rarely, for severe angulation deformities, distal femoral rotational osteotomy is indicated.

Patellar instability in patients with open physes can be treated by MPFL reconstruction avoiding the physis or, occasionally, soft-tissue distal patellar tendon realignment. For angular deformities, epiphysiodesis can be used to aid realignment; soft-tissue repairs have a high failure rate.

A number of factors may contribute to patellar instability, and all must be corrected for optimal results ( Table 47.3 ). For instability with normal alignment and Dejour type A or B dysplasia, MQTFL reconstruction is indicated. Distal realignment may be indicated for dysplasia for a TT-TG distance of 15 mm. Lateral release is not an operation for instability but is indicated as an additional procedure only if the tight tissues prevent the patella from relocating. Routine lateral release should not be done because it may create more instability.

TABLE 47.3
Surgical Procedures for Treatment of Patellar Instability
Medial repair/imbrication 30% failure rate, approximately the same as conservative treatment
Indication: first dislocation + repairable chondral defect
Instability in skeletally mature?
In combination with distal realignment
Lateral release Excessive lateral pressure syndrome
In combination with realignment procedure when excessive tightness prevents patellar centering
May increase risk for both medial and lateral patellar subluxation
MPFL reconstruction Indicated for recurrent MPFL deficiency ± trochlear dysplasia
Proximal or anterior femoral placement or overtightening results in medial facet overload
May combine with distal realignment
Elmslie-Trillat procedure Indicated for instability, TT-TG >20 mm + strong repairable medial structures
Healing time and risk for stress or contact fracture of proximal tibia much less than Fulkerson procedure
Fulkerson distal realignment Indicated for symptomatic lateral facet or distal pole arthritis + TT-TG >20 mm, >15 mm with dysplasia
Contraindicated with proximal/medial facet arthritis
Long healing time, increased risk of proximal tibial fracture with sports
Rotational high tibial osteotomy
Distal femoral osteotomy
Indicated for instability + severe rotational deformity
More normalized gait compared with distal realignment
Trochleoplasty Indicated for dysplastic trochlea
Low recurrence rate
Increased risk for osteonecrosis, DJD, arthrofibrosis
Lateral condyle: increased pressure; increased DJD of lateral facet
Grooveplasty Increased DJD
Good results with less risk reported with MPFL reconstruction
3-in-1 procedure extensor mechanism realignment + VMO advancement + transfer of the medial third of the patellar tendon to the MCL Recurrent instability, TT-TG >20 mm
Open physes
Not as effective as MQTFL reconstruction avoiding physis
DJD , Degenerative joint disease; MCL , medial collateral ligament; MPFL , medial patellofemoral ligament; TT-TG, tibial tubercle–trochlear groove; VMO , vastus medialis oblique.

Indicated in special circumstances when risk/benefit ratio is acceptable.

Reconstruction of the Medial Patellofemoral Ligament

The MPFL can be repaired by making a 3-cm incision over the site of injury as shown by MRI. An incompetent ligament with damage limited to the femoral attachment can be repaired and reinforced by use of the adductor magnus tendon ( Fig. 47.7 ). Chronic instability with a Q angle of less than 20 degrees or an extensively damaged MPFL should be treated using a semitendinosus hamstring tendon graft technique. Nelitz et al. reported no growth abnormalities or recurrences in 21 skeletally immature patients treated with MPFL reconstruction. Two patients with severe dysplasia had persistence of apprehension. In their systematic review, Vavken et al. also found no growth abnormalities or recurrences in the 425 patients (456 knees) reported. Hopper et al. found that severe dysplasia reduced satisfactory results from 83% to 57%.

FIGURE 47.7, A, Medial patellofemoral ligament detached from medial femoral epicondyle after acute patellar dislocation. B, Medial patellofemoral ligament with firm edge of vastus medialis obliquus muscle reinserted to periosteum of medial femoral epicondyle, and adductor magnus tendon harvested. C, Adductor magnus tendon fixed near medial border of patella, and retinaculum duplicated.

Numerous techniques have been described for MPFL reconstruction, most using autogenous doubled semitendinosus-hamstring grafts placed in a physiometric position confirmed by palpation of landmarks and imaging, and tested for isometry. The technique we have been using for over a decade involves appropriate placement of a strong, physiologically tensioned graft through the quadriceps tendon, thus reproducing the MQTFL. This technique has resulted in low recurrence rates, no risk of patellar fracture, and minimal risk of loss of motion.

Medial Quadriceps Tendon-Femoral Ligament Reconstruction

Technique 47.1


  • With the patient supine, place a tourniquet on the upper thigh. Use a lateral post on the operating table to assist with arthroscopic examination.

  • After sterile preparation and draping, arthroscopically examine the knee through standard medial and lateral portals to evaluate patellar tracking and look for intraarticular damage. This evaluation is essential for determining appropriate treatment.

  • Make a 3-cm incision 3 cm medial to the inferior portion of the patellar tuberosity and harvest the semitendinosus tendon in standard fashion. Size the folded graft so that the appropriately sized tunnel can be reamed later. Place a 0 Vicryl Krakow suture in each tail of the semitendinosus graft ( Fig. 47.8A ).

    FIGURE 47.8, Phillips reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament. A, Semitendinosus tendon graft. B, Creation of soft-tissue tunnel. C, Correct position confirmed radiographically. D, Whip stitch placed in each end of graft. E, Graft tails passed through soft-tissue tunnel. F, Closure. SEE TECHNIQUE 47.1.

  • Make two 2-cm incisions, the first just medial to the superior border of the patella and the second starting at the adductor tubercle and extending just distal to the medial epicondyle of the femur, to expose the patellofemoral ligament.

  • Dissect subcutaneously to expose the proximal medial retinaculum at its insertion into the proximal portion of the patella. Make a 1.5-cm incision in the retinaculum adjacent to the quadriceps insertion.

  • Make a second 1-cm vertical incision 1.5 cm lateral to the first incision through the quadriceps at its insertion into the patella. Use a Kelly clamp to spread the soft tissues and pass a looped no. 2 suture to use as a shuttle for the graft.

  • Use blunt dissection to spread between layers 2 and 3 (between the MPFL and the capsular layer), staying extrasynovial and developing the plane with a curved Kelly clamp directed toward the medial epicondyle, spreading between the layers to create a soft-tissue tunnel. Use the Kelly clamp to pass a looped suture to use as a shuttle for the tunnel thus created ( Fig. 47.8B ).

  • Shuttle one tail of the graft through the slit in the quadriceps, and then shuttle both tails through the MPFL tunnel to the femoral insertion site.

  • Select the site for the femoral tunnel approximately 4 mm distal and 2 mm anterior to the adductor tubercle, in the “saddle” region between the tubercle and the medial epicondyle. Confirm correct position with imaging ( Figs. 47.8C and 47.9 ).

    FIGURE 47.9, Schöttle and colleagues’ radiographic landmark for femoral tunnel placement in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction. Two perpendicular lines to line 1 are drawn, intersecting the contact point of the medial condyle and posterior cortex (point 1, line 2) and intersecting the most posterior point of the Blumensaat line (point 2, line 3). For determination of vertical position, distance between line 2 and the lead ball center is measured as is the distance between line 2 and line 3. SEE TECHNIQUE 47.1.

  • Place a Beath-tip guidewire at the chosen spot, and pass two suture tails from the graft around the wire. Mark the sutures so that pistoning of the graft can be identified with range of motion of the knee.

  • Move the knee through a range of motion and observe the sutures, which should have minimal motion between 0 and 70 degrees of flexion and slight laxity above 70 degrees. If tension increases with flexion, the femoral tunnel site is too far proximal (most commonly) or possibly too far anterior. If the sutures tighten excessively in extension, the tunnel is too far distal or too far posterior. If necessary, correct the guidewire position and repeat the evaluation.

  • At the selected femoral tunnel site, ream a 30-mm tunnel the diameter of the doubled tendon.

  • Pull the graft taut, and stress the patella so as to allow for one to two quadrants of lateral passive glide. When the physiologic amount of tension on the graft is determined, make a mark on the graft, which will correspond to the aperture of the femoral tunnel ( Fig. 47.8D ).

  • Cut the graft 20 mm distal to this mark to allow 20 mm of graft to be placed into the tunnel.

  • Place absorbable whip sutures into the tails of the graft (see Fig. 47.8D ), place them into the tip of a Beath pin, and pull them out laterally ( Fig. 47.8E ).

  • Before fixation with a biocomposite screw, move the knee through a range of motion, once again making sure that the tendons do not become taut in flexion and that the tendon length is appropriate to allow one to two quadrants of passive glide at 30 degrees of flexion so as not to overconstrain the patella.

  • With the knee held in 60 degrees of flexion, maintain this graft length while it is secured with a biocomposite screw equal to the tunnel size chosen. Again, move the knee through a range of motion to make sure motion is not inhibited.

  • Repair the retinaculum and place a stay suture in the quadriceps tendon just proximal to the split. Close the subcutaneous tissues with 2-0 Vicryl and the skin with absorbable monofilament suture ( Fig. 47.8F ). Apply a postoperative dressing and a knee brace.

Postoperative Care

The knee joint is immobilized in extension with a simple knee brace for 3 days after surgery. Range-of-motion exercises and gait with weight bearing on two crutches are started and gradually progressed. Weight bearing is allowed as tolerated immediately after surgery. Walking with full weight bearing is usually possible 2 or 3 weeks after surgery. Achieving at least 90 degrees knee flexion by the end of postoperative week 3 is encouraged. Jogging is allowed after 3 months, and participation in the original sporting activity is allowed 4 to 6 months after surgery, depending on the patient’s rehabilitation progress.

Distal Realignment

Indications for distal realignment include patellar instability secondary to malalignment indicated by a Q angle of more than 20 degrees and anterior TT-TG distance of more than 20 mm. When trochlear dysplasia is present, less malalignment is tolerated, and a TT-TG distance of as little as 15 mm may require realignment procedures. If chondral damage is present distal and lateral on the patella, an oblique osteo-tomy helps unload these areas and transfer weight bearing proximal and medial. Bony distal realignment procedures are contraindicated in skeletally immature patients.

We recommend the Trillat procedure for dislocations due to malalignment with an Insall index of less than 1:3 and grade 2 or less chondromalacia noted at arthroscopy. We have found the modification described by Shelbourne, Porter, and Rozzi to be an effective technique.

Technique 47.2


  • Make a 6-cm lateral parapatellar incision approximately 1 cm lateral to the patellar tendon.

  • Perform a lateral release from the tibial tubercle to the level of the insertion of the vastus lateralis tendon on the proximal patella. The release is considered adequate when the patellar articular surface can be everted 90 degrees laterally.

  • Approach the tibial tubercle through the same parapatellar incision, and identify the patellar tendon insertion. Using a 2.5-cm flat osteotome, raise a flat, 6-cm long, 7-mm thick osteoperiosteal flap, tapering anteriorly and hinged distally with periosteum. Do not violate the soft tissues.

  • Rotate the bone flap medially, cracking the cortex distally, and hold it in place with a Kirschner wire while the knee is moved through a full passive range of motion to evaluate patellar tracking.

  • If tracking is acceptable and the transferred tubercle fits flush with the underlying tibia, fix it with one or two AO 4-mm cancellous lag screws. Use a 2.7-mm bit to drill through the tubercle and tibia. Angle the drill toward the joint and advance it until the posterior cortex is felt. Angling the drill proximally allows fixation to be placed in cancellous bone near the proximal tibia. Bicortical fixation is not used, and the screw should be long enough (usually 40-50 mm) to come near, but not penetrate, the posterior cortex.

Postoperative Care

Weight bearing is allowed to tolerance using a straight-leg splint for ambulation for the first 6 weeks after surgery. At 1 week after surgery, closed chain kinetic strengthening is begun, with a goal of achieving 70% strength by 6 weeks. A functional progression program that allows the patient to return to unrestricted sports is begun 12 weeks after surgery. Most athletes can return to sport at 6 to 9 months.

Oblique Osteotomy of the Tuberosity

We generally prefer a slightly oblique osteotomy of the tuberosity, such as that described by Fulkerson and by Brown et al. that transfers the tuberosity anteriorly and medially. This procedure is indicated when grade 3 or 4 chondromalacia is associated with recurrent dislocations. A guide can be used to cut a flat osteotomy surface that angled from anteromedial just deep to the anterior crest of the tibia in a posterolateral direction. Increased obliquity of the cut increases anterior translation; however, the more superficial cut avoids a stress riser effect and reduces the risk of later fracture through the osteotomy. It is important to taper the osteotomy distally to prevent a stress riser.

Although this technique has been reported to produce 86% good to excellent results, complications have included stress risers and stress fractures through the area months after clinical and radiographic healing are present. Mechanical testing showed that a flat (Elmslie-Trillat) osteotomy had significantly higher mean load-to-failure and total energy-to-failure rates than the oblique osteotomy technique. In general, this procedure is not indicated for athletes and should be reserved for patients with patellofemoral degenerative changes.

For recurrent patellar dislocation and significant patella alta with an Insall index of more than 1.3, medial and distal transfer of the tuberosity occasionally is indicated. Preoperative radiographs are used to determine the amount of distal transfer necessary and to ensure the inferior pole of the patella is not placed distal to the Blumensaat line, creating patella baja. The tuberosity is detached distally, and 5 to 10 mm of bone is resected from the distal tip of the tuberosity to allow distal transfer before secure fixation. Because loss of flexion or loss of fixation may occur, distalization is not routinely done.

Fulkerson Osteotomy

Technique 47.3

  • Make a 9-cm lateral parapatellar incision extending from the inferior pole of the patella distally. Exposure is similar to the Elmslie-Trillat procedure, with the difference being in the oblique osteotomy of the tuberosity.

  • Extend the cut distally about 6 cm with the medial tip of the cut being more superficial.

  • Drill holes to perforate the cortex distally so that the fragment can be hinged.

  • Using an osteotome, complete the osteotomy deep and just proximal to the insertion of the patellar tendon and pry the tuberosity medially so that the Q angle is corrected to between 10 and 15 degrees. This usually requires moving the tuberosity anteriorly 8 to 10 mm. Obliquity of the osteotomy determines the amount of anterior displacement. A 30-degree osteotomy produces 1 mm of anteriorization for each 2 mm of medialization, whereas a 45-degree cut produces a 1 mm to 1 mm translation.

  • Secure the transferred tuberosity by placing a drill bit proximally through the tuberosity and tibia with the knee in 90 degrees of flexion to decrease risk to neurovascular structures.

  • Move the knee through a range of motion, and evaluate patellar tracking.

  • If tracking is satisfactory, secure the tuberosity with two countersunk, low-profile, cancellous screws ( Fig. 47.10 ) or bicortical screws.

    FIGURE 47.10, Fulkerson procedure. A, Preoperative lateral radiograph. B, Postoperative lateral radiograph. C, Anteroposterior radiograph. SEE TECHNIQUE 47.3.

  • Close the medial retinaculum in a pants-over-vest fashion, plicating the medial side. Do not close the lateral retinaculum.

Postoperative Care

Weight bearing is allowed as tolerated after surgery. Immobilization is continued 4 to 6 weeks, at which time range-of-motion and strengthening exercises are instituted. Return to sports usually is allowed at 6 to 9 months after surgery. In our opinion, there is some long-term risk for fracture after this procedure if an osteotomy of more than 30 degrees is done.

For severe rotational deformities, a distal femoral rotational osteotomy or proximal tibial osteotomy rarely may be indicated. Epiphysiodesis can be done for severe coronal malalignment deformities in immature patients. Most recurrent instability problems in skeletally immature patients are treated with MQTFL procedures, with the femoral fixation looped around the adductor tendon insertion or in a carefully placed tunnel distal to the physis.


Sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty is a technically demanding procedure with precise indications: high-grade trochlear dysplasia with patellar instability and/or abnormal tracking. The primary goal is to improve patellar tracking by decreasing the prominence of the trochlea and creating a new groove with normal depth. Associated abnormalities should be evaluated and corrected ( Box 47.1 ).

Technique 47.4

  • After administration of regional anesthesia, supplemented with patient sedation, position the patient supine and prepare and drape the extremity.

  • With the knee flexed to 90 degrees, make a straight midline skin incision from the superior patellar margin to the tibiofemoral articulation.

  • Move the knee into extension and develop a medial full-thickness skin flap.

  • Make a modified midvastus approach with sharp dissection of the medial retinaculum starting over the 1 to 2 cm medial border of the patella and blunt dissection of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) fibers starting distally at the patellar superomedial pole and extending approximately 4 cm into the muscle belly.

  • Evert the patella for inspection and treatment of chondral injuries if needed, and then retract it laterally.

  • Expose the trochlea by incising the peritrochlear synovium and periosteum along their osteochondral junction and reflecting them from the field with a periosteal elevator. The anterior femoral cortex should be visible to orientate the amount of deepening. Changing the degree of flexion/extension allows a better view of the complete operative field and avoids extending the incision.

  • Once the trochlea is fully exposed, draw the new trochlear limits with a sterile pen. Use the intercondylar notch as a starting point to draw the new trochlear groove. From there, draw a straight line directed proximally and 3 to 6 degrees laterally; the superior limit is the osteochondral edge. Draw two divergent lines, starting at the notch and passing proximally through the condyle-trochlear grooves, representing lateral and medial facet limits; these lines should not enter the tibiofemoral joint ( Fig. 47.11A ).

    FIGURE 47.11, DeJour sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty. A, Drawing of the new trochlear limits. B, Removal of subchondral bone under the trochlea to correct the prominence and reshape the groove. C, Shape of the trochlea before (above) and after (below) sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty. D, Fixation of new trochlea with two staples after restoration of trochlear sulcus and more “anatomic” shape. (From DeJour D, Saggin P: The sulcus deepening trochleoplasty—the Lyon’s procedure, Int Orthop 34:311–316, 2010.) SEE TECHNIQUE 47.4.

  • To access the undersurface of the femoral trochlea, remove a thin strip of cortical bone from the osteochondral edge. The width of the strip is similar to the prominence of the trochlea from the anterior femoral cortex (the bump). Gently tap with a sharp osteotome and then use a rongeur to remove the bone.

  • To remove cancellous bone from the undersurface of the trochlea, use a drill with a depth guide set at 5 mm to ensure uniform thickness of the osteochondral flap and maintain an adequate amount of bone attached to the cartilage ( Fig. 47.11B ). The guide also avoids injuring the cartilage or getting too close to it and causing thermal injury. The shell produced must be sufficiently compliant to allow modeling without being fractured.

  • Extend cancellous bone removal up to the notch; remove more bone from the central portion where the new trochlear groove will lie ( Fig. 47.11C ).

  • Use light pressure to mold the flap to the underlying cancellous bone bed in the distal femur. If needed, cut the bottom of the groove and the external margin of the lateral facet to allow further modeling by gently tapping over a scalpel.

  • If the correction obtained is satisfactory, fix the new trochlea with two staples, one in each side of the groove, with one arm in the cartilaginous upper part of each facet and the other arm in the anterior femoral cortex ( Fig. 47.11D ).

  • Test patellar tracking. Suture the periosteum and synovial tissue to the osteochondral edge and anchor them in the staples.

Postoperative Care

Immediate weight bearing is permitted, and no limitation is placed on range of motion. Continuous passive motion is indicated to model the trochlea and patella, and frequent knee movement is encouraged to help ensure cartilage nutrition and further molding of the trochlea by the tracking patella. Because trochleoplasty is rarely done as an isolated procedure, postoperative care must consider associated procedures. Radiographs, including anteroposterior and lateral views and an axial view in 30 degrees of flexion, are reviewed at 6 weeks. At 6 months, a CT scan is obtained to document correction.

BOX 47.1
Associated Abnormalities That May Require Correction in Addition to Trochleoplasty
MPFL , Medial patellofemoral ligament; VMO , vastus medialis obliquus.

  • Tibial tubercle-trochlear groove (TT-TG) >20 mm: tibial tuberosity medializing osteotomy to obtain TT-TG distance between 10 and 15 mm.

  • Patella alta (Canton-Deschamps index >1.2): distalization osteotomy to obtain normal patellar index of 1.0.

  • Lateral patellar tilt >20 degrees: VMO plasty or reconstruction of the MPFL with a double-looped gracilis tendon graft.

Iatrogenic Medial Patellar Instability

Iatrogenic medial patellar instability is diagnosed when manual medial subluxation re-creates a patient’s symptoms. Treatment consists of repairing the vastus lateralis if previously released and revising a distal realignment to a more lateral position. If the initial procedure was proximal and inadequate tissues remain, repair or reconstruction using the lateral portion of the patellar tendon is done ( Fig. 47.12 ).

FIGURE 47.12, Reconstruction using patellar tendon. A, Lateral one-quarter strip of patellar tendon is developed. B, Strip is attached at lateral tibial tubercle by suture to periosteum or through bony tunnel.


With the evolution of hip arthroscopy and MR arthrography of the hip, the diagnosis and treatment of hip instability have greatly improved. The diagnosis is indicated by recurrent “giving way,” pain, or popping with hip extension and external rotation during activities, such as getting out of a car or kicking or pivoting maneuvers during sports. The physical examination should include evaluation for generalized ligamentous laxity, as well as examination of the uninvolved hip for comparison. Tests that may indicate pathologic laxity include the dial test, passive external rotation of the more than 45 degrees, particularly if symptoms are reproduced. Other tests to reproduce symptoms of instability are the Ganz test, in which hip extension and external rotation produce anterior capsular pain. Finally, direct axial traction may produce apprehension. Moving the hip from flexion, abduction, and external rotation into extension, adduction, and internal rotation may re-create catching or popping associated with labral pathology.

Plain anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are helpful in evaluating acetabular dysplasia and impingement. A center-edge (CE) angle of less than 20 degrees, a crossover sign, and a Sharp angle of more than 42 degrees also are indicative of dysplasia (see Chapter 6 ). MR arthrography is used to evaluate for labral tears or capsular redundancy that may be related to recurrent instability.

Hip instability may be categorized as loss of bony acetabular containment, disruption of the capsulolabral complex, or a combination of the two. Recurrent trauma from stress at extremes of motion may result in capsulolabral deficiency and instability. Bony development problems can cause containment issues resulting in impingement or straight-forward instability. Finally, hyperlax joints from collagen deficiencies, Ehlers-Danlos and Marfan syndromes, and generalized joint laxity can result in symptomatic hip instability.

Treatment of these conditions must be tailored to the pathology, as in any other joint. Many of these procedures are now done arthroscopically and are described in Chapter 51 .

Sternoclavicular Joint

Most recurrent dislocations of the sternoclavicular joint are anterior and require only conservative treatment; posterior dislocations, although uncommon, require reduction because of the proximity and potential compromise of the subclavian vessels, esophagus, and trachea. A complete discussion of acute dislocations and their treatment is presented in Chapter 60 .

Recurrent atraumatic anterior subluxation of the sternoclavicular joint with shoulder abduction and extension usually occurs in young girls. Often it is associated with laxity of other joints and generally is a self-limiting condition. Most patients with recurrent anterior sternoclavicular joint dislocation should be treated with a generalized upper extremity strengthening program and avoidance of activities that produce stress on the sternoclavicular joint. Surgery is recommended only if severe symptoms limit activities of daily living. The surgical procedures, which include open repair of the sternoclavicular capsule, reconstruction of the sternoclavicular joint, and resection of the medial end of the clavicle and securing of the clavicle to the first rib, all are fraught with potentially severe complications, including injury to major vessels, persistent pain, unsightly scar formation, and recurrence of dislocation.

A strong semitendinosus graft is recommended for reconstruction of the joint. A figure-of-eight configuration through drill holes in the manubrium and midclavicle produces a strong, stable configuration that was shown in mechanical testing to restore native joint stiffness better than resection arthroplasty ( Fig. 47.13 ). The reconstruction should be reinforced with local tissue repair, in particular the important posterior capsular tissue. It is wise to have a thoracic surgeon available for the procedure because of the potential complications associated with the procedure. Because of the possibility of pin migration and potentially severe complications, pins or wires should not be placed across the joint.

FIGURE 47.13, Semitendinosus figure-of-eight reconstruction. A, Drill holes passed anterior to posterior through medial part of clavicle and manubrium. B, Free semitendinosus tendon graft woven through drill holes so tendon strands are parallel to each other posterior to the joint and cross each other anterior to the joint. C, Tendon tied in square knot and secured with suture.

After reconstruction, the shoulder is immobilized in a sling for 6 weeks. On the second day, the patient is allowed to perform gentle pendulum exercises but is cautioned against active flexion or abduction of the shoulder above 90 degrees. Pushing, pulling, and lifting are avoided for 3 months. Strengthening exercises are started at 8 to 12 weeks. The patient is restricted from returning to strenuous manual labor for a minimum of 3 months.


The shoulder, by virtue of its anatomy and biomechanics, is one of the most unstable and frequently dislocated joints in the body, accounting for nearly 50% of all dislocations, with a 2% incidence in the general population. Factors that influence the probability of recurrent dislocations are age, return to contact or collision sports, hyperlaxity, and the presence of a significant bony defect in the glenoid or humeral head. In a study of 101 acute dislocations, recurrence developed in 90% of the patients younger than 20 years old, in 60% of patients 20 to 40 years old, and in only 10% of patients older than 40 years old. Contact and collision sports increase the recurrence rate to near 100% in skeletally immature athletes. The duration of immobilization also does not seem to affect stability; a recent meta-analysis determined that there is no benefit for conventional sling immobilization longer than 1 week for primary anterior dislocation. Immobilization in external rotation is thought to decrease recurrence rates, but this has not been proven; meta-analyses found a recurrence risk of 36% with immobilization in internal rotation compared with 25% with external rotation bracing, but the numbers were small and the difference was not significant. Burkhart and DeBeer, Sugaya et al., and Itoi et al. have shown that glenoid bone loss of more than 20% results in bony instability and increased recurrence rates. This is because the “safe arc” that the glenoid provides for humeral rotation is diminished, resulting in instability when the deficient edge is loaded at extremes of motion ( Fig. 47.14 ).

FIGURE 47.14, Glenoid bone loss shortens “safe arc” through which glenoid can resist axial forces. Φ 2 (bone-deficient condition) is less than Φ 1 .

Normal Functional Anatomy

An understanding of the normal functional anatomy of the shoulder is necessary to understand the factors influencing the stability of the joint. The bony anatomy of the shoulder joint does not provide inherent stability. The glenoid fossa is a flattened, dish-like structure. Only one fourth of the large humeral head articulates with the glenoid at any given time. This small, flat glenoid does not provide the inherent stability for the humeral head that the acetabulum does for the hip. The glenoid is deepened by 50% by the presence of the glenoid labrum. The labrum increases the humeral contact to 75%. Integral to the glenoid labrum is the insertion of the tendon of the long head of the biceps, which inserts on the superior aspect of the joint and blends to become indistinguishable from the posterior glenoid labrum. Matsen et al. suggested that the labrum may serve as a “chock block” to prevent excessive humeral head rollback. The shoulder joint capsule is lax and thin and, by itself, offers little resistance or stability. Anteriorly, the capsule is reinforced by three capsular thickenings or ligaments that are intimately fused with the labral attachment to the glenoid rim.

The superior glenohumeral ligament attaches to the glenoid rim near the apex of the labrum conjoined with the long head of the biceps ( Fig. 47.15 ). On the humerus, it is attached to the anterior aspect of the anatomic neck of the humerus ( Fig. 47.16 ). The superior glenohumeral ligament is the primary restraint to inferior humeral subluxation in 0 degrees of abduction and is the primary stabilizer to anterior and posterior stress at 0 degrees of abduction. Tightening of the rotator interval (which includes the superior glenohumeral ligament) decreases posterior and inferior translation; external rotation also may be decreased. The middle glenohumeral ligament has a wide attachment extending from the superior glenohumeral ligament along the anterior margin of the glenoid down as far as the junction of the middle and inferior thirds of the glenoid rim. On the humerus, it also is attached to the anterior aspect of the anatomic neck. The middle glenohumeral ligament limits external rotation when the arm is in the lower and middle ranges of abduction but has little effect when the arm is in 90 degrees of abduction. The inferior glenohumeral ligament attaches to the glenoid margin from the 2- to 3-o’clock positions anteriorly to the 8- to 9-o’clock positions posteriorly. The humeral attachment is below the level of the horizontally oriented physis into the inferior aspect of the anatomic and surgical neck of the humerus. The anterosuperior edge of this ligament usually is quite thickened. There is a less distinct posterior thickening, a hammock-type model consisting of thickened anterior and posterior bands and a thinner axillary pouch. With external rotation, the hammock slides anteriorly and superiorly. The anterior band tightens, and the posterior band fans out. With internal rotation, the opposite occurs. The anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament complex is the main stabilizer to anterior and posterior stresses when the shoulder is abducted 45 degrees or more. The ligament provides a restraint at the extremes of motion and assists in the rollback of the humeral head in the glenoid.

FIGURE 47.15, Glenoid and surrounding capsule, ligaments, and tendons.

FIGURE 47.16, Upper part of left humerus showing attachments of glenohumeral ligaments on anterior (A) and medial (B) aspects of surgical and anatomic neck.

The muscles around the shoulder also contribute significantly to its stability. The action of the deltoid (the principal extrinsic muscle) produces primarily vertical shear forces, tending to displace the humeral head superiorly. The intrinsic muscle forces from the rotator cuff provide compressive or stabilizing forces. Concavity compression is produced by dynamic rotator cuff muscular stabilization of the humeral head when the concavity of the glenoid and labral complex is intact. Loss of the labrum can reduce this stabilizing effect by 20%. In the concavity of the glenoid-labral complex, synchronous eccentric deceleration, and concentric contraction of the rotator cuff and biceps tendon are necessary for humeral stability during midranges of humeral motion. Asynchronous fatigue of the rotator cuff from overuse or incompetent ligamentous support can result in further damage to the static and dynamic supports. MRI studies have shown fatty infiltration and thinning of the subscapularis tendon in recurrent anterior instability.

Several authors have noted the importance of synchronous mobility of the scapula and glenoid to shoulder stability and emphasized the importance of this dynamic balance to appropriate positioning of the glenoid articular surface so that the joint reaction force produced is a compressive rather than a shear force. With normal synchronous function of the scapular stabilizers, the scapula and the glenoid articular structures are maintained in the most stable functional position. Strengthening rehabilitation of the scapular stabilizers (serratus anterior, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and levator scapulae) is especially important in patients who participate in upper extremity-dominant sports. Although the glenoid is small, it has the mobility to remain in the most stable position in relation to the humeral head with movement. Rowe compared this with a seal balancing a ball on its nose. The glenoid also has the ability to “recoil” when a sudden force is applied to the shoulder joint, such as in a fall on the outstretched hand. This ability to “recoil” lessens the impact on the shoulder as the scapula slides along the chest wall.

Scapular dyskinesis is an alteration of the normal position or motion of the scapula during coupled scapulohumeral movements and can occur after overuse of and repeated injuries to the shoulder joint. A particular overuse muscle fatigue syndrome has been designated the SICK scapula: scapular malposition, inferior medial border prominence, coracoid pain and malposition, and dyskinesis of scapular movement.

The demonstration of Ruffini end organs and Pacinian corpuscles in the shoulder capsule helps solidify the concept of proprioceptive neuromuscular training as an important part of shoulder stabilization. Another force that has a lesser effect on glenohumeral stability is glenoid version. Glenoid version probably is not a significant contributor to instability except in a severely deformed shoulder. Cohesion produced by joint fluid and the vacuum effect produced by negative intraarticular pressure in normal shoulders play lesser roles in joint stability.

Pathologic Anatomy

No essential pathologic lesion is responsible for every recurrent subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder. In 1906, Perthes considered detachment of the labrum from the anterior rim of the glenoid cavity to be the “essential” lesion in recurrent dislocations and described an operation to correct it. In 1938, Bankart published his classic paper in which he recognized two types of acute dislocations. In the first type, the humeral head is forced through the capsule where it is the weakest, generally anteriorly and inferiorly in the interval between the lower border of the subscapularis and the long head of the triceps muscle. In the second type, the humeral head is forced anteriorly out of the glenoid cavity and tears not only the fibrocartilaginous labrum from almost the entire anterior half of the rim of the glenoid cavity but also the capsule and periosteum from the anterior surface of the neck of the scapula. This traumatic detachment of the glenoid labrum has been called the Bankart lesion . Most authors agree that the Bankart lesion is the most commonly observed pathologic lesion in recurrent subluxation or dislocation of the shoulder, but it is not the “essential” lesion.

Excessive laxity of the shoulder capsule also causes instability of the shoulder joint. Excessive laxity can be caused by a congenital collagen deficiency, shown by hyperlaxity of other joints, or by plastic deformation of the capsuloligamentous complex from a single macrotraumatic event or repetitive microtraumatic events. Hyperlaxity has been implicated as a cause of failure in surgical correction of chronic shoulder instability. An arthroscopic study of anterior shoulder dislocations found that 38% of the acute injuries were intrasubstance ligamentous failures, and 62% were disruptions of the capsuloligamentous insertion into the glenoid neck. The “circle concept” of structural damage to the capsular structures was suggested by cadaver studies that showed that humeral dislocation does not occur unless the posterior capsular structures are disrupted, in addition to the anterior capsular structures. Posterior capsulolabral changes associated with recurrent anterior instability often are identified by arthroscopy.

A humeral head impaction fracture can be produced as the shoulder is dislocated, and the humeral head is impacted against the rim of the glenoid at the time of dislocation. This Hill-Sachs lesion is a defect in the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head. Instability results when the defect engages the glenoid rim in the functional arc of motion at 90 degrees abduction and external rotation. In a cadaver model, humeral head defects of 35% to 40% were shown to decrease stability, whereas glenoid defects of as little as 13% were found to decrease stability. Glenoid rim fractures or attrition also can occur with an anterior or posterior dislocation. If these lesions involve more than 20% to 25% of the glenoid, they can result in recurrent instability despite having an excellent soft-tissue repair. These lesions are difficult to see on plain radiographs; if a defect is visible in an acute dislocation or one is evaluating recurrent instability, (3D) CT is the best method for evaluating the extent of the defect ( Fig. 47.17 ).

FIGURE 47.17, A, Three-dimensional CT showing large Hill-Sachs lesion and deficient glenoid. B, Three-dimensional CT with humeral head subtracted showing loss of anterior glenoid surface.

It seems that no single “essential” lesion is responsible for all recurrent dislocations of the shoulder. Stability of this inherently unstable joint depends on a continuing balance between the static and dynamic mechanisms influencing motion and stability. In addition to the various possible primary deficiencies influencing instability, secondary deficiencies can be caused by repeated dislocations. Erosion of the anterior glenoid rim, stretching of the anterior capsule and subscapularis tendon, and fraying and degeneration of the glenoid labrum all can occur with repeated dislocation. The primary deficiency and the secondary deficiencies need to be considered at the time of surgery and in postoperative rehabilitation to correct the instability. Because no single deficiency is responsible for all recurrent dislocations of the shoulder, no single operative procedure can be applied to every patient. The surgeon must search carefully for and identify the deficiencies present to choose the proper procedure.


Successful treatment of shoulder instability is based on a thorough understanding of the various posttraumatic lesions that can be associated with a deficient capsulolabral complex and on correct classification of the patient’s primary and secondary lesions. Classification and treatment of shoulder instability are based on the direction, degree, and duration of symptoms; the trauma that resulted in instability; and the patient’s age, mental set, and associated conditions, such as seizures, neuromuscular disorders, collagen deficiencies, and congenital disorders.

The direction of instability should be categorized as unidirectional, bidirectional, or multidirectional. Anterior dislocations account for 90% to 95% of recurrent dislocations, and posterior dislocations account for approximately 5% to 10%. Despite increased understanding of shoulder instability, 50% of posterior shoulder dislocations can be missed unless an adequate examination and appropriate radiographs are done. Inferior and superior dislocations are rare. Superior instability generally arises secondary to severe rotator cuff insufficiency.

Instability is categorized as subluxation with partial separation of the humeral head from the glenoid or dislocation with complete separation of the humeral head from the glenoid concavity. The duration of the symptoms should be recorded as acute, subacute, chronic, or recurrent. The dislocation is classified as chronic if the humeral head has remained dislocated longer than 6 weeks.

The type of trauma associated with the dislocation is important in determining whether conservative or operative treatment is appropriate. Instability should be categorized as macrotraumatic , in which a single traumatic event results in dislocation, or microtraumatic (acquired), in which repetitive trauma at the extremes of motion results in plastic deformation of the capsulolabral complex. Secondary trauma to the rotator cuff and biceps tendon may cause asynchronous rotator cuff function. These injuries most commonly occur in pitchers, batters, gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players and others who play racquet sports, and swimmers, especially with the backstroke or butterfly stroke. The flexibility that allows an athlete to compete at a high level may be attributed to a generalized ligamentous laxity, which also predisposes the athlete to injury. Trauma may cause decompensation of a previously stable capsuloligamentous complex. A thorough history of the initial traumatic event, symptoms, and family history and a thorough examination of the injured shoulder, contralateral shoulder, and other joints are necessary.

Age also is important in predicting pathologic lesions and outcomes, with recurrence rates of more than 90% reported in patients younger than 20 years old compared with a recurrence rate of about 10% to 20% in patients older than 40 years old.

In most studies, the recurrence rate for adolescents treated with surgical stabilization was higher than that for patients in other age groups. These differences can be explained by the greater elasticity in adolescent ligaments that results in greater plastic deformation before failure of the system. This deformation must be considered in surgical treatment approaches.

Although recurrence of the dislocation is uncommon in patients 40 years old or older, associated rotator cuff tears are present in 30%, and such tears are present in more than 80% of patients older than 60 years. Fractures of the greater tuberosity also are more prevalent in patients older than 40 years old; some series report an incidence of 42%. In this age group, surgical treatment of rotator cuff tears or fractures of the greater tuberosity generally takes precedence over treatment of the capsular injury.

The mental set of the patient must be evaluated before treatment is started. Some patients with posterior instability learn to dislocate their shoulder through selective muscular contractions. Although voluntary dislocation does not indicate pathologic overlay, some of these patients have learned to use voluntary dislocation for secondary gain, and in these patients surgical treatment is doomed to failure.

In patients with primary neuromuscular disorders or syndromes and recurrent dislocation, conservative, nonoperative treatment should be the initial approach. If instability remains after appropriate medical treatment, surgery may be necessary in conjunction with continued nonoperative treatment. Patients with primary collagen disorders, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, or Marfan syndrome should be treated with extensive supervised conservative treatment. If surgical intervention becomes necessary, the possibility of the abnormal tissue stretching out and allowing dislocation to recur should be stressed to the patient and family. When severe dysplastic or traumatic glenohumeral deformity is present, capsular and bony procedures may be necessary. Reformatted 3D CT images are beneficial in determining the need for osteotomy or bone grafting procedures in these patients.

Matsen’s simplified classification system is useful for categorizing instability patterns: TUBS (traumatic, unidirectional Bankart surgery) and AMBRII (atraumatic, multidirectional, bilateral, rehabilitation, inferior capsular shift, and internal closure). Microtraumatic or developmental lesions fall between the extremes of macrotraumatic and atraumatic lesions and can overlap these extreme lesions ( Fig. 47.18 ). Classification of 168 shoulders according to four systems used for describing shoulder instability revealed variations in the criteria that resulted in marked variations in the number of patients diagnosed with multidirectional instability.

FIGURE 47.18, Matsen’s classification system.


The history is important in recurrent instability of the shoulder joint. The amount of initial trauma, if any, should be determined. High-energy traumatic collision sports and motor vehicle accidents are associated with an increased risk of glenoid or humeral bone defects. Recurrence with minimal trauma in the midrange of motion often is associated with bony lesions, which must be treated. The position in which the dislocation or subluxation occurs should be elicited. In complete dislocations, the ease with which the shoulder is relocated is determined. Dislocations that occur during sleep or with the arm in an overhead position often are associated with a significant glenoid defect that requires surgical treatment.

Dislocations that are reduced by the patient often are subluxations or dislocations associated with generalized ligamentous laxity. The signs and symptoms of any nerve injury should be elicited. Most important, the physical limitations caused by this instability should be documented.

Recurrent subluxation of the shoulder is commonly overlooked by physicians because the symptoms are vague and there is no history of actual dislocation. The patient may complain of a sensation of the shoulder sliding in and out of place, or he or she may not be aware of any shoulder instability. The patient may complain of having a “dead arm” as a result of stretching of the axillary nerve or of secondary rotator cuff symptoms. It is important to differentiate primary from secondary rotator cuff impingement. Rotator cuff symptoms develop secondary to ligamentous dysfunction. Internal impingement of the undersurface of the posterior rotator cuff against the posterior glenoid and labrum is caused by anterior humeral subluxation with the shoulder externally rotated. This secondary impingement is more common than primary impingement in patients younger than 35 years old who are involved in upper extremity–dominant sports. Posterior shoulder instability may present as posterior pain or fatigue with repeated activity (e.g., blocking in football, swimming, bench press, rowing, and sports requiring overhead arm movement).

Physical Examination

The physical examination of a patient with instability begins by asking the patient which arm position creates the instability, what direction the shoulder subluxes, and if he or she can safely demonstrate the subluxation. Both shoulders should be thoroughly examined, with the normal shoulder used as a reference. The examination includes evaluation of the shoulders for atrophy or asymmetry, followed by palpation to determine the amount of tenderness present in the anterior or posterior capsule, the rotator cuff, and the acromioclavicular joint. Active and passive ranges of motion are evaluated with the patient upright and supine to record accurately the motion in all planes. The strengths of the deltoid, rotator cuff, and scapular stabilizers are evaluated, recorded, and graded from 0 to 5, with 5 being normal. Scapular winging or dysfunction should be noted during active range of motion and during strength examination. Winging may indicate scapular weakness and can be evaluated by having the patient do a press-up from the examination table or an incline type of push-up off the wall.

Stability is evaluated with the patient upright. A “shift-and-load” test is done by placing one hand along the edge of the scapula to stabilize it and grasping the humeral head with the other hand and applying a slight compressive force. The amount of anterior and posterior translation of the humeral head in the glenoid is observed with the arm abducted 0 degrees. Easy subluxation of the shoulder indicates loss of the glenoid concavity, which must be surgically treated.

The sulcus test is done with the arm in 0 degrees and 45 degrees of abduction. This test is done by pulling distally on the extremity and observing for a sulcus or dimple between the humeral head and the acromion that does not reduce with 45 degrees of external rotation. The distance between the humeral head and acromion should be graded from 0 to 3 with the arm in 0 degrees and 45 degrees of abduction, with 1+ indicating subluxation of less than 1 cm, 2+ indicating 1 to 2 cm of subluxation, and 3+ indicating more than 2 cm of inferior subluxation that does not reduce with external rotation. Subluxation at 0 degrees of abduction is more indicative of laxity at the rotator interval, and subluxation at 45 degrees indicates laxity of the inferior glenohumeral ligament complex.

Anterior apprehension is evaluated with the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion, with a slight external rotation force applied to the extremity as anterior stress is applied to the humerus. This generally produces an apprehension reaction in a patient who has anterior instability. Control of the proximal humerus should be maintained during any of the apprehension or stress tests to prevent dislocation during these procedures. Posterior instability can be evaluated with a Kim test or a posterior clunk test, in which the 90-degree abducted extremity is brought to a forward flexed, internally rotated position while posterior stress is applied to the elbow. The clunk is felt as the humeral head subluxes posteriorly, producing pain or a feeling of subluxation in an unstable shoulder.

The shoulder anterior drawer test should be performed with the patient supine and the extremity in various degrees of abduction and external rotation in the plane of the scapula. When examining the patient’s right shoulder, the examiner’s left hand is used to grasp the proximal humerus while the right hand is used to hold the elbow lightly. Anterior stress is applied to the proximal humerus using the left hand, and the amount of translation and the end point are evaluated. In performing this and other anterior or posterior instability tests, the amount of instability is graded from 0 to 3. Grade 1 means that the humeral head slips up to the rim of the glenoid, and grade 2 means that it slips over the labrum but then spontaneously relocates. Grade 3 indicates dislocation. A grade 3 instability should not be exhibited in an awake patient. Anterior stress is applied with the shoulder in various degrees of abduction and external rotation, and posterior stress is applied to evaluate for posterior instability with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction and various degrees of flexion. When examining the patient’s right shoulder, posterior stress is applied with the examiner’s right hand, starting at 0 degrees of forward flexion and internal rotation and proceeding to 110 degrees. The examiner’s left hand stabilizes the scapula and palpates the posterior part of the glenohumeral joint with the palm. It also can be used as a buttress to ensure that posterior dislocation does not occur during this procedure. Apprehension is evaluated with anterior and posterior stress during these procedures.

The Jobe relocation test can be used for evaluating instability in athletes involved in sports requiring overhead motion ( Fig. 47.19 ). This test is done with the patient supine and the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation. Various degrees of abduction are evaluated while anterior stress is applied by the examiner’s hand to the posterior part of the humerus. If this produces pain or apprehension, posteriorly directed force is applied to the humerus to relocate the humeral head in the glenohumeral joint while the shoulder is placed in abduction and external rotation. The posteriorly directed stress used to relocate the humerus is released. A feeling of apprehension or subluxation on the part of the patient indicates anterior instability.

FIGURE 47.19, Jobe’s relocation test (see text). A positive relocation test and a positive apprehension test are highly predictive of recurrent instability.

Bony deformity of the glenoid or humerus is indicated by apprehension or instability at low ranges of motion (<90 degrees of abduction) and when inferior instability is prominent. Hyperlaxity is indicated by a positive sulcus test, a positive Gagey hyperabduction test, and the Beighton hyperlaxity scale ( Table 47.4 ). The hyperabduction test is done by stabilizing the scapula with one hand placed superiorly while passively abducting the shoulder with the other hand. A side-to-side difference of more than 20 degrees is suggestive of inferior capsular laxity. External rotation of more than 85 degrees at 0 degrees of abduction is indicative of hyperlaxity, which may need to be corrected with rotator interval closure.

TABLE 47.4
Beighton Hyperlaxity Score
Characteristic Scoring
Passive dorsiflexion of the little finger beyond 90 degrees 1 point for each hand
Passive apposition of the thumb to the ipsilateral forearm 1 point for each hand
Active hyperextension of the elbow beyond 10 degrees 1 point for each elbow
Acute hyperextension of the knee beyond 10 degrees 1 point for each knee
Forward flexion of the trunk with the knees fully extended so that the palms of the hands rest flat on the floor 1 point

A score of ≤4 points, on a 9-point scale, is diagnostic of hyperlaxity.

It is imperative to distinguish secondary rotator cuff impingement from primary impingement. The relocation and anterior apprehension tests are valuable in young athletes in sports requiring throwing or overhead motion. It also is imperative to rule out scapular dysfunction that can be corrected with physical therapy. Although rarely associated with shoulder instability, neck problems should be also ruled out, such as degenerative discs or degenerative arthritis that causes pain radiating into the posterior or lateral aspect of the shoulder.

Radiographic Evaluation

The diagnosis of an unstable shoulder often is made by history and physical examination, but an unstable shoulder can be documented by routine radiographs. The initial radiographic examination should include anteroposterior and axillary lateral views of the shoulder. If the initial radiographic evaluation is inconclusive, special views, gadolinium-enhanced MRI, or CT arthrography can be used to show posttraumatic changes not otherwise detected. The most common special views that can be obtained in the office are the anteroposterior view of the shoulder in internal rotation, the West Point or Rokous view, and the Stryker notch view. An anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder in internal rotation often shows a Hill-Sachs lesion that may not be apparent on routine views. Garth et al. also described an apical oblique radiograph that frequently shows posterior humeral head defects that might not be seen on routine films ( Fig. 47.20 ). The West Point view is used to show calcification or small fractures at the anteroinferior glenoid rim. This is a modified, prone, axillary lateral view of the shoulder obtained with the shoulder abducted 90 degrees and the elbow bent with the arm hanging over the side of the table. The x-ray beam is directed 25 degrees medially and 25 degrees cephalad with the cassette placed above the shoulder perpendicular to the table ( Fig. 47.21 ). The Stryker notch view is obtained with the patient supine and the elbow elevated over the head. The x-ray beam is directed 10 degrees cephalad ( Fig. 47.22 ).

FIGURE 47.20, Garth et al. radiographic technique for apical oblique view of shoulder. With patient seated and injured shoulder adjacent to vertical cassette, chest is rotated to 45-degree oblique position. Beam is directed 45 degrees caudally, passing longitudinally through scapula, which rests at 45-degree angle on thorax while extremity is adducted. Origin of coracoid, midway between anterior and posterior margins of glenoid, aids in orientation on radiograph.

FIGURE 47.21, Radiographic technique for West Point view of shoulder to show glenoid labrum lesions. With patient prone and pillow beneath shoulder, cassette is placed superior to shoulder.

FIGURE 47.22, Radiographic technique for Stryker notch view of humerus.

MRI or MRA is indicated for evaluating soft-tissue lesions associated with instability. MRI obtained within a few days of dislocation generally shows blood in the joint, which can aid in visualization and make MRA unnecessary. MRA is helpful in evaluating humeral avulsion glenohumeral ligament (HAGL) lesions, but occasionally it may show a tear but actually cover up the details of the exact tear site ( Fig. 47.23 ). Evaluation of the glenoid track, as described by Yamamoto et al., evaluates Hill-Sachs lesions based on both the location and size of the humeral head defect and the amount of glenoid bone loss. It has been shown to be highly predictive in a clinical setting. Metzger et al. found that lesions falling outside the track engaged more than 85% of the time. The examination is measured on MRI ( Fig. 47.24 ) and is essential in determining appropriate surgical intervention for on-track versus off-track lesions.

FIGURE 47.23, A-C, MR angiograms showing humeral avulsion glenohumeral ligament lesion.

FIGURE 47.24, A, The glenoid track is calculated as 84% of the actual glenoid width measured on the sagittal oblique MR image. A best-fit circle is placed on the glenoid to calculate the expected width before bone loss; therefore, both percentage of bone loss and glenoid track can be determined. In this case, the actual glenoid width is 24 mm, with 4 mm of bone loss (17%). The glenoid track is 84% of 24 mm, or 20.1 mm. B, The distance from the rotator cuff footprint to the medial margin of the Hill-Sachs lesion is measured on the coronal MR image. In this case, it is 23.1 mm. Because the Hill-Sachs width to the footprint (23.1 mm) is greater than the glenoid track measurement (20.1 mm), it is considered outside the glenoid track and at high risk for engaging.

CT, particularly 3D CT, is the most sensitive test for detecting and measuring bone deficiency or retroversion of the glenoid or humerus for evaluation of recurrent instability. CT is indicated when there is blunting of the glenoid cortical outline or an obvious bone defect on plain radiographs. CT also is indicated for evaluating recurrences that occur with trivial trauma, low-angle instability, and failed surgical procedures ( Fig. 47.25 ).

FIGURE 47.25, Estimation of bone loss based on glenoid rim distances. En face view of glenoid is viewed on a CT scan. With use of intersection of longitudinal axis and widest anteroposterior diameter of glenoid, the bare spot is approximated on the glenoid fossa. A best-fit circle centered at the bare-spot approximation is drawn about the inferior two thirds of the glenoid (red). Distances from the bare spot to anterior rim (A) and posterior rim (B) are measured. The percent bone loss is calculated according to the indicated equation.

Examination Using Anesthetic and Arthroscopy

Examination with the patient under anesthesia may support the clinical diagnosis or sometimes show unsuspected planes of instability, especially in multidirectional instability patterns. For anterior instability, the arm is abducted. Anterior and posterior stress is applied with the scapula stabilized. Minimal anterior translation of the humeral head occurs unless there is instability. The most significant findings of instability are demonstrable at 40 degrees and 80 degrees of external rotation. Translation of two grades more than the opposite uninvolved side resulted in 93% sensitivity and 100% specificity for instability. For posterior instability, the arm is pushed posteriorly. Normal shoulders may permit posterior displacement of 50% of the diameter of the glenoid without pathologic instability.

Arthroscopy can be combined with examination using anesthesia and is an excellent technique for confirming the presence of shoulder instabilities. The examiner should grade the instability in all planes as previously described, remembering that this examination under anesthesia is used to support the clinical history and examination with the patient awake. Arthroscopy should be performed to identify all intraarticular pathology so that treatment may be rendered accordingly. Arthroscopy portals and time should be limited to reduce extravasation into the soft tissues, which can make surgical exposure more difficult.

Anterior Instability of the Shoulder

Surgical Treatment

More than 150 operations and many modifications have been devised to treat traumatic recurrent anterior instability of the shoulder. There is no single best procedure. Factors that have been stressed as important in achieving a successful result are adequate exposure and accurate surgical technique. The pathologic condition should be defined, and a procedure should be done that corrects this condition most anatomically. Ideally, the procedure for recurrent instability should include the following factors: (1) low recurrence rate, (2) low complication rate, (3) low reoperation rate, (4) does no harm (arthritis), (5) maintains motion, (6) is applicable in most cases, (7) allows observation of the joint, (8) corrects the pathologic condition, and (9) is not too difficult.

Operative procedures can be done open or arthroscopically with comparable results. When the appropriate procedure is accomplished to restore the anatomy, outcomes of Bankart repairs are affected by what Balg and Boileau described as the Instability Severity Index Score (ISIS; Table 47.5 ). At present, our preferred surgical procedures are arthroscopic Bankart or capsular plication procedures as indicated. When an open procedure is desired, we prefer the Jobe capsulolabral reconstruction or Neer capsular shift for anterior instability and a glenoid-based shift for posterior instability. For glenoid bony defects that cannot be repaired, we reconstruct the anterior defects with a Latarjet procedure and use an autograft iliac crest extracapsular bone graft posteriorly. Moderately sized (20% to 30%) humeral head defects are treated with an arthroscopic remplissage procedure and Bankart repair, and larger defects (35% to 45%) are treated indirectly by increasing the glenoid arc using a Latarjet procedure or by allograft repair of the defect. In a contact or collision athlete any significant Hill-Sachs lesion is treated with a remplissage procedure, unless in a throwing athlete ( Table 47.6 ).

TABLE 47.5
Instability Severity Index Score Based on a Preoperative Questionnaire, Clinical Examination, and Radiographs
From Balg F, Boileau P: The instability severity index score: a simple preoperative score to select patients for arthroscopic or open shoulder stabilisation, J Bone Joint Surg 89B:1470–1477, 2007. Copyright British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery.
Prognostic Factors Points
<20 2
>20 0
Competitive 2
Recreational or none 0
Contact or forced overhead 1
Other 0
Shoulder hyperlaxity (anterior or inferior) 1
Normal laxity 0
Visible in external rotation 2
Not visible in external rotation 0
Loss of contour 2
No lesion 0

TABLE 47.6
Our Preferred Open Surgical Treatment (90% to 95% Are Done Arthroscopically)
Traumatic Bankart Jobe capsulolabral reconstruction
Acute bony Bankart Screw or anchor fixation
+Hyperlaxity Rotator interval closure
HAGL Suture anchor repair
Multidirectional Repair Bankart/Kim Lesions
Anteroinferior prominent Humeral side Neer capsular shift
Posterior prominent—glenoid side Glenoid side shift
Bone Loss—Glenoid
Erosional bone loss >25% Laterjet procedure
Erosional bone loss >40% Eden-Hybinette procedure
Bone Loss—Humeral Head
20% + glenoid defect Jobe capsular reconstruction + capsular shift + remplissage
25% (6 mm deep) Remplissage
40% Laterjet to increase glenoid rotational arc
Bone Loss—Anterior Humeral Head
>30% McLaughlin
Capsular deficiency Achilles allograft capsular reinforcement
HAGL , Humeral avulsion glenohumeral ligament.

Bankart Operation

In the original Bankart operation, the subscapularis and shoulder capsule are opened vertically. The lateral leaf of the capsule is reattached to the anterior glenoid rim. A medial leaf of the capsule is imbricated, and the subscapularis is approximated. The Bankart operation is indicated when the labrum and the capsule are separated from the glenoid rim or if the capsule is thin. The advantage of this procedure is that it corrects the labral defect and imbricates the capsule without requiring any metallic internal fixation devices. The main disadvantage of the original procedure is its technical difficulty.

Since the original description of the Bankart procedure, modifications have allowed the procedure to be done with more ease and less surgical trauma. The procedure can be done through a subscapularis split; or in larger, more muscular individuals, the subscapularis split can be extended superiorly approximately 1 cm medial to the biceps tendon, releasing the subscapularis muscle in an L-shaped fashion. This L-type release provides excellent exposure of the rotator interval, and the inferior third of the subscapular muscle can be retracted inferiorly to expose the inferior capsule, while protecting the axillary nerve. The subscapularis split approach preserves neuromuscular function and minimizes the possibility of postoperative tendon detachment. We have had success using either the subscapularis split or the L-split, depending on the patient, and the modified Bankart procedure ( Fig. 47.26 ). We have used a procedure similar to that described by Montgomery and Jobe for recurrent traumatic dislocations and recurrent microtraumatic subluxations with anterior and inferior instability. A 17-year follow-up of 127 patients with open Bankart repair found only two patients with recurrent instability, reminding us that his procedure produces results that are hard to duplicate by any other means. Keys to success of this procedure are (1) maximizing the healing potential by abrading the scapular neck, (2) restoring glenoid concavity, (3) securing anatomic capsular fixation at the edge of the glenoid articular surface, (4) re-creating physiologic capsular tension by superior and inferior capsular advancement and imbrication, and (5) performing supervised goal-oriented rehabilitation.

FIGURE 47.26, Division of subscapularis tendon. A, Lower fourth of subscapularis tendon is left intact to protect anterior humeral circumflex artery and axillary nerve. B, Subscapularis muscle is split horizontally and retracted superiorly and inferiorly to expose underlying capsule.

Modified Bankart Repair

Technique 47.5


  • Make an incision along the Langer lines, beginning 2 cm distal and lateral to the coracoid process and going inferiorly to the anterior axillary crease.

  • Develop the deltopectoral interval, retracting the deltoid and cephalic vein laterally and the pectoralis major muscle medially. Leave the conjoined tendon intact, and retract it medially.

  • Split the subscapularis tendon transversely in line with its fibers at the junction of the upper two thirds and lower one third of the tendon, and carefully dissect it from the underlying anterior capsule. Maintain the subscapularis tendon interval with a modified Gelpi retractor (Anspach, Inc., Lake Park, FL), and place a three-pronged retractor medially on the glenoid neck.

  • Make a horizontal anterior capsulotomy in line with the split in the subscapularis tendon from the humeral insertion laterally to the anterior glenoid neck medially ( Fig. 47.27A ). Place stay sutures in the superior and inferior capsular flaps at the glenoid margin.

    FIGURE 47.27, Montgomery and Jobe technique. A, Capsular incision made at center (3-o’clock position) of glenoid. Incision is extended medially over neck of glenoid. Stay suture is placed in capsule to mark glenoid attachment site. B, Suture anchor drill holes are started in scapular neck adjacent to glenoid articular surface and directed medially away from joint surface. For exposure of neck, sharp Hohmann retractor is placed along superior and inferior neck for capsular retraction (not pictured). C, Suture anchors are placed in each prepared drill hole. Sutures are pulled to set anchor. Each individual suture is pulled to ensure suture slides in anchor. D, Approximation of capsule to freshened neck. Two or three suture anchors are used to secure inferior capsule firmly to scapular neck. An Allis clamp is used by assistant to advance capsule superiorly against neck while sutures are placed. E, Superior and middle suture anchors are used to secure and advance superior flap in inferior direction. F, Final imbrication of capsule is done with interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. Extremity is maintained in 45 degrees abduction and 45 degrees external rotation during closure to prevent overconstraint. Technical note: Suture anchors should be at edge of glenoid articular surface and aimed medially 20 degrees. SEE TECHNIQUE 47.5.

  • Insert a narrow humeral head retractor, and retract the head laterally. Elevate the capsule on the anterior neck subperiosteally. Leave the labrum intact if it is still attached. Decorticate the anterior neck to bleeding bone with a rongeur.

  • Drill holes near the glenoid rim at approximately the 3-, 4-, and 5:30-o’clock positions, keeping the drill bit parallel to the glenoid surface ( Fig. 47.27B ).

  • Place suture anchors in each hole and check for security of the anchors ( Fig. 47.27C ). During this portion of the procedure, maintain the shoulder in approximately 90 degrees of abduction and 60 degrees of external rotation for throwing athletes. Maintain the shoulder in 60 degrees abduction and 30 to 45 degrees external rotation in nonthrowing athletes and other patients.

  • Tie the inferior flap down in mattress fashion, shifting the capsule superiorly but not medially ( Fig. 47.27D ). The stay sutures help prevent medialization of the capsule. Shift the superior flap interiorly, overlapping and reinforcing the inferior flap ( Fig. 47.27E ).

  • Loosely close the remaining gap in the capsule ( Fig. 47.27F ). The reconstruction has two layers of reinforced capsule outside the joint.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative rehabilitation is carried out as described in Box 47.2 .

BOX 47.2
Rehabilitation Program After Anterior Capsulolabral Reconstruction
From Montgomery WH, Jobe FW: Functional outcomes in athletes after modified anterior capsulolabral reconstruction, Am J Sports Med 22:352–358, 1994.
ROM , Range of motion.

Postoperative Period (0-3 Weeks)

  • Abduction pillow

  • Passive/active ROM: abduction (90 degrees), flexion (90 degrees), and external rotation (45 degrees); no extension

  • Isometric abduction, horizontal adduction, and external rotation

  • Elbow ROM

  • Ball squeeze

  • Ice

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