Reactive Lymph Nodes and Castleman Disease

Normal Lymph Node Anatomy

Normal lymph nodes are typically bean shaped. They have, beginning at their periphery and moving centrally, a fibrous capsule, a cortex, a paracortex, a medulla, and a hilus. The cortex, a B-cell–predominant area, contains follicles. When inactive, follicles are composed of a uniform population of small lymphoid cells (primary follicles). Hyperplastic follicles have a germinal center surrounded by a mantle of small cells (secondary follicle). Germinal centers are composed of centrocytes (small cleaved cells) and centroblasts (large noncleaved cells) of B-cell lineage. There are also T cells admixed with follicle center cells, and a narrow layer of T cells is typically seen around the periphery of a hyperplastic germinal center. In peripheral lymph nodes, a marginal zone is not usually conspicuous, but in certain sites, such as Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and the spleen, follicles often have a distinct marginal zone composed of small lymphoid cells with a moderate quantity of clear cytoplasm surrounding the mantle zone.

The paracortex, primarily a T-cell area, contains lymphocytes, antigen-presenting cells, and varying numbers of immunoblasts depending on the degree of activation of the lymph node. High endothelial venules lined by cuboidal (“high”) endothelial cells are found in the paracortex; they play an important role in lymphocyte trafficking.

The medulla contains cords occupied by a varying admixture of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and immunoblasts. A mixture of B and T cells is usually found in medullary cords. A network of sinuses traverses the lymph node. The network begins with the subcapsular sinus, which then feeds into sinuses that cross the node from cortex to medulla. The sinuses in the medulla delineate the medullary cords ( Fig. 4.1 ).

FIG. 4.1, Lymph node with nonspecific reactive hyperplasia. A, Low power shows a lymph node with intact architecture, with several reactive follicles and a hyperplastic paracortex. B, B cells (CD20+) are found mainly in follicles and distributed in a thin layer along sinuses. C, T cells (CD3+) occupy the paracortex and are mixed with B cells in medullary cords.

A number of nonspecific changes may be found in reactive lymph nodes. One of these is follicle lysis, in which follicles and their underlying dendritic networks are disrupted, imparting a fragmented appearance to the follicle center. This phenomenon is usually found in the setting of florid follicular hyperplasia.

Progressive transformation of germinal centers is characterized by infiltration of germinal centers by small lymphocytes of mantle zone type, with enlargement of the follicles. The follicles eventually acquire a dark, monotonous appearance. When multiple follicles show progressive transformation of germinal centers, the appearance can raise the question of nodular lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma.

Monocytoid B cells are not usually a conspicuous feature of nonspecific reactive hyperplasia but are prominent in certain reactive conditions, including cytomegaloviral lym­phadenitis, and toxoplasma lymphadenitis. Monocytoid B cells are lymphoid cells with small to medium-sized oval or indented nuclei and abundant pale cytoplasm. They are found in bands along sinuses.

Viral Infections

Epstein-Barr Virus: Infectious Mononucleosis

Clinical Features

The diagnosis of symptomatic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, infectious mononucleosis (IM), is usually established on clinical grounds, but when involved lymph nodes or tonsils are biopsied, they frequently cause problems in differential diagnosis. IM most often affects adolescents and young adults, although cases of IM in young children and in adults as old as 80 years have been reported. Manifestations include fever, pharyngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, rash, atypical peripheral blood lymphocytosis, and a positive heterophile antibody (Monospot) test. However, the heterophile antibody test may not be positive throughout the illness, sometimes requiring repeated monospots or serologic studies to establish a diagnosis. In some cases, particularly among young children, a positive heterophile antibody test may never be obtained. Evaluating plasma EBV viral load by molecular methods may also be useful in establishing a diagnosis. In more severe cases, there may be generalized lymphadenopathy, upper airway obstruction related to lymphoid hyperplasia, hepatomegaly with hepatic dysfunction, peripheral blood cytopenias, neurologic complications, such as aseptic meningitis and meningoencephalitis, and even a hemophagocytic syndrome/hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Most patients with infectious mononucleosis who receive a beta-lactam antibiotic develop a morbilliform rash. In most cases, the illness is self-limited, but rarely intercurrent infection, Guillain-Barré syndrome, or splenic rupture with hemorrhage results in death. Young children with genetic defects, such as perforin deficiency, are at increased risk for hemophagocytic syndrome/hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Boys with the X-linked lymphoproliferative disorder are at risk for severe infectious mononucleosis; those who survive the acute infection often develop lymphoma and/or have persistent immunologic abnormalities.

Infectious Mononucleosis—Fact Sheet


  • Symptomatic infection by EBV

Age, Race, and Gender Distribution

  • Most patients are teenagers or young adults, but individuals of any age may be affected.

  • No known gender or racial predisposition

Risk Factors

  • Close contact with an EBV-infected person

Clinical Features

  • Fever, pharyngitis, cervical lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, fatigue, and an atypical lymphocytosis in blood are common.

  • Some patients have more widespread lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, hepatic dysfunction, or splenic rupture.


  • Lymph nodes, tonsils: Interfollicular or diffuse polymorphous infiltrate of EBV-positive immunoblasts that are sometimes Reed-Sternberg–like in a mixed background of plasma cells, histiocytes, and lymphocytes, with apoptotic debris, ± zonal necrosis

  • Peripheral blood: Lymphocytosis, usually with >50% lymphocytes and >10% atypical lymphocytes


  • Monospot (heterophile antibody), serology, biopsy of affected tissue, assay for EBV viral load

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Supportive therapy is sufficient, and spontaneous recovery is the rule in nearly all cases, except for those with serious complications.

Pathologic Features

The lymph nodal architecture is typically distorted but not effaced by an expanded paracortex containing a polymorphous population of lymphoid cells, including small lymphocytes, intermediate-sized lymphoid cells, immunoblasts, tingible body macrophages, and mature and immature plasma cells. The EBV-infected immunoblasts may form aggregates and may be atypical, with pleomorphic or lobated nuclei; binucleated cells resembling Reed-Sternberg cells may be identified. Mitotic figures may be numerous. Apoptosis is common, and zonal necrosis may be present. EBV+ cells may be most numerous surrounding the foci of necrosis. Reactive follicles may be present, but follicular hyperplasia is usually inconspicuous. Sinuses are patent in at least some areas, and frequently they are dilated. Sinuses contain histiocytes and a polymorphous population of lymphoid cells, including immunoblasts. Lymphoid cells sometimes infiltrate the capsule and extend into perinodal fat. Similar histologic features are found in the tonsils of patients with IM. In tonsils, crypts are usually present, although the epithelium lining them may be necrotic ( Fig. 4.2A through C ).

FIG. 4.2, Infectious mononucleosis: tonsil. A, Low power shows scattered reactive follicles, an intact crypt, and an area of interfollicular expansion by a polymorphous cellular population. B, Areas of necrosis with apoptotic debris are seen within the expanded interfollicular region. C , There are small foci in which numerous large cells are present outside of follicles.

The small and intermediate-sized cells in the paracortex are predominantly T cells, including many that are activated in response to the presence of the virus. The CD4-to-CD8 ratio is typically decreased. The EBV+ immunoblasts are B cells, typically CD20+, with a non-germinal center immunophenotype (CD10-, BCL6-/weakly positive, MUM1+). They are in addition CD30+/-, CD15-, Oct2+, Bob1+. Polytypic light chain expression by plasma cells and sometimes by immunoblasts is seen. Using in situ hybridization with probes for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER), EBV can be detected in the immunoblasts and in some smaller cells (see Fig. 4.2D and E ).

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of IM includes a variety of reactive and neoplastic conditions. Obtaining adequate clinical information is helpful in making the correct diagnosis, whether the differential is with lymphoma or other types of reactive hyperplasias. Since the early years of the twentieth century the tendency of IM to mimic lymphoid malignancies has been recognized. If a patient is known to have clinical or laboratory evidence of IM, a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma or non-Hodgkin lymphoma should be made with great caution.

When B immunoblasts and intermediate-sized reactive T cells are numerous, the possibility of B-cell or T-cell lymphoma may be a consideration. In favor of IM are lack of architectural effacement, presence of areas readily recognizable as reactive hyperplasia, a polymorphous background of lymphoid cells, patent sinuses containing lymphoid cells including immunoblasts, and lack of monotypic immunoglobulin (Ig) expression on immunophenotyping. The reactive T cells are usually predominantly CD8+, whereas most lymph nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) are CD4+. PTCLs are uncommon in the young patients who most often develop IM. Of note, IM can be associated with oligoclonal and rarely clonal T-cell populations directed against the virus, further potentially mimicking a PTCL.

Hodgkin lymphoma is often included in the differential diagnosis because Reed-Sternberg–like cells are often seen in IM; however, most of the large, EBV-infected cells resemble immunoblasts rather than Reed-Sternberg cells and variants. Hodgkin lymphoma is more often associated with obliteration of the lymph nodal architecture. The polymorphous background of lymphoid cells ranging from small to intermediate and large in the paracortex and sinuses seen in IM is very helpful in excluding Hodgkin lymphoma, in which the reactive background population includes small lymphocytes and, usually, granulocytes. Eosinophils are uncommon in IM. Immunoblasts in IM are CD15−, in contrast to the CD15 expression by Reed-Sternberg cells found in most cases of Hodgkin lymphoma.

Other viral infections, vaccination, certain drugs, and acute reaction to severe necrotizing processes can produce lym­phadenopathy with histologic features similar to or indistinguishable from those of IM. Clinical information can be helpful in investigating the etiology of the lymphadenopathy. In addition, in IM, EBER-positive immunoblasts are typically present in large numbers, whereas in other conditions, EBER-positive cells are absent or rare.

Cytomegaloviral Lymphadenitis

Clinical Features

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) can cause localized or generalized lymphadenopathy. Lymph node enlargement due to CMV infection may be found in patients who are otherwise asymptomatic. It may also be seen in the setting of a heterophile-negative, IM-like illness. CMV can infect lymphoid tissues in patients who have or have had Hodgkin lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, or acquired or inherited immunodeficiency syndromes or in patients with a normal immune system. CMV infection is common in patients with common variable immunodeficiency.

Cytomegaloviral Lymphadenitis—Fact Sheet


  • Lymphadenopathy due to CMV infection


  • Uncommon

Gender, Race, and Age Distribution

  • Can occur in patients of any age and either gender

  • No known racial predisposition

Risk Factors

  • Increased risk with congenital or acquired immunodeficiency

  • Possible increased risk in lymphoma patients

  • Also occurs in immunologically normal individuals

Clinical Features

  • Patients may be asymptomatic or have an IM-like illness.

  • Lymphadenopathy may be localized or generalized.


  • Florid follicular hyperplasia and monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia, with or without paracortical hyperplasia

  • CMV-infected cells are most often found within monocytoid B-cell aggregates.

  • Inclusions occasionally seen in cells recognizable as endothelial cells

  • Infected cells harbor large red nuclear inclusions and sometimes also finely granular red cytoplasmic inclusions.


  • Recognition of CMV-infected cells on routinely stained slides; immunostaining for CMV is confirmatory.

  • Perform immunostaining for CMV in cases with suspicious histology but with no definite inclusions identified.

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Most patients have a self-limited illness and require no specific therapy.

  • Patients with associated lymphoproliferative disorder or immunodeficiency may have a more severe course.

Pathologic Features

On microscopic examination, involved lymph nodes most often show florid follicular hyperplasia and monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia. Paracortical hyperplasia may also be prominent. Infected cells contain a large eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion (mean size, 9 µm) and often also contain multiple tiny eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasmic inclusions. Cells with inclusions are usually present focally in relatively small numbers, but occasionally they are numerous. Neutrophils and histiocytes are often scattered around the infected cells. Inclusions are typically found among monocytoid B cells, but the infected cells are most likely endothelial cells or histiocytes rather than lymphocytes; finding inclusions in the paracortex has also been described. Immunoperoxidase stains for CMV-associated antigens can be used to confirm the diagnosis when inclusions are found on routine sections and can help identify CMV-infected cells when inclusions are difficult to find. Cells containing inclusions may express CD15, usually with a Golgi region or diffuse cytoplasmic pattern of staining, but membrane staining is uncommon ( Fig. 4.3 ).

FIG. 4.3, Cytomegaloviral lymphadenitis in an individual with human immunodeficiency virus. A, The large red inclusions give an appearance closely mimicking a binucleated Reed-Sternberg cell. B, Scattered cells are intensely stained using immunoperoxidase staining for cytomegalovirus. C, A cell infected by cytomegalovirus shows diffuse cytoplasmic staining for CD15, a finding that heightens the resemblance to a Reed-Sternberg cell.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of CMV lymphadenitis includes reactive hyperplasia due to some cause other than CMV, Hodgkin lymphoma, and certain non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The overall appearance of the lymph node in CMV lymphadenitis is very similar to that of toxoplasma lymphadenitis, although in most cases, the characteristic epithelioid cell aggregates of toxoplasmosis are not seen. Cells with nuclear viral inclusions may resemble Reed-Sternberg cells and variants on routinely stained sections, raising the question of Hodgkin lymphoma. In addition, CD15 expression by the virally infected cells heightens the resemblance to Hodgkin lymphoma. However, CMV lymphadenitis is much less likely to cause obliteration of the nodal architecture. Cells harboring virus may contain numerous granular cytoplasmic inclusions, in contrast to the agranular cytoplasm of Reed-Sternberg cells. Membrane staining by CD15 is more common in Reed-Sternberg cells than in CMV-infected cells. On occasion, the follicular and monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia of CMV lym­phadenitis can be so florid as to distort the nodal architecture, potentially suggesting follicular lymphoma or nodal marginal zone lymphoma. Immunostaining with CMV-specific antibodies provides a definitive diagnosis of CMV lymphadenitis.

Herpes Simplex Viral Lymphadenitis

Clinical Features

Infection by herpes simplex virus (type 1 or 2) can cause localized or generalized lymphadenopathy or involve lymph nodes in the setting of widespread visceral infection. When localized, the lymphadenopathy most often affects inguinal nodes, with cervical nodes next most often affected. Lym­phadenopathy is usually painful. Typical mucocutaneous herpetic lesions are found in some patients, but they may be inconspicuous or may not appear until after a lymph node biopsy has been performed. Many patients who present with herpes simplex lymphadenitis have an associated hematologic malignancy or an underlying immunodeficiency. The most common associated disorder is chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but B-cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemias are also occasionally found. Although disseminated herpes simplex viral infection has a poor prognosis, isolated herpes simplex lymphadenitis is self-limited in most cases.

Herpes Simplex Viral Lymphadenitis—Fact Sheet


  • Lymphadenitis due to infection by herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2


  • Rare

Gender, Race, and Age Distribution

  • Adults over a wide age range have been affected.

  • No gender predilection

  • No known racial predisposition

Risk Factors

  • In many reported cases, patients also have a hematologic malignancy or other cause of immunodeficiency.

Clinical Features

  • Tender lymphadenopathy, which may be localized, multifocal, or associated with widespread visceral involvement

  • Skin or mucosal lesions may or may not be present or may be overlooked.


  • Biopsy of infected tissue, identification of cells with inclusions on routine sections, and confirmation with immunostains for herpes simplex viral antigens

  • Diagnosis can also be made using electron microscopy or viral culture.

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Some patients have had no specific therapy, some have received acyclovir, and some have received therapy for the associated hematologic disorder.

  • Prognosis is related to extent of infection and to the prognosis of any underlying hematologic disorder or immunodeficiency.

Pathologic Features

Lymph nodes show prominent paracortical hyperplasia with areas of necrosis often with prominent extension into perinodal soft tissue. Paracortical immunoblasts may be numerous. The necrotic areas contain neutrophils, karyorrhectic or amorphous eosinophilic debris, and a variable number of cells with nuclear viral inclusions, ranging from rare to abundant. Most of them are uninucleate, although a few multinucleated cells are seen. Intact neutrophils are most abundant in early lesions and may be absent in long-standing lymphadenitis. Histiocytes often surround the necrotic areas, but granulomas are absent. Varicella zoster virus rarely causes lymphadenitis; the histologic features are similar to those of herpes simplex lymphadenitis. The diagnosis can be confirmed using immunohistochemical stains, in situ hybridization, electron microscopy, or viral culture ( Fig. 4.4 ).

FIG. 4.4, Herpes simplex viral lymphadenitis. A, Scattered virus-infected cells are present in a background of debris. The infected cells are usually uninucleate and contain glassy inclusions, with peripheral margination of chromatin. B, Many cells are stained using an immunostain for herpes simplex virus.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis based on histologic features includes other types of necrotizing lymphadenitis and, in some cases, lymphoma. The lack of granulomatous inflammation with epithelioid or palisading histiocytes provides evidence against infections caused by mycobacteria, fungi, yersinia, cat-scratch bacilli, and lymphogranuloma venereum. When there is pronounced paracortical expansion with numerous immunoblasts, the differential includes lymphoma. In herpes simplex lymphadenitis, the nodal architecture may be distorted, although it is not obliterated, in contrast to most nodes involved by lymphoma. Discrete foci of necrosis are less common in lymphoma, and herpes viral inclusions are absent in lymphoma, except in cases in which both herpes simplex virus and lymphoma involve the same lymph node. In instances in which patients have an established diagnosis of lymphoma and then develop rapidly enlarging lymphadenopathy related to viral infection, the clinical differential can include relapse or progression of the lymphoma.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Associated Lymphadenopathy

Clinical Features

Acute symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection presents as an IM-like illness with fever, pharyngitis, and cervical lymphadenopathy in approximately 16% of cases. Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy, defined as extrainguinal lymphadenopathy persisting for at least 3 months, involving at least two noncontiguous node groups, is common among HIV+ patients. Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy mainly affects adult males and is often accompanied by fever, weight loss, headaches, and malaise. A range of histologic and immunohistologic changes is found in lymphadenopathy associated with HIV infection; similar changes are found in organized extranodal lymphoid tissue. HIV+ patients with opportunistic infections (mycobacterial, fungal) who initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) may develop “immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome” (IRIS), an exaggerated inflammatory reaction to an infection that has already been diagnosed and treated (paradoxical IRIS) or to a previously unrecognized, untreated infection (unmasking IRIS). The most common manifestations of IRIS are lymphadenopathy, fever, and lung infiltrates.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Associated Lymphadenopathy—Fact Sheet


  • Reactive lymphoid changes related to HIV infection, not due to another specific cause


  • Common among HIV+ patients; in one study 4% of cases of unexplained follicular hyperplasia were from HIV+ individuals not known to be HIV+ prior to the lymph node biopsy.

Gender, Race, or Age Distribution

  • Most patients are young to middle-aged adults (males >females), but smaller numbers of older adults and children of either gender may be affected.

Clinical Features

  • A number of different clinical settings in which HIV-associated lymphoid hyperplasia can be found:

    • Lymphadenopathy, usually in the cervical area, occurring in the setting of an IM-like illness, precipitated by initial HIV infection

    • Persistent generalized or isolated lymphadenopathy that may be accompanied by constitutional symptoms

    • Cystic lymphoid hyperplasia, involving periparotid lymph nodes and causing multicystic, often bilateral, masses in the area of the parotid glands

    • Hyperplasia of organized extranodal lymphoid tissue, such as Waldeyer's ring, with symptoms related to mass effect


  • In early stages, lymph nodes show florid follicular hyperplasia, often with mantle zone attenuation and follicle lysis. Some follicles are highly irregular with geographic shapes.

  • In advanced stages of immunodeficiency, there is lymphoid depletion. Follicles are small and burned out and sometimes difficult to identify, and the paracortex appears hypocellular, often with prominent vascularity.

  • Plasma cells are often abundant in lymphoid tissues in early and late stages of disease.


  • B cells in follicles are polytypic; T cells show a decreased CD4-to-CD8 ratio.

  • Few to many scattered cells infected by EBV may be found.


  • The morphologic changes are not completely specific, but if an individual has lymphadenopathy with the features described, and the patient is not known to be HIV+, performing a test for HIV is warranted.

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Therapy is directed against the HIV infection itself.

  • Outcome is related to the prognosis of the underlying HIV infection, but with the availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy, the prognosis has significantly improved.

Pathologic Features

Early stages of immunodeficiency are characterized by florid follicular hyperplasia, with large, irregular germinal centers with a high mitotic rate, numerous blast cells, many tingible body macrophages, and ill defined, attenuated, or effaced mantle zones. There is often follicle lysis. The interfollicular region contains a mixture of immunoblasts, plasma cells, lymphocytes, and histiocytes. Monocytoid B cells are often prominent. Sinus histiocytosis, sometimes with erythrophagocytosis, epithelioid histiocytes, and polykaryocytes (Warthin-Finkeldey–type giant cells) may be seen.

More advanced stages of immunodeficiency are associated with lymphoid depletion. Reactive follicles are decreased in number or absent. Residual follicle centers are “burned out” or regressively transformed and contain a decreased number of B cells. Over time, follicles may become inconspicuous and difficult to identify. The interfollicular region contains scattered lymphocytes, immunoblasts, plasma cells, and many blood vessels. Amorphous eosinophilic material may be present, or there may be fibrosis, and the node may have a pale, depleted appearance. In some cases, lymph nodes show changes intermediate between florid follicular hyperplasia and lymphoid depletion. Plasmacytosis is frequent. Occasional polykaryocytes may be found. Cutaneous rashes are common among HIV+ patients; these individuals often have a component of dermatopathic lymphadenopathy. The interfollicular region contains decreased numbers of CD4+ cells, and the CD4-to-CD8 ratio is usually reversed. It is common to find scattered cells harboring Epstein-Barr virus (EBER+) consistent with poor T-cell control of EBV-infected B cells.

Most patients who have been treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy show improvement in lymphoid architecture, as well as an increase in CD4+ T cells and a decrease in CD8+ T cells, within lymphoid tissue. However, HIV often is detectable in follicular dendritic cells in lymphoid tissue, even after a prolonged course of highly active antiretroviral therapy, and even in the absence of detectable virus in the peripheral blood.

Measles Lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis due to measles virus, an RNA paramyxovirus, is now seen only rarely in the United States because of inoculation programs. Patients typically present with fever, rash, malaise, and cough and usually also with headache and sore throat. A minority of patients have lymphadenopathy. On pathologic examination of lymphoid tissue, the most distinctive feature is the presence of Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells within reactive germinal centers. Warthin-Finkeldey cells are found in the prodromal stage of infection and generally disappear as a rash develops ( Fig. 4.5 ).

FIG. 4.5, Measles: appendix. The lymphoid follicles in this appendix contain multinucleated Warthin-Finkeldey giant cells. The appendix was removed because of symptoms suggesting acute appendicitis; the patient developed a rash typical of measles immediately after appendectomy.

Kawasaki Disease

Although Kawasaki disease is of uncertain cause, evidence strongly suggests that it is of infectious etiology. For this reason, it is included in the section on infectious lymphadenitis. Pathologic findings are not specific but include multifocal necrosis and fibrin thrombi in the microvasculature.

Kawasaki Disease—Fact Sheet


  • An acute febrile disease of young children; cause is uncertain, but most evidence suggests an infectious, possibly viral, cause.

  • Synonyms: mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome; infantile polyarteritis

Incidence and Location

  • Approximately 17 cases per 100,000 children younger than 5 years of age per year in the United States

  • Incidence is higher in Japan and in other Asian countries.

Gender, Race, and Age Distribution

  • Of patients, 85% are younger than 5 years of age.

  • Boys are more often affected than girls (male-to-female ratio, approximately 2 : 1).

  • Prevalence is higher among Asians.

Risk Factors

  • Higher risk among family members of patients with Kawasaki disease.


  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention requirements for the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease include finding fever of 5 or more days, unresponsive to antibiotics, and at least four of the following five features:

    • Bilateral conjunctival congestion

    • Abnormalities of lips and oral cavity including diffuse erythema, dry fissured lips, and prominent lingual papillae (strawberry tongue)

    • Abnormalities of the skin of the distal extremities, including erythema of palms and soles with edema early on and desquamation of fingertips later in the course of the disease

    • Polymorphous, nonvesicular, primarily truncal rash

    • Acute, nonsuppurative cervical lymphadenopathy not due to any other identifiable cause

Clinical Features

  • In addition to the diagnostic criteria noted, patients may have cardiac abnormalities (electrocardiographic changes, cardiomegaly, murmurs), diarrhea, arthritis or arthralgia, proteinuria, sterile pyuria, neutrophilic leukocytosis with a leftward shift, anemia, thrombocytosis, elevated sedimentation rate, aseptic meningitis, mild jaundice, and elevated transaminases.

  • Most patients recover after an illness of 3 to 4 weeks' duration, but without therapy, 20% to 25% develop complications of coronary arteritis (aneurysm, thrombosis), which may be fatal, sometimes years later.

  • Among patients with cervical lymphadenopathy the male-to-female ratio tends to be higher than among those without adenopathy. Patients with cervical lymphadenopathy are on average older. They tend to have more pronounced changes in markers of systemic inflammation, such as an elevated white blood cell count and C-reactive protein, and to include a higher proportion of patients with coronary artery disease.

Pathologic Features

  • Lymphadenopathy is typically cervical, but nodes in other sites may be affected.

  • Findings are variable from case to case; they include:

    • Nonspecific reactive hyperplasia with dilated sinuses and paracortical expansion by lymphocytes and a variable number of immunoblasts, plasma cells, and histiocytes.

    • A subset of cases shows small to large areas of necrosis beginning beneath the capsule, containing karyorrhectic debris.

    • Increased numbers of blood vessels lined by swollen endothelial cells and containing fibrin thrombi around the necrotic areas. Inflammation with mononuclear cells often extends to involve the capsule and perinodal soft tissue, with phlebitis.

    • Absence of abscess formation and granulomas; neutrophils and eosinophils are typically sparse.

    • Underlying the changes is activation of the immune response, with important components being IgA, cytotoxic T cells, and monocytes/macrophages.

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Intravenous Ig and aspirin; steroids and other anti-inflammatory agents can be used if symptoms persist.

  • Prompt administration of intravenous Ig reduces the risk of coronary arterial changes and thus the risk of serious or fatal complications of this disease.

Bacterial Lymphadenitis

Pyogenic Bacterial Lymphadenitis

Bacterial infections are a common cause of cervical lym­phadenopathy. Lymphadenitis due to streptococcal or staphylococcal infection is probably the most common cause of acute cervical lymphadenopathy in children in the United States, although a biopsy is not often performed. Microscopic examination usually shows follicular hyperplasia and a variably dense paracortical neutrophilic infiltrate.

Cat-Scratch Disease

Clinical Features

Cat-scratch disease is among the most common causes of subacute or chronic benign lymphadenopathy in the United States, with about 24,000 cases occurring per year. For reasons that may be related to the breeding patterns of cats, it is more common between July and December than between January and June. The principal causal agent for cat-scratch disease is Bartonella henselae . Although cat-scratch disease can affect patients of any age, the vast majority are younger than 30. A history of exposure to a cat (typically a kitten with fleas) can be found in most cases. The infectious agent has been found within the gastrointestinal tract of fleas, and it is possible that fleas act as vectors in the transmission of the disease. Three to 10 days after exposure, a papule develops in the skin at the inoculation site; the papule typically becomes vesiculated and then crusted over the next several days. Regional lymphadenopathy is usually found 1 to 2 weeks after the papule appears.

The lymphadenopathy, which is often tender, usually involves only one node or one group of nodes. Noncontiguous lymphadenopathy is occasionally found, probably because of more than one inoculation site or because the inoculation site is midline, allowing organisms to drain to lymph nodes bilaterally. Axillary lymph nodes are most commonly involved, followed by cervical and then by inguinal lymph nodes. When the inoculation site is the eye, patients may develop the oculoglandular syndrome of Parinaud (granulomatous conjunctivitis and preauricular lymphadenopathy). As many as half of patients have fever, but it is usually low grade (lower than 39° C). Patients may also experience malaise, anorexia, or, rarely, nausea or abdominal pain. The disease is usually mild and self-limited, and some cases probably go unrecognized. Severe complications, occurring in as many as 2%, include involvement of the nervous system, bone, lung, liver, or spleen. Neurologic manifestations include encephalopathy, encephalitis, meningitis, and involvement of cranial or peripheral nerves. The liver and spleen may be the sites of abscess formation. The skeleton is rarely involved by a necrotizing granulomatous osteomyelitis, sometimes via direct extension from an affected lymph node. Patients with lung involvement may have pneumonia or pleural effusions. Immunocompromised patients are more likely to develop severe manifestation of infection, including disseminated disease.

Cat-Scratch Disease—Fact Sheet


  • Lymphadenitis typically transmitted by cats, caused in nearly all cases by Bartonella henselae , occasionally by B. quintana.

Incidence and Location

  • Relatively common

  • Approximately 24,000 cases/year in the United States

Gender, Race, and Age Distribution

  • Most patients under 30 years of age

  • No known gender or racial predilection

Risk Factors

  • Contact with a cat, especially a kitten with fleas

Clinical Features

  • A cutaneous lesion appears at the inoculation site (usually the site of a scratch) after 3 to 10 days.

  • Tender regional lymphadenopathy appears 1 to 2 weeks later.

  • Patients often have low-grade fever and malaise and infrequently have evidence of involvement of other sites, such as lungs, liver, spleen, bones, or central nervous system.


  • Early stage: Lymph nodes show follicular and monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia, with small foci of acute inflammation and necrosis usually beginning within aggregates of monocytoid B cells.

  • Later stage: Large stellate microabscesses and necrotizing granulomas with palisading histiocytes


  • Identification of cat-scratch bacilli with a silver stain or an immunostain

  • PCR on affected tissues

  • Serologic studies

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Most patients, including those with localized lymphadenopathy, have a mild, self-limited course and do not require specific therapy. Patients with severe manifestations of disease require antibiotic therapy.

Pathologic Features

The appearance of the infected lymph nodes changes over time. The earliest changes are follicular hyperplasia and a prominent proliferation of monocytoid B cells. Subsequently, within aggregates of monocytoid B cells, small foci of necrosis with a few neutrophils and scant fibrin and cellular debris appear. These foci are usually close to, or encroach on, germinal centers, or they may be adjacent to the subcapsular sinus. In some cases, they are found in the vicinity of a small blood vessel. The paracortex is hyperplastic. Sinuses contain immunoblasts, neutrophils, and histiocytes. With time, the necrotic foci enlarge, extending deeper into the node. They contain pus, fibrin, and abundant cellular debris and acquire a rim of macrophages. The foci continue to enlarge and coalesce and are surrounded by palisading histiocytes to produce the classic stellate microabscess or granuloma. At later stages, the necrosis can become amorphous and eosinophilic without recognizable neutrophils, resembling caseation necrosis. Multinucleated giant cells are occasionally seen. Plasmacytosis and extension to involve the capsule and perinodal soft tissue are common. The cat-scratch bacillus is a small, slender, pleomorphic, weakly gram-negative rod as long as 3 µm. Its small size makes it very difficult to see, but using a Warthin-Starry stain or Steiner stain, the bacilli are coated with the black reaction product, making them appear larger and more readily visualized. Bacilli are present singly, in chains, or large clumps. They may be found along the walls of blood vessels, in macrophages in necrotic areas, in sinus histiocytes, or admixed with necrotic debris. Bacilli are most numerous in the stages of early necrosis within clusters of monocytoid B cells. When well-developed stellate abscesses have formed, the organisms can be difficult to detect ( Fig. 4.6 ). Bartonella henselae is a fastidious organism that is difficult to culture.

FIG. 4.6, Cat-scratch disease ( Bartonella henselae– associated lymphadenitis). A, In an example of an early stage of infection, there is a large reactive follicle; adjacent to it is an aggregate of histiocytes, fibrin, and debris. B, In this case, the inflammatory process is more advanced. One reactive follicle is seen, but most of the rest of the node is replaced by necrotizing granulomatous inflammation with palisading histiocytes.

Serologic studies may be helpful in establishing a diagnosis, although serology may yield false-negative results and also may not distinguish between recent and past infections. An antibody to B. henselae has been developed that may help to identify the microorganisms. In addition, probes for Bartonella -specific genetic sequences are available that can be used to detect cat-scratch disease using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, establishing a diagnosis is often difficult because microorganisms may be present only focally and in small numbers and because prior antibiotics may decrease the sensitivity of some of these assays.

Differential Diagnosis

A variety of microorganisms cause necrotizing lymphadenitis that can be considered in the differential diagnosis of cat-scratch disease. Clinical features, including age, risk factors for different types of infections, anatomic distribution of lymphadenopathy, and severity of disease; special stains on tissue sections; serologic studies; and culture are helpful in establishing a definite diagnosis. Infection caused by certain bacteria, including Chlamydia trachomatis (lymphogranuloma venereum), Francisella tularensis (tularemia), Hemophilus ducreyi (chancroid), Yersinia enterocolitica (pseudotuberculous mesenteric lymphadenitis ), Listeria monocytogenes (listeriosis), Pseudomonas mallei (glanders), and Pseudomonas pseudomallei (melioidosis), can be associated with a necrotizing lymphadenitis with histologic features that may be indistinguishable from those of cat-scratch disease. In nearly all cases, the diseases listed here are associated with significantly greater morbidity than cat-scratch disease. Early involvement by cat-scratch disease may also resemble toxoplasma lymphadenitis (see later section on this topic).

As noted previously, infection by pyogenic cocci may be associated with an acute suppurative lymphadenitis with follicular hyperplasia that can suggest cat-scratch disease. Unlike cat-scratch disease, however, the pyogenic cocci typically do not elicit a rim of palisading histiocytes around areas of suppurative necrosis. One exception is in cases of chronic granulomatous disease of childhood, in which palisading granulomas with suppurative necrosis may be found in association with infection due to Staphylococcus aureus and a variety of gram-negative bacteria (see later section on this topic). The appearance can closely resemble that of cat-scratch disease.

Mycobacteria ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria) and fungi can produce lym­phadenitis with granulomatous microabscesses that may resemble those of cat-scratch disease. The most important differential diagnosis may be between cat-scratch disease and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection of cervical lymph nodes in children. As noted above, in some late-stage cases of cat-scratch disease, the necrotic material acquires a pink amorphous quality closely resembling the caseation necrosis characteristic of tuberculosis. Special stains for microorganisms, culture, and other special techniques may be helpful in establishing a diagnosis. The distinction is clinically relevant, as cat-scratch disease often does not require treatment, whereas infection by M. tuberculosis should be treated with antibiotics. In immunocompromised hosts, B. henselae infection rarely takes the form of localized granulomatous lymphadenitis. Instead, it may result in widespread granulomatous inflammation, bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis, or bacteremia.

Syphilitic Lymphadenitis

The first manifestation of syphilis, primary syphilis, takes the form of a red-brown, painless, indurated, ulcerated chancre, which is usually 1 to 2 cm in diameter, appearing within 21 days of exposure on exposed skin or mucosa. Lymphadenopathy in the region draining the chancre then develops. In secondary syphilis, disease disseminates, with widespread distribution of red-brown, scaly plaques on the skin, especially the palms and soles. Multifocal lymphadenopathy is also found. Untreated, the infection may progress to tertiary syphilis, with gummas involving skin, bone, and liver, and occasionally cardiovascular structures and the central nervous system. During recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases of syphilis among men in the United States, particularly among men having sex with men.

In primary and secondary syphilis, lymph nodes show marked follicular hyperplasia with numerous plasma cells. They may also contain poorly formed, non-necrotizing or suppurative granulomas and show marked capsular and perinodal fibrosis and prominent vascular changes (endarteritis and phlebitis). Spirochetes can be found in blood vessels, germinal centers, and granulomas and are often within the cytoplasm of histiocytes. Involved lymph nodes may have the appearance of an inflammatory pseudotumor on routinely stained sections. The changes characteristic of syphilis are best seen in inguinal nodes. Although secondary syphilis may be associated with diffuse lymphadenopathy, nodes away from the inguinal region may show only nonspecific follicular hyperplasia.


Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection that may be acquired directly or indirectly from animals.

Brucellosis—Fact Sheet


  • An acute, intermittent, or chronic febrile zoonotic illness due to infection by Brucella species

  • Typically, Brucella melitensis affects goats and sheep, B. abortus affects cattle, and B. suis affects pigs.

  • Brucella melitensis is the most common cause of brucellosis in humans and is especially prevalent in developing countries.

  • Brucella are gram-negative, intracellular coccobacilli.

  • Synonym: undulant fever

Incidence and Location

  • Highly variable

  • Approximately 3.5 cases per 100,000 persons per year in an endemic area

  • Rare in the United States

Gender, Race, and Age Distribution

  • Children and adults, both males and females, are affected, depending on exposure.

  • No known racial predisposition

Risk Factors

  • Close animal contact (shepherds, goatherds), ingestion of unpasteurized milk, consumption of uncooked meat

Clinical Features

  • The severity and types of symptoms present are highly variable from case to case.

  • Fever is virtually always present, and nearly all patients complain of malaise and night sweats.

  • Arthralgia, myalgia, back pain, headache, abdominal pain, and gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting) are common.

  • Splenomegaly is common.

  • Hepatomegaly and lymphadenopathy are slightly less common.

  • Lymphadenopathy appears to be more common in children than in adults; it is more conspicuous early in the course of the disease. Cervical lymphadenopathy is more likely to be found if infection is acquired orally.

  • Some patients have evidence of cardiac and even central nervous system involvement.

  • Laboratory abnormalities that may be found include anemia, leukopenia, monocytosis, and eosinophilia.

  • The presence of splenomegaly tends to correlate with the finding of leukopenia and with fever of more than 1 week's duration.

Pathologic Features

  • Involved tissues show non-necrotizing, sarcoidal granulomas, necrotizing granulomas, sometimes with suppurative necrosis, abscesses, or diffuse mononuclear infiltrates.


  • Blood culture, biopsy of involved lymph node (or other tissue) with microscopic examination and culture, serologic studies, and/or serum agglutination test

Prognosis and Therapy

  • Treatment consists of administration of appropriate antibiotics; prolonged use of antibiotics can help prevent relapse.

  • Prognosis is good with appropriate therapy.

  • Animal testing and treatment could decrease the incidence of disease in humans.

Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis

Mycobacterial lymphadenitis can occur in isolation or in conjunction with pulmonary tuberculosis or disseminated infection. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most common form of tuberculosis except for pulmonary tuberculosis. The clinical picture varies with the type of mycobacteria and the age and immune status of the affected patients.

Tuberculous Lymphadenitis

Clinical Features

Tuberculous lymphadenitis is due to infection by tuberculous mycobacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or M. bovis . Infection by M. tuberculosis is a serious global health problem, with approximately one third of the world's population harboring M. tuberculosis . Approximately 9 × 10 6 new cases of tuberculosis and approximately 2 × 10 6 deaths from tuberculosis occur each year. In Central Africa, for example, tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most common finding among patients who undergo a superficial lymph node biopsy; nearly all of these African patients are human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+). M. tuberculosis was also the most common specific cause of cervical lymphadenopathy in children in a study from South Africa. Although tuberculosis is much less common among individuals in the United States than in other parts of the world, an increased risk of infection is found in association with poor living conditions. Also, administration of incomplete courses of antibiotics because of poor patient compliance has led to the emergence of increased numbers of drug-resistant strains.

Patients with lymphadenitis due to M. tuberculosis are usually adults who present with non-tender lymphadenopathy, constitutional symptoms (fever, fatigue, and weight loss) and have associated pulmonary tuberculosis. When peripheral lymph nodes are involved, they tend to be in the supraclavicular fossa or posterior cervical triangle. Frequently, multiple lymph nodes are involved bilaterally, and there are draining sinuses. The purified protein derivative (PPD) test is usually strongly positive ( Table 4.1 ).

Tuberculous Versus Nontuberculous Lymphadenitis in Immunocompetent Patients
Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infection Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection
Definition Lymphadenitis due to tuberculous organisms ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Mycobacterium bovis ) Lymphadenitis due to atypical mycobacteria
Age Any age Majority <5 yr
Gender No gender predilection M = F or M < F (varies by series)
Constitutional Often present Infrequent; mild symptoms, if present
Sites Cervical nodes, mediastinal nodes, lungs Cervical nodes, unilateral, most often submandibular, jugulodigastric, or preauricular lymph nodes
Chest x-ray Frequently abnormal Negative, almost always
Contagious Yes No
Purified protein derivative (PPD) test Usually strongly positive Negative or weakly positive
Treatment Antibiotics Excision or FNA followed by observation

Pathologic Features

Lymph nodes in immunocompetent patients show multiple well-formed granulomas composed of epithelioid histiocytes and Langhans-type giant cells; caseation necrosis is present to a variable extent in the centers of the granulomas. Dystrophic calcification may be seen. A Ziehl-Neelsen stain is used to identify these acid-fast bacilli, which are usually few in number in immunocompetent patients. Culture is needed to diagnose cases in which organisms cannot be identified in tissue sections and to distinguish definitively between infections by M. tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis

Nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis is due to infection by the so-called atypical mycobacteria, most often Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare and less often Mycobacterium scrofulaceum , Mycobacterium hemophilum, Mycobacterium malmoense , or Mycobacterium kansasii .

Clinical Features

Most immunocompetent individuals who develop nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis are children, most of whom are younger than 5 years of age. Some studies have described an equal sex ratio; others report a higher proportion of female patients. It is said to be the most common cause of chronic lymphadenitis among previously healthy children, although it should be noted that in some developing countries, tuberculous lymphadenitis is more prevalent than nontuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis. The annual incidence is estimated to be 1.2 to 2.1 cases per 100,000 persons. The incidence appears to have increased in recent years.

Children present with firm, nontender cervical lymphad­enopathy that is almost always unilateral. Constitutional symptoms are typically absent. Lymph nodes away from the cervical area are rarely affected. The microorganisms are believed to infect the patient via the oropharynx, skin, or conjunctiva, and involved lymph nodes correspond to those with lymphatic drainage from these sites. Over time, necrosis develops within the infected nodes, and they become fluctuant. The overlying skin may become discolored, and sinus tracts may form. The PPD test is usually weakly positive or negative. The chest x-ray is almost always normal.

Patients do not usually respond to antibiotics. Surgical excision of the abnormal lymph nodes is the traditionally accepted optimal therapy, associated with a low rate of recurrence. If incomplete removal of the lymph nodes by incision and drainage or curettage is performed, the infection often persists, resulting in sinus tract formation, and additional surgery may be required. Recently, however, it has been suggested that diagnosis based on fine needle aspiration (FNA) with culture followed by observation only may be considered as an alternative to excision.

Pathologic Features

The children have enlarged, sometimes matted lymph nodes with necrotizing and non-necrotizing granulomas. The necrosis often forms a stellate pattern and may be caseous or suppurative. Necrotic areas may contain neutrophils and nuclear debris focally or diffusely. Langhans-type giant cells can often be found. The diagnosis can be suspected based on clinical features. It can be confirmed and the infection can be treated by complete excision of affected lymph nodes. Special stains for microorganisms and culture will demonstrate the organisms. Ziehl-Neelsen stain typically reveals small numbers of acid-fast bacilli in some cases, particularly at the periphery of the necrotic area, but in other cases, organisms cannot be identified without culture. In selected instances, PCR may be used to subclassify the organisms (see Table 4.1 ).

Mycobacterial Lymphadenitis in Immunocompromised Patients

In contrast to atypical mycobacterial infection in immunocompetent patients, in HIV+ patients, atypical mycobacteria, especially M. avium-intracellulare , can be associated with disseminated infection. Immunosuppressed patients sometimes have lymphadenopathy with necrotizing or non-necrotizing granulomas; however, sometimes they fail to develop well-formed granulomas. In such cases, involved tissues may contain only loose aggregates and sheets of foamy histiocytes containing numerous microorganisms. Rarely, patients develop so-called mycobacterial pseudotumors, composed of rounded and elongate histiocytes containing numerous acid-fast bacilli. The appearance on routinely stained sections can occasionally suggest a mesenchymal neoplasm ( Fig. 4.7 ). The microorganisms can be seen with the Grocott methenamine silver stain as well as with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain. When the acid-fast bacilli have been phagocytosed and are intracellular they may be periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive. HIV+ patients with subclinical M. avium-intracellulare infection who are started on highly active antiretroviral therapy may develop immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) in the form of symptomatic M. avium-intracellulare lymphadenitis. A similar phenomenon can occur with other types of opportunistic infections as well.

FIG. 4.7, Mycobacterial pseudotumor in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus. A, The lymph node is replaced by histiocytes and spindle cells with finely granular pink cytoplasm. B, A Ziehl-Neelsen stain discloses numerous intracellular acid-fast bacilli.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of mycobacterial lymphadenitis is broad ( Table 4.2 ). Cases with little or no necrosis resemble sarcoidosis. A Ziehl-Neelsen stain and culture are helpful in establishing a diagnosis; however, the Ziehl-Neelsen stain is often negative in cases of mycobacterial infection unless there is necrosis. A wide variety of microorganisms, including fungi, cat-scratch bacilli, Brucella species, spirochetes, and leishmania, can be associated with granulomatous lymphadenitis. Caseation necrosis is more common in mycobacterial infections, although necrosis resembling caseation may be seen in fungal infections and, less often, with other infections. In cases of primary or secondary syphilis, lymph nodes may show non-necrotizing or suppurative granulomas, but they are found in the setting of marked follicular hyperplasia and plasmacytosis. Cat-scratch disease, a common cause of necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis in children, is more likely to be associated with exposure to a cat, a cutaneous inoculation site, systemic symptoms, and tender lymphadenopathy compared to non-tuberculous mycobacterial lym­phadenitis in immunocompetent children. Uncommon entities that may enter the differential diagnosis include leprosy, particularly the tuberculoid form, and chronic granulomatous disease of childhood. Atypical mycobacterial infection in HIV+ patients in the form of numerous foamy histiocytes can mimic lepromatous leprosy. As intracellular mycobacteria may be PAS+, those cases with foamy histiocytes may mimic Whipple's disease, although the clinical features of Whipple's disease differ from those of mycobacterial infection, and Whipple's bacilli are not expected to be acid-fast (see separate section below). A few cases of Wegener granulomatosis have been described in which there is necrotizing lymphadenitis with granulomatous vasculitis, and such cases could potentially enter the differential diagnosis of mycobacterial lymphadenitis. Results of stains for microorganisms, culture, and clinical information can be helpful in establishing a diagnosis.

Causes of Lymphadenopathy and Lymphadenitis by Pattern
Follicular Hyperplasia Prominent Paracortical Hyperplasia Prominent Predominantly Sinus Involvement Granulomatous
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) lymphadenitis Infectious mononucleosis Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy Sarcoidosis
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection Herpes simplex lymphadenitis Lipogranulomas Berylliosis and reaction to other foreign material
Cat-scratch disease, early stage Dermatopathic Reaction to silicone prosthesis, some cases Cat-scratch disease, later stage
Syphilis Drug-induced Tularemia
Toxoplasmosis Kikuchi's disease Yersinia
Rheumatoid arthritis Systemic lupus erythematosus, subset of cases Lymphogranuloma venereum
Systemic lupus erythematosus, subset of cases Syphilis
Kimura disease Brucellosis
IgG4-related disease Fungal infection
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial Infection

Granulomatous inflammation, often accompanied by extensive necrosis, may be found in tissues involved by Hodgkin lymphoma. Identification of Reed-Sternberg cells, which tend to be found in greatest numbers at the periphery of necrotic areas, confirms the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma. The presence of a polymorphous inflammatory cell infiltrate, with eosinophils and plasma cells, is more common in Hodgkin lymphoma than in mycobacterial infection. Non-Hodgkin lymphomas may also occasionally be associated with granulomas, but this is much less common than in Hodgkin lymphoma.

Metastatic carcinoma can occasionally be associated with granulomas in lymph nodes. The granulomatous inflammation may obscure the neoplastic population, and the carcinoma may be overlooked. Granulomas can also be found in lymph nodes draining carcinoma but that are themselves free of metastases.

Bacille Calmette-Guérin Lymphadenitis

Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine has been administered in some developing countries to decrease the risk of developing tuberculosis. Ipsilateral regional lymphadenopathy occurs after BCG vaccination in approximately 1% of individuals who are vaccinated. Other infrequent complications of BCG vaccination include abscesses at the vaccination site and inflammation involving bones, joints, and other sites.

Lymphadenopathy usually develops within 6 months of vaccination. Immunocompetent patients have nontender lym­phadenopathy without constitutional symptoms. There are two pathologic forms: suppurative and nonsuppurative. Pathologic examination reveals epithelioid granulomas with or without necrosis. Acid-fast bacilli are present in small numbers. The nonsuppurative form usually resolves spontaneously. The suppurative form is accompanied by erythema and edema of overlying skin and sometimes by ulceration and sinus tract formation. Larger lymph nodes (>5 cm) are also unlikely to resolve without complications. Drainage by needle aspiration can help to prevent sinus tracts and to expedite healing.

Vaccination with BCG is contraindicated in patients who are immunodeficient. When BCG is administered to individuals with an underlying immunodeficiency, such as severe combined immunodeficiency, chronic granulomatous disease, or HIV infection, they are at risk of the development of disseminated BCG infection with generalized lymphadenopathy . Depending on the type of immunodeficiency, there may be epithelioid granulomas with few acid-fast bacilli or diffuse infiltrates of histiocytes laden with numerous acid-fast bacilli. This serious complication of the vaccination may be fatal and requires antituberculous therapy as well as treatment of the immunodeficiency.

Bacille Calmette-Guérin Lymphadenitis—Fact Sheet


  • Ipsilateral regional lymphadenopathy occurring after BCG vaccination

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