Raynaud Phenomenon and Vasomotor Syndromes


Episodic color changes of the hands and feet in response to cold or stress, known as Raynaud phenomenon (RP), are a frequent complaint among patients presenting to pediatric rheumatology clinics. The first description of vasomotor instability triggered by cold exposure, or “local asphyxia of the extremities,” is ascribed to A.G. Maurice Raynaud, a French medical student whose name has become synonymous with this disorder. Despite a century and a half of clinical observation and basic research, only recently have significant inroads been established to explain the biological basis for this condition and to establish evidence-based therapeutic interventions. At present, the majority of data available on RP pathogenesis and treatment are from studies of adult populations. This chapter will highlight data from children where available, but extrapolation from experience in adults is a necessity in many aspects of care for these patients.

Clinical Presentation

The classic presentation of RP includes recurrent episodes of pallor and/or cyanosis of the hands and feet associated with cold exposure or emotional stress. Episodes typically occur as sudden attacks, often triggered by changes in the relative ambient temperature or contact of the extremities with cold surfaces. A Raynaud attack typically begins in a single finger and then spreads to other digits, symmetrically involving both hands and/or feet ( Fig. 30.1 ). RP involving the fingers and toes is characteristically sharply demarcated and can be accompanied by sensations of pins and needles, numbness and/or clumsiness of the hands, and aching pains. The index, middle, and ring fingers are the most frequently involved digits, whereas the thumb is often spared entirely. Patients with RP commonly report symptoms of cutaneous vasospasm at other sites as well, including the ears, nose, face, knees, and, rarely, the nipples and oral cavity. Patients can also display livedo reticularis involving the arms and legs. Migraine has also been identified as a comorbidity in children and adults with RP. , Vascular spasm within viscera, such as the esophagus and coronary arteries, may accompany peripheral symptoms, particularly in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc).

Fig. 30.1, A, Classic presentation of Raynaud phenomenon with symmetrical, sharply demarcated pallor affecting all fingers and sparing the thumbs. B, Cyanosis associated with Raynaud phenomenon typically follows pallor and represents deoxygenation of slow flowing blood.

The symptoms of RP reflect transient arterial vasospasm leading to restricted blood supply to the skin (pallor) and subsequent extraction of oxygen from stagnant or slow flowing blood (cyanosis). Episodes can last from minutes to hours and are typically readily reversed by mechanical warming measures. Upon warming, blood flow is often exaggerated, and the skin appears reddened or flushed and the digits may swell or itch. In severe RP, tender red subcutaneous nodules (pernio) and ulcerations of the fingers and toes may result from local tissue ischemia ( Fig. 30.2 ).

Fig. 30.2, A, Digital ischemia secondary to Raynaud phenomenon resulting in painful erythematous plaques (pernio) on the tips of affected toes. B, Necrosis of the fingertip and the proximal periungual area associated with Raynaud phenomenon.

The triggers of RP in children are similar to those described in adults, with cold, emotional stress, and exercise as the most commonly reported initiators. , Importantly, although exposure to absolute cold (e.g., air temperature below freezing) is readily recognized as a stimulus, provocation may also occur during relative shifts from warmer to cooler temperatures. Thus mild cold exposures, such as entering an air-conditioned space or handling cold food, may cause an attack. A general body chill can also trigger an episode, even if the hands or feet are kept warm. In some patients, RP occurs after nonspecific stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g., periods of intense emotional stress, startle response).

Primary RP , Raynaud sign, or idiopathic Raynaud disease are terms used to describe those patients without a definable cause for their symptoms beyond nonspecific vascular hyper-reactivity ( Box 30.1 ). , In this setting, RP is considered to be an exaggeration of the normal vasoconstriction response to cold exposure, the clinical features are generally benign and symptoms are reversible with rewarming. Use of the word disease in this context may cause undue concern and many clinicians prefer the term primary RP for otherwise healthy individuals. Secondary RP , or Raynaud syndrome , refers to patients in whom an associated disease or known cause of vascular injury drives the frequency and severity of symptoms. ,

BOX 30.1
Clinical Features that Differentiate Primary and Secondary Raynaud Phenomenon

  • Primary Raynaud phenomenon

    • Episodic vasospastic attacks precipitated by cold or emotional stress

    • Symmetrical involvement of distal extremities (hands and/or feet)

    • No evidence of peripheral vascular disease

    • Absence of tissue necrosis, digital pitting, or gangrene

    • Absence of enlarged or dilated loops on nailfold capillary examination

    • Negative antinuclear antibody (ANA) test and normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

  • Secondary Raynaud phenomenon

    • Older age of onset

    • Male gender

    • Painful, asymmetrical attacks with signs of digital ischemia (pernio or ulceration)

    • Signs or symptoms of ischemia proximal to the fingers or toes

    • Abnormal nailfold capillary examination with enlarged or distorted capillary loops

    • Abnormal laboratory parameters suggesting vascular or autoimmune disease (e.g., elevated ESR or C-reactive protein, autoantibodies (ANA, antitopoisomerase, Smith, antiphospholipid), decreased complement levels)


Estimates of the prevalence of RP range from 5% to 20% in women and 4% to 14% in men. The large variation between studies reflects, in part, the ethnic balance of the populations studied, as well as the climate of the region where the study patients live. A study of children aged 12 to 15 in Manchester, United Kingdom, reported an overall prevalence of 18% in girls and 12% in boys with values increasing with age in this population. In general, RP is more common among women, younger age groups, and family members of patients with RP. , , For obvious reasons, patients living in colder climates are more likely to present for evaluation and at younger ages. Although the large majority of patients with RP do not have, nor will they develop, an associated rheumatologic or vascular disorder, it is important to recognize that RP may herald significant rheumatic disease. RP occurs at high frequency (80% to 90%) in children with SSc or mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) and is often the initial symptom of these disorders, preceding other manifestations of disease in some instances by years. New-onset RP should, therefore, prompt consideration and examination for signs and symptoms of systemic disease and, potentially, further rheumatologic evaluation.


In his thesis published in 1862, Maurice Raynaud ascribed the features he saw to “increased irritability of the central parts of the cord presiding over the vascular innervations.” , Observing that local sympathectomy did not cure RP, Sir Thomas Lewis proposed in 1929 that RP was the result of a “local fault,” rather than a defect in the central nervous system. Current data support this view, suggesting that RP primarily represents excessive activation of normal local physiological vasomotor responses to cold temperature (i.e., lowering of blood flow to the skin, thereby reducing the loss of body heat and preserving core body temperature) and/or emotional stress. In broad terms, blood flow volume is regulated by an interactive system involving neural signals, cellular mediators, circulating hormones, and soluble vasoactive compounds. , , The inherent tone, or contractile activity, of vascular smooth muscle varies substantially between different arterial structures, ranging from relatively high basal tone in the coronary circulation to low or absent in the pulmonary circulation, and can increase or decrease dramatically. Numerous mechanisms participate in the regulation of vascular tone, including both intrinsic functions of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells and extrinsic effects of nerves, adjacent tissues, circulating cells, and soluble factors ( Box 30.2 ). , ,

BOX 30.2
Factors Influencing Vascular Reactivity

  • Arterial smooth muscle cells

    • Transmural pressure (autoregulation)

    • Oxygen tension/ischemia

    • Temperature (decreased temperature selectively increases response to norepinephrine)

  • Endothelial cell products

    • Nitric oxide (vasodilation)

    • Prostacyclin (vasodilation)

    • Endothelin-1 (vasoconstriction)

  • Sympathetic nervous system

    • Norepinephrine (vasoconstriction)

  • Neuropeptides

    • Substance P (vasodilation)

    • Vasoactive intestinal peptide (vasodilation)

    • Calcitonin gene-related peptide (vasodilation)

    • Neurokinin A (vasodilation)

    • Somatostatin (vasoconstriction)

    • Neuropeptide Y (vasoconstriction)

  • Other

    • Shear stress

    • Platelet products (thromboxane, serotonin)

    • Blood viscosity

    • Blood cell deformability

    • Estrogen

The pathophysiologic mechanisms influencing RP can be segregated into three broad headings: vascular, neural, and intravascular abnormalities. , Vascular dysfunction in primary RP is, by definition, fully reversible, whereas secondary RP may combine defective function and structural abnormalities. Endothelial cells play an active role in regulating vascular tone. Depending on their state of activation, endothelial cells can produce both potent vasodilating agents (e.g., prostacyclin and nitric oxide) and potent vasoconstricting agents (e.g., endothelins and angiotensin). Endothelial nitric oxide (NO) production, for example, has a large effect on vascular tone, regulating vascular smooth muscle contraction, proliferation, and migration. NO also inhibits platelet aggregation, stimulates platelet disaggregation, and inhibits the adhesion of platelets, lymphocytes, and neutrophils to the endothelial surface, all of which can have secondary effects on vascular function. SSc-associated RP fundamentally differs from primary RP because of its associated vasculopathy, involving fibrous intimal proliferation with associated intravascular thrombi. Endothelin-1 and angiotensin are potent vasoconstrictors with profibrotic activities that have been shown to be overexpressed in the skin of patients with SSc and other forms of secondary RP. These are but a few examples from a long list of agents and functions that have been proposed to contribute to the pathogenesis of vascular abnormalities in SSc.

Neurotransmitters from both autonomic and sensory afferent nerves also alter digital vascular tone. Blood vessels can receive innervation from three main classes of neurons: sympathetic vasoconstrictor neurons, sympathetic or parasympathetic vasodilator neurons, and sensory neurons that can also mediate vasodilation. Whereas the sympathetic nervous system, via release of norepinephrine, is considered a major mediator of vasoconstriction in the skin, local nerve endings also sense the microenvironment and release both vasodilating (substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide, neurokinin A) and vasoconstricting (somatostatin, neuropeptide Y) neuropeptides that contribute to the balance of vascular function. Although central mechanisms alone cannot account for the characteristic features of RP, many patients report stress-induced vasospasm, suggesting influence of the central nervous system (CNS) on local vasospasm. Studies investigating the differential effects of mental stress on vascular tone and finger perfusion in patients with RP have produced mixed results, and have failed to clarify the role of the sympathetic nervous system in the pathogenesis of this disorder. In addition to these factors, vascular reactivity is also affected by shear stress, vasoactive substances released by platelets (thromboxane, serotonin), changes in blood viscosity, and changes in the rheological properties of blood (e.g., altered red blood cell deformability), highlighting the complexity of regulatory mechanisms involved. ,

The marked sensitivity to cold in both primary and secondary RP appears to be mediated, at least in part, by an abnormal or enhanced response to stimulation of alpha adrenergic receptors in the digital and cutaneous vessels. Alpha adrenergic receptors are increased in small vessels relative to larger vessels in normal subjects and are particularly high in cutaneous arteries and veins relative to other tissue beds. In humans, the administration of “selective” alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenergic agonists causes a reduction in skin or finger blood flow. Cold exposure has been shown to selectively amplify the vascular smooth muscle constriction in response to norepinephrine mediated through alpha adrenergic receptors. , Interestingly, estrogen has been shown to increase expression of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors in vascular smooth muscle and thereby increase cold sensitivity—a finding that may explain the greater prevalence of RP among postpubertal women. , Within the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor family, individual subtypes (e.g., alpha-2a, -2b, and -2c) have been shown to display differing sensitivity to cold both in humans and in mice. , , , Under normal conditions (37° C) alpha-2c adrenoreceptors in cutaneous arteries are stored within the Golgi apparatus. Cooling induces activation of a Rho/Rho kinase signaling pathway, prompting translocation of alpha-2c adrenoreceptor from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane and augmenting sensitivity of contractile proteins to calcium ions. One trigger for Rho/Rho kinase signaling may be a rapid increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS) seen in smooth muscle cells after cold exposure (28° C). , Ischemia and reperfusion associated with RP may, in turn, induce production of additional ROS by mitochondria, leading to further activation of the Rho/Rho kinase pathway and thus provoking repeated or persistent cycles of vasospasm. Interestingly, selective inhibition of the alpha-2 adrenergic receptor abolishes cold-induced vasoconstriction of isolated blood vessels in vitro, and inhibition of the rho kinase signaling pathway prevents translocation of the alpha-2 adrenoreceptor from the Golgi to the cell surface on cooling.

It is of interest that increased contractile protein response to alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and cooling, and the associated increased Rho/Rho kinase and protein tyrosine kinase activity are observed in both primary and secondary RP subjects compared with healthy controls. These findings provide a possible unifying explanation for cold-induced vascular reactivity in primary and secondary RP, as well as a target of mutations that may contribute to familial and ethnic clustering and highlight opportunities for the development of new therapeutics. , ,

A large number of diseases, disorders, drugs, and environmental exposures have been associated with secondary RP, presumably reflecting a common endpoint of vascular injury and the complex nature of the mechanisms responsible for control of vessel reactivity ( Box 30.3 ). , , As noted above, unique changes in the microvascular system develop in association with intimal fibrosis and endothelial dysfunction in SSc. Changes in endothelial cell function appear to occur at an early stage of disease and are associated with increased platelet adhesion, decreased storage of von Willebrand factor, and decreased adenosine uptake. Ischemic reperfusion injury results in increased production of ROS, which, in turn, alters smooth muscle adrenoreceptor expression and vascular function. However, not all increased vascular reactivity in patients with SSc can be attributed to endothelial injury or fibrosis. These mechanisms may occur in concert with, or even induce, increases in alpha-2 adrenergic receptor reactivity. Other observations in SSc include enhanced endothelial cell proliferation, reduced activity of NO, increased circulating levels of endothelin-1, and increased expression of endothelin receptors. Intravascular or circulating factors have also been implicated in either the pathogenesis or the exacerbation of RP, especially when associated with SSc. Platelet activation, defective fibrinolysis, and oxidant stress have all been reported. Although their actions are not fully understood, these intravascular factors may exacerbate the effect of digital vasospasm by reducing basal blood flow in the microvasculature.

BOX 30.3
Conditions Associated with Secondary Raynaud Phenomenon in Children

  • Rheumatologic disorders

    • Systemic sclerosis

    • Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)

    • Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

    • Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDMS)

    • Vasculitis

    • Sjögren syndrome

    • Antiphospholipid syndrome

  • Primary vasospastic disorders

    • Migraine

  • Mechanical/obstructive disorders

    • Primary vasculopathies

    • Recurrent trauma/frostbite

    • Thoracic outlet syndrome

    • Repetitive motion injury/carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Hyperviscosity/thromboembolic disorders

    • Cryoglobulinemia

    • Polycythemia

    • Sickle cell disease

    • Essential thrombocythemia

    • Hyperlipidemia

  • Endocrine disorders

    • Carcinoid

    • Pheochromocytoma

    • Hypothyroid

  • Infectious disorders

    • Parvovirus B19

    • Helicobacter pylori

  • Chemical/drug exposures

    • Chemotherapeutic agents (bleomycin, vinblastine)

    • Vasoconstrictive agents (amphetamines, antihistamines, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine)

    • Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants/attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder therapeutics (methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine)

    • 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor antagonists (ergotamine, methysergide)

    • Polyvinyl chloride

    • Mercury

    • Street drugs (cocaine, LSD, ecstasy, psilocybin)

  • Other

    • Anorexia nervosa

    • Anxiety disorders

    • Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

    • Arteriovenous malformation

    • Frostbite

It is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider the range of potential mechanisms of injury that may affect the vasculature of patients with SSc, and the reader is directed to detailed discussions of this disease in Chapter 27 .



The complaint of cold hands or feet is very common and must be distinguished from RP, which involves both cool skin and cutaneous color changes. Normal individuals may have cool skin and show skin mottling on cold exposure. However, unlike RP, the recovery phase of vascular flow is not delayed and there is no prolonged or sharp demarcation of color changes in the skin. A diagnosis of RP may be made if the patient provides a history of the sudden onset of symptoms characteristic of a Raynaud episode, and history alone is accepted as diagnostic in general practice because no simple clinical test consistently triggers an attack. If necessary, digital arteriolar blood flow can be documented by Doppler flow studies. , Characteristic changes have also been reported by plethysmography and arteriography, although the latter is not usually necessary or indicated in patients with severe RP and is associated with some danger of precipitating acute catastrophic arteriolar spasm. In practice, digital artery ultrasound is readily available and depicts the same anatomical structures as angiography, and it is cheaper, faster, and noninvasive. Whereas measurement of digital blood pressure, digital blood flow, or skin temperature responses to cooling may be predictive in a research setting, attempts to induce attacks and measure these features in an office setting are not consistent, even in those with definite RP. , A simple approach employing the use of standard questionnaires and color photos of actual attacks has proven useful in clinical trials and epidemiological studies. ,

A detailed patient history should be collected including affected sites, frequency and severity of attacks, duration of attacks, color pattern, triggers, seasonality, and associated symptoms (i.e., numbness, paresthesia, or pain). Patients should also be questioned for any history suggestive of autoimmune disease such as unexplained fever, fatigue, rash, morning stiffness, arthralgia, myalgia, dysphagia, peripheral edema, lymphadenopathy, or oral ulcers, as well as about changes in digits such as pits, ulcers, poor healing, and the incidence of infection. They should also be asked about possible associated or precipitating factors including frostbite, drug or toxin exposure, infection, or vibration injury, as well as personal and family history of RP or autoimmune diseases, migraine, weight loss or eating disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.

Clinical Criteria

Specific criteria for the diagnosis of RP were first proposed in 1932. Several modifications designed to improve the differentiation of primary and secondary RP have been proposed and validated (see Box 30.1 ). , The diagnosis of RP is based fundamentally on a history of episodic vasospastic attacks precipitated by cold or stress. Characteristic features include sharply demarcated lesions, bilateral symptoms, and white, blue, and/or red color changes, although the spectrum of symptoms observed is broad. , Among adults who were cold sensitive, Maricq et al. reported that only 1% had tri-phasic color changes and 37% had white or blue color only. In a retrospective review of 123 pediatric patients, Nigrovic et al. reported that 24% of children with primary RP and 19% of children with secondary RP reported tri-phasic color changes, whereas 40% to 50% had only monophasic color changes. An interesting cross-sectional study of patients in the Netherlands indicated that reactive hyperemia at the end of an attack and discoloration of the earlobes and nose were more likely to be associated with primary RP than with secondary RP.

Significant factors differentiating primary from secondary RP are the absence of evidence for vascular disease by clinical examination (including blood pressure, pulses, and nailfold capillaroscopy) in primary RP and the presence of abnormal nailfold capillaries and/or laboratory studies suggesting systemic disease in secondary RP. Primary RP attacks typically involve all fingers in a symmetrical pattern and are not commonly associated with significant pain. Asymmetrical finger involvement and severe pain, in contrast, are suggestive of an underlying pathology and should prompt a more vigorous evaluation. Although patients with primary RP are, by definition, generally healthy, comorbid conditions including hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes mellitus can increase the frequency or severity of symptoms (see Box 30.3 ). Anatomical variants of normal, such as incomplete palmar arterial arch (positive clinical Allen test) can augment vasospasm, leading to earlier and more severe presentations. An issue important in the evaluation of children with RP is the use of stimulants for attention deficit disorder, which may exacerbate vascular dysfunction. ,

As highlighted in Box 30.2 , the regulation of regional blood flow is complex and susceptible to a variety of stimuli. Correspondingly, the number of disorders associated with RP is extensive (see Box 30.3 ). , As research progresses, the border between idiopathic and disease-associated symptoms becomes blurred. Ultimately, primary RP is a diagnosis of exclusion supported by the lack of progression to development of an associated disorder over time. Whereas extensive special testing is not always necessary, every patient with a diagnosis of RP should be carefully evaluated for features that suggest a concurrent or incipient disease. Among these, the rheumatologic diagnoses most often associated with secondary RP are SSc, MCTD, and other autoimmune diseases (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], overlap syndromes, polymyositis, dermatomyositis, Sjögren syndrome, and vasculitis). Other disorders that must be considered include occlusive vascular disease, drug effects, hematological abnormalities, and other vasospastic syndromes. , , Standard clinical tests, such as chest radiography, pulmonary function tests, electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography, high-resolution lung computed tomography (CT) scanning, or gastrointestinal (GI) evaluation, may be needed to evaluate a patient for associated rheumatic and nonrheumatic disorders.

Nailfold Capillary Microscopy

Nailfold capillary microscopy is a simple yet powerful diagnostic tool that has been shown to significantly improve the predictive power of clinical evaluation. , , , The examination can be performed at the bedside using a handheld magnifier or with a low power microscope ( Fig. 30.3 ). Enlarged or distorted capillary loops, telangiectasias, and a relative paucity or loss of capillary loops strongly suggests a concurrent or incipient connective tissue disease and their presence in a patient with RP should prompt an immediate and vigorous search for related findings.

Fig. 30.3, Nailfold capillaroscopy. A, Normal nailfold capillary size and distribution ( top left ). B, Early changes of systemic sclerosis showing dilation, tortuosity, and disorganization ( top right ). C, Active stage systemic sclerosis showing increasingly disorganized architecture, giant capillaries and hemorrhage, decreased number of vessels, and increased frequency of abnormal vessels ( bottom left ). D, Late-stage systemic sclerosis showing severe dropout and abnormal vessels with arborization ( bottom right ).

Laboratory Testing

If the history and physical examination, including nailfold capillary microscopy, are not suggestive of a cause for secondary RP, a diagnosis of primary RP may be made and there is no need for further specialized testing. In particular, blood tests such as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and antinuclear antibody (ANA) are not necessary and may be misleading. If, however, there is a clinical suspicion of a secondary cause of RP, then special testing is appropriate as indicated by the clinical assessment. Recommended laboratory testing for possible connective tissue disorders includes a complete blood count, a general blood chemical analysis with tests of renal and liver function, urinalysis, complement (C3 and C4), and ANA. If the ANA is positive, tests for specific autoantibodies may assist with formulating a diagnosis (e.g., anti–double-stranded DNA, anti-SSA [Ro], anti-SSB [La], anti-RNP, anti–Scl-70, and antiphospholipid antibodies). Anticentromere pattern ANA and antitopoisomerase (anti–Scl-70) antibodies have the highest sensitivity for predicting evolution to SSc and the risk for development of digital ischemia, including ulcers and digit loss , (see also Chapter 27 ). It is important to recognize that whereas most pediatric patients with secondary RP will have a positive ANA (85% to 100%), a significant number of pediatric patients with primary RP also have a positive ANA without evidence for an associated rheumatic disorder. , , Conversely, in a cohort of 1039 adult patients monitored prospectively, only 6.3% patients with negative autoantibody studies developed an autoimmune disease over more than 10 years of follow-up, whereas nearly 60% of patients with RP and reactive ANA pattern were ultimately diagnosed with a connective tissue disease (CTD). A study of patients with incipient RP without a known CTD identified abnormal nailfold capillaries, ANA, and a low hemoglobin as features most strongly associated with future mortality. About 30% of pediatric patients with primary or secondary RP were also found to have antiphospholipid antibodies, although none of the patients had features of antiphospholipid syndrome.

Although anticentromere or antitopoisomerase antibodies are associated with development of SSc, the combination of autoantibodies and nailfold capillary microscopy may be more informative than either test alone. In a 20-year prospective study of 586 patients with RP who had no known autoimmune disease at enrollment, the overall incidence of limited (CREST variant) or diffuse SSc was 13%. In those with one or more related autoantibodies or abnormal nailfold capillary microscopy the incidence of SSc was 47%, whereas in those with both an autoantibody and abnormal nailfold capillary microscopy the incidence of SSc was nearly 80%.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis for RP should include consideration of the extensive list of conditions included in Box 30.3 . In patients who present with prolonged peripheral vasoconstriction, it is particularly important to distinguish whether they are experiencing a thrombotic event rather than transient ischemia. Although an exhaustive discussion of these possibilities is beyond the scope of this chapter, the following paragraphs represent disorders commonly considered in the differential diagnosis of nonclassic RP.

Acrocyanosis is an uncommon, painless, vasospastic disorder causing persistent coldness and bluish discoloration of the hands (and less commonly of the feet). , Patients with acrocyanosis have cold and diffusely cyanotic color changes that can involve the entire hand and foot, extending proximally without a sharp demarcation between affected and unaffected tissue. Mild diaphoresis may be present, creating a clammy feel to the extremities. Nailfold capillaries are not normal but do not show the avascular regions or giant capillaries found in patients with SSc. Both acrocyanosis and RP are more common in individuals with low body weight or who have anorexia nervosa, and in patients taking medications for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. , Evaluation for cyanotic heart disease, eating disorders, or GI malabsorption should also be considered.

Perniosis, or chilblains, is a cold-induced condition marked by the appearance of painful, erythematous, popular, or nodular lesions, usually on the fingers, toes, thighs, and buttocks. , As with RP, perniosis may present as an idiopathic process or in association with systemic disease. It is distinguished from RP by the lack of blanching. Although clinically and histologically distinct from RP, the treatment paradigms are similar and based primarily on nonpharmacological lifestyle modifications. Although definitive data are lacking, many of the agents used for RP can be considered if pharmacological intervention is necessary.

Frostbite is relatively common in cold climates and can have prolonged sequelae including persistent cold sensitivity. In a study of 30 patients who had suffered moderate (second-degree) frostbite, Ervasti et al. reported subjective symptoms at 4 to 11 years after injury in 63% of the subjects, including hypersensitivity to cold, numbness, and decreased touch sensitivity. Cold air provocation testing revealed an increased tendency for vasospasm in these patients, including white fingers in 20%.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is relatively rare in children and is more often idiopathic or secondary to lysosomal storage disorders than related to overuse, as in adults. , Symptoms are more characteristically numbness and reduced manual dexterity than color changes and are generally not related to cold exposure. Although the wrist-flexion test (Phalen maneuver) and the nerve compression or percussion test (Tinel sign) can be informative, they are often nondiagnostic in pediatric patients, and electrophysiologic testing is indicated to confirm a diagnostic suspicion.

Brachial or lumbar plexus neuropathy is also rare in children, outside of that related to birth injury, but may present in older adolescents and young adults seen in pediatric clinics. The typical presentation of idiopathic brachial plexus neuritis (Parsonage–Turner syndrome) includes acute onset of shoulder or proximal leg pain associated with muscle wasting in the extremity, without restricted passive range of motion. Numbness and color changes in the extremity are variable but fixed and less prominent a complaint than the proximal pain and muscle involvement. Symptoms often follow an upper respiratory infection and may be recurrent. Electromyographic findings are characteristic and diagnostic. Prognosis is generally good, though recovery may be protracted and require intensive physical therapy to reduce contractures and restore muscle strength.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), or reflex sympathetic dystrophy, will often present with altered coloration of the involved extremity. , Patients with CRPS usually have unilateral distal limb involvement, with the affected area showing differences in temperature (warmer or colder) and color (red, pale, or mottled) compared with the unaffected side. These patients typically describe severe diffuse allodynia; paresthesia, causalgia, or other abnormal sensations; refusal to move the affected region; and unusual positioning of the affected extremity. A detailed discussion of CRPS can be found in Chapter 53 .

Treatment of Raynaud Phenomenon

Advances in insights regarding pathogenesis have led to promising new therapies that affect the treatment algorithm for RP. In general, treatment choices depend on the severity of digital ischemia and the presence of underlying disease. Patients with primary RP do not, in general, report significant disability, although quality of life may be affected by symptoms and the need for cold avoidance. Spontaneous remission or improvement is also common. In a prospective survey of a middle-aged white population with new-onset RP, remissions occurred in 64% of both women and men over a 7-year period. Thus a conservative, nonpharmacological approach is often sufficient and most appropriate for these patients ( Box 30.4 ). By comparison, patients with secondary RP are more likely to have more severe attacks and require pharmacological agents to achieve symptomatic control ( Box 30.5 ). , , Treatment of these patients is often problematic. Pharmacological side effects are often dose-limiting, responses to vasodilators are idiosyncratic, and there is lack of agreement as to measures of objective improvement. Clinical trials also consistently demonstrate a high rate of improvement (10% to 40%) among placebo-treated patients with either primary or secondary RP. This not only supports the recommendation that general education is an important factor in controlling attacks, but also emphasizes the importance of placebo-controlled trials in evaluating the efficacy of specific therapies.

BOX 30.4
General Measures for the Management of Raynaud Phenomenon

  • Avoid rapid changes in temperature, such as quickly moving from a hot to cool environments, cool breezes, or humid cold air

  • Minimize emotional stress/anxiety

  • Dress warmly (layered clothing, long sleeves and pants, socks, thermal underwear, and heat-conserving hat)

  • Keep hands/feet warm (e.g., mittens, electric, or chemical hand/foot warmers)

  • Use warming methods to terminate attacks (e.g., place hands under warm water or in a warm body fold (e.g., axillae), rotate arms in a windmill pattern or swing-arm maneuver (forceful side-to-side swinging motion)

  • Avoid cigarette smoking, vaping, and exposure to second-hand smoke.

  • Avoid sympathomimetic drugs and central nervous system (CNS) stimulants (e.g., caffeine, pseudoephedrine, serotonin agonists, amphetamines, methylphenidate, and dextroamphetamine)

  • Treat correctable secondary causes

BOX 30.5
Pharmacological Treatment of Raynaud Phenomenon

  • Calcium channel blockers

    • nifedipine, amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine, nisoldipine, and isradipine

  • Direct vasodilators

    • nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, hydralazine, papaverine, minoxidil, niacin and nitric oxide (via a generating system)

  • Indirect vasodilators

    • angiotensin-converting enzymes inhibitor (captopril)

    • angiotensin receptor blockers (losartan)

    • endothelin-1 inhibitors (bosentan)

    • phosphodiesterase inhibitors (sildenafil, pentoxifylline)

    • serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine)

  • Sympatholytic agents (alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers)

    • methyldopa, reserpine, phentolamine, and prazosin

  • Prostaglandins

    • prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) (alprostadil)

    • prostacyclin (PGI2) (epoprostenol)

  • Antioxidant agents

    • zinc gluconate

    • N -acetylcysteine

  • Anticoagulation, antithrombotic, and thrombolytic agents

    • aspirin

    • dipyridamole

    • heparin

    • tissue plasminogen activator

  • Other

    • Botulinum toxin A and B

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