22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome

Key Points

  • 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is the most common microdeletion syndrome.

  • There is a large phenotypic variance in 22q11.2DS, thus requiring a high index of diagnostic suspicion for genetic testing.

  • Otolaryngologists play a key role in the care of 22q11.2DS patients as otitis media, hearing loss, velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD), obstructive sleep apnea, sinusitis, dysphagia, and airway anomalies are common.

  • Children with 22q11.2DS often require a combination of speech therapy and surgical intervention for treatment of their VPD.

  • Medical comorbidities, such as congenital heart defects, immune deficiency, and hypoparathyroidism, should be considered during medical decision making and perioperative management.

  • The complex care needs of patients with 22q11.2DS are best addressed by a multidisciplinary approach.


Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is the most common microdeletion syndrome in humans with an estimated prevalence between 1:2000 and 1:6000 births. As a comparison, Down syndrome occurs in 1:1200 births globally, making 22q11.2DS the second most common cause of developmental delay and congenital heart defects (CHDs). Other common manifestations of 22q11.2DS include facial dysmorphisms, immune deficiencies, cleft palate, and psychiatric conditions. Historically, its heterogeneous presentations were described by various names, including velocardiofacial, DiGeorge, conotruncal anomaly face, Shprintzen, and CATCH 22 syndromes. , However, after the identification of the underlying casual microdeletion in 1981, 22q11.2DS has become the preferred nomenclature. Nonetheless, the large phenotypic variance among affected patients requires complex medical management between multiple subspecialist providers. With a multiplicity of head and neck manifestations, otolaryngologists play an essential role in the coordinated care of these patients.


The frequency of 22q11.2DS is related to the genetic architecture of the involved chromosome. The 22q11.2 region includes at least eight low copy repeats (LCRs) consisting of palindromic AT-rich sequences. The similar genetic structure in these repeats results in a high rate of recombination events during which DNA can be duplicated or deleted. In 22q11.2DS, over 85% of patients have a hemizygous deletion in this region resulting in a 1.5- to 3-Mb (megabase) loss. Approximately 90% of cases occur de novo within the population. Because of the inherent susceptibility of the 22q11.2 region to deletions, 22q11.2DS is 10 times more common than the next most common deletion syndrome. ,

Within the 22q11.2 region, the T-box transcription factor gene ( TBX1 ) is thought to be a major contributor to the clinical manifestations of this syndrome. Expressed in the embryologic endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal germ layers of the pharyngeal arches, TBX1 is linked to neural crest cell function and the development of various anatomic regions, including the aortic arches, branchiomeric muscles, and palate. , TBX1 knockout mice demonstrate a similar range of cardiovascular, skeletal muscle, palatal, thymic, and parathyroid defects as seen in 22q11.2DS patients. In addition, multiple other genes and environmental factors are proposed to play a role in the manifestations of 22q11.2DS, either directly or indirectly through upstream or downstream effects on TBX1. , However, specific genotype-phenotype correlations have not been established, suggesting further research is needed before the clinical manifestations of the syndrome can be predicted by the size or location of the deletion for any one patient. ,


Because of the clinical overlap of 22q11.2DS with CHARGE, Kabuki, Smith Lemli Opitz, 10p13-p14 deletion, and Goldenhar syndromes, it is important to use genetic testing to definitively obtain a molecular diagnosis. Diagnostic confirmation aids both in the medical management and counseling of affected individuals and their families. However, there currently are no accepted guidelines for when to test a patient with suspected 22q11.2DS. The variability of the phenotypic features makes it difficult to identify the exact situations in which testing is indicated. Various algorithms have been developed to determine when testing is clinically warranted, with most focusing on a subset of the symptoms that often present simultaneously. Diagnostic strategies generally rely on identification of two or more classic features of the syndrome. These include conotruncal cardiac abnormalities, palatal defects/hypernasal speech, developmental delays/learning disabilities, and characteristic facial dysmorphisms, with psychiatric illness, hypocalcemia, and immunodeficiency included less frequently, , However, for patients without two classic symptoms or variability in presentation, even this proposed strategy leaves the decision up to providers, leading to possible diagnostic delay. Notably, although there is no ethnic variation in the incidence of 22q11.2DS, the visible manifestations can vary widely among different ethnic groups, potentially compounding diagnostic uncertainty for clinicians working with diverse patient populations. , This testing ambiguity means that providers must maintain a high index of suspicion regarding 22q11.2DS.

Historically, karyotype analysis was the only means to test for 22q11.2DS, but the resolution of this technique was inadequate to detect submicroscopic deletions often associated with the syndrome. Since 1992, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with DNA probes targeting the chromosome region 22q11.2 has been commonly used. However, FISH is limited by cost and testing time, and although it identifies the majority of deletions, it misses atypical mutations that fall outside of the region of the probe. , , Newer options for testing include multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), and oligonucleotide-targeted chromosomal microarrays (CMAs). , Although costs may vary, these methods have the benefit of analyzing more of the genome in less time, missing fewer of the atypical 22q11.2DS deletions and helping to identify other genetic mutations when the diagnosis is uncertain. Thus CMA and MLPA are now frequently chosen as first-line tests for 22q11.2DS and may replace FISH in some laboratories. , , , ,

Although most instances of 22q11.2DS result from sporadic mutations, an increasing number of cases involve inherited mutations. Death in childhood from 22q11.2DS is now uncommon and most often a result of cardiac disease. The vast majority of 22q11.2DS patients survive into adulthood. As the prevalence of affected adults continues to increase, it is important to note that patients with milder phenotypes are more likely to reproduce, supporting the recommendation to pursue genetic testing for the parents of diagnosed children. , If positive, genetic counseling should be offered regarding late-onset symptoms and education on the 50% recurrence risk for future children.

Although there is uncertainty regarding who to test, there is agreement that earlier identification of 22q11.2DS is beneficial. , Prenatal testing is becoming increasingly common, mainly after ultrasound identification of fetal heart defects. However, a significant proportion of patients with 22q11.2DS will present to the otolaryngologist prior to the molecular diagnosis. By developing the clinical acumen to recognize the head and neck manifestations of the syndrome, the otolaryngologist will be able to appropriately refer for testing and provide access to interventions and multidisciplinary teams, optimizing care for these complex patients.

Otolaryngologic Manifestations of Disease

Facial Dysmorphisms

The presence of facial dysmorphisms is common, yet variable among 22q11.2DS patients ( Table 11.1 and Fig. 11.1 ). For many patients, the abnormalities are subtle and may not be noticed until after the syndrome is diagnosed. Differences related to ethnicity and age may lead to variations in facial appearance and contribute to inconsistent identification. , , Because of the degree of clinical experience needed to associate the various dysmorphisms with 22q11.2DS, facial analysis technology is now being used in an attempt to aid early detection.

TABLE 11.1
A Summary of Ophthalmologic, Craniofacial, Nasal, and Otologic Features Seen in 22q11.2DS
Facial Dysmorphisms in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome
Ophthalmic Nasal
Narrow palpebral fissures Broad nose
Epicanthal folds Bulbous nasal tip
Hooded eyelids Thickened nasal bridge
Ptosis Prominent nasal root
Hypertelorism Elongated nose
Slanting eyes (up or down) Narrow nares/alar base
Superior eyebrow displacement Nasal dimpling/bifid tip appearance
Coloboma External Auricular
Low set ears
Craniofacial Attached lobules
Retrognathia Rotated ears (posteriorly)
Elongated face Helical anomaly
Lower facial hypoplasia Overfolded helix
Thin lips Thickened helix
Small mouth Adherent helix
Microcephaly Squared off helix
Facial asymmetry/hemifacial microsomia Small ears/microtiaCupped earsProtuberant ears
Asymmetric crying facies

Fig. 11.1, Clinical appearance of two children with 22q11.2DS demonstrating some of the characteristic facial features.

The most commonly noted craniofacial features are a broad nose, malar flattening, and retrognathia. Although once thought to be independent findings, it has been postulated that these features are all a consequence of an enlarged cranial base angle known as platybasia. The resultant posterior rotation of the glenoid fossa and temporomandibular joint leads to retrognathia. A retruded mandible gives an appearance of vertical maxillary excess and flat malar eminences because of its more posterior position. An alternate theory posits that TBX1 mutations cause altered mandibular formation from the first pharyngeal arches in these patients. Other commonly described craniofacial features include lower face hypoplasia, hemifacial microsomia, and asymmetric crying facies.

The effect of 22q11.2DS on the pharyngeal development of the branchiomeric muscles, external ear, and other facial structures dictates a number of other facial dysmorphisms. Common nasal manifestations include a narrow alar base, along with a bulbous or bifid nasal tip. , Eyelid hooding, hypertelorism, and slanting palpebral fissures are the most frequently reported ocular manifestations. , Last, patients with 22q11.2DS have a number of auricular anomalies. Although low set, rotated, or protuberant pinna are common, microtia and preauricular pits have also been noted in this patient population. , , , Aside from external anomalies, children with 22q11.2DS often have narrow external auditory canals, which may limit the ability to perform otoscopic examinations.

Otitis Media and Hearing Loss

It has been well established that children with 22q11.2DS are prone to middle ear disease, with reported rates of recurrent or chronic otitis media ranging between 35% and 90%. , Patients with 22q11.2DS are thought to be particularly susceptible to otitis media because of a unique combination of immunologic and anatomic factors. Although the immunodeficiency classically associated with 22q11.2DS is cell mediated, humoral deficiencies have also been reported and are correlated with recurrent acute otitis media. ,

Palatal clefting, as often seen in 22q11.2DS, has been shown to adversely affect the ventilatory function of the eustachian tube, leading to the development of middle ear disease. , Aberrances in the paratubal muscles of cleft patients can impair normal eustachian tube opening during phonation and swallowing. There are also numerous structural differences in the eustachian tubes of cleft patients, including decreased tube length, cross-sectional area, and elastin density. , The prevalence of hearing loss secondary to eustachian tube dysfunction is comparable between patients with 22q11.2DS and isolated cleft palate. Between 30% and 60% of 22q11.2DS patients have a history of tympanostomy tube placement for the management of middle ear disease. , ,

Based on population-based survey data, the prevalence of hearing loss is also significantly greater in 22q11.2DS than in the general population. Hearing loss affects approximately 30% to 65% of 22q11.2DS patients. , , , , , , The observed hearing loss is predominantly conductive and mild in severity. However, mixed and sensorineural patterns of hearing loss are also described in these patients. , , , , , ,

Radiographic middle and inner ear abnormalities are frequently observed in 22q11.2DS and may account for other causes of hearing loss in these patients. Retrospective analyses of computed tomography imaging have demonstrated malformations of the stapes, cochlea, vestibule, and lateral semicircular canal. , As previously stated, the gene TBX1 is thought to be critical for the pathogenesis of 22q11.2DS. , In mouse models, lack of TBX1 expression has been linked to severe abnormalities of the external, middle, and inner ear, including absent cochlear and vestibular development. , Although difficulty with balance and coordination is described in 22q11.2DS, it has largely been attributed to neuromotor deficits and generalized hypotonia. , Further studies are needed to evaluate the possible relationship between anatomic labyrinthine malformations and vestibular function in these patients.

All of these findings corroborate the recommendation for routine audiologic evaluations for patients diagnosed with 22q11.2DS. Hearing is paramount for speech and language acquisition; thus early hearing loss recognition and intervention is particularly important for children with 22q11.2DS who are at risk for delays caused by concomitant velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) and learning disabilities.

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