P2Y 12 Receptor Blockers


  • P2Y 12 RBs used alone or in combination with ASA (DAPT).

  • ACS, those undergoing PCI with stent placement, and pts with NSTEMI or STEMI.

  • Continue for 6–12 mo after insertion of drug-eluting stent (DES), and 4–6 wk after insertion of bare metal stent (BMS).

  • Peripheral arterial disease

  • AF when warfarin/coumadin is contraindicated

  • Ischemic cerebrovascular disease, carotid or vertebral artery dissection (3–6 mo), postcarotid endarterectomy (long term), and carotid artery stenting (DAPT for 30 d).

Perioperative Risks

  • Plt dysfunction

  • Bleeding if P2Y 12 RB not stopped 5 d before surgery; ASA to be continued if possible

  • Coronary event due to stent thrombosis after DES implantation if P2Y 12 RB stoppedl risk of ST to be balanced against risk of delay to surgery

Worry About

  • Increased bleeding intra- and postop

  • Surgery undertaken <30 d after BMS insertion or <6 mo after DES insertion due to increased stent thrombosis risk

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